Category Ear diseases

What to do if a lump appears behind the ear?
Ear diseases

What to do if a lump appears behind the ear?

Appeared, previously undetectable, a seal in the form of a painless ball or painful lump behind the ear on the back of the head during palpation can manifest itself in different ways - move under the skin when pressed or in a tight adhesion with surrounding tissues

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Ear diseases

Atheroma behind the ear

Atheroma of the ear is a benign neoplasm that occurs on the human skin in places where the sebaceous glands accumulate when their excretory ducts are blocked. According to statistics, this problem is relevant for 5-10 people, mainly for middle-aged people.
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Ear diseases

The eardrum is retracted

The eardrum is a thin (0.1 mm) plate of connective tissue that separates the middle and outer ear. If the eardrum is retracted, the causes should be sought in the inflammatory processes of the auditory (Eustachian) tube, which connects
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Ear diseases

Cholesteatoma of the middle ear

Identifying ear cholesteatoma can be challenging, even for a specialist, since the disease is asymptomatic in its early stages. However, complaints of dull, aching, pressing or shooting ear pains, hearing impairment,
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Ear diseases

How to cure an ear from a cold?

If a person has a cold ear, an otolaryngologist will be able to suggest what to do first, as well as how and how to treat otitis media to prevent complications. He correctly diagnoses the disease and develops adequate treatment depending on
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Ear diseases

Inflamed lymph node behind the ear

If in the parotid zone (more often - behind the ear) a pinkish-gray rounded formation of 0.5-50 mm in size has arisen and become inflamed, then it can be assumed that the gland of the lymphatic system has become inflamed, or, as people often say, the lymph node has become inflamed and enlarged
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Ear diseases

Mastoiditis in adults and children

In a detailed definition of the disease, it is noted that mastoiditis is an inflammation that develops in the mastoid process of the temporal bone behind the ear. Most often it affects children aged 2-13 months, while in developing countries the number of cases
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Ear diseases

What is Meniere's syndrome

With a narrowing of the vessels of the ear labyrinth, which leads to a disruption in the blood supply to the inner ear and an increase in the production of endolymph, Meniere's disease is diagnosed. The developing edema begins to stretch the labyrinth, puts pressure on the cells responsible
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Ear diseases

Acoustic neuroma of the auditory nerve

The disease, which is better known as acoustic neuroma, has alternative names: vestibular (or acoustic) schwannoma and acoustic neuroma. Symptoms in 95 cases begin to manifest themselves in the form of progressive hearing impairment,
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Ear diseases

Signs and treatments for cochlear neuritis

Cochlear neuritis is an inflammation of the auditory nerve of the ear, symptoms and treatment with folk remedies, as well as with traditional medicine, are relatively well studied by doctors today. It is also called cochlear, since the canal is affected,
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Ear diseases

Blown ear - how to treat?

Pain in the auditory organ can occur suddenly after being in a draft or wind. If the ear has blown, how and what to treat at home, it is better to consult a specialist. However, the first steps to improve well-being can be done
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Ear diseases

All about otosclerosis

Statistics show that otosclerosis is a lesion of the bone tissue of the labyrinth of the inner ear, which occurs in women almost 4-5 times more often than in men (there are only 20-25 of them in the total number of cases). Moreover, among women entering periods
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Ear diseases

Ear cancer

A malignant tumor of the middle ear, auditory canal or auricle - ear cancer - is manifested by the formation of a node, bleeding granulations, ulcers. These early signs of ear cancer are most often accompanied by itching, noise, pain, and discharge. Often there is
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Ear diseases

Symptoms and treatment of Meniere's disease

Meniere's disease does not pose a threat to life, but progressive disorders of auditory and vestibular functions, manifested in symptoms, deprive the patient of working capacity. Disorientation, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, hearing loss with risk of development
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Ear diseases

Middle ear diseases

Middle ear diseases are the most common form of hearing ailments. They affect adults and especially children. To date, doctors have developed a large number of modern techniques that can provide treatment for the middle ear, symptoms
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Ear diseases

Staphylococcus in the ear

Staphylococcus aureus in the ears, nasopharynx, or on the surface of human skin is common. It is a gram-positive, immobile bacterium that has a regular round or oval shape. According to research, it is carried by more than 70 people, but it
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Ear diseases

Fistula in the ear

A fistula in the ear is a thin tubule formed in the area of ​​the auricle. Its inner surface is lined with tissues of cylindrical or squamous epithelium in several layers. According to research, one in four cases of ear fistula formation is associated
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Ear diseases

