Category Angina

How to treat lacunar sore throat in adults?

How to treat lacunar sore throat in adults?

Lacunar angina is a purulent inflammation that affects the lacunae (depressions) on the surface of the tonsils. The symptoms of the disease are very similar to the clinical manifestations of follicular tonsillitis. In fact, both types of ENT diseases belong to the same type of pathological

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How does angina affect the fetus during pregnancy?

The greatest danger to the fetus is represented by infectious diseases in the first trimester, however, in the long term, there is also a risk of premature birth due to pathology of the placenta, deterioration of the condition of the pregnant woman. Angina during pregnancy
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Angina during pregnancy

During pregnancy, special attention is paid to the health of the woman, because the development of the fetus depends on it. Angina in pregnant women is considered a real test, as it carries a serious threat. Complications of the infectious process can manifest themselves as local
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Angina during pregnancy in the first trimester

The early stages of pregnancy are characterized by a special period for the fetus. It is in the first months that the organs are laid, the beginning of their development. Any negative influence from external factors or the body of a pregnant woman can lead to serious
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Treatment of sore throat during breastfeeding

Angina (tonsillitis) refers to diseases of the ENT organs. It consists in the rapid development of the inflammatory process in the tonsil area, which progresses rapidly and causes severe complications. Timely treatment of angina in a nursing mother is a guarantee
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Angina in a nursing mother

When a sore throat appears, we do not always go to the doctor right away. At first, we try to cope with the disease on our own, which does not always lead to a positive result. For women with hepatitis B, self-medication is dangerous not only for oneself,
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Angina - home treatment quickly

Hyperthermia, sore throat and myalgia are some of the key signs of the development of tonsillitis (tonsillitis). An infectious disease is characterized by the rapid spread of foci of inflammation in the oropharynx, which is fraught with complications. You can get sore throat on contact
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Treatment of sore throat without antibiotics

Almost all "traditional healers" and other non-professionals from medicine, when asked whether it is possible to cure a sore throat without antibiotics, boldly give a positive answer. But the problem here most often lies in the fact that they do not see much difference between the classical
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What can an adult drink with angina?

Can hot drink be consumed with angina? Tonsillitis (tonsillitis) is one of the diseases that are most often provoked by bacteria, in particular saprophytes, staphylococci, streptococci, etc. With the defeat of the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils of the pathogenic
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Angina - how to smear your throat?

One of the main signs of a sore throat is pain and irritation in the throat, making it difficult to swallow and speak, and sometimes even interfere with normal breathing. Topical treatment in the form of ointments, applied by direct contact or with a spray, is capable of quite
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Herpes sore throat - treatment in adults

Most cases of angina are caused by a bacterial infection. But in some situations, viruses can also be the cause of the development of this disease. Such a pathology is dangerous primarily because viral tonsillitis has a high risk of occurrence
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How to treat purulent sore throat in an adult

Angina is an infectious pathology in which the glands are affected. And a sore throat with abscesses is an indicator that the infection has already gone far and it will not be possible to treat it with the usual methods used at home. The only reliable remedy
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Follicular tonsillitis - treatment

Follicular tonsillitis is one of the types of purulent inflammation of the tonsils. Its difference from other types of purulent tonsillitis is that in this case, pus accumulates on the surface of the tonsils in the form of separate foci, forming small
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Purulent sore throat - home treatment

Purulent tonsillitis is an infectious disease in which purulent foci appear on the lymphadenoid formations and pharyngeal mucosa. The causative agents of infection are pathogenic microbes - streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, etc. Pathology is characterized by
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Headache with angina

Headache is a nonspecific symptom that signals the presence of pathological processes in the body. The occurrence of unpleasant sensations is due to irritation of the nerve endings, which contain pain receptors. Contrary to popular belief,
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Preparations for angina in adults

Angina or tonsillitis is a nonspecific infectious-allergic inflammation in the Valdeyer-Pirogov ring (lymphadenoid ring). The foci of inflammation are localized mainly in the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils. In most cases, pathogens
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How to bring down the temperature with angina

