
Low diastolic pressure

Each person, under certain circumstances, is faced with a change in intravascular pressure and a deterioration in well-being as a result. With a timely visit to a doctor, complications can be avoided and the pathology provoking a deviation can be identified. Treatment for low diastolic blood pressure will be based solely on the underlying cause.

Manifestation of diastolic pathologies

Arterial hypertension can occur even at low diastolic blood pressure (lower values ​​of the tonometer), it will be called isolated. In some cases, a person can live with such values ​​all his life, and not feel any characteristic symptoms. But for the most part, people are in great danger due to low diastolic pressure, because it appears due to many factors, including serious pathological processes inside the body.

Isolated diastolic hypertension of pathological origin is characterized by a non-standard discrepancy in the tonometer parameters. The upper values ​​can rise up to 140 mm Hg. column, and the lower blood pressure remains at a normal level or decreases.

Most often, this exacerbation is recorded in the elderly, therefore it is at the age of over 50 that there is a great opportunity to acquire heart failure or suffer a stroke. Therefore, each person needs to regularly monitor arterial parameters and make sure that diastolic blood pressure does not fall below 60 mm Hg. Art., and the top did not exceed the edge of 140 mm. rt. Art. (people with diabetes and heart failure are required to record the systolic pressure below 130 mm. Art.).

Previously, it was believed that only low diastolic pressure is life-threatening for the patient, but it turned out that high diastolic pressure also provokes negative consequences.

At the same time, blood flows poorly through the vessels, forming pulse pressure, which is a provocateur of severe complications.

Decreased intravascular indices are due to the following factors:

  • Cardiovascular weakness.
  • Insufficient production of renin due to kidney disease.
  • Dystonia of a vascular-vegetative nature.
  • Astheno-neurotic disease.
  • Intoxication of the body caused by an infection of the digestive system or broncho-pulmonary tract.
  • Anemia due to blood loss: heavy menstruation, traumatic situations.
  • Hypothyroidism characterized by endocrine pathologies.
  • Lack of vitamin complex E, C, B.
  • Cervical osteochondrosis.
  • Exhaustion: moral, physical, emotional.
  • Sudden acclimatization.
  • Long-term use of drugs, the side effect of which is low diastolic pressure.
  • Due to regular stressful effects on the body: insomnia, lack of sleep.
  • Pathological processes occurring inside the body and reducing diastolic parameters

With reduced diastolic values, a person feels general weakness. Pain in the head may appear, accompanied by spatial disorientation, dizziness, darkening or spots before the eyes, drowsiness, low performance, fatigue, depressive deviations, irritability, sweating, a feeling of cold extremities, as well as loss of consciousness when changing the position of the body (from horizontal to vertical) ...

With these characteristic symptoms, diastolic hypertension is hard to miss. At the first suspicion, you need to consult a doctor and find out what to do in this case.

An increase in diastolic pressure is also a serious consequence arising from renal diseases, deviations in the functionality of the musculoskeletal system, disorders in the performance of the thyroid gland and heart associated with a decrease in the strength of the heart contractions.

High levels of diastolic blood pressure manifest as shortness of breath, shortness of breath, pain under the scapula (or chest), dizziness, and cold sweats. Consequently, arterial hypertension of this nature differs from low in more serious sensations, but there are fewer of them. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the behavior of your body and seek the help of a specialist in order to find out why diastolic pressure rises (or decreases), as well as to determine an effective therapy.


Many people know how to treat diastolic pressure (high), however, low blood pressure is much less common, so people are not aware of how to increase it. This technique consists of several methods of therapy: nonspecific and drug. They differ in the way they are treated.

Non-specific therapy

Such treatment can enhance the effect of drug therapy and protect the body from the circumstances that provoke low lower pressure. Such recommendations are well suited to healthy people as a prophylaxis against low blood pressure.

  1. Sleep well. The daily sleep rate is at least 8 hours.
  2. During work, take short breaks (15 minutes each), every 2-3 hours.
  3. Do morning gymnastics outside and walk. Every day a person should be in the fresh air for at least 2-3 hours.
  4. Strengthen the vascular walls and train their elasticity using a contrast shower: gradually reducing the temperature of the water from hot to cold. Thus, you can slightly correct both high diastolic pressure and low diastolic pressure.
  5. Massage, knead and rub the body, especially the calf muscle tissue, the areas of the hands and feet.
  6. Refuse hot baths, baths, saunas, sun exposure without a hat or kerchief.
  7. Ride a bike, roller-skate, ice skate more often, get involved in light jogging.
  8. Drink strong teas and coffee drinks. For low blood pressure, ginger tea is recommended, purchased at a store or made yourself from ginger root, grated on a fine grater. However, you should not regularly stabilize the intravascular indicators by this method, because it is possible to disrupt the body's natural self-regulating abilities.

If you devote enough time to the above lifestyle, but the diastolic values ​​of the tonometer are still low, you will need to resort to medication.


This therapy does not tolerate self-prescription. Before purchasing medicines, you need to consult with a specialist who will determine the exact causes and indicate the way to treat the disease. If you postpone the visit to the doctor, you will have to get rid of not only intravascular abnormalities, but also diseases of internal organs. The following drugs are usually applicable:

  • Herbal remedies: ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass. They create a tonic and stimulating effect on the human body. They have contraindications for use, so a medical consultation will be necessary, regardless of the origin of the drugs.
  • With reduced tonometer values, combined with asthenia, manifested in the form of apathy and weakness, use "Pantogam", "Paritetam", "Phenibut", belonging to the nootropic group.They improve metabolic processes within a person, stimulate the central nervous system and activate energy processes.
  • Multivitamins tone up the human body, replenish the vitamin balance in the body, as a result of which the patient becomes resistant to nervous and physical stress.

The above methods are best used in combination: nonspecific therapy in conjunction with medication (in case of serious deviations). If a person only occasionally encounters attacks of hypotension, then one can get by with preventive measures alone. But nevertheless, you should consult a doctor in order to exclude the disease in a latent form.

Different approaches to therapy

Low systolic-diastolic values ​​gradually damage the body, but increased diastolic pressure can change the structure of blood vessels and the heart in a relatively short time, causing severe illness and disability of the patient. If you know why diastolic pressure rises, you can avoid the following diseases: myocardial infarction, stroke, exacerbation of pathological processes occurring inside a person, hypertensive crisis. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from premature death, you need to know how to lower diastolic pressure.

If a person's systolic indicators are overestimated, and diastolic ones are below normal, then this question will become more relevant for the patient than ever, because it will be necessary to use the drug therapy described above, and at the same time treat systolic deviations. This treatment is also subdivided into specific and non-specific. It is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, after discovering the cause of the increase in diastolic pressure.

Nonspecific treatment implies a decrease in the amount of salt consumed, foods containing cholesterol, rejection of bad habits, moderate physical activity (so as not to create a large load on the constricted vessels in isolated hypertension), correction of body weight (prevention of obesity).

Specific therapy is a decrease in diastolic pressure through the use of pharmacological drugs.

In case of vascular pathologies, the doctor prescribes the following drugs to reduce diastolic pressure:

  • ACE inhibitors. Highly effