Throat ailments

Dry cough with sore throat

Such a common throat disease as pharyngitis is familiar to everyone from a young age. Pathology can develop in both infants and adults. The incidence of sore throat depends on many factors (the strength of the immune defense, the aggressiveness of the provoking factor). The main symptom of the disease is a sore throat, but often there is a dry cough with pharyngitis. Where it comes from and how to deal with it, we will consider further.

Pharyngitis can proceed in isolation as an independent disease or be a symptom of another pathology, for example, laryngitis or scarlet fever. In most cases, redness of the oropharynx is combined with inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, which is called "rhinopharyngitis". It is typical for children.

Inflammation and infection can spread to the lining of the throat from the paranasal cavities or rise from the larynx or bronchi. What are the reasons provoking the development of pharyngitis:

  • infectious pathogens of viral, bacterial, and also mycotic origin;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane with hot drinks, cold foods or cold air;
  • injury to the neck or pharynx;
  • freezing;
  • allergic reactions associated with contact of the body with allergens;
  • smoking;
  • occupational hazards when the air is contaminated with dust particles or chemicals;
  • diseases of the digestive system, one of the symptoms of which is heartburn, caused by the reflux of stomach contents up the esophagus.

Infection of the body can occur primarily with the development of inflammation in the oropharynx, or the infection can spread from surrounding chronic foci during their exacerbation. When cold air is inhaled, a spasm of superficially located blood vessels occurs, which reduces the strength of local protection, predisposing to the penetration of microbes.

Pharyngitis is symptomatic:

  1. perspiration, dryness, discomfort in the oropharynx;
  2. soreness when swallowing. A person has a desire to constantly swallow saliva;
  3. fever may or may not be, it all depends on the severity of the inflammatory process and the cause of the disease;
  4. the general condition suffers slightly, fatigue and irritability are possible.

A dry cough is a fickle symptom, however, with its appearance, the condition worsens. It interferes not only with sleeping at night, but with normal communication and work. At first, a slight cough may appear, which gradually intensifies and turns into a painful dry cough.

A dry cough and sore throat must be treated at the earliest stage of the disease, otherwise, with the development of a chronic form, it will be much more difficult to cope with symptoms.

What predisposes the chronization of the process? What causes a dry cough and sore throat? These factors include:

  1. long-term smoking, when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is constantly irritated by the products of tobacco combustion;
  2. chronic infections in the ENT organs;
  3. professional factors;
  4. low level of immunity;
  5. predisposition to allergies.

Why doesn't the cough go away?

There are several reasons why a dry cough persists even in the absence of a sore throat:

  • a weakened immune system that is unable to fight off an existing infection and cannot withstand a new infection;
  • accession of rhinitis, in which mucus can drain along the posterior pharyngeal wall, provoking a cough;
  • improper treatment, for example, the appointment of antibiotics for a viral disease, non-compliance with the recommended doses and duration of priming of antibacterial drugs. Incorrect conduct of antibiotic therapy leads not only to a lack of a therapeutic effect in the case of a disease, but also to the death of beneficial microorganisms that represent the flora of the body;
  • incorrectly identified reason. If the cause of pharyngitis is an allergic factor, the cough may persist as long as the body's contact with the allergen continues. A dry cough will be troubling despite treatment for sore throat;
  • chronic foci of inflammation, for example, laryngitis or bronchitis, prolong the period when a dry cough is troubling. In this case, the treatment should be comprehensive, aimed at eliminating inflammation in the throat, trachea and bronchi.

Prolonged exposure to an allergic factor increases the risk of developing bronchial asthma, in which coughing fits with severe shortness of breath appear.

Fight dry cough

Note that cough is a protective reaction of the body, due to which the respiratory tract is cleared of germs, dust particles and mucus. How is a cough jolt formed? Irritation of cough receptors in the respiratory tract occurs with mucus, which is produced during inflammation of the mucous membrane, or foreign particles.

As a result, a deep breath occurs, the vocal cords are closed, the intrathoracic pressure increases, after which a formed exhalation begins, at which the air speed reaches the speed of a hurricane. Thus, the airways are cleared.

Prescription irritation will persist as long as there is inflammation and mucus secretion.

A cough may occur in response to the sensation of a foreign lump in the throat. Its presence is due to edema of the mucous membrane, and in the case of chronic pharyngitis, hypertrophy of the tissues of the oropharynx. If atrophic processes prevail, a dry cough develops due to overdrying of the mucous membrane.

Given the small production of mucus, the cough is observed dry without sputum discharge. Coughing can be disturbing due to severe perspiration and scratching of the oropharynx.

In children, coughing fits can cause vomiting. They disturb mainly at night, closer to morning, when mucus accumulates in the respiratory tract and irritation of the receptors increases.

