Category Runny nose

Runny nose

How to cure allergic rhinitis during pregnancy?

Due to the deterioration of the environmental situation, the frequency of the development of allergic rhinitis, in particular, hay fever, in expectant mothers has increased 3 times. The disease is accompanied by severe swelling of the nasopharynx, sneezing, lacrimation and profuse mucus
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Runny nose

Treatment of allergic rhinitis at home

The reason for the development of an allergic rhinitis is an inadequate reaction of the body to the effects of certain irritating substances - polluted air, medicines, food, animal hair, etc. Ingress of allergens into the nasopharynx
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Runny nose

How to cure rhinitis with folk remedies

An allergic rhinitis can bring any person to exhaustion. Excessive discharge from the nose, swelling of the face, watery eyes and sneezing negatively affect not only mood, but also well-being. The disease manifests itself suddenly and therefore antiallergic
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Runny nose

Treatment of allergic rhinitis in adults

Allergic rhinitis is a non-communicable disease characterized by inflammation and swelling of the nasopharynx. Redness of the conjunctiva of the eyes, puffiness of the face, runny nose, sneezing and lacrimation are typical manifestations of the disease. A provocateur of inflammation in the nasal cavity
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Runny nose

What is Allergic Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is an inflammation of the nasal cavity, accompanied by impaired nasal breathing, sneezing, lacrimation and hypersecretion of nasal mucus. The development of pathological processes is based on allergic reactions of immediate
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Runny nose

Symptoms of an allergic rhinitis in a child

Sneezing, rhinorrhea, watery eyes and itching in the nose are the main symptoms of an allergic rhinitis in a child. Unpleasant manifestations are caused by inflammation of the nasopharynx, which is provoked by allergic reactions. Small children from 3 years old quite often face
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Runny nose

Year-round allergic rhinitis

Year-round allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease characterized by inflammation and swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Allergic reactions are provoked by a whole range of irritating agents (allergens), which include dust, medicinal
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Runny nose

Characteristic signs of allergic rhinitis

Nasal congestion, itching, watery eyes, and persistent sneezing are common symptoms of allergic rhinitis (hay fever). Due to irritation of the nasopharynx with allergens, inflammation and increased secretion of clear nasal mucus occurs. The disease develops
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Runny nose

Homeopathy for a cold in a child

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa can occur against the background of exposure to various provoking factors. It can be cold, infectious pathogens or allergens. The choice of treatment methods is due to the severity of the disease, the etiological factor
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Runny nose

Nebulizer inhalation recipes for rhinitis for children

Children are very susceptible to hypothermia. Before you have time to look back, the child's snot began to flow. Sometimes it is enough to drink a cold drink for their appearance. Treatment tactics are based on the causes of rhinitis and the symptoms of the disease. Nebulizer for a runny nose
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Runny nose

Effective treatment of rhinitis in a child

Snot in children is a frequent symptom that needs to be dealt with, starting from the first days of the illness. Due to the insufficient level of immunity in childhood, as well as the anatomical features of the nasopharynx, there is a high risk of complications. How fast
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Runny nose

How to quickly cure children of rhinitis

All parents inevitably have to deal with a runny nose and cough in a child - if only because children are much more susceptible to pathogens of acute respiratory infections than adults. Unpleasant symptoms can come on suddenly and are often worse
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Runny nose

Fast cure for rhinitis for a 3 year old baby

A runny nose is an inflammatory process that affects the nasal mucosa. The cause of the appearance of mucous discharge from the nose at the age of three is most often infectious diseases and allergic reactions. But no matter what causes rhinitis, you need to know
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Runny nose

How to quickly cure rhinitis in a baby

The question of how to treat a runny nose in babies will always be relevant for young parents, especially when the weather is so unstable, and there are a lot of colds around. Babies easily catch a runny nose, because the body of an infant is practically defenseless
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Runny nose

Steam treatments with mustard for rhinitis

Among the home remedies used to get rid of the common cold, mustard takes one of the places of honor. It is not difficult to use it; you just need to add the required amount of mustard powder to the prepared water. It is believed that the foot
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Runny nose

Signs and symptoms of a cold in infants

Rhinitis, or, more simply, a runny nose is one of the most common diseases that people of any age are susceptible to. Children especially often suffer from a cold.At the same time, a child who already knows how to talk may himself complain that he is ill,
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Runny nose

Restoration of taste and smell with rhinitis

The ability to distinguish between smell and taste is necessary for every person: thanks to these sensations, you can get a lot of valuable information about the world around you, enjoy a dish or drink, and sometimes even save your own life by recognizing in time
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Runny nose

Komarovsky E.O. talks about rhinitis in a child

Komarovsky Evgeny Olegovich is a famous pediatrician and popularizer of medicine. The doctor pays considerable attention to raising awareness among the population on how to properly treat childhood diseases at home. Many parents appreciated his recommendations.
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Runny nose

