Category Throat ailments

What is laryngeal stenosis
Throat ailments

What is laryngeal stenosis

What is laryngeal stenosis? Stenosis is called a sharp narrowing of the larynx (or the trachea, bronchi), which impedes the passage of air to the underlying respiratory organs. As a result, an insufficient volume of air enters the lungs, and oxygen appears in the tissues.

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Throat ailments

How to cure grade 1, 2 and 3 adenoids in a child

Adenoids in children are a common problem for many parents, because the symptoms concern not only the child, but also disturb the peaceful sleep of adults. Adenoids appear due to the proliferation of the lymphoid tissue of the pharyngeal tonsil under the influence of various unfavorable factors.
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Throat ailments

Treatment methods for adenoids

Lymphoid growths of the pharyngeal tonsil are hypertrophied tissue and are called adenoids. The task of the tonsils is to protect a person from the penetration of infection into the body. Normally, lymphoid formations are able to increase
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Throat ailments

Inflammation of the adenoids in adults

What are adenoids and why do they appear? Adenoids are called hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal (pharyngeal) tonsil, which makes it difficult to breathe through the nose and leads to hearing loss. Pathological increase in the number of structural elements (hyperplasia)
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Throat ailments

Treatment of adenoids with homeopathy

Along with allopathic drugs, homeopathic remedies can be used for enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsil. Does homeopathy help with adenoids and why? The effectiveness of the alternative method of treatment is still disputed by representatives of
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Throat ailments

Surgical removal of adenoids

Removal of adenoids (adenotomy) refers to elective surgical interventions in ENT practice. The operation is not complex and is considered "streaming". Given its duration, frequency of execution and technical features, the operation can be attributed
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Throat ailments

Surgery to remove adenoids in a child

The indications for the operation are determined by the otolaryngologist after a complete examination of the patient. For diagnostic purposes, the doctor probes the adenoids with a finger and performs a posterior rhinoscopy. To carry it out, you need a special mirror, which allows
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Throat ailments

Treatment of adenoids without surgery

Obturation of the nasal passages with adenoid vegetations negatively affects the patient's well-being and greatly increases the risk of infection of the hypertrophied organ. Untimely therapy of benign tumors in the fornix of the nasopharynx leads to
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Throat ailments

Treatment of chronic adenoiditis in children

Hyperplasia of the lymphoid tissue of the pharyngeal tonsil leads to nasal congestion and difficulty in nasal breathing. Chronic adenoiditis in children develops against the background of weakened immunity with frequent acute respiratory viral infections, exacerbations of tonsillitis, pharyngitis or sinusitis.
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Throat ailments

Traditional methods of treating adenoids

In the area between the pharynx and the nasal cavity, the pharyngeal tonsil is located, which protects the respiratory system from the penetration of pathogens. A pathological increase in the immune organ is called adenoids or adenoid vegetations. Straightaway
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Throat ailments

Treatment methods for adenoids in adults

Frequent exacerbation of chronic diseases, lingering runny nose, snoring during sleep, and constant fatigue can be the result of overgrowth of the adenoids. Adenoids or adenoid vegetation is an enlarged tonsil, which consists of lymphadenoid tissue and
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Throat ailments

Indications for the removal of adenoids in children

Many parents are concerned about the question of whether it is necessary to remove adenoids when clear signs of pathology appear. This topic causes a lot of controversy. To understand it, you should understand where the adenoids come from and how dangerous they are. The tonsils are located in the nasopharynx,
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Throat ailments

Recovery after removal of adenoids

The key task of postoperative therapy is to create optimal conditions for the fastest regeneration of the mucous epithelium at the site of the operated tissues. To speed up recovery after removal of adenoids in children, it is necessary to strictly observe all medical
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Throat ailments

Why do adenoids appear in children

Adenoids in 70 cases are found in children under 8 years of age and rank first among otolaryngological pathology. Only in 30 cases the disease is registered at an older age. Starting from the age of 10, the amygdala begins to gradually harden,
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Throat ailments