To overcome a cough, you must first determine its nature. The following groups of drugs are used in the treatment:

  1. drugs that inhibit the cough reflex. These medicines include Codelac and Tusuprex;
  2. drugs to reduce the sensitivity of receptors - Libexin;
  3. inhalation with Tussamag and non-carbonated alkaline water;
  4. resorption of lollipops - Falimint or Isla;
  5. irrigation and gargling to reduce irritation, which also reduces the likelihood of a cough - Ingalipt, Furacilin and Chlorhexiin.

If the cause of pharyngitis and dry cough is the action of an allergen, the therapy should be somewhat different. In this case, the following are appointed:

  1. antihistamines in the form of tablets or injections (Tavegil, Suprastin, Diazolin);
  2. bronchodilators (Ventolin, Berodual);
  3. hormonal medicines for inhalation (Pulmicort). They have a quick effect of reducing inflammation, swelling and making breathing easier.

In order for inhalations to be beneficial, you need to adhere to some rules:

  • do not carry out the procedure at temperatures above 37.7 degrees;
  • it is forbidden to inhale vapors from boiling water, as there is a high risk of burns;
  • herbal decoctions are not recommended for allergic sore throat;
  • inhalation is carried out an hour after eating;
  • after the procedure, to maintain the therapeutic effect, one should not go out into the cold and smoke for half an hour;
  • to use a nebulizer, a saline solution is required, which dilutes the drug to the required concentration.

With the help of a nebulizer, the procedure is facilitated several times in comparison with the old method of inhalation.Moreover, children are recommended to inhale only with the help of special devices (nebulizer), since it has a number of advantages:

  1. control of the steam temperature, which ensures the prevention of burns of the respiratory mucosa;
  2. there is no need to synchronize inhalation with the operation of the apparatus;
  3. clear dosing of the medication;
  4. Convenience in carrying out, it is not necessary for the child to tell for a long time what to do, it is enough to lean the mask against the face and turn on the device. Moreover, the nebulizer can be purchased in the form of a toy, which will facilitate the procedure.

Depending on the diameter of the particles, they penetrate to a certain depth into the respiratory tract. It is forbidden to use oil solutions in a nebulizer, because they can penetrate deeply into the respiratory organs, settle on the mucous membrane and reduce the clearance for air passage. Essential oils can only be used by ordinary inhalation (for half a liter of hot water, 2-3 drops of pine, fir or eucalyptus oil are enough).

Inhalation can be used at the beginning of the disease, as well as in the presence of residual cough for its complete elimination. Traditional methods suggest inhalation with decoctions of herbs, for example, thyme, licorice root or marshmallow.

Sore throat medications

The cough will persist as long as the inflammation is present. To reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, rinsing of the oropharynx is recommended. Here are some rules to help you get a good effect from the procedure:

  • only warm water is taken for rinsing, because hot or cold water will irritate the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • during the day you need to alternate different drugs;
  • after the procedure, you should not drink or eat so that the medicines have time to work and have a healing effect.

For rinsing, you can use ready-made medicines, herbal decoctions or infusions:

  1. Chlorophyllipt, Rotokan, Stopangin, Fitokan or Givalex;
  2. soda salt solution. For preparation, you need to mix the ingredients 5 g each and completely dissolve in warm water with a volume of 230 ml. To enhance the healing effect, you can add 2 drops of iodine;
  3. to prepare herbal solutions, it is enough to brew 10 g of sage, chamomile, oak bark or yarrow in 300 ml boiling water. After standing for 15 minutes, the medicine can be used to rinse.

Solutions can also be prepared with honey, onions, garlic, vegetable juices, and essential oils.

Pharyngitis treatment

If rinsing does not help, cough medicines, and the temperature remains at a high level, you should consult a doctor. After the examination, he determines the further treatment tactics. After confirming the bacterial origin of the disease, antibacterial medications may be prescribed, for example, Amoxicillin, Cefix or Azitrox.

For the treatment of a viral infection, antiviral agents are prescribed, such as Ingavirin, Influcid, Tsitovir, Viferon or Amiksin. Some of them not only eliminate the pathogen, but also strengthen the immune defense.

Physiotherapy procedures will help get rid of dry cough, which worries after the end of the acute period of the disease.

In most cases, physical therapy is used for a long-lasting dry cough and sore throat when the symptoms are caused by chronic pharyngitis. Hypertrophied areas of the mucous membrane can be removed using cryodestruction or a laser. Dry cough will be reduced if you carry out sessions of electrophoresis of the submandibular zone with potassium iodide or perform mud applications.

Regardless of the method of treatment, all treatment methods should be discussed with the doctor. This will avoid complications and completely get rid of the disease.