Hyperthermia (fever) is a violation of heat exchange with the environment, which is accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Thermoregulation occurs at the level of the hypothalamus, which plays the role of a "thermostat". The rise in temperature is the response of the immune system
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Removal of abscesses from tonsils with angina

With angina with intense formation of pus, it usually has two forms - local abscess-follicles and free discharge on the surface of the tonsils.In order to answer the question of whether it is necessary and whether it is possible to remove pus with angina, it is necessary to very clearly distinguish
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How to cure a purulent sore throat

Tonsillitis with a purulent component is a serious disease that requires immediate medical attention. Pus is an indicator of the presence of an active infection (more often of a bacterial nature) and in the absence of proper treatment, there is a high risk
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Essential oils for angina

Essential oils are concentrated hydrophobic (water-insoluble) liquids with a pungent odor. Due to their pronounced pharmacological and physiological properties, they are used in the framework of official and alternative medicine for the treatment of ENT diseases.
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Milk with honey for angina

Honey is one of the main products used in apitherapy (medotherapy) for the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory and endocrine systems.The product contains almost all trace elements that are present
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Milk for angina

Milk is a multicomponent polydisperse liquid containing vitamins, organic acids, macro- and microelements. The product contains components that increase the body's resistance. It is used in alternative medicine
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Warming up the throat with angina

The question of whether it is possible to warm the throat with angina has not yet found a definite answer. This is explained by the fact that, firstly, a lot depends on what type of sore throat is diagnosed in a particular patient - in some types of disease, warming up
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Treatment of purulent sore throat with folk remedies

Inflammation of the tonsils is always a consequence of an infectious lesion, which in the overwhelming majority of cases is of a bacterial nature. And the formation of pus on the surface of the tonsils, which, in fact, makes a sore throat purulent, serves as an indicator
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Angina - treatment with folk remedies

A sore throat is an inflammation in the throat that affects the pharyngeal tonsils. It is always caused by infection. Therefore, the main medicine in this case, medicine considers antibiotics - chronic tonsillitis can only be cured with their help. But on
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How to treat a sore throat?

It is difficult to meet an adult who would not be familiar with the symptoms of angina - and it is no less difficult to argue with the fact that the manifestations of this pathology can be very painful. The second name of the disease - acute tonsillitis - reflects the localization
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Gargling with propolis tincture

Propolis is a resinous substance produced by bees to seal and disinfect hives. The product has pronounced antimicrobial, immunostimulating and antiphlogistic properties. Using propolis for angina, you can stop
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How to prevent tonsillitis

Angina (tonsillitis) is a contagious ENT disease that provokes inflammatory processes in the palatine tonsils and oropharyngeal mucosa. Ineffective and delayed treatment of pathology provokes severe complications, some of which constitute a serious threat
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Taking antibiotics for angina

Antibiotics are medicines of natural or synthetic origin that are used to treat bacterial infections. The components of antimicrobial agents inhibit the development or destroy pathogens, which contributes to the regression of inflammatory reactions.
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Treatment of angina with antiviral drugs

Viral tonsillitis is an ENT disease characterized by the occurrence of catarrhal processes in the tonsils. The causative agents of infection are non-cellular pathogenic agents that can multiply only inside healthy cells of a living organism.
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Gargling with chamomile for angina in adults

A large number of different medicinal herbs are used to gargle with sore throat. But chamomile occupies a special place even in this extensive list. This is primarily due to the fact that her decoctions and infusions are recommended for use in humans.
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The benefits of beets for sore throat

Beetroot is a product that contains a large amount of amino acids, vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. Treatment of angina with beets helps to eliminate most of the local manifestations of the disease. Throat sanitation
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The benefits of warm beer for angina

Beer is a low-alcohol drink that is obtained from the fermentation of malt wort. Most varieties of the drink include no more than 6 ethyl alcohol and a considerable amount of useful vitamins and minerals. For this reason, warm beer is used
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Injections for adults from sore throats