Causes of adenoid growths

Adenoid enlargements are a pathology characterized by hyperplasia of the lymphadenoid tissue of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. An increase in the size of the immune organ leads to blockage of the choans and dysfunction of nasal breathing. What are the causes of adenoids and why are they formed?
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Throat ailments

Symptoms of adenoids in a child

Adenoids are a common childhood disorder that is diagnosed in about 27 children under the age of 9. Excessive growth of adenoid vegetations leads to dysfunction of the nasopharynx, as a result of which patients develop hypoxia. Flaw
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Throat ailments

Purulent adenoiditis in a child

Inflammation of adenoid vegetations (adenoiditis) is a common ENT disease that is most often diagnosed in children aged 3 to 12 years. Hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil leads to a decrease in the reactivity of the body, as a result of which it increases
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Throat ailments

Signs of adenoids in adults

Until recently, hypertrophy of the nasopharyngeal tonsil was considered an exclusively pediatric pathology. However, today otolaryngologists are increasingly diagnosing adenoids in patients over the age of 20. Modern medical technology allows painless and with
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Throat ailments

Inflammation of the adenoids in a child

Adenoids in children - proliferation of tissues of the pharyngeal tonsil, provoked by hyperplasia of lymphadenoid tissues. A pathological increase in the size of the immune organ causes difficulty in nasal breathing, rhinophonia, hearing impairment, frequent relapses of colds
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Throat ailments

How to treat a swollen throat

Often, inflammation is accompanied by swelling of the larynx. How to relieve swelling of the throat, what are the causes of the symptom, how to diagnose and treat it. It is known that throat edema is rarely an independent disease. Most often he indicates
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Throat ailments

Should you remove adenoids?

The tonsils in the nasopharynx, like other structures of the lymphatic system, perform a protective function. They are the first barrier to the entry of infection into the body and take the greatest blow. To fight microbes, lymphoid tissue is exposed to
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Throat ailments

Treating a swollen uvula in the throat

Inflammation of the uvula in the throat is a rather unpleasant symptom that can be a sign of various diseases. The uvula is located in the posterior portion of the soft palate. In a normal state, it is small in size and usually a person does not feel its presence. Inflammatory
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Throat ailments

Throat swelling symptoms

Laryngeal edema is a life-threatening condition that requires urgent measures. This is due to the anatomical features of the larynx and the function performed to conduct air to the underlying departments. Laryngeal edema is rarely spontaneous
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Throat ailments

Signs of a swelling in the throat

A swelling in the throat is the appearance of neoplasms of various natures that affect the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx. Such a branch of medicine as oncology covers exclusively true tumors, without dealing with edema, swelling and inflammation.
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Throat ailments

Causes of abscess and sores in the throat

Throat abscess is an infectious inflammation of soft tissues in the paratonsillar, retropharyngeal or periopharyngeal region. The lesions are represented by a cavity limited by a pyogenic membrane, in which purulent masses accumulate. Abscesses result from
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Throat ailments

Throat cyst treatment

A cyst in the throat is a thin-walled cavity that contains a liquid secretion (serous or purulent exudate). Cystic formations can be localized on the soft palate, vocal cords, posterior pharyngeal wall, ventricles of the larynx, epiglottis
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Throat ailments

Treatment of herpes sore throat in children

Herpes in the throat of a child is a viral-vesicular disease that mainly affects the mucous membranes of the ENT organs. The causative agent of the infection is often type 1 or type 2 herpes viruses. Point eruptions on the walls of the oropharynx are observed with
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Throat ailments

Signs of herpes in the throat in adults

Herpes in the throat is a viral pathology characterized by the formation of vesicles on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and pharynx. The disease is triggered by the herpes virus type 1 or 2. In the absence of therapy, herpes infection affects not only
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Throat ailments

How is stomatitis in the throat treated?