How to treat snot in an infant 1 month old

In the first months of life, the baby adapts to new living conditions. Organs and systems continue to form, ensuring the vital activity of the whole organism. The nasal mucosa is also at the developmental stage, due to which mucus can be produced
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Runny nose

How to cure snot in a two-year-old baby

A runny nose is an inflammatory process localized on the nasal mucosa. There are many factors that can cause this symptom in childhood. But whatever the cause of rhinitis, you need to know how to treat a runny nose in a child at 2 years old (and more
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Runny nose

Is it possible to walk if children have snot

A runny nose occurs due to the development of an inflammatory process localized on the nasal mucosa. Often this symptom is a protective reaction of the body. However, for many parents, a runny nose in a child is a contraindication to walking. In the opinion
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Runny nose

How to quickly cure rhinitis in children at home

A runny nose is an inflammation localized on the nasal mucosa. There are many reasons for the occurrence of a cold in children: hypothermia, a sharp change in air temperature, viruses, bacteria, allergens. At the first signs of rhinitis, it is necessary to determine
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Runny nose

1 month old infant with snot

Each age is characterized by certain difficulties and diseases. A feature of the chest period is a high risk of complications and difficulties in diagnosing diseases. Due to the fact that the child cannot speak, we are not always able to understand
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Runny nose

Rhinorrhea in infants 2 to 10 months

A runny nose in an infant is one of the most common complaints that a pediatrician has to listen to. Indeed, snot in a baby can cause severe anxiety in parents, however, for the patient himself, they are not too dangerous, especially if they are on time
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Runny nose

Newborn baby with rhinitis

Among young mothers, the topic of a cold in newborns is in the first place. Of course, in childhood one cannot do without abrasions, coughs or diarrhea, but snot in a baby is observed several times more often. Self-treatment does not always lead to good
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Runny nose

All about a runny nose in children

For every parent, the child's illness is a cause for concern. If a runny nose in an adult can be ignored, then the treatment of children should be carried out with the participation of a doctor. In childhood, there is a higher risk of complications and the likelihood of transition
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Runny nose

Treatment of rhinitis with blood in children

Bloody snot is a serious pathology that does not occur so often in childhood. Noticing an admixture of blood in the nasal secretions, parents are initially frightened, after which they immediately seek medical advice. Blood snot appears in a child
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Runny nose

Causes of headaches with a cold

Headache is a frequent companion of the common cold. It can be extremely painful; the inability to tolerate it often forces patients to take pain relievers in order to alleviate the condition. This symptom is no less than a stuffy nose,
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Runny nose

Differences between rhinitis and sinusitis

Violation of nasal breathing is one of the most painful symptoms of diseases of the upper respiratory system; this sign is present both in the clinical picture of rhinitis and among the manifestations of sinusitis. Both of these pathologies can occur in acute
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Runny nose

Inflammation of the nasal mucosa

It is difficult to meet an adult who has never experienced nasal congestion at least once in his life. A runny nose is a common symptom of many pathologies; it can be a manifestation of an allergic reaction, the result of the penetration of a viral infection or
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Runny nose

How to treat a cold without fever

Rhinitis is not a disease, but only a symptom that signals the presence of inflammation in the nasal cavity. Due to the penetration of infectious agents into the respiratory system, the nasal mucosa swells and begins to produce an excess amount of mucus. Usually a runny nose
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Runny nose

Causes and treatment of rhinitis in the morning

It happens that in the evening we go to bed a healthy person, and in the morning we wake up with a stuffy nose. A runny nose in the morning can be a sign of many diseases, which requires careful diagnosis. This symptom causes discomfort and worsens the quality of life.
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Runny nose

Runny nose during early and late pregnancy

The occurrence of a runny nose during pregnancy is far from uncommon. On the one hand, a woman's immunity is weakened, and on the other, rhinitis has many reasons for its occurrence, so it is extremely difficult to protect yourself from snot. A runny nose in pregnant women brings discomfort,
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Runny nose

Causes of the common cold and rhinitis

One of the leading manifestations of the common cold is the common cold. It brings a lot of trouble - it interferes with normal conversation and sleep. In addition, appetite decreases, there is no sense of smell, and the voice becomes nasal. Not everyone understands that the causes of a cold
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Runny nose

How to treat a stuffy ear with a cold

A severe runny nose is a companion to most colds. Swelling and inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa leads to the clogging of not only the nasal passages, but also the ears. A slight decrease in hearing is associated with the formation of negative pressure in the cavity
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Runny nose

Runny nose during breastfeeding in mom

After childbirth, the woman's immunity does not immediately restore its strength, which predisposes the appearance of frequent colds. During this period, it is especially important not to harm the child with drugs that are used in the treatment of the common cold. Runny nose with chest
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Runny nose

