Throat ailments

Throat oncology

Throat cancer is a malignant tumor that develops from the epithelial layer. The prevalence of the disease, according to various sources, is about 5% of all cancers.

Throat cancer is a difficult process, not only due to the intoxication of the body with a malignant process. The danger of the disease is also due to the functional characteristics of the throat, its participation in the breathing process.

The throat consists of the pharynx and larynx. In this case, both one part and the other can be affected by the malignant process. Laryngeal cancer is the most common cancer in the throat. In this regard, throat cancer is most often understood as a process localized in the larynx.

Malignant lesion of the pharynx

The pharynx is divided into parts according to its composition: the nasopharynx, the oropharynx and the hypopharynx. Cancer of the pharynx can develop in any of its departments, which is characterized by various symptoms, treatment tactics and prognosis of the disease. The most dangerous is cancer of the pharynx, which affects its upper section, since it affects the sinuses of the nose, which are in direct communication with the bones of the skull. Localization of the malignant process in other parts of the pharynx is much less common.

Cancer of the pharynx is diagnosed at an earlier stage, which improves its prognosis. Pharyngoscopy, available in any medical institution, is a fairly informative research method that allows you to detect altered areas of the mucous membrane. Often, for a consultation with an otolaryngologist, patients are referred by a dentist who examines the oral cavity and finds pathological areas. In this regard, pharyngeal cancer refers to diseases that are characterized by early diagnosis.

Malignant tumors of the larynx

Malignant tumors of the larynx are divided into

  • squamous cell carcinoma;
  • adenocarcinoma of the larynx;
  • connective tissue tumor, sarcoma.

Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common development of malignant lesions of the larynx. Laryngeal cancer in most cases is characterized by just such a histological form. Moreover, it can be keratinizing or non-keratinizing, for which the most malignant course is typical. This histological form of the disease develops rapidly and begins to metastasize after a short period of time.

Keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx is characterized by slow growth and late development of metastases.

Clarification of the diagnosis is possible only after a biopsy, a study in which a removed piece of a pathological tissue site is examined under a microscope. This analysis provides reliable information about the nature of the lesion. It allows you to determine not only its malignant nature, but also the histological form. The results obtained make it possible to choose the optimal treatment tactics.

Laryngeal cancer, or laryngeal carcinoma, is a very common pathology, accounting for half of all cases of upper respiratory tract cancer. A large number of provoking factors contribute to the spread of the process. Among them:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • unfavorable ecological situation;
  • regular inhalation of hazardous chemicals due to professional activities;
  • the presence of precancerous diseases.

Early diagnosis and correct treatment improve the prognosis of the disease.

Carrying out medical examinations by patients who belong to the risk group, as well as timely treatment of precancerous conditions, contribute to an improvement in the life prognosis.

Localization of the tumor

The course of the disease and its prognosis largely depend on the location of the tumor. The larynx consists of several sections:

  • overlay, top;
  • vocal cords;
  • lining.

The upper section is characterized by loose tissue, a well-developed network of lymphatic vessels, which contributes to the spread of the tumor and rapid metastasis. In this regard, cancer of the larynx with the localization of the process in the upper section is the most unfavorable in terms of prognosis. Thanks to anatomical features are quickly involved in the process of nearby departments and regional lymph nodes.

For the localization of the tumor in the vocal cords, a benign course is characteristic, since there are no factors that contribute to the spread of the process.

In addition, the disease proceeds with severe symptoms, voice impairment, and aphonia. Such patients go to an appointment with an otolaryngologist at an earlier stage of the disease. Timely removal of the affected area and the use of radiation therapy improves life prognosis. Treatment in the early stages of the disease can save lives in 80% of patients.

At the same time, the lining section is characterized by late diagnosis of the disease. This is due to the fact that a change in the timbre of the voice, choking, a feeling of a foreign body are noted only when the tumor grows into nearby departments. Such localization of the disease is masked for a long time by inflammatory processes occurring in the larynx and trachea. In this regard, the diagnosis of the tumor process occurs not earlier than the third stage, which significantly worsens the prognosis.

Stages of the disease

Determining the stage of the disease is a prerequisite for choosing a treatment strategy. The prognosis of the disease depends on this. Throat cancer goes through several stages in its development. The main criteria are

  • the size of the tumor;
  • its prevalence within neighboring departments;
  • the presence of metastases, both in regional lymph nodes and in distant organs.

An international classification of the malignant process has been adopted. It reflects the size of the tumor (T), the presence of regional metastases in the lymph nodes (N), the defeat of the removed organs by the metastatic process (M). Thus, the first stage of the disease may correspond to T1N0M0. For the fourth stage, T3N2M3 is typical, which is defined as the presence of a tumor that has grown outside the larynx, metastases in the cervical lymph nodes. (They are defined as packets of large, hard formations that are tightly welded to the surrounding tissue.) In addition, the presence of metastases in the bronchi, spine or other organs is noted.

The first stage is characterized by an insignificant size of the tumor, which, depending on the nature of the process, may look like a tuberosity in the mucous membrane, ulceration. When the tumor grows into the epithelium, a limited area of ​​injected vessels is noted. At the same time, the adjacent tissues are not changed. Surgical intervention at this stage contributes to the preservation of life and health over the next 5 years in almost 100% of cases.

The second stage is characterized by the growth of the tumor, its germination of nearby areas. In this case, regional lymph nodes may be enlarged, but metastases in them are not detected. The patient notes an increase in symptoms, in connection with which he visits a doctor. Throat cancer is diagnosed at this stage in most cases.

The third stage is characterized by severe symptoms. The patient complains not only of a change in voice, a feeling of a foreign body in the throat and a dry cough, but also the appearance of a sore throat, bad breath, emaciation. There is an increase in regional lymph nodes, which become dense, do not move on palpation. A biopsy shows the presence of metastases in them.

This condition of the patient is due to the spread of the process. At this stage, solely surgical removal of the tumor is not enough. The complex effect of all methods of treatment, radiation therapy, antineoplastic agents is applied.

The fourth stage is characterized by symptoms of intoxication, cachexia. Patients look emaciated, complain of constant sore throat, aggravated by swallowing and talking, severe malaise, attacks of suffocation, hemoptysis, fever. The skin is pale, have an earthy tint. Dyspnea at rest is noted. A change in the general analysis of blood is characteristic. ESR can reach 50 mm / h, anemia is noted.

Instrumental and hardware techniques make it possible to reveal the spread of a tumor, its germination of other organs.

Metastases are noted not only to the lymph nodes, but also to distant organs and tissues.

Most often, the trachea, lungs, bone and cartilage tissue, liver, kidneys are affected. Long-term forecasts at this stage are dubious.

Throat oncology is a science that deals with the problems of malignant tumors affecting the throat. The efforts of modern medicine are aimed at finding new effective methods of treating this serious disease that can improve its prognosis. Cancer of the pharynx and larynx with early diagnosis has good prognostic capabilities. In this regard, the presence within three weeks of complaints about a change in the timbre of the voice, a feeling of a foreign body in the throat, choking on swallowing, dry cough, is a reason to consult an otolaryngologist and clarify the diagnosis.

Early diagnosis of the disease provides a favorable prognosis for most patients. The survival rate for more than 5 years in the third stage is about 40%. At the last stage, therapeutic measures are symptomatic and aimed at prolonging life.