A rash in the throat is an unpleasant phenomenon, often accompanied by pronounced painful sensations. The mucous membrane of the oral cavity, pharynx and tonsils is very sensitive to irritants even with preserved integrity, therefore the presence of inflammation
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Throat ailments

Causes of cysts in the amygdala

A cyst is a benign neoplasm, which is a cavity filled with serous or purulent exudate. A cyst on the amygdala occurs as a result of a violation of the drainage function of lymphadenoid tissues. Obstructed outflow of tissue detritus,
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Throat ailments

Red pimples in the throat in children

Children get sick often, and this is largely due to imperfect personal hygiene, close contact with other children or adults who are sources of infection, as well as the immaturity of the immune system, as a result of which the body becomes susceptible
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Throat ailments

Red rash in the throat in an adult

Red dots in the throat in adults are a pathological symptom that indicates the presence of malfunctions in the ENT organs. An erythematous rash occurs due to allergic, infectious and endocrine diseases. It can be localized on the walls
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Throat ailments

Treatment of papillomas in the throat

Laryngeal papillomatosis is an oncological disease characterized by the formation of benign tumors in the ENT organs. Papillomas are formed from the transitional and integumentary epithelium, so small wart outgrowths are often localized on the walls
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Throat ailments

Treatment of phlegmonous sore throat

Paratonsillar abscess (paratonsillitis) is an inflammation of the periaminal fiber, provoked by the development of bacterial flora. Pathology often occurs against the background of streptococcal pharyngitis or acute tonsillitis. In most cases, purulent foci
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Throat ailments

Why do congestions appear in the tonsils

Visual examination of the oropharyngeal cavity is a universal primary diagnostic method that is used when pathology is suspected from this anatomical region. Sometimes white layers are visible on the surface of the tonsils, which can be characterized by
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Throat ailments

Blistering rash in the throat of a child

A rash in the form of blisters on the surface of the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat is a sign that can seriously concern parents. If at the same time the child also becomes capricious or, conversely, lethargic, refuses to eat, is in a fever, treatment should be started.
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Throat ailments

Stomatitis in the tonsils and throat in adults

The appearance of a rash in the oropharynx most likely indicates the occurrence of an infectious and inflammatory process. To be sure of the diagnosis, you need to conduct an objective examination, to assess the nature of the identified changes. Many diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx
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Throat ailments

Treatment of papilloma in the throat

Surgical removal of papilloma in the throat is carried out only with a high risk of malignancy (malignancy) of neoplasms. Using a scalpel, the surgeon cuts off a small part of the tumor and sends it for histological examination. If during microbiological
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Throat ailments

Why do holes appear in the tonsils

The palatine tonsils, or tonsils, are one of the most important immune barriers located in the oropharyngeal cavity. Maintaining the functional activity of the glands is extremely important - especially in childhood, when the mechanisms of immune defense are not yet fully completed
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Throat ailments

Can the pill get stuck in the throat

The release of drugs in the form of tablets greatly simplifies the treatment process - you can take the remedy prescribed by the doctor yourself, without prior preparation. In many cases, pills can be an alternative to injections, which
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Throat ailments

What to do if your voice is missing?

Hoarseness and lack of sonority in the voice is due to somatic diseases or psychogenic reasons. What to do if your voice is missing? First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of the violation of the voice function. Often, aphonia occurs against the background of an infectious
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Throat ailments

Treatment of hoarseness in children

For young parents, every cold in a child is stressful, because it is not always possible to detect the disease at an early stage and prevent the development of complications. Hoarseness in children can be either temporary after strong crying, or prolonged,
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Throat ailments

How and how to treat hoarseness

Who hasn't experienced hoarseness? Most likely, there are no such people. The voice may disappear due to cold drinks, severe stress, or due to frequent SARS. Changes in the voice are often a manifestation of inflammation of the larynx against the background of a cold.
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Throat ailments

How to treat aphonia at home?

