Category Ear symptoms

Ear symptoms

Earlobe hurts - causes and treatment

Why does my earlobe hurt? Painful sensations often occur in conjunction with the development of a neoplasm in the tissue of the lobe. For many patients, this phenomenon often becomes a worrying sign. Many people suspect the presence of a malignant tumor. But fortunately,
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Ear symptoms

Ear pain from headphones

Nobody claims that using headphones is categorically harmful. But violation of the regime of use leads to unpleasant and sometimes irreparable consequences. A noise stimulus equal to 80 dB is critical for the hearing aid
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Ear symptoms

Ear pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, various ENT diseases develop quite often. One of the most unpleasant conditions is ear pain. During this period, this violation can occur not only under the influence of infectious agents, but also due to changes
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Ear symptoms

Why does your ear hurt when you chew?

Pain in the ear when chewing and opening the mouth varies in character and intensity, depending on a variety of reasons. Patients may complain of painful sensations of a dull, aching nature, which intensify when opening the mouth. Such symptoms
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Ear symptoms

Pain behind the ear

Pain behind the ear on the right or on the left is a fairly common occurrence that many of us experience. Most people in such a situation are in no hurry to seek help from a medical institution and prefer to cope with the problem on their own.
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Ear symptoms

Why does the ear hurt outside?

Many people who have a sore auricle prefer to ignore this symptom, but it should be borne in mind that serious illnesses can be the cause of the pain. Pain is the primary signal that an inflammatory condition is occurring in the body.
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Ear symptoms

Ear pain with a cold

Colds can develop at any time of the year - after drinking a glass of icy liquid in the summer heat, the next day you can wake up with a sore throat. But most often colds occur in the autumn-winter period of the year, when the piercing wind and cold
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Ear symptoms


Severe ear pain can be compared to a toothache - it appears suddenly and it is very difficult to endure it. All the patient's thoughts are only about how to get rid of painful sensations. But before carrying out therapeutic measures, you should find out why
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Ear symptoms

Ears hurt inside - causes and treatment

Often, against the background of a cold, a person experiences severe pain in the ear cavity.Painful sensations in the ear canal, at first glance, can occur for no apparent reason. Intense pain significantly impairs the quality of life of a sick person
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Ear symptoms

Why is there pain behind the ears?

The occurrence of pain behind the ear can be caused both by diseases of the hearing organ itself, as well as by damage to nearby areas (temporal bone, nasal sinus, lymph nodes). Unpleasant sensations significantly worsen the patient's quality of life - sleep is disturbed,
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Ear symptoms

Why does the child scratch his ear?

Ear symptoms vary. The most common of these are pain, tinnitus, and hearing impairment. In this case, the nature of pain can be different. It can be an itchy ear, a feeling of heaviness, or unbearable shooting pain, in which
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Ear symptoms

Ear pain in a child

Children from 2 to 6 years old are at risk for many diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature. This is due to both insufficient immunity, which at this age continues its formation, and the anatomical features of the structure of the child
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Ear symptoms

Pus in a child's ear

The only reason pus comes out of a child's ear is an inflammation of the middle ear. At the same time, otitis media in children is extremely rarely an independent disease. More often, ear inflammation complicates acute respiratory infections or other
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Ear symptoms

How to check if a baby's ears hurt?

Clarification of the diagnosis is an important factor on the path of the patient's recovery. Diagnostics of any disease begins with clarification of complaints. Having specified them, the doctor proceeds to an objective examination. Diagnosis of diseases in newborns is complicated by the fact
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Ear symptoms

Blood in a child's ear

The ear of a healthy person contains only sulfur, which performs a protective function in it. However, with certain pathological processes, the presence of purulent or bloody contents may also be noted. The appearance of this sign indicates the development
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Ear symptoms

Hearing impairment in children

Hearing problems in children can be congenital or acquired as a result of previous medical conditions. Recently, the number of newborns suffering from this pathology has been increasing. According to various estimates, for every thousand newborns
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Ear symptoms

E.O. Komarovsky on ear pain in children

Inflammation of the ear is one of the most frequent complications of respiratory diseases, childhood infections, sinusitis and other ENT pathology, which occurs with edema and the formation of mucus in the auditory tube. For the most part, this condition is characterized by
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Ear symptoms

Baby ear smell

An unpleasant odor from a child's ear can be caused by both an inflammatory process in the ear and a lack of hygiene. Parents, carrying out daily bathing and toilet of the child, should not forget that in the ear area, as well as in others
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Ear symptoms

Red ear in a child

The identification and definition of all the symptoms of the disease contributes to the clarification of the diagnosis, the appointment of the correct treatment, and, therefore, accelerates the recovery. The most common symptoms of ear damage are the development of pain syndrome,
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Ear symptoms

Discharge from the ear in a child

The external auditory canal of a healthy ear contains sulfur. Other content is not typical. Certain pathological processes in the ear are accompanied by bloody or purulent discharge.This symptom can be noted both in adults,
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Ear symptoms

What to do if a child's ear is shooting?

