
Tinnitus with VSD: how to get rid of it?

Vegetovascular dystonia is one of the most common disorders at a young age, which is accompanied by a polymorphic clinical picture. Disorder of the autonomic innervation of vascular tone causes a reaction from various organs and systems, primarily the central nervous system. Transient dysfunctions are most often characterized by headache, dizziness and tinnitus - a typical triad for VSD. The appearance of subjective sound sensations in the head can be a sign of various pathologies, therefore, a differential diagnosis is necessary.

Tinnitus: is it always VSD?

Tinnitus is a sound or vibration sensation in the head or tympanic cavity that occurs without an external stimulus. Depending on the mechanism of development, two forms of the symptom are distinguished:

  • vibratory, or objective, which is formed due to vibrations of various parts of the patient's body;
  • non-vibratory, or subjective, which develops when the auditory nerve is irritated.

In the practice of an ENT doctor or neurologist, patients most often complain of a subjective sensation of buzzing, ringing or ear congestion.

The main causes of tinnitus are presented in the table.

Group of violationsDiseases
Otological (ear)
  • acquired hearing loss;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • otosclerosis;
  • ear plug;
  • presbycusis (age-related hearing loss)
Neurological (associated with pathological irritation of the neurosensory cells of the auditory analyzer)
  • head injury;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • vestibular schwannoma - a tumor of nerve tissue cells that affects the auditory nerve
Infectious diseases
  • Lyme borreliosis (Lyme disease);
  • syphilis;
  • meningitis (bacterial or viral etiology)
Taking ototoxic drugs
  • antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group (streptomycin, gentamicin);
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (acetylsalicylic acid);
  • loop diuretics (furosemide, torasemide)
Psychoneurological diseases
  • depression;
  • neuroses;
  • schizophrenia.

In addition, among other possible causes of the problem, vascular pathologies, metabolic disorders (most often hypoglycemia) and endocrine diseases are distinguished.

Subjective sensations of ringing or buzzing in the ears without an external stimulus are noted by more than 1/3 of the world's population.

To determine the etiology of the disorder, a comprehensive assessment of the symptoms, the duration of the disorders, examination data and additional research methods is carried out.

Causes of symptom onset in patients with vegetative vascular dystonia

Vegetovascular dystonia is a pathology that is characterized by a violation of the innervation of the tone of the arteries and veins in response to changes in the parameters of the internal or external environment.

The debut of VSD is most often observed in adolescents in the phase of active growth and hormonal imbalance. The additional effect of high concentrations of estrogen or testosterone disrupts the lability of the tone of the smooth muscle structures of the arteries.

Tinnitus with VSD is vascular in nature - increased blood flow in the internal carotid artery, which passes in the tympanic cavity, causes the appearance of symptoms.

Characteristics of ringing or ear congestion with VSD:

  • one - or two-sided;
  • not constant intensity;
  • rhythmic pulsation in time with the contraction of the heart;
  • "Hissing character".

Experts associate the frequency of complaints with the propensity of patients in this category to "listen to" the somatic sounds of their own body. Lability of vascular tone is often accompanied by an increase in blood pressure, which causes a feeling of heaviness or pain in the occiput.

Constant exposure to stress factors (emotional), overheating or hypothermia contribute to the development of frequent episodes of exacerbation of symptoms.

What to do and how to deal with an unpleasant symptom?

Noise or ringing in the ears with VSD is a reason to see a doctor in order to exclude the possibility of organic pathology. The presence of additional symptoms, the progression of disorders most often indicate the formation of diseases of the ear or nervous system.

The tactics of treating this symptom with VSD means:

  • drug (pharmacological) therapy with antidepressants or tranquilizers: Clonazepam, Amitriptyline;
  • cognitive and behavioral correction aimed at distracting the patient from subjective noise and attracting positive thinking, concentration and relaxation;
  • sound therapy uses the sounds of the natural environment (the noise of water, wind, rain) to reduce the sensitivity of neurosensory cells to somatic vibrations;
  • music therapy - a method of desensitization (decreased sensitivity), which masks tinnitus and other unpleasant sensations;
  • massage and stretching of the chewing muscles is a special gymnastics that relieves not only tinnitus, but also headaches and dizziness.

The greatest effect has a combination of methods against the background of changing the patient's lifestyle and avoiding trigger factors.


Vegetovascular dystonia is a polymorphic pathology that accompanies blood supply dysfunctions. Patients who have a headache or blocked ears with VSD most often turn to specialists. The appearance of subjective sensations in such patients is associated with impaired vascular tone and hypersensitivity to internal disorders. A comprehensive approach to therapy allows you to eliminate symptoms and improve the patient's quality of life.