Category Snot

How to treat thick snot in a child

How to treat thick snot in a child

Often, mothers do not pay special attention to the snot flowing from the baby's nose, especially if there is no fever and a strong cough. Say, immunity will work and everything will pass by itself. This irresponsible attitude often leads to very serious consequences.

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How to treat thick white snot in a child

In a healthy baby, snot does not flow. Discharge from the nasal mucosa should only moisturize it, without flowing out. When a child has transparent snot flowing, this does not mean that he is sick. Such discharge can be caused by an allergic reaction
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How to cure liquid snot in a child

Many mothers ask the same question: “If snot is flowing like water, in a child - how to treat it and whether it needs to be done. Or maybe you should just wait until they pass by themselves? " Alas, there is no definite answer. It all depends on many different reasons: age,
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Doctor Komarovsky about snot in a child

The authoritative pediatrician Dr. Komarovsky has talked more than once about the treatment of rhinitis in children of different ages. The specialist believes that exposure to medication is permissible only in extreme cases, and should be avoided if possible. Consider
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How to cure green snot in a child

A runny nose can overtake a baby at any time of the year, since his immunity is not fully formed and reacts negatively to any viruses and bacteria. In this case, mucus secreted from the nose can have a different color: transparent, yellow, yellow-green, green,
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Snot in the nasopharynx of a child

Children often get colds, this is absolutely normal for an organism with an unformed immune system. However, in some cases, ailments are transferred relatively easily, and sometimes they have very disturbing symptoms. Excessive accumulation of mucus in the nose and its runoff
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How to remove snot from the nasopharynx in a child

A cough in a child can be caused not only by an infection in the throat, but also by snot accumulated there. They run down the back of the larynx, and the baby begins to choke and cough. If you do not take action in time and do not get rid of this problem, it can develop
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How to treat thick snot in a child

Often, mothers do not pay special attention to the snot flowing from the baby's nose, especially if there is no fever and a strong cough. Say, immunity will work and everything will pass by itself. This irresponsible attitude often leads to very serious consequences.
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Yellow snot in children

When it comes to the health of a child, even the seemingly insignificant details are important. So, if he suddenly "flooded", be sure to pay attention to the color and consistency of the discharge. They may not tell you about anything, but for a pediatrician
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The child has green snot

A runny nose in children, especially small ones, is quite common. Their nasal passages are very narrow, and the mucous lining in them is delicate and sensitive. Nasal discharge does not always indicate the onset of a serious illness. They may be allergic
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Why does a child's snot flow like water

Young mothers start to sound the alarm as soon as they notice that the baby's nose is running. Of course, children's health should be monitored and alarming symptoms should not be ignored. But if the discharge from the spout is transparent and very liquid, then this is far from always
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What to do if snot in your throat

The mucous membranes of the nasopharynx secrete a special secret that performs protective and moisturizing functions. In the normal state of the body, mucus does not bother a person at all, but when there are disturbances in its work, snot begins to flow down the back wall
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Snot and sneezing in a child

When suddenly a child starts sneezing, and transparent snot is flying out of his nose, you should not immediately start worrying. This is not always a symptom of the disease, especially if sneezing is not accompanied by a rise in body temperature, coughing and other unpleasant symptoms.
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Snot - what is it?

A person begins to think about what snot is at an early age. Basically, mucous discharge does not bother us, but only until the moment when disease-causing processes begin in the body. Excessive production of mucosal secretions
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How to treat thick snot

The situation when thick white snot is not blown out is very unpleasant and familiar to almost everyone. This is a constantly stuffy nose, shortness of breath, headache and many other related troubles. If such a runny nose is not treated, then it
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How to get rid of a stuffy nose

The feeling of a stuffy nose is not the most pleasant, but absolutely familiar to everyone. Moreover, it so happens that it is not possible to get rid of nasal congestion, even by applying several different medicines for the common cold. And sometimes the situation gets worse. This means,
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Treatment of green snot in an adult

When thick green snot begins to stand out from an adult's nose, this eloquently indicates that a bacterial infection has entered the body. Doctors note that this nature of the discharge indicates the neglect of the disease. Hence,
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How to treat yellow snot in an adult

A runny nose in an adult always appears unexpectedly and at first the snot is transparent. This is not surprising - in their chemical composition, they resemble ordinary saline: salt and water. But as the disease progresses, if it is not treated, yellow,
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Where does the snot in the nose come from?