The main complaint of a child in the presence of an inflammatory process in the ear is the development of pain syndrome.Depending on the localization of the lesion, the severity, prevalence, the nature of the pain may be different. In some pathological conditions,
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Ear symptoms

The child's ear is blocked

Ear congestion can characterize many conditions. The combination of this symptom with pain in the ear is quite dangerous. Most often, this symptomatology is observed with otitis media. Usually hearing loss is added to these symptoms,
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Ear symptoms

Hearing test in children

Hearing testing in children allows you to determine the sensitivity of the hearing analyzer to sound waves of a certain intensity and frequency. Audiometric examination helps to identify pathologies accompanied by a decrease in the quality of perception
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Ear symptoms

Ear pain and fever in a child

The most common causes of ear pain in a child are the following pathological conditions: otitis media; lymphadenitis; infectious mumps; trigeminal neuralgia; traumatic injury to any part of the ear or parotid region; caries
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Ear symptoms

Audiogram or audiometry

Audiometry is a method of determining the sensitivity of the auditory analyzer to sound vibrations of varying intensities. Diagnostic studies are carried out by an audiologist, who can determine the hearing threshold from the curves of the audiogram
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Ear symptoms

Home hearing test

Ear audiometry (acumetry) is a method for determining hearing acuity, which evaluates the degree of sensitivity of the auditory analyzer to sound waves of various frequencies and intensities. Audiometric examinations are carried out using
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Ear symptoms

The ear does not hear and deafness

Hearing impairment is a partial (hearing loss) or complete (deafness) decrease in the ability to perceive sounds. According to WHO statistics, more than 5 people suffer from disabling hearing loss and hearing loss. If the hearing threshold is 26 dB and
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Ear symptoms

All about ear otoscopy

Otoscope is a device designed for visual inspection of the external auditory canal, ear membrane or middle ear cavity when perforation holes appear in the membrane. For the diagnostic procedure, a head reflector is used, an artificial
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Ear symptoms

Hearing test in newborns

Hearing test in newborns is a way to identify pathologies in the development of the auditory analyzer. Audiometric tests allow us to assess the quality of perception of sound signals by the sound-conducting and sound-perceiving system of the hearing organ in infants.
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Ear symptoms

All about hearing impairment

Hearing impairment - loss of the ability to distinguish between whispering speech and sounds with low amplitude. Permanent hearing loss is referred to as hearing loss, and the severity ranges from mild to very severe. With the inability of the auditory analyzer to perceive
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Ear symptoms

Methods for treating a shooting ear

With the development of pain in the ear, consultation with an otolaryngologist is necessary to clarify the diagnosis. Since the middle section of the ear is accessible for examination only with the help of an otoscope, then, if necessary, an instrumental
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Ear symptoms

Causes of hearing loss and deafness

Deafness is a pathological condition characterized by partial or complete hearing loss. The loss of the ability to detect and perceive sound vibrations of certain frequencies is called auditory dysfunction. Hearing analyzer malfunctions are often
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Ear symptoms

Interpretation of audiometry and audiogram

When diagnosing hearing impairment, subjective and objective methods of acoustic examination are used. Audiometry allows you to determine the sensitivity of the auditory analyzer to sound vibrations of different frequencies. During testing, a specialist
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Ear symptoms

What to do when it shoots in the ear?

The presence of a shooting pain in the ear can be caused both by an inflammatory process directly in the ear, and by the development of pathology of other organs and systems. What to do if it shoots in the ear depends on the cause of the condition. In rare cases, this
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Ear symptoms

Ear pressure

Pressure in the ears can be caused by both ear pathology and other diseases not associated with damage to this organ. For a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to study the whole complex of complaints, objective data. Often enough for research
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Ear symptoms

Bubbles seem to burst in my ears

Tinnitus is a symptom characteristic of both pathological processes occurring in the ear and for diseases not associated with this organ. At the same time, the nature of the noise can be described by patients in different ways. It could be the rumbling of a motor, a buzzing
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Ear symptoms

Why is the ear numb?

Numbness is a decrease in the sensitivity of a part of the skin or organ. In this case, additional signs may be sensations of "goose bumps", tingling sensations. Often the ear becomes numb after sleep. This is due to a long uncomfortable position during the night
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Ear symptoms

Why are the ears burning?