Ear fungus

One of the most common ENT diseases is ear fungus, in scientific circles it is called otomycosis. It is diagnosed in almost 90 patients who visit an otolaryngologist. There are both children and adults among the patients, but it is worth noting that
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Ear diseases

Sore ear

If pain suddenly begins in the area of ​​the ear canal, then, with a high probability, it is an ear cold, the symptoms of which are manifested by itching of the auricle, pain, hearing impairment, etc. What is popularly called & 34; cold in the ear & 34 ;, in the language medicine
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Ear diseases

All about diseases of the auricle

Diseases of the human auricle are quite diverse and can be the result of inflammatory processes, infections, congenital pathologies, fungi. They are dangerous due to the location of the auditory organs and the possibility in case of complications.
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Ear diseases

Inner ear diseases and their symptoms

Due to the deep location in the temporal lobe of the head, the symptoms of an inner ear disease are difficult to recognize. Its infection most often occurs at the expense of other foci of inflammation. Labyrinthitis (internal otitis media) Labyrinthitis is a disease
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Ear diseases

Symptoms and treatment of tubo-otitis

Eustachitis is one of the most common complications after acute upper respiratory tract infections. This is an inflammatory process that occurs in the Eustachian tube, which connects the tympanic cavity with the nasopharynx. The disease has more
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Ear diseases

Bilateral tubo-otitis

The common ear disease, tubo-otitis, in which the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx, becomes inflamed, has several varieties. It usually begins in an acute form when the mucous lining of the right or left auditory is affected.
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Ear diseases

What is eustachitis (tubootitis)

One of the most common ear problems is tubo-otitis, an inflammation of the auditory tube. And although it rarely occurs on its own, according to the international classification of diseases ICD-10, tubo-otitis is isolated as a separate disease, and it
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Ear diseases

What is salpingootitis

Salpingootitis is an ear disease that is diagnosed with inflammatory processes in the Eustachian tube of the middle ear. This is a rather narrow (only 2 mm wide) lumen, about 2 cm long, connecting the tympanic cavity with the nasopharynx. In case of infection
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Ear diseases

How to treat eustachitis at home

Many believe that with a disease such as tubo-otitis, home treatment with folk remedies is not only possible, but also preferable to traditional ones. This common misconception is based on the fact that early on, the patient does not experience
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Ear diseases

Tubo-otitis in children

Many parents ask the question of what is tubo-otitis in children and how to treat it, as well as whether there are any features of the course of this disease in a child and how to diagnose it in time. This question arises for a reason - tubo-otitis in a child can
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Ear diseases

How to get cotton wool out of the ear

Probably, at least once in his life, everyone has come across a situation when cotton wool got stuck in the ear during cleaning. Many begin to panic and try to get it in the most unthinkable ways. As a result, mechanical damage to the auricle or eardrum.
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Ear diseases

What to do if ear lobe is frostbitten?

Frostbite of the earlobe occurs quite often during the cold season. Especially among young people who, trying to adhere to fashion, do not wear hats that tightly cover their ears, but at best put a hood over their heads. Discovered in time
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Ear diseases

Ear foreign bodies

Fortunately, problems such as a foreign body in the ear are rare. But it is this, seemingly simple, situation sometimes leads to the most unpredictable consequences, since many simply do not know how to get a foreign body out of the ear and at the same time
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Ear diseases

How to treat a ruptured eardrum

Perforation of the tympanic membrane, the treatment of which should be mandatory in most cases, causes both the middle and the inner ear to lose their original protection. This condition can be complicated by frequent
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Ear diseases

Water seems to be overflowing in the ear

Often, when swimming and, especially when diving, water gets into the ears. In principle, there is nothing to worry about if it comes out quickly enough. This usually happens on its own and does not even have to specially clean the ear canal. But if
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Ear diseases

Eardrum paracentesis

Any ear disease is a very unpleasant thing. If you start treatment at an early stage, then it is quite possible to cope with the problem with the help of a warming compress and anti-inflammatory drugs. When the disease is neglected, it is often complicated.
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Ear diseases

Sore ears in humans

Various sores in the ears of a person are not uncommon. The ears are quite a sensitive organ, which must be handled with care. The main causes of ear diseases are: infection, hypothermia, draft, prolonged exposure to air conditioning,
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Ear diseases

Tympanic membrane perforation

The eardrum can be thought of as a very small and thin membrane, which is located in the border zone, delimiting the outer and middle parts of the ear. What is tympanic membrane perforation? This is the state in which it appears
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Ear diseases

Symptoms of damage to the tympanic membrane

Eardrum perforation, the symptoms of which are usually quite pronounced, cannot go unnoticed. At the very least, there will be serious discomfort. However, not everyone associates pain with the appearance of a hole in the membrane. How to know if it is damaged
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Ear diseases

What if the child gets water in the ear?

