Throat ailments

Tracheitis in adults

Respiratory problems are one of the most common causes of paroxysmal coughs, sore throat, shortness of breath and nasal congestion. Some of them do not pose a particular health hazard and go away on their own even if untreated. But diseases such as tracheitis can cause very serious complications, some of which pose a threat to human life. What is tracheitis, how is it diagnosed and treated?

Tracheitis is a respiratory disease in which there is inflammation of the trachea, and in most cases it is infectious. The lesion of the windpipe is evidenced by attacks of "scratching" cough, fever, sore throat, shortness of breath and burning sensation in the chest. According to practical observations, tracheitis in adults often develops against the background of an infectious lesion of the overlying parts of the respiratory system. If the disease is left untreated, the larynx, bronchi, diaphragm and lungs will eventually become inflamed, resulting in complications.

Etiology of the disease

Tracheitis - what is it? Tracheitis is usually called a fungal, microbial or viral infection of the windpipe, i.e. trachea. The causative agents of infection are nonspecific microorganisms - staphylococci, adenoviruses, pneumococci, streptococci, influenza virus, etc. Most pathogenic agents cannot exist in the environment for a long time, so infection more often occurs upon contact with a sick person.

It should be noted that tracheitis in an adult often develops against the background of bronchitis, laryngitis, flu or pharyngitis. Therefore, in patients during the examination, in 90% of cases, combined diseases are diagnosed - rhinopharyngotracheitis, laryngotracheitis or tracheobronchitis. A decrease in immune defense contributes to the development of infection, therefore, people suffering from chronic diseases, dysbiosis, hypovitaminosis or iron deficiency anemia are more susceptible to the disease.

The factors provoking the development of tracheitis include: an unfavorable environmental situation, exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased immunity, endogenous disorders (hypovitaminosis and / or hormonal imbalance).

What is the reason for the development of allergic tracheitis? The causes of allergic inflammation lie in the inadequate response of the immune system to allergens. In other words, the development of allergies is facilitated by the increased sensitivity of the body to certain antigens - dust, perfumes, animal hair, medicines, food, etc. Very often, allergic inflammation of the windpipe is accompanied by an allergic rhinitis or food diathesis.

Development mechanism

Why does inflammation of the trachea occur? In the absence of diseases, the air enters the respiratory tract through the nasal cavity, where it is not only warmed up, but also cleared of dust and infectious agents. If the immune system is weakened, pathogens overcome the defense lines, which are represented by the nasopharyngeal and palatine tonsils. Infectious agents are introduced into the nasopharyngeal mucosa, as a result of which it swells.

The downward spread of the infection leads to the fact that the throat, larynx and trachea begin to be involved in inflammation. Pathogens are localized in the mucous membranes, as a result of which they become irritated and swollen. In this regard, the patient has a sore throat, "scratching" cough and malaise.

Tracheitis without coughing is a consequence of the chronicity of inflammatory reactions in soft tissues.

If for some reason the patient is not treated for a long time, the disease becomes chronic. In this case, the symptoms of inflammation of the trachea are poorly expressed, however, pathological changes in the structure of the mucous membrane continue. With prolonged sluggish inflammation of the ENT organs, tissues undergo atrophic or dystrophic changes. Over time, the mucous membrane ulcerates and becomes covered with fibrous scars, which do not dissolve even after the inflammation is completely eliminated.

Chronic tracheitis is a kind of time bomb, which over time can cause dangerous complications, in particular actinomycosis,

Symptomatic picture

What are the symptoms that can be used to recognize the disease? Tracheitis is an unpleasant disease that is accompanied by a dry, painful cough. In the first few days after inflammation of the trachea, mucus is practically not separated during coughing. This is due to the fact that there are practically no glands in the trachea that secrete phlegm. But after 2-3, the hard-to-separate mucus liquefies a little and therefore the cough becomes productive.

Other typical clinical manifestations of tracheitis include:

  • burning sensation in the chest (after a coughing fit);
  • temperature rise (up to 38.5 ° C);
  • headaches and malaise;
  • persistent "barking" cough;
  • sore throat and hoarseness;
  • pain in the interscapular region;
  • labored breathing;
  • shortness of breath and dizziness.

Secondary tracheitis, which occurs against the background of other diseases, may be accompanied by nasal congestion, enlargement of the submandibular lymph nodes, inflammation of the glands, redness of the throat, etc.


Tracheitis - is it dangerous? With the timely passage of drug therapy, the disease has a favorable prognosis. The inflammation is eliminated completely, therefore, post-infectious complications are usually absent. However, a neglected disease is not easy to treat, therefore it can cause very disastrous consequences.

The trachea is a kind of bridge connecting the bronchial tree with the larynx. If the infection progresses and descends into the lower respiratory system, the patient may have serious complications. Of particular danger for adults are:

  • laryngeal stenosis;
  • false croup;
  • laryngotracheitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchopneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma.

Important! False croup is characterized by severe swelling of the mucous membranes of the ENT organs and stenosis of the larynx, which can result in an attack of suffocation.

With a sluggish inflammation of the trachea, pathological changes occur in the soft tissues. The foci of chronic inflammation cause the formation of benign or malignant tumors. Their untimely removal entails obstruction (narrowing) of the airways and, as a result, suffocation.

Treatment methods

If the disease is diagnosed in time and treatment is started, the main manifestations of tracheitis will be eliminated within 5-7 days. It is possible to stop the inflammation within just a few days, but the residual cough can bother the patient for another two weeks. How should tracheitis be treated in adults?

First of all, a specialist must accurately determine the cause of the inflammation of the windpipe. Depending on the causative agent of the infection, antibacterial, antiviral and antimycotic (antifungal) drugs are prescribed. If the inflammation is triggered by an allergy, the patient will be prescribed antihistamines. This stage of treatment, which is called etiotropic therapy, allows you to directly eliminate the cause of the development of a respiratory disease - an infection or allergy.

To reduce the frequency and intensity of coughs, expectorant drugs are used to thin mucus and remove it from the airways.Concomitant clinical manifestations are eliminated with symptomatic drugs - anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic, etc.

Classic treatment regimen:

Medication typeName of the medicineRelease form
antimicrobialClarithromycin, Wilprafen, Clavocinpills
antivirus"Remantadin", Ingavirin "," Groprinosin "pills, tablets
antipyreticAspirin, Nurofen, Panadoltablets (effervescent)
antisepticsFusafungin, Miramistin, Tantum Verderinse solution
antihistaminesErius, Pipolfen, Diazolinpills
expectorant"Mukomist", "Sanigen", "Bronchipret"syrups and solutions for inhalation

Inhalation therapy has proven itself very well, which can quickly reduce the severity of local symptoms of tracheitis. To eliminate inflammation in the airways, you can use alkaline solutions and anti-inflammatory drugs - Borjomi, Rotokan, Ingalipt, Chlorophyllipt.


What should be the prevention of tracheitis? All preventive measures are aimed at strengthening the immune system, as well as desensitization, i.e. decrease in the body's sensitivity to the effects of allergens. powerball lottery To prevent inflammation of the trachea, it is recommended:

  1. normalize nutrition - include vegetables and fruits with a high content of vitamins in the diet;
  2. timely treat diseases - timely eliminate dental caries, colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases;
  3. give up bad habits - the use of fatty foods, smoking, alcohol abuse;
  4. take vitamins and immunostimulants - in the spring-autumn period it is advisable to use "Aevit", "Immunal", "Askovit", etc.

If you are prone to allergies, you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the house, since dust, animal hair and polluted or dry air irritate the throat and, as a result, provoke the development of allergic tracheitis.