Throat ailments

Dr. E.O. Komarovsky on the symptoms and treatment of tonsillitis

It is very important that the therapeutic effect on the child's body does not harm. Each parent must take action in a timely manner, otherwise serious complications can develop. Everyone knows the experienced doctor E.O. Komarovsky, who has a special school for parents. It is he who reveals the most pressing questions of parents and gives clear recommendations for action.

Acute form of the disease

Tonsillitis is a prolonged inflammation in which the glands are affected. When examining the throat, particular attention should be paid to the color and size of the tonsil. Since the pathology is of an infectious nature, it is provoked by pathogenic bacteria, viral and fungal infections. The tonsils are very visible when the child opens his mouth. This is a kind of barrier that prevents pathogens from entering the body. If the baby has a reduced level of defenses, microbes attack directly the tonsils. In children aged 1-12 years, acute tonsillitis occurs very often.

Among the characteristic symptoms of the disease, sore throat can be distinguished. With tonsillitis, it becomes a deep red, the size of the tonsil increases, you can often see white bloom, abscesses. Doctor Komarovsky clarifies that angina is not a complex of diseases, in which there is always a red throat and enlarged tonsils, but a separate disease. Usually a sore throat is called an acute form of tonsillitis. For example, a child's body temperature rises sharply to 390... Such a negative change is necessarily observed at the onset of the disease, if the baby is ill with an acute form. Other accompanying symptoms:

  • chills;
  • high levels of sweating;
  • headache;
  • general weakness of the body;
  • high degree of irritability.

The child has severe pain in the throat, the pain intensifies when swallowing. Below the ears, on each side, there are lymph nodes, which enlarge during illness and protrude under the skin. In healthy children, they are difficult to feel, they are practically not felt, since they are small in size. With such a disease, an unpleasant odor from the patient's mouth is noted.

When the described symptoms make themselves felt, only a doctor is able to accurately diagnose the disease. The above symptoms are typical for pathologies that pose a serious threat to health and require specific treatment. Treatment can only be started after a complete examination by a specialist.

To diagnose a disease in children, in most cases, special tests are not needed. A pediatrician or family doctor should be called to examine the throat and assess the tonsils. If the baby is really sick with sore throat, he must be sent to another room and other family members should not be allowed to visit him, as well as individual dishes should be provided to the patient. The disease is contagious.

Chronic form

If you ignore the acute form of tonsillitis in a child and do not carry out the correct treatment, the risk of developing a chronic form of the disease increases significantly. You can not independently treat the disease, vary the duration of the use of antibacterial drugs, or use folk remedies as part of therapy. It is much more difficult to treat the chronic form of the disease than the acute one, so it is better to prevent its occurrence. When the chronic form is diagnosed, the degree of resistance of the body to infections decreases in children. This makes it very easy for them to contract acute respiratory infections and other illnesses.

An accurate diagnosis can be made by a doctor who is guided by the results of the tests obtained and the general clinical picture.

You can save children from a chronic form with the help of gentle therapy. At the same time, complex treatment is carried out, which is supported by physiotherapeutic methods: microwave therapy, treatment with a laser, UHF, etc. to surgical intervention.

The operation is extremely rare, because the tonsils are important for the immune system. If they are removed, then in the future the body will be poorly fighting other diseases.

There are different methods for removing a tonsil. The specific method is selected by the doctor. Some of them are highly painful for children and are rarely used by doctors.

Surgical treatment is extremely painful for children. After the operation to remove the tonsil, it can take a long time to recover. The risk of bleeding in the child should be considered. To alleviate the condition of children, pain medications are used.

To prevent minor bleeding in a child, cold water is used, which is used in the process of gargling. Children are often forced to eat solid foods. Despite the complexity of the procedure, such an action is necessary for the wounds to heal faster. To this end, E. Komarovsky and other doctors advise often giving children ice cream.