The introduction of pharmacological drugs for inflammation of the throat and tonsils is usually carried out by the oral route. This method of drug delivery - into the bloodstream through the mouth, esophagus and absorption in the stomach - in most cases is sufficient for
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Vodka compress for angina

Compresses of any type, in terms of their functional characteristics, belong to the group of warming dressings. The use of ethyl alcohol or vodka in the composition of such a compress enhances its warming effect, since ethanol is a skin irritant.
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Viral sore throat - treatment in adults

Viral sore throats are not as common as inflammation of the tonsils caused by a bacterial infection. Nevertheless, for the health of even an adult, this type of disease is quite dangerous with possible complications arising in other organs.
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All about blood tests for angina

Angina, or acute tonsillitis, is an infectious disease that affects the tissue of the lymphadenoid pharyngeal ring. Most often, with angina, the palatine tonsils become inflamed. The causative agents of this disease can be bacteria - staphylococci, streptococci, etc., as well as
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Is it possible to go to the bathhouse for angina?

Is it possible to take a steam bath with the development of sore throat? Bath is a place with a specific microclimate and high temperature. On the one hand, high temperature stimulates the process of perspiration, due to which toxins and metabolites of pathogens are removed from the body.
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Angina - a white coating on the tongue

A white coating on the tongue can be found normally in healthy people. It usually appears in the morning as a whitish sediment without an unpleasant odor. This is nothing more than the accumulation of germs overnight. Such a deposit is easily removed from the surface of the tongue. If plaque is removed
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Sick leave for angina

Angina is a common infectious disease that affects the lymphoid tissue of the palatine tonsils. Angina is also called acute tonsillitis. Children with angina should stay at home, do not let them go to school or kindergarten - firstly, this can lead
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The consequences of purulent sore throat

Purulent tonsillitis is caused by the same pathogenic microorganisms as common tonsillitis. The only difference is the presence of small abscesses on the tonsils. Despite the unpleasant and frightening symptoms of the disease, accompanied by a high body temperature
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Complications after sore throat

Angina (acute tonsillitis) is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation of the main parts of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring (palatine and nasopharyngeal tonsils). Pathology occurs due to the development of bacterial flora in the ENT organs, represented by
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Acute tonsillitis or tonsillitis in adults

Such a disease as sore throat is known to everyone. From childhood, we are taught that it can be easily picked up by breathing in the frosty air, or, for example, by drinking an ice drink in the summer heat. This can cause the main symptom of this disease - a sore throat. But right
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How to distinguish sore throat from flu?

Autumn, winter and spring are a special period when there is a lack of sunlight and heat, the body loses vitamins, and the defenses are significantly weakened.Under these conditions, it is very easy to catch an infection in damp cold weather. There is a mass
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Follicular sore throat - contagious or not?

Angina is an infectious disease caused by various bacteria or viruses. The most common causative agents of infection are staphylococcal or streptococcal bacteria. Depending on the state of the immune system, the disease can proceed as
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What can not be eaten with angina?

The word sore throat (tonsillitis) is translated from Latin "squeeze, squeeze". The patient feels not only intense squeezing of the throat, but also severe pain when swallowing. It is not surprising that during illness, people refuse to eat or take it in minimal
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Incubation period for angina

Sore throat can cause common hypothermia and pathogens. Angina occurs as a result of the action of a pathogenic pathogen in the lymphoid tissue (tonsils) and on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx. Angina affects everyone, but children are more
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How much to treat angina in adults?

Angina, or acute tonsillitis, is one of the most dangerous acute respiratory diseases. Angina is accompanied by severe intoxication and very painful symptoms. With improper treatment, the disease threatens with various complications. Treatment of acute
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Which doctor should I go to for angina?

Which doctor should I see for sore throat? Angina (tonsillitis) is an infectious disease characterized by inflammation in the lymphadenoid formations (tonsils) and ciliated epithelium lining the surface of the oropharynx. Untimely appeal
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What is the difference between tonsillitis and sore throat

The lymphoid tissue, from which the tonsils are formed, is involved in the production of immune cells, in hematopoiesis. The tonsils are a barrier to the entry of infection into the body. They are the first to take the blow when the body is attacked by pathogenic microflora. Not surprising,
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Is purulent sore throat contagious or not?

