
Viral sore throat - treatment in adults

Viral sore throats are not as common as inflammation of the tonsils caused by a bacterial infection. Nevertheless, for the health of even an adult, this type of disease is quite dangerous with possible complications arising in other organs.

The reason for the development of angina can only be determined with high reliability by a specialist. But in the general case, a viral disease is characterized by a more abrupt and sudden onset, the severity of all symptoms and a high body temperature.

You should also distinguish between viral sore throat and acute respiratory viral diseases. In adults, the manifestations of these pathologies may be similar, but with angina, the main target organ is the throat, larynx and tonsils.

For the final determination of the nature of the disease, it is necessary to make a throat swab. Sowing it on nutrient media in the laboratory will give an unambiguous answer to the question of what caused the disease, which means what kind of treatment tactics should be preferred. Among viral sore throats, most often there are pathologies caused by the herpes virus or (less often) the Epstein-Barr virus.

Specific treatment

Unfortunately, modern medicine does not yet know how to treat directly a viral infection. All drugs that are sold in pharmacies with the definition of "antiviral", in fact, do not have a reliably confirmed antiviral effect.

Important! It is pointless to treat the cause of viral sore throat with antibiotics - this class of drugs acts only on bacteria, and not on viruses.

The main tool for fighting the virus is our own immune system. And the task of drug treatment is to support and stimulate it.In addition, using a variety of pharmacological drugs and other methods of exposure, it is possible to quite effectively treat the symptoms of viral sore throat - this will significantly alleviate the patient's condition. Finally, even in adult patients with this pathology, the likelihood of other infections, often of a bacterial nature, increases. This means that it is necessary to take appropriate measures to prevent such a situation.

Treatment of viral sore throat is greatly simplified and accelerated by the fact that, despite the violent clinical manifestation, this disease passes quickly enough. With the correctly chosen therapeutic tactics, good symptomatic treatment and stimulation of the activity of the immune system, all manifestations almost completely subside after 5-6 days. This is exactly how much the body of adults needs to fully deploy the immune response to a viral infection in this case.

Stimulation of immunity

In order to strengthen and intensify the work of the immune system in adults, you can use the following techniques:

  • additional introduction of interferons - specific proteins that are normally produced in our body, are part of the immune system and prevent the multiplication of viral particles;
  • the use of immunostimulants in the form of various herbal remedies, for example, ginseng tincture;
  • a diet that includes an increased amount of easily digestible proteins (for example, chicken meat), which are the building blocks of the immune system;
  • an increase in the patient's diet of products that stimulate the work of hematopoietic organs (liver, pomegranates, fish dishes, etc.)
  • taking vitamin complexes and, in particular, vitamin C, which is necessary for the immune system to work.

Anti-inflammatory and pain relievers

The use of these funds is aimed at treating not the cause, but the symptoms of viral sore throat. Such methods of therapy improve the general condition of the patient, partially relieve the load on the immune system and the body as a whole, allowing him to more successfully fight the immediate cause of the disease.

In this area, numerous herbal remedies are used, shown in almost all inflammatory pathologies:

  • pharmacy chamomile;
  • calendula flowers;
  • yarrow noble;
  • linden flowers;
  • medicinal sage;
  • field horsetail;
  • St. John's wort and many others.

Important! All these medicines can be used only if the patient does not have allergic reactions to the active substances contained in them.

Infusions and decoctions of herbs can be used both for rinsing and washing the throat, and for inhalation in the form of vapors. Also, in adult patients, ready-made drugs with anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effects are widely used. They are sold in pharmacies as lozenges, sprays and solutions:

  • Decatilene;
  • Cameton;
  • Neo-angina;
  • Septolet;
  • Trakhisan;
  • Tantum Verde and others.

General recommendations for the regime

Viral sore throat should be treated not only with drugs, but also by observing the special living conditions of adult patients. First of all, they are shown strict bed rest, especially in the initial period of the disease. In addition, it is necessary to limit their contacts with others as much as possible, since a sick person remains a source of infection, and a viral infection is highly contagious. Contact with children and pregnant women should be completely excluded, since children are extremely susceptible to viral lesions, and in pregnant women, viruses can cause fetal developmental disorders.

The room in which the patient is located should be warm but ventilated. The patient should observe vocal rest - this will relieve the sore throat. For the same purposes, his diet is modified - the food should be warm and soft, not injuring the mucous membrane. Particular attention should be paid to increased fluid intake. You can use teas, fruit juices, fruit drinks, compotes and still mineral water. Drinking plenty of fluids helps to solve several problems at once:

  1. Strengthening the elimination of toxins formed as a result of the vital activity of viral particles and cell decay.
  2. Prevention of dehydration phenomena that can be caused by intense sweating.
  3. Decrease in overall body temperature due to heat exchange with the environment.

Important! You should take drugs that bring down the temperature only if it exceeds 380C. This is typical mainly for the initial period of viral sore throat.

Preventing complications

With viral sore throat, not only the symptoms of pathology should be treated, but also possible concomitant diseases. The greatest danger in this regard is the addition of bacterial infections. By itself, a viral disease in adults indicates that some kind of malfunction has arisen in the work of the immune system. This means that against this background, all other infectious agents get a chance to start developing intensively. And such a massive "attack" can lead to serious complications:

  • glomerulonephritis and other kidney damage;
  • rheumatic heart disease;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • inflammation of the salivary glands, etc.

The easiest and safest way to treat a secondary bacterial infection is with antibiotics. These drugs are specially formulated to fight disease-causing bacteria. Usually, a patient with viral angina is prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics - cephalosporins, macrolides, etc.

Most often, these drugs are enough to prevent complications - they are able to effectively suppress almost all types of pathogenic bacteria. But if a bacterial infection nevertheless joined, then biological material should be taken from the patient for culture for antibiotic sensitivity.Thanks to this, it becomes possible to find out exactly which drugs will be most effective in a particular patient. And then the antibacterial treatment regimen is changed in accordance with the survey data.

In addition, non-antibiotic disinfectants can also be used. For example, rinsing your mouth and throat with a solution containing equal amounts of iodine and baking soda is a good way to fight infection. It is also useful to rinse with ready-made antiseptics such as furacilin or stomatidin. For a long time and firmly established itself as a reliable antibacterial agent chlorophyllipt - a natural herbal preparation made on the basis of an extract from eucalyptus leaves. It is used not only for rinsing the throat, but also for inhalation.

Finally, it is possible to effectively treat a secondary bacterial infection with the help of alternative methods. So, an excellent way to prevent it will be drugs that include aloe juice. And, of course, we must not forget about such a powerful means of fighting pathogens, like garlic. Phytoncides, contained in large quantities, have a pronounced antibacterial activity. On the basis of garlic, you can prepare various solutions for gargling the throat, but its use in its raw form will also be quite effective. Just place 1 clove in your mouth, bite it occasionally and swallow the juice that comes out.