Famous and beloved doctor

Dr. Komarovsky gives a number of recommendations on how to eliminate the pathology in a child. Any therapy for the disease should be carried out in a timely manner. If the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs a few days after the onset of the disease, this can strengthen the baby's immunity and make the immune system function without interruption.

Due to topical antibiotics, medicines in the form of tablets, rinsing, the use of a spray for the throat, it is only possible to have a softening effect on the inflamed area (tonsils). A complete cure with the help of these medicines cannot be achieved. It is very important in the process of therapy on the child's body to consult a doctor before performing any manipulations.

When a small patient is diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, Lugol's iodide solution should not be used too often. Due to an overdose, there is a high likelihood of disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland.

It is only in some cases worth starting to treat the disease with powerful antibacterial drugs. This is justified if the patient's condition is extremely difficult, when he cannot fully open his mouth due to severe pain, because his tonsils are enlarged several times. The patient cannot normally consume food and liquids.

The antibacterial agent Penicillin is distinguished by the greatest degree of effectiveness. When the patient's condition is mild or moderate, it is only allowed to closely monitor the baby's condition, as well as track how the tonsillitis proceeds. The patient needs to be provided with bed rest.

Helpful hints

If the patient has a chronic form of tonsillitis, treatment is necessarily carried out in such a way that an increase in local immunity occurs. A positive result can be obtained thanks to:

  • cool air with moderate humidity;
  • elimination of any contact with dust;
  • prevention of interaction with carriers of infection;
  • daily long walks in the fresh air.

Dr. Komarovsky points out cases in which it is impossible to do without removing the tonsil. Such manipulation is indicated for patients if other methods of treatment do not give a positive result. Among them are:

  1. The appearance of complications after tonsillitis.
  2. The emergence of difficulties in the child in the process of breathing.
  3. The appearance of respiratory arrest during sleep.
  4. The incidence of tonsillitis is more than 4 times a year, which requires the use of antibiotics.

The need to remove tonsils is due to the fact that they act not only as a filter for pathogenic microorganisms, but also as a provocateur of their formation, if treatment is carried out incorrectly.

For the speedy recovery of children, it is very important to maintain the protective function of the body at the proper level. It is necessary for the baby to walk a lot in the fresh air, play sports, and eat right. At the same time, a daily balanced diet should be provided. Eaten foodstuffs should contain a lot of vitamins, essential microelements.

Drinking regime

Doctor Komarovsky insists on the correct drinking regimen to carry out the most effective fight against the disease. It is common for most parents to treat children with teas that contain: ginger, honey, lemon.

Parents should remember that a child's and an adult's taste is very different. You can't force a little patient to drink exactly raspberry tea. He should drink what he likes and wants at the moment. It can be juices, natural compotes, plain mineral water. The most important thing is that a sufficient amount of fluid enters the body. Treatment in this way must also be carried out correctly.

To keep the symptoms from getting worse, you should keep the fluid at the optimum temperature. It must be heated to such an extent that it does not damage the already sore throat in any way, does not burn it. Fluid treatment is very important. The incoming amount of water in the body is excreted through the skin pores. Sweat takes with it all pathogenic microorganisms, which contributes to a speedy recovery.

It is very important to select a comprehensive treatment for a small patient, to take into account not only his individual characteristics, but also his age.

For example, rinsing is not carried out at the age of 1 to 3 years. It is permissible to treat a baby with a solution based on medicinal chamomile, which provides an antiseptic effect.

Tonsillitis, when the child is already 3 years old, can be eliminated with the help of tablets, lozenges, antiseptic aerosols. Herbal decoctions are used to rinse the throat, medications are used as directed.

To prevent such a disease, it is necessary to protect the child from possible contact with the sick. You can get infected through household items, especially through toys that children like to put in their mouths. The complex of preventive actions includes the usual washing of hands before meals and after staying in public places.

If you take into account the information provided and act urgently, as soon as the child has the first symptoms of the disease, treatment will not take much time. Parents should never self-diagnose and prescribe drugs. At the first warning symptoms, you should call a pediatrician or local doctor.