Human skin has a certain color, due to race, genetic characteristics, lifestyle, hormonal background. Color change is more often associated with exposure to sunlight, and can also be due to pathology
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Ear symptoms

Clicks in ears when swallowing

Clicks in the ear when swallowing can be present in completely healthy people. This is due to the periodic contraction of muscle fibers that are involved in the work of the ear or auditory tube. In the event that these contractions are rare, they are not accompanied by the development
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Ear symptoms

Shoots the ear

Shooting pain in the ear can be both a sign of ear diseases directly, and pathologies that are not associated with this organ. Moreover, in some cases, it is characterized by the symmetry of the lesion, in other cases the symptom develops with one or
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Ear symptoms

Throbbing in the ear

Patients may describe the sensation of discomfort in the ear in different ways. In some cases, there are complaints of lumbago, crunching, clicking. In this case, the defeat can be symmetrical or present only on one side. These symptoms can
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Ear symptoms

As if something clicks in the ear

The presence of unpleasant sensations in the ear, clicking, crunching, ticking can be noted periodically in absolutely healthy people. This is due to the spontaneous contraction of the muscles that make up the middle ear, or go to the auditory tube. If this symptom
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Ear symptoms

Why do my ears itch?

Itching in the depths of the ear canal bothered almost every person. What caused this annoying feeling? In most cases, itching and tickling in the ears occurs when the sulfur mass moves inside the ear canal. Moving to the outer edge of the ear canal,
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Ear symptoms

Peeling in the ears - causes and treatment

Peeling of the skin of the auricles from the inside and outside can be observed in any person, including a completely healthy one. Sloughing off dead epithelial cells is a constant process necessary for skin renewal, and the auricle epithelium is no exception.
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Ear symptoms

Auricles peel off

Exfoliation is the process of sloughing off dead cells of the epidermis from the surface of the skin. Normally, we do not notice this phenomenon, although it occurs constantly. Keratinized skin scales are removed by washing the skin (especially with a washcloth), wiping it off with a towel, etc.
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Ear symptoms

Itchy ear and itchy ears

Itching in the ears periodically appears in all people, including those who are absolutely healthy. A slight tingling sensation, tickling in the ear appears when a large amount of sulfur is released and it moves to the outer edge of the ear canal. In this case, itching
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Ear symptoms

How and how to treat itchy ears

Even healthy people sometimes have itchy ears. This is normal, as itching is a non-specific reaction to various irritations. For example, tickling and slight itching in the ear can occur after a bath, pool, or swimming in a river. In this case, it is due to the hit
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Ear symptoms

Ears itch and flake

Is the auricle peeling and itching? Concerned about itching in the ear canal? These symptoms should not be ignored. Peeling and itching in the ears can be the first signs of various dermatological pathologies - fungal skin infection, allergic reaction, psoriasis
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Ear symptoms

Noise in the ear - why it makes noise and buzz

Questions concerning the causes and pathogenesis of ear noise have been of interest to specialists in the field of otolaryngology for many decades. Patients at the appointment during the collection of anamnesis and complaints name various characteristics of the noise. Subjective, inaudible
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Ear symptoms

How to treat tinnitus

The appearance of sounds in the ears, when there is no reason for their perception, is a situation that can seriously alarm the patient. Sometimes patients, being in complete silence, listen for a long time to the slightest surrounding noises. It happens,
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Ear symptoms

Why does it itch behind the ear

Itching is a signal from the body that makes you pay attention to a particular organ.This unpleasant sensation can be hard to ignore, especially if the scalp is itchy, such as in the parotid region. Why does it itch behind the ears? This feeling is based on irritation.
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Ear symptoms

Constant ringing in the ears

The appearance of tinnitus is not a favorable sign. If this symptom is pronounced and does not stop on its own for a long time, it should be regarded as an "alarm signal". Ringing tinnitus can be noted by patients of any
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Ear symptoms

Tinnitus - Home Treatment

Many patients trust traditional medicines much more than pharmacological agents in the assortment presented on pharmacy counters. Someone explains this by reluctance to take "chemical" drugs, being sure: better than the time-tested
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Ear symptoms

Squeak in your ear

Noise that occurs through no fault of an external source is one of the most pressing problems in otiatrics. Physicians in any specialty pay close attention to the characteristics of tinnitus in patient complaints. The description of the subjective sound allows you to obtain
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Ear symptoms

Noise in the ear during pregnancy

Every woman dreams of a good pregnancy. However, expectant mothers are ready to cope with "temporary inconveniences" - morning sickness, vomiting, changes in taste preferences, sensitivity to odors and other accompanying
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Ear symptoms

All about the causes of tinnitus

A person is never in absolute silence. Studies, the purpose of which was to determine the effect of sounds on the psyche, made it possible to find out: the absence of any acoustic stimuli affects the body extremely unfavorably. The ability to hear
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Ear symptoms

Pulsating noise in the ear

What to do if a noise appears in the ear that is clearly audible to the patient and at the same time invisible to others? The search for an external acoustic stimulus usually remains unsuccessful. Some patients complain of intermittently increasing sound, which
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Ear symptoms

Why is there something rustling in my ear?