What is a runny nose, everyone knows from their own experience. But where does the snot come from, in principle, and why are they needed? Okay, if the person clearly caught a cold or caught some kind of respiratory infection. But often it starts flowing from the nose just like that, without any
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Viscous snot in the nasopharynx: causes and treatment

Many people face a problem when mucus from the nose flows down the throat, remains on the back of the larynx and causes very unpleasant sensations. After treatment, there is a short-term relief, and then the accumulation of snot in the throat reappears. Decide
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How to get rid of snot in the nasopharynx?

A runny nose often disturbs us during colds; you will not surprise anyone with nasal discharge. However, if snot constantly collects in the throat, this is already a serious reason for contacting an otolaryngologist. You can get rid of the problem by washing
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What to do if snot flows like water

A severe runny nose catches by surprise and always at the wrong time. The situation is especially unpleasant when the snot flows in a stream and cannot be quickly stopped. But don't be upset. The main thing is to try to quickly find out the cause of such a cold, and then it will
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Green snot during pregnancy

Health during pregnancy should be monitored especially carefully. And not only because an infection that has entered the body can harm an unborn baby. The fact is that most traditional medicines are used during pregnancy.
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What does the color of snot say?

Ordinary snot (mucous discharge from the nose) can serve as one of the primary diagnostic tools for an experienced specialist. After all, their nature, viscosity, and intensity of excretion can, to some extent, be judged on the causes and degree of development of the disease.
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Green snot

When a chemical or mechanical factor affects the nasal mucosa, snot is produced more actively. However, they do not change their color. Colorless discharge can indicate both allergic and
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Thick white snot

What is snot made of? The secret that is periodically secreted from the nasal passages consists of 3 components: water, salt and a specific protein - mucin. It is the last component that determines the properties of nasal secretions - thanks to it, viscous transparent snot.
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What do brown snot in an adult say?

Mucous discharge from the nose, which is popularly called simply snot, is usually not taken seriously by people. In principle, this is the body's primary defense reaction to external or internal stimuli. A kind of signal that something in the body is not
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Orange snot in an adult

In a healthy person, snot does not constantly flow. They can appear with a cold, as a symptom of an allergic reaction or from exposure to external stimuli. They usually have a liquid consistency, whitish in color. Snot color change can be a signal
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Why is the snot green?

If the nasal mucosa is functioning normally, the mucus will be colorless. When an infection enters the nasal passages or for any other reason, the volume of secreted secretion increases significantly. It loses its inherent viscosity and pours like
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Why is the snot yellow?

Yellow snot in an adult, the causes of which you do not know, should, of course, be a cause for concern. As a rule, they appear when the disease progresses and nothing can be cured. The onset of such a disease usually goes without attention at all - people
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Snot flows from the nose like water

A runny nose flow is called rhinorrhea. If transparent mucus is constantly flowing from the nose, this indicates that the body has turned on a protective reaction and is actively fighting against harmful bacteria and viruses. Thus, when snot flows, you need
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Transparent snot for a cold in adults

We usually associate a runny nose with a cold or flu. But this is not always the case. Mucous discharge from the nose (which in the common people is called snot) is a defensive reaction of the inner lining of the nasal passages to stimuli.
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Bloody snot in the morning

Snot is generally an unpleasant phenomenon, but most people encounter it repeatedly throughout their lives. The appearance of snot usually serves as a signal for the onset of a cold or viral illness, less often as one of the symptoms of an allergic reaction.However, some
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Yellow snot in an adult

Today, many people consider a runny nose to be something frivolous and not worthy of attention, at most - a slight indisposition, and certainly do not relate it to an illness. Usually this "first bell" is simply ignored - until the consequences appear.
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Fetid runny nose or smelly snot

The appearance of an unpleasant odor from the nose is always an alarming symptom. What exactly will smell - depends on the specific reason that caused it. Smelly snot can appear spontaneously and just as suddenly stop. In some cases, they make you suffer
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