In this article we will talk about whether purulent sore throat is contagious. Let's start with the fact that it belongs to infectious diseases. Most often, streptococci are the causative agents, less often staphylococci are the cause of a bacterial disease. Moreover, the statements
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How can angina be transmitted?

Sore throat affects adults and children, young people and the elderly. What is the reason for this? The causative agent of sore throat has highly contagious properties, is quite stable in the external environment. Once in a weakened organism, it is able to multiply rapidly. Fast
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After a sore throat, cough in an adult

Angina (tonsillitis) is the general name for a group of pathologies characterized by a predominant lesion of the palatine glands. There are several types of tonsillitis. The most common forms are lacunar and catarrhal. Follicular, phlegmonous,
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Treatment of angina with kerosene

Kerosene is a flammable oily liquid of yellowish color, which is formed during the distillation of oil.The product has a pronounced antiseptic and analgesic effect, therefore it is used for therapeutic purposes to relieve inflammation in the ENT organs.
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Is it possible to swim during a sore throat

Angina (acute tonsillitis) is characterized by a severe course, severe intoxication, and a high risk of serious complications. During illness, a person has a fever, severe pain throughout the body, nasopharyngeal congestion. In the acute phase of tonsillitis
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The harm of smoking during a sore throat

Angina (tonsillitis), like other infectious diseases of the ENT organs, develops against a background of reduced immunity. Unfortunately, under the influence of nicotine, the immune system performs its functions much worse than normal. Therefore, people who smoke
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How does angina affect the heart?

Many people are treated for angina (acute tonsillitis) on their own or not at all, underestimating the severity of this pathology, or rather its possible consequences. If competent therapy is prescribed, which is carried out in a timely manner from start to finish, then no
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Can there be a runny nose with angina?

Angina (acute tonsillitis) is a disease of the throat of an infectious nature, in which the tonsils or lymphoid tissue of the throat and lymph nodes are affected. Diseases develop as a result of the activation of microbes and their pathological effects on the body.
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How to relieve throat swelling with angina?

Angina (acute tonsillitis) is an infectious disease that is very easy to get infected by contact with an infected person. The causative agents of the disease are viruses, bacteria, fungi, which begin their pathogenic activity under certain conditions.
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Lemon treatment for angina in adults

Angina is a serious infectious disease that requires a serious approach to therapy. Independent non-professional treatment can lead to serious complications that threaten the patient's life. But still, acute tonsillitis has always been treated with folk remedies,
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Is ice cream good for angina?

Angina (tonsillitis) is characterized by unilateral or bilateral inflammation of the tonsils or inflammation of the lymphoid tissue and follicular nodules. The disease has many forms: catarrhal form, lacunar, follicular, phlegmonous, necrotic,
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Can there be diarrhea with angina?

Sore throat is an infectious disease, which is most often caused by bacteria such as streptococci and staphylococci. The main symptoms include acute sore throat, a significant increase in body temperature, and enlarged lymph nodes. Sources
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Angina - causes of occurrence

Angina (tonsillitis) is an infectious-allergic pathology resulting from inflammation of the lymphoid tissue in the upper respiratory tract. As an etiological factor provoking the development of the disease, bacterial,
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Walking in the fresh air with angina

It is believed that if a person is sick with an infectious disease of the nasopharynx, then it is better for him not to walk outside, especially in the cold season. This is explained by the fact that the patient inhales fresh air, which can harm an unhealthy throat. Basic
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What to do with vomiting with angina?

Many are concerned about the occurrence of nausea and vomiting with angina. However, before dealing with this problem, it is necessary to find out what angina is, what symptoms are characteristic of this disease. This is how an infectious disease is called a sore throat,
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Signs and symptoms of purulent sore throat

Purulent tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis) is considered a widespread and at the same time extremely unpleasant disease. Most people get tonsillitis in childhood. There are several forms of this disease, among which the most dangerous
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How many days does angina last in adults?

