Diseases of the nose

How to get rid of sore nose

Nose wounds are more likely to result from careless nasal cleansing, but sometimes they are symptoms of various diseases. In some cases, ulcers are life-threatening.

Wounds resulting from mechanical damage to the mucous membrane are safe and heal without treatment in a week. It is important to understand the cause of the ulcers and take steps to heal as soon as possible at the first sensations of discomfort. You can self-treat for no longer than a week. If therapy does not work, and the wounds persist, a doctor's consultation is needed to establish the root cause of the disease.

Treatment in the first week

If there is a wound in the nose, how to treat the first 7 days, it is important to know for sure:

  • Drying out of the nasal mucosa is the most common cause of sores. This process occurs as a result of previous rhinitis and other colds. During a runny nose, many use any vasoconstrictor drops that are at hand. They dry out the nasal mucosa. With atrophic chronic rhinitis, ulcers with clotted blood appear along with excessive dryness. The patient has difficulty breathing and smelling, itching. In this case, you should abandon the use of vasoconstrictor drugs and choose alternative pharmaceutical medicines, traditional medicine or homeopathic medicines. To speed up healing, procedures that moisturize the nasal mucosa with saline or sea water are recommended.
  • Herpes. This viral disease causes extremely unpleasant painful sensations, accompanied by itching and burning. The resulting bubbles must be treated with antiviral ointments (Gerpevir, Zovirax), as well as antibacterial drugs (tetracycline ointment).
  • Furuncle. This purulent inflammation often goes away on its own after a few days. To relieve pain, ointments with an analgesic effect are used to relieve puffiness. For acute pain, general pain relievers are taken. You don't need to touch your nose often to keep the infection from getting deeper. In advanced cases, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic to treat a boil.
  • A painful abscess and a wound that forms after its rupture do not require special treatment. The ulcer will soon heal on its own. However, ointments speed up the regeneration process. So, calendula ointment has a regenerating property. It is advisable to treat the affected area with chlorhexidine before applying. Sea buckthorn oil and pharmacy sulfuric ointment have an excellent healing effect. A decoction of chamomile has an antiseptic effect, it is washed with an inflamed skin area. Inhalation is excellent at moisturizing and healing the mucous membrane. It is best to use a combination of fir and tea tree oils.

It is undesirable to use drugs that contain alcohol, since this component will dry out the mucous membrane even more. A complete healthy diet is recommended to increase the level of immunity.

Medical intervention

If the wound does not heal in 7 days, you should definitely consult an otolaryngologist for advice. The sore is a symptom of dangerous diseases and malignant tumors. In some cases, the doctor will recommend a nasal culture to determine the infection.

  • Sycosis. The diseased area is treated with medical alcohol. Salicylic ointment will soften the mucous membrane and facilitate the separation of crusts. Hair on the affected area of ​​the skin is removed with tweezers or using an X-ray, which, in addition to epilation, helps to stop the inflammatory process. With a long course of the disease, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and vitamins.
  • Eczema of the vestibule of the nose does not imply inpatient treatment. Usually, doctors prescribe lotions and applications to facilitate the discharge of crusts in sore spots. It is recommended to put turundas soaked in olive oil in the nose. This will help soften the skin. Sea buckthorn oil tampons soften the epithelium and speed up the healing process. To prevent relapse, prophylactic ointments are prescribed. Funds are selected individually, taking into account the specific case and additional complications. Self-selection of medications is not recommended. Your doctor may prescribe a range of physiotherapy treatments, such as ultraviolet radiation, as well as vitamins, immunomodulators, and calcium to boost your immune system. For the effectiveness of therapy, it is necessary to properly carry out hygiene procedures.

During the treatment of eczema, you need to give up smoked meats, fatty foods, alcohol and spices. Vegetable and dairy foods, fish, fruits, vegetables and berries are recommended for consumption. You can get detailed individual advice from your doctor.

  • Erysipelas of the nose is a local redness of the skin, accompanied by edema and small, watery, grayish formations. This disease is caused by a streptococcal infection, so antibiotic therapy is used to treat it. Treatment is carried out by an ENT and a dermatologist.
  • Rosacea (rosacea) and rhinophyma. Acne is an inflammatory process in the sebaceous glands of the nose, associated with a malfunction of the stomach. Rhinophyma is their advanced stage. To eliminate the disease, complex treatment is carried out, taking into account the stage of the disease. With rosacea, it is necessary to restore blood flow in the skin, correct the functioning of the digestive system and take a course of anti-inflammatory drugs. Local therapy in the form of ointments and lotions will also be effective. Rhinophyma is treated with surgery. The patient is given local anesthesia or anesthesia. The lesions are cut off, returning the nose to its normal appearance.
  • Polyps in the nose are treated with medication. Operations are carried out with significant growths, blocking the respiratory function. In most cases, conservative treatment is effective and copes with the disease without surgery. Recurrent polyps can be treated again.
  • The first priority are drugs that eliminate the underlying disease, then antihistamines are prescribed, drugs to relieve puffiness. The patient also undergoes a course of antibiotics and immunomodulatory therapy.
  • Syphilis is diagnosed by a dermatovenerologist and treated with antibiotics. To obtain a local antiseptic effect, rinses and rinses are used. External deformities are corrected surgically after a successfully completed course of syphilis treatment.
  • Ozena is an inflammatory process in the nose, accompanied by crusts with a characteristic unpleasant odor. The therapy is carried out symptomatically. Surgical treatment is used to forcefully narrow the nasal passages. Before the operation, a general course of therapy is carried out, the essence of which is to cleanse the mucous membrane of cortical formations. As a local treatment, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, antiseptic drugs and vitamins.
  • Nasal cancer is treated with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. In simple clinical cases, doctors successfully carry out treatment, preserving the life and health of the patient. In severe cases, doctors can save about 11% of patients.
  • Benign formations in the nose must be removed immediately, since there is a risk of their transformation into malignant tumors.In specialized centers, surgeons perform painless operations to remove benign neoplasms.
  • Nasal diphtheria occurs predominantly in children and is treated with immediate anti-diphtheria serum immediately after diagnosis. Additionally, ointments are used to protect the skin from being corroded by mucus flowing from the nose.
  • ENT will help cure allergies. Therapy consists in the elimination of mucosal inflammation and the use of antiallergic drugs. A neglected allergy sometimes leads to complications: sinusitis, otitis media, conjunctivitis and other diseases.

Thus, a simple sore nose indicates pathological processes in the body. Against the background of a weakened immune system and under the influence of pathogenic bacteria, it can lead to serious undesirable consequences. And timely treatment will help maintain health for many years.