Signs of a runny nose

Nasal congestion and a runny nose are one of the most common complaints doctors hear when they visit. These signs can characterize rhinitis - an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the nasal mucosa. This disease has a different etiology:
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Runny nose

How many days does a runny nose last for an adult

It is quite difficult to meet a person who has never suffered from a cold. There are many reasons for rhinitis, so it is almost impossible to avoid its appearance. The course of the common cold has its own characteristics, which depend on the anatomy of the nasopharynx, the level of immunity
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Runny nose

Antibiotic treatment for rhinitis in adults

Rhinitis is a frequent companion of most respiratory diseases, characterized by damage to the upper respiratory system. Violation of nasal breathing, increased secretion of mucus from the nose and lacrimation are side symptoms that most often occur
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Runny nose

Medicines for the treatment of chronic rhinitis

Chronic rhinitis is a sluggish inflammation of the nasopharynx, characterized by abundant exudate from the nasal passages (rhinorrhea). Despite the relatively low severity of the symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to treat a lingering rhinitis. Ignoring
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Runny nose

How to cure lingering rhinitis in adults

Constant nasal congestion and rhinorrhea prevent a person from living fully, communicating normally with people around him, working and sleeping. As a result, not only his physical condition suffers, but the emotional side. The person becomes irritable
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Runny nose

Best Ways to Treat Dry Rhinitis

For many of us, a runny nose is associated with a pronounced flow of the nose, nasal congestion, nasal voice, sneezing and itching in the nose. However, rhinitis does not always show up with typical symptoms. Sometimes there is severe dryness in the nasal cavities,
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Runny nose

What to do if a runny nose persists

What can be more common than a runny nose in the winter season? Rhinorrhea can appear after the slightest hypothermia, if a person's immunity is somewhat weakened. The summer season can also be accompanied by nasal congestion and heavy nasal discharge - it all depends
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Runny nose

Homeopathic remedies for the common cold

The frequent occurrence of a runny nose may indicate a low level of immunity or the presence of an allergen near a person. Not always, medications are able to completely relieve the symptoms of the disease, the more their prolonged use is often prohibited.
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Runny nose

Inhalation with a cold for pregnant women

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, a woman is in a state of constant risk of contracting viruses, because her immunity is significantly weakened. Due to the physiological restructuring in the woman's body, pregnancy lasts for 9 months,
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Runny nose

Methods for quickly treating rhinitis in adults

Nasal congestion and rhinitis are clear signs of inflammation of the nasopharynx of an infectious or allergic nature. Rhinorrhea, i.e. profuse secretion of nasal mucus, occurs when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is affected. Unpleasant symptoms most often occur
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Runny nose

Treating chronic rhinitis at home

It happens that a person is worried about a runny nose for one week, the second, the third. It would seem that nothing but nasal congestion is noted, and rhinitis does not go away. There are many reasons that lead to the chronicity of the disease. It's no wonder that many are interested in
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Runny nose

Home remedies for rhinitis

A runny nose is one of the surest signs of the development of a respiratory disease. Nasal congestion, dry mucous membranes and rhinorrhea (discharge of exudate from the nose) are a consequence of inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Acute rhinitis accompanies the development of most
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Runny nose

Purulent rhinitis treatment

Rhinitis is an inflammation of the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx), accompanied by nasal congestion and rhinorrhea. In some people, a runny nose lasts no more than a week, in others it lasts for months. If yellow-green are found in the separated mucus
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Runny nose

Chronic rhinitis treatment methods

The chronic form of the common cold is characterized by the presence of symptoms of the disease for a long period of time. This is due to several reasons: negligence in the treatment of acute rhinitis, the continuing influence of a provoking factor
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Runny nose

How to get rid of persistent rhinitis in adults

There are many reasons that contribute to the persistence of inflammation in the nasopharyngeal mucosa after the patient has seemingly recovered. In this matter, it all depends on the level of immune protection, working conditions and the presence of a chronic infection.
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Runny nose

How to treat chronic rhinitis with folk remedies

How long can a runny nose last? Rhinitis often goes away after 5-7 days, but in some cases, rhinorrhea persists for months or even years. It all depends on the reason that provoked the appearance of a cold, the strength of the immune defense, as well as the presence of chronic
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Runny nose

How to make aloe nasal drops

The medicinal properties of aloe have been known for a long time. It is used in the treatment of many diseases, both internal organs and skin. Due to the ability to quickly penetrate the skin and blood vessels, the effect of using the plant
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Runny nose

Rhinitis treatment with onion juice

Can onions help with a cold? The use of both juice and onion pulp has been practiced in folk medicine for a long time; there are many recipes where this useful vegetable acts as the main ingredient. Its unconditional advantages are
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