Today, many parents try to teach their kids to dive and even swim in the pool from the very first days of their lives. Therefore, no one is surprised, and even less afraid of water getting into the baby's ears. After all, reasons for fear are almost always
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Ear diseases

Ear fat: how it appears and how to treat it

It is not so rare in recent years that people have painless subcutaneous formations, similar in appearance to the average density of tubercles. These are lipomas - seals of adipose tissue, which are popularly called "wen". It can appear anywhere: as on
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Ear diseases

How to get rid of a plug in your ear

After a detailed study of the problem, the otolaryngologist determines how to remove the plug from the ear so as not to harm the patient's health. In a polyclinic, several methods are used to extract sulfur accumulations. Removal in hospital When formed
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Ear diseases

Fluid behind the eardrum

Most often, fluid in the ear behind the eardrum accumulates during inflammation in the middle ear. In addition to the unpleasant sensation and squelching sounds in the ears, the liquid, as it collects, presses on the eardrum and causes a strong
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Ear diseases

Black sulfur in the ears

Under normal conditions, sulfur has a yellow or light brown color and a pasty consistency. It is allocated in a small amount, does not flow out of the ear canal into the auricle and does not cause any discomfort. But it so happens that it appears
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Ear diseases

Ear wax

Ear wax is a special substance that accumulates inside the ear canal. Its composition is multicomponent, but it is based on a liquid secretion, which is formed mainly from the cells that line the canal. The sulfuric substance helps effectively
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Ear diseases

Why is there a lot of sulfur in the ears?

Sulfur is secreted in the ear canal by the ceruminal glands. This is a very important and necessary secret for the normal functioning of the body. Under normal conditions, it is independently removed from the ear during the movement of the jaw bones, but sometimes it forms
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Ear diseases

Why are plugs in the ears formed?

Earwax is a specific substance that includes the secretion produced by the sebaceous and sulfur glands, with the addition of regularly exfoliating epithelial particles. This is not a waste and in no way a harmful discharge. Ear wax is very
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Ear diseases

Washing the ear from the plug at home

Ear plugs consist of sulfur, dead cells of the upper layer of the skin, particles of dust and other dirt, sebum. Most often they are removed by rinsing. Ideally, this procedure is performed by an otolaryngologist after a detailed examination of the patient. Doctor
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Ear diseases

Symptoms and signs of ear wax

Sulfur plug is called the sulfuric substance accumulated in the cavity of the ear canal and overlapping it, which gradually becomes denser and as a result clogs it completely. Unfortunately, in most cases, a person begins to suspect about her appearance.
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Ear diseases

Sulfur plugs in the ears of children

The release of sulfur is considered completely normal for both adults and children. Under normal conditions, this secret mixes with particles of dust and dead cells of the epidermis, turns into lumps, and leaves the ear canal itself. Under certain
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Ear diseases

Washing ears from sulfur plugs

In almost 90 patients, otolaryngologists diagnose cerumen congestion in the ears. This is a problem that may not make itself felt for a very long time, but cause rather unpleasant complications, up to pressure sores of the auditory canal. To avoid this, you need to know
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Ear diseases

How to clean your ears from sulfur plugs at home

Complaints of ear blockage with a sulfur plug are most often addressed to an otolaryngologist. Many people have encountered this nuisance at least once in their lives. Also, many people are forced to regularly clean their ears from the sulfur accumulated in them at home. Sulfur
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Ear diseases

Ear wax plug

In the body of a healthy person, earwax is necessarily produced. This is a special type of hearing aid protection that nature has awarded us. A substance that is not very pleasant in appearance protects a person from pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms,
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Ear diseases

Hearing loss of the third degree

Grade 3 hearing loss is already a severe form of hearing impairment. A person not only cannot lead a normal life, but also puts himself in danger every day, going out into the street. After all, he hears only very loud sounds or those whose source is located
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Ear diseases

Treatment of sensorineural hearing loss

Unfortunately, hearing problems are increasingly common not only in adults, but also in babies. And if in children the most common congenital and hereditary forms of the disease, then adults usually refer to acquired hearing loss caused by
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Ear diseases

What is hearing loss and its symptoms

Hearing problems are not uncommon these days. And in recent decades, the number of people who go to doctors because their hearing has deteriorated began to grow rapidly. And not only bad ecology is to blame for this. Eternal employment
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Ear diseases

Causes of sensorineural hearing loss

The causes of hearing loss are very diverse, it can be both congenital and acquired. It is from the correctly established causes that the effectiveness and even the very possibility of curing the disease often depends. Causes of the disease in children Unfortunately,
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Ear diseases

