Category Nose medications

Nose medications

Effective nasal remedies for hay fever

Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is an inflammation of the nasopharynx, accompanied by an abundant discharge of nasal secretions (rhinorrhea) and respiratory failure. The development of the disease is based on allergic reactions that occur in response to irritating substances.
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Nose medications

Seawater in nasal sprays

Seawater nasal spray is a paramedical agent with anti-inflammatory, vasoconstrictor and disinfectant properties. Sterilized saline solutions normalize the activity of the glands in the nasal cavity, flushed out of the airways
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Nose medications

What ointments are used for a cold?

A wide variety of medicines can be used to treat rhinitis in various forms. These can be pills, drops, or injections. Ointments are also used in the complex therapy of rhinitis. Nasal ointments are not a classic treatment for a common cold.
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Nose medications

Treating the nose with antiviral drugs

Usually, rhinitis, which appears with hypothermia or as a symptom of a viral infection, does not cause much concern. However, despite the seeming safety, the lack of timely treatment can cause the development of complications in the form of sinusitis,
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Nose medications

How to make a sophisticated nasal ointment

For the treatment of various pathological processes, accompanied by the development of purulent inflammation in the nasal cavity, a complex ointment can be prescribed. Most often, a complex nasal ointment is prepared in a pharmacy, since pharmaceutical companies do not produce such
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Nose medications

Allergic rhinitis treatment

Over the past decades, allergic reactions have become a common reason for seeking medical attention. It is not immediately possible to suspect an allergy, so people often turn to an otolaryngologist, gastroenterologist or dermatologist with signs of a skin rash, digestive
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Nose medications

How to treat cough and runny nose

Symptoms such as a runny nose and cough can develop independently of each other. Sometimes, against the background of an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis, a viral infection penetrates the mucous membrane of the nasal cavities, which causes a runny nose. On the other hand, bronchitis can
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Nose medications

How to cure rhinitis in a newborn

Unlike a common cold in adults, the appearance of snot in infants becomes a real problem for young parents and the newborn itself. Difficulties lie in the high risk of complications and the small selection of drugs that are allowed
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Nose medications

Treatment of sinus inflammation in adults

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses of an infectious origin occurs quite often among ENT pathology. In addition to microbes, the cause of sinusitis can also be an allergic factor or chronic rhinitis. How to treat sinusitis, and what drugs
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Nose medications

Treatment of nasal congestion in a child

We are faced with the problem of rhinitis in childhood many times, so the treatment of each subsequent case of the disease does not differ much from the previous one. This is not entirely correct, because allergens, microbes or irritants can cause snot to appear.
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Nose medications

Treatment of a stuffy nose in adults

Before penetrating into the lower parts of the respiratory tract, air passes through the nasopharynx, where it is cleaned and warmed. Thanks to this, the mucous membrane of the trachea, the bronchi does not experience irritating influence and does not undergo inflammation. When puffiness appears
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Nose medications

Treatment of green snot in children

Treatment of a common rhinitis is not difficult for us. Everyone knows which drugs can alleviate his condition, and which ones do not help at all. When a child begins to hurt, the parents start to panic, as they need to act quickly, not allowing
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Nose medications

Preparations for green snot in adults

Normally, a small amount of mucus is produced in the nasal cavities. It is transparent and has a watery consistency. Mucus is the physiological protection of the inner surface of the nose from the irritating influence of environmental factors, provides moisture
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Nose medications

Effective nasal decongestants

Swelling of the nasal mucosa is often the first symptom of a cold. Tissue swelling is observed due to the expansion of local blood vessels under the influence of microbial toxins or allergens. Do not underestimate the influence of environmental factors,
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Nose medications

Medicine for polyps in the nose

Nasal polyps are called teardrop-shaped or round growths of the mucous membrane. These are benign and painless formations, but, nevertheless, they bring a lot of trouble - they cause nasal congestion, provoke headaches, etc. Many
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Nose medications

Nasal washes at home

Diseases of the upper respiratory tract are found everywhere, regardless of place of residence, gender and season. The differences lie only in the frequency of diseases and their severity. Features of the course of pathology are due to the cause of its development,
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Nose medications

How to wean from nose drops

Often, with a severe cold, many of us use vasoconstrictor drops so often that they themselves do not notice how such a habit develops into a real drug addiction. How to get rid of nasal drops? Coping with addiction
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Nose medications

The best drugs for the common cold

A runny nose is an unpleasant disease in which not only nasal congestion and profuse discharge appear, but the general condition worsens. Depending on the cause of the pathology, symptoms may be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. Nasal drops are prescribed
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Nose medications

Drops from the common cold for babies

Finding effective and at the same time safe nasal drops for children under one year old is not an easy task, but doable. In pediatric practice, nasal agents with a minimum concentration of active ingredients are used to treat the smallest patients.
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Nose medications

Nose drops for children

Nasal drops for children are one of the main forms of drugs used to treat the common cold in babies under 3 years of age. Unlike systemic drugs, their components are practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation and therefore do not create excess
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Nose medications

Nasal drops

One of the common side effects of nasal drops is addiction (tachyphylaxis). The reason for its occurrence is the misuse of drugs, when a person independently increases the dosage or uses them longer than the recommended course.
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Nasal medications

What nasal drops to use for green snot?

By the nature and color of nasal discharge, it is often possible to suspect the cause of the disease. For example, watery, clear snot that lasts for more than a week may indicate allergic rhinitis. If the color of the discharge is yellow-green, it may be the cause
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Nose medications

Nasal drops for sinusitis treatment

Sinusitis among otolaryngological diseases is considered a fairly common pathology. The number of visits to an ENT doctor for inflammation of the paranasal sinuses increases significantly in the winter, autumn-spring periods, when the immunity decreases slightly.
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Nose medications

Antibacterial nose drops

Many people go to extremes when it comes to drugs with antimicrobial ingredients. Some believe that antibiotic nasal drops are a panacea for all ills and therefore use them whenever possible. Others are confident that doctors recommending
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Nose medications

How to make nasal drops at home

A runny nose is a frequent companion of the autumn-spring period. Fluctuations in temperature, cold rain and wind predispose to nasal congestion and rhinorrhea. If, besides a cold, nothing bothers you, you can try to cope with the disease on your own.
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Nose medications

List of antiviral nasal drops

The development of the pharmaceutical industry is accompanied by a rapid expansion of the pharmacy range, which makes it possible to choose the most effective drug for the treatment of a specific disease. Recently, antivirals have been increasingly prescribed
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Nose medications

List of vasoconstrictor nasal drops

A runny nose is accompanied by the appearance of not only local symptoms, but general symptoms. Lack of nasal breathing makes communication difficult, reduces performance and interferes with sleep. As a result, the person becomes irritable and reacts inadequately.
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