Acoustic stimuli are constantly perceived by the hearing organ. Even if a person is not awake, but asleep, he still hears the surrounding sounds - therefore, a low noise level is extremely important for a good rest. However, sounds are not always generated by the source.
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Ear symptoms

Earache - causes and treatment

Obsessive pounding in the ear can occur in a person of any age. Sometimes it goes away on its own, sometimes it requires special treatment. The duration of the persistence of the symptom is also different - some patients say that the knock occurs periodically,
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Ear symptoms

Crackling in the ear - why does it crack and creak

Many people know the expression "popping over the ear", which means an annoying interlocutor who loudly expresses his thoughts. However, there is also another crackle - in the ear itself, which sometimes does not disappear even in complete silence. Although this acoustic sensation is noted
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Ear symptoms

Tinnitus: Causes and Treatment

Hearing is a valuable function of the sense organs, which allows you to receive information about the world around you, learn new knowledge, and communicate freely. A person constantly evaluates the surrounding sounds he hears, without even attaching importance to it. The habit of listening
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Ear symptoms

Causes and treatment of buzz in the ears

Every person who cares about their health knows: extraneous tinnitus does not appear just like that. If one ear suddenly starts to make noise or a sound similar to a rumble arises from both sides at once, you should think: what is it connected with? Ear
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Ear symptoms

Causes of ringing in the ears and head

Every person sometimes needs to be in silence, even if in everyday life he prefers noisy companies and active rest. However, what to do if, against the background of loud sounds, and in the absence of external stimuli, there is a constant or periodic
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Ear symptoms

Ringing in my ears

Ringing tinnitus - both unilateral and bilateral - appears in a variety of situations. It is not always due to the pathology of the hearing organ exclusively and can be a manifestation of various diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine
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Ear symptoms

Blood from the ears

Bleeding from the ear (otorrhagia) is a symptom that signals damage to blood vessels in the tissues of the hearing organ.The emergence of a pathological symptom may be associated with barotrauma, infections and hyperplastic processes occurring in the external
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Ear symptoms

What to do if fluid leaks from the ear?

Otorrhea is one of the key signs that signal the development of an ear disease. Pathological changes in the tissues lead to edema of the mucous membranes in the auditory canals, as a result of which an excess amount of transudate is formed in the middle ear cavity.
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Ear symptoms

Causes of bleeding from the ears

Otorrhagia is an alarming symptom that signals damage to the blood capillaries in the hearing organ. The cause of bleeding can be ENT diseases, mechanical tissue damage and chronic inflammatory processes in the cavity of the middle and
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Ear symptoms

Causes and treatment of ear odor

Odor from the ears is a symptom that signals the development of an infectious disease, accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes in the outer or middle ear. The provocateurs of catarrhal processes are pathogens that penetrate the auditory
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Ear symptoms

What to do if the ear is blocked and it hurts

Congestion and pain in the ear are signs that signal the presence of pathological changes in the state of the organ of hearing. The provocateurs of uncomfortable sensations are most often vascular diseases, infectious lesions of the mucous membranes in the middle and external
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Ear symptoms

How to treat ear congestion with a cold?

Ear congestion is a typical sign of the development of inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes of the ENT organs.Decreased hearing acuity associated with increased perception of one's own voice, most often signals the development of catarrhal processes in the main
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Ear symptoms

Water got into my ear - what should I do?

Water in the ear almost immediately causes uncomfortable sensations - a sharp deterioration in hearing, congestion and extraneous noise. Untimely elimination of fluid can cause the development of catarrhal processes in the external ear canal, membrane and departments
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Ear symptoms

How to treat ear congestion at home

Audiological disorders associated with the appearance of a feeling of congestion are caused by dysfunction of the auditory (Eustachian) tube. It performs a drainage and aeration function, due to which the same pressure is maintained in the middle and outer ear.
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Ear symptoms

What to do if your ear is blocked after a blow

Ear congestion after a blow signals the presence of injuries in the outer, middle, or inner ear. The nature of the damage and the accompanying symptoms are largely determined by the intensity of the injury. Untimely treatment of the affected areas of the organ of hearing
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Ear symptoms

Stopped ear during a cold

Ear congestion with a cold is a typical sign that signals the presence of inflammatory processes in the organs of the ENT spectrum. With the development of colds, there is a risk of inflammation of the auditory tube, the mouth of which is located in the nasopharynx. Disease-causing
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Ear symptoms

What makes your ears clogged

The main causes of ear congestion lie in the differences in internal and external pressure on the eardrum. Excessive onslaught of air on the membrane leads to its stretching, as a result of which the sound signal passing through the outer ear is not amplified.
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