Decreased hearing in a child

Hearing loss in children is a very serious problem that gets worse every year.Unfortunately, environmental conditions continue to deteriorate rapidly, as does the quality of food. All this affects the human genetic apparatus and
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Ear diseases

Degrees of hearing loss

Hearing loss in a person can be diagnosed when a persistent hearing loss is found that does not go away on its own for some time. There are four degrees of hearing loss, which are determined by the level of decrease in the hearing threshold.
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Ear diseases

Sensorineural hearing loss 1 - 4 degrees

Sensorineural hearing loss is a disease in which the system of sound perception is impaired. Simply put, the sound enters the ear, but the patient cannot identify it correctly. There are a lot of reasons for this disease: from viruses and infections to
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Ear diseases

Types and types of hearing loss

Hearing impairment can be either congenital or acquired. If it does not go away on its own within a few days and requires treatment, then hearing loss can be diagnosed. Unfortunately, in recent years, to one degree or another, this disease has been exposed to
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Ear diseases

What to do if a boil appears in the ear

Statistics indicate that about 65 boils form on the face, most commonly in the nose and ears. Men are more likely to suffer from abscesses than women.Also, this disease is more susceptible to people aged 12-40 years. Diagnosis of the disease For
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Ear diseases

Boil and boil in the ear

A furuncle in the ear is a purulent inflammation of a hair follicle on the skin near or inside the organ of hearing. Accompanied by painful sensations for the patient, it is capable of provoking a variety of complications. A boil in the ear is especially dangerous for children, with an untimely
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Ear diseases

My earlobe is inflamed - what to do?

Inflammation of the earlobe occurs most often due to the influence of local factors (trauma, development of neoplasms, exposure to pathogens). Although in some diseases the tip of the ear can be involved in the general process and react
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Ear diseases

Swollen earlobe

Often on specialized medical forums, people ask why the earlobe is swollen and itchy, what to do, where to go. It is not easy to answer these questions. The organ of hearing, due to its location, is often involved in various diseases.
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Ear diseases

Lump near the ear

Finding a tumor near the ear, some people describe it as follows: "A lump appeared near the ear at the junction of the lower and upper jaws - it does not hurt, does not bother with eating, the temperature does not rise." More often, however, with the same localization, it is noted
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Ear diseases

What to do if your ear is swollen and swollen

In absentia, the doctor's opinion on what to do if the ear is swollen and sore on the outside, or what to do if edema of the ear (auricle) has developed, is always problematic to find out, since ear swelling is a symptom, not a diagnosis. And before giving any advice to the otorhinolaryngologist
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Ear diseases

Acne in the auricle

Lack of hygiene procedures, colds, decreased immunity, infections - all these are possible prerequisites for the appearance of acne in the ear. Inflammatory processes in the organ of hearing can take the form of harmless acne or blackheads,
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Ear diseases

Symptoms and treatment of auricular perichondritis

For infectious diseases affecting the perichondrium, there is a general group name - "perichondritis", which is adjacent to the indication of the localization of inflammation: perichonditis of the auricle. The disease can lead to necrosis of the cartilage tissue and subsequent deformation
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Ear diseases

Pimples on the earlobes

A pimple on the earlobe is often not visually detectable even with the help of a mirror.The occurrence of a focus of inflammation can only be judged by a local increase in temperature and unpleasant or painful sensations. Find out why acne appears on the earlobe,
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Ear diseases

Behind the ear is a ball - what is it?

A ball (seal) under the lobe or behind the ear can be a signal of quite serious problems in the human body. Such formations are an integral part of the surrounding tissues or move when palpated with fingers. If the organ of hearing appears
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Ear diseases

A lump on the auricle

Bumps on the ears of a person can have a different origin and be both an independent disease and one of the signals of more global malfunctions in the body.General and local inflammatory processes, benign and malignant
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Ear diseases

A ball or lump in your earlobe

Neoplasms in the organ of hearing are most often discovered by a person unexpectedly, if they are not accompanied by painful sensations.This happens when cleaning the ear canal, washing or changing earrings. Not always the appearance of a ball or lump in the earlobe,
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Ear diseases

What to do if a lump appears behind the ear?

Appeared, previously undetectable, a seal in the form of a painless ball or painful lump behind the ear on the back of the head during palpation can manifest itself in different ways - move under the skin when pressed or in a tight adhesion with surrounding tissues
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Ear diseases

A lump behind the ear of a child

A lump or ball behind the ear on a bone in a child can have a variety of causes. This happens as a consequence of infectious diseases, and changes in the tissues around the head. More accurate information will be given by the otolaryngologist after examining the patient.
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