Aphonia is called the loss of sonority of the voice, in which a person can speak only in a whisper. Disturbances in the operation of the sound-generating apparatus often occur with inflammation of the vocal cords and larynx. What medications should be used to treat the vocal cords?
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Throat ailments

Wheezing in the throat on exhalation

Wheezing in the throat when breathing is an alarming symptom that requires attention. A hoarse voice and wheezing can accompany many diseases, among which there are both relatively harmless and deadly. To deal with what the wheezing is from
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Throat ailments

How to cure hoarseness at home

Hoarseness or hoarseness of the voice are mandatory symptoms of damage to the larynx and vocal cords. Most often, this symptom manifests itself as an inflammatory process, laryngitis. In this case, additional symptoms are sore throat, dry barking cough,
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Throat ailments

Laryngospasm symptoms in children

Laryngospasm is an attack that is caused by a sharp convulsive contraction of the muscles of the larynx, which leads to the complete or partial closure of the ligament gap, and is accompanied by impaired respiratory and vocal function. Help for laryngospasm in children is based
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Throat ailments

Causes and Treatment of Voice Loss

Almost every one of us has faced the problem of hoarseness. In some people, coarseness of the voice occurs against the background of laryngitis, while others completely lose the ability to talk after a long loud singing or screaming. What is the reason for this? Non-closure
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Throat ailments

What to do if the voice is hoarse

Who doesn't know what hoarseness is? Every person faces this, having drunk a cold drink or overcooled in the winter on the street. In most cases, changes in the voice occur with an inflammation of the throat with damage to the vocal cords. The discomfort
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Throat ailments

Why does laryngospasm occur in adults?

The larynx is a unique organ that combines two important functions, sound reproduction, as well as carrying air from the upper respiratory tract to the lower parts, the trachea, bronchi and lungs. In this case, the glottis formed by the laryngeal ligaments is
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Throat ailments

Treatment of paresis of the larynx

Laryngeal paresis is a disease that can significantly reduce the quality of life of any person. It deprives the patient of such simple pleasures as free breathing, enjoying delicious food, actively participating in conversation, singing, etc. The causes of this disease
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Throat ailments

Tumor marker for throat cancer

The effectiveness of the treatment of a malignant tumor depends on its location, histological form, as well as the stage of the disease. Clarification of the diagnosis in the early stages is a prerequisite for the timely initiation of treatment and optimistic forecasts.
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Throat ailments

Throat Cramps

One of the rare, but at the same time, dangerous disorders of the larynx is spasms in the throat. The reasons for this violation are not always clear. So, people who have experienced cramps in the throat call this condition sudden, unreasonable. It becomes difficult for a person
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Throat ailments

What is laryngeal stenosis

What is laryngeal stenosis? Stenosis is called a sharp narrowing of the larynx (or the trachea, bronchi), which impedes the passage of air to the underlying respiratory organs. As a result, an insufficient volume of air enters the lungs, and oxygen appears in the tissues.
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Throat ailments

Symptoms of stenosis of the larynx in a child

Stenosis (narrowing) of the larynx is a pathological condition characterized by a decrease in the inner diameter of the airways. With a strong narrowing of the lumen of the larynx, hypoventilation of the lungs and respiratory failure occur, which can lead to asphyxiation
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Throat ailments

How to diagnose throat cancer

Throat cancer is a malignant neoplasm. In this regard, there is an acute issue of the need for prevention and timely clarification of the disease. The diagnosis of throat cancer is complicated by the fact that the disease can take a long time
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Throat ailments

How is laryngeal cancer cured?

Throat cancer treatment is a complex process that requires an individual approach to each patient and a lot of practical experience of doctors. The difficulties here already begin with the fact that from the point of view of medicine, "throat cancer" does not exist, because the "throat" is a household
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