Angina is a disease caused by an infection of the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils. The pathogenesis of angina is based on acute inflammation with all the consequences: sore throat; swelling of inflamed tissues; the formation of plaque - exudate; physiological reactions,
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Angina - how many days does the temperature last?

How many days can a high temperature last with a sore throat? Usually - from 3 to 10 days. It is much more difficult to understand why, and most importantly, why body temperature rises with angina, and what caused such a wide range of its possible duration.
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Angina - the period of infection

There are many diseases of the nasopharynx that can be easily contracted. All infectious diseases are infectious in nature, including tonsillitis (acute tonsillitis). Since of all infectious pathologies of the ENT organs, angina has the highest index
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Angina - symptoms and signs in an adult

Acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis) is an infectious-allergic inflammation with a predominant lesion of lymphoid formations, in particular the palatine tonsils. Signs of sore throat are very similar to those of other otolaryngological diseases, which complicates somewhat
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Temperature with angina

Angina (tonsillitis) refers to infectious diseases, which in the majority of situations are accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature. Most often, a significant increase in temperature (hyperthermia) occurs due to the fact that
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Types of cough with angina

Angina is an infectious disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the tonsils and pharynx. The causative agents are various viruses and bacteria. Acute bacterial tonsillitis is especially dangerous for the development of formidable complications, such as an abscess
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What bacteria can cause sore throat?

Angina (acute tonsillitis) is an inflammation of the tonsils and tissues of the nasopharynx. Among the main symptoms of this disease are chills, fever, severe sore throat, weakness, the presence of white plaque, an increase in size
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What can a child eat with angina

Angina is one of the infectious diseases characterized by severe intoxication of the body. The metabolites of pathogenic viruses and bacteria are neutralized in the detoxification organs, which creates an additional burden on the liver. To speed up the process
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Can you get sore throat?

Angina is an infectious disease that can be caused by various bacteria, viruses or fungi. The most common was angina, the causative agent of which is streptococcus. It is this bacterium, under favorable conditions for it
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Throat treatment for angina

Local therapy is one of the most effective directions in the treatment of catarrhal and purulent processes in the throat. A high concentration of drugs on the surface of the mucous membranes of the throat accelerates the regression of pathological processes. To eliminate
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Doctor Komarovsky about angina in children

Angina is called inflammation of the tonsils and the mucous membrane of the pharynx. In preschool children, the disease occurs very often, which is associated with a low reactivity of the body. How does doctor Komarovsky treat sore throat in children? Known
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Treatment of fungal sore throat in a child

Candidal (fungal) tonsillitis is an infectious disease characterized by the defeat of the lymphadenoid pharyngeal ring by pathogens. The causative agent of the infection is a fungus such as Candida or Aspergillus in association with the coccal flora. In preschool children
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Purulent sore throat in children

Purulent tonsillitis is rightfully considered one of the most dangerous childhood diseases. Moreover, this disease occurs very often, especially in children 6-12 years old, however, it can be diagnosed in a baby at 2 years old, and in an elderly person. Purulent
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Angina in children under 3 years of age

Angina is an otolaryngological disease that mainly affects the mucous membrane of the throat and lymphadenoid tissues (palatine and pharyngeal tonsils). Untimely therapy of pathology in childhood can cause systemic complications,
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How to cure a purulent sore throat in a child

Various acute respiratory infections often bother children, but one of the respiratory diseases stands out noticeably against the background of the rest, and this is purulent sore throat. It cannot be confused with a banal cold - the child is really very bad, he suffers from fever, severe pain in
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Treatment of angina in children

Infectious diseases in children are much more common than in adults. This is due to the structural features of the lymphadenoid formations (tonsils), which have a porous structure. The palatine and pharyngeal tonsils play the role of "filters" that eliminate
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Treatment of angina in a child at home

Tonsillitis is an acute infectious disease characterized by the defeat of the main components of the pharyngeal ring by viral or bacterial pathogens. The foci of inflammation are often localized in the palatine tonsils, as a result of which inflammation occurs
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