Ear diseases

Sulfur plugs in the ears of children

The release of sulfur is considered completely normal for both adults and children. Under normal conditions, this secret mixes with particles of dust and dead cells of the epidermis, turns into lumps, and leaves the ear canal itself. With certain disturbances in the functioning of the body or the creation of special conditions, sulfur plugs appear in the ears of children. To understand how to further prevent this problem, you need to identify the root cause.

Where to start treatment

Parents who are thinking about how to remove sulfur plugs from a child should immediately make sure that it is they who are causing the baby's discomfort. Only ENT can diagnose a violation by examining the outer and middle ear.

Reasons for violation:

  • increased production of sulfur due to frequent ear cleaning;
  • using cotton swabs to compact the sulfur rather than remove it;
  • insufficient air humidity (less than 60%);
  • not completely cured otitis media;
  • the presence of foreign bodies in the ears;
  • special structure of the ear canal.

The accumulation of secretions is not always visible with the naked eye, therefore, a visit to the doctor cannot be avoided. In addition, a child's ear plugs may have symptoms similar to diseases such as otomycosis, otitis media, etc.

Important! If you have a suspicion that sulfur plugs have formed in the ears of a child, in no case try to remove them yourself using improvised items, traditional medicine or pharmaceutical preparations. Immediately go to the clinic, only there they will be able to provide your baby with qualified assistance.

Extraction at the clinic

After the otolaryngologist confirms that the child has a plug in the ear, he will decide for himself what to do next. There are 3 options for removing the accumulation of sulfur in the ear canal:

  1. Wet. The doctor draws a solution of potassium permanganate, furacilin or another agent into Janet's syringe (100-150 ml). Before use, the liquid is heated to body temperature so that it does not irritate the vestibular apparatus. The ear canal is leveled, in young children this is done by pulling the auricle back and down, in older children - back and up. Then, under pressure, the solution is injected into the ear canal, the plug under pressure is removed from it along with the stream.
  2. Wet with softening. If the plug in the child's ear is dense enough in consistency and it is impossible to immediately remove it, then 3-5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide should be dripped into the ear canal within 3 days. This will soften the sulfur. Do not be alarmed if the baby's hearing decreases at this time, because the cork will increase in volume upon contact with liquid.
  3. Dry. Wet irrigation is not used when the child has persistent hearing loss, as this can lead to perforation of the eardrum or the development of inflammation in the middle ear. In this case, the doctor uses a special hook and tweezers to remove the accumulation of sulfur without using liquids.

Home removal methods

If the doctor diagnosed a child's ear plugs, only he can decide what to do at home to remove them. On the recommendation of the doctor, parents can carry out the following procedures:

  • Washing with cerumenolytics. Special hygiene products for removing sulfur plugs from the ears are sold in pharmacies. Before entering the solution prescribed by the doctor, it is warmed to 37 ° C. Then the baby is placed on its side and the drug is injected into the ear. The child remains in this position for 1 minute, then it is turned over and manipulated with the other ear. Together with the drug, the plug should come out of the ear.
  • Removal with vegetable oil. It is best to use flaxseed oil, it softens the skin, moisturizes and disinfects it. The liquid is warmed to body temperature and injected into the ear canal 1 drop 2 times a day for 5 days. This method is most often used if a sulfur plug is formed in a baby, because it is difficult for very young children to inject a large number of drugs into their ears.
  • Peroxide wash. Hydrogen peroxide 3% is used in exactly the same way as oil. Before removing the sulfur plug from the child, it also needs to be warmed up. After the course of treatment, all unnecessary things should come out of the ear.

Prevention is the key to health

Such a phenomenon as a sulfur plug in the ear in children is quite common. Preventive measures will help you not to face the problem. To prevent traffic jams, follow these guidelines:

  • do not remove wax from the ear canal with a cotton swab, clean only the auricle;
  • monitor the humidity in the room, the indicator should be in the range of 50-70%;
  • do not let your child use vacuum headphones often;
  • Visit your otolaryngologist regularly for preventive examinations.

Let's sum up

If a sulfur plug is found in a child, only the doctor decides what to do to remove it. Before consulting a specialist, parents are strictly forbidden to carry out any manipulations with the baby's ears, this can significantly worsen the situation.

If in the clinic it was not possible to immediately remove the congestion, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of a specialist at home in order to avoid complications. Take care of your children, monitor their health and timely carry out preventive examinations at the ENT.