Ear symptoms

Baby ear smell

An unpleasant odor from a child's ear can be caused by both an inflammatory process in the ear and a lack of hygiene. Parents, carrying out the daily bathing and toilet of the child, should not forget that in the ear region, as well as in other large folds, the production of sweat and sebaceous glands, desquamated epithelial cells can accumulate. The behind-the-ear folds that are insufficiently accessible for visual inspection may turn out to be filled with these waste products, which leads to the development of a certain odor from the child's ear.

Inaccuracies in care

For infants who are in a horizontal position for a long time, it is insufficient hygienic care that is the most typical mechanism for the development of this symptom. As a result of regurgitation, the milk mixture flows into the behind-the-ear area and accumulates there. In case of untimely and insufficient hygiene procedures, stagnation and sourness of this product occurs with the formation of a putrid odor.

Thus, an unpleasant odor from the ear in infants may be due to the accumulation of lactic acid products in the ear area. To avoid the development of such a symptom, it is recommended to feed the baby, holding him at an angle, with his head raised. It is this position of the baby that will also prevent the development of the inflammatory process in the auditory tube and middle ear.

Inflammation of the middle ear

The special type of feeding of newborns, as well as their anatomical features, are predisposing factors in the development of otitis media. When feeding in a horizontal position, the risk of formula entering the Eustachian tube increases. This can lead to stagnation in the auditory tube, its infection and, as a result, the development of inflammation of the middle ear.

Smell from the ears of a child, caused by otitis media, is the most dangerous cause of this symptom.

Catarrhal inflammation is not accompanied by the presence of odor from the ear, and there is no exudate in the external auditory canal with this course of otitis media. Purulent inflammation of the middle ear is characterized by the presence of fluid in the external auditory canal. In addition, there may be a characteristic unpleasant odor from the child's ear, the causes of which are the purulent nature of the exudate.

Suppurative otitis media can be suspected by the presence of additional signs:

  1. The general condition of the patient is disturbed. The child is irritated, tosses about in bed, turns his head, screams;
  2. The patient refuses to eat;
  3. There is an increase in body temperature.

Considering that the smell from the ear in infants began to be noted several hours or days after the onset of catarrhal phenomena, the reason for the development of this symptom becomes obvious. It consists in the development of complications of acute respiratory viral infections, inflammation in the ear.

In this case, additional signs come to the fore, and, above all, pain in the ear. Since a child, due to his age, cannot present complaints, an objective sign of the presence of pain syndrome is an increase in pain when pressing on the tragus. As a result of such actions, the child cries out. The presence of a combination of these signs is a reason in the near future to consult a child with an otolaryngologist. Suppuration is an absolute indication for the appointment of antibiotics, both in the form of ear drops and systemic action.

Otitis externa

The behind-the-ear region and the external auditory canal are very suitable places for the development of the infectious process. The attachment of a bacterial or fungal pathogen contributes to the development of otitis externa in children. In this case, in addition to some odor, swelling and redness of the lesion will draw attention to itself. Peeling of the skin may occur. In addition, when touching the lesion, pain syndrome develops.

In case of otitis externa, a set of various signs that are not associated with a lack of hygiene comes to the fore. In this case, consultation with an otolaryngologist is extremely necessary, since a fungal infection without proper treatment tends to spread.

Bacterial inflammation can be characterized by a significant disorder of the general condition.

Ear drops or ointments with an antibacterial and antifungal component can be offered as medicines. The drug Candibiotic, which contains both components, can only be used in children over 5 years old.


The smell from the ears of an infant can also be caused by allergic processes, atopic dermatitis. When breastfeeding, most likely, the reasons for the development of this condition are the mother's use of harmful foods. Penetrating into the child's body as part of breast milk, these substances cause the development of a reaction from the skin. In this case, the affected area can be localized on the cheeks, scalp. The development of this pathology can be accompanied by cracks, weeping skin, which leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. The accession of a secondary infection enhances the putrid odor.

This symptomatology can also be caused by the development of prickly heat. Excessive clothing or swaddling will cause the baby to overheat. Together with insufficient hygiene procedures, this can contribute to the development of this skin pathology. In this case, the behind-the-ear region may be somewhat hyperemic, edematous, and have small-point rashes.

Foreign body

A rather dangerous cause of ear odor is the presence of a foreign body in the ear. In newborn children, such an object may be a piece of cotton wool left there after hygiene procedures. Long-term presence of it in the external auditory canal in combination with earwax, as well as the addition of an infectious agent, can cause the development of bacterial inflammation and, as a result, an unpleasant odor from the child's ear.

Thus, the reasons for the appearance of this symptom in infants may be the following pathological conditions:

  • otitis media of the middle and outer ear;
  • allergic conditions;
  • foreign body in the external auditory canal;
  • lack of hygiene.

Diseases such as otitis media and allergic conditions are accompanied by a variety of concomitant symptoms, among which the smell from the child's ear fades into the background. In addition, its appearance is noted some time after the development of other, more pronounced symptoms. Daily water procedures, periodic wiping of this area with a decoction of a series with further drying it will help maintain cleanliness and ensure the full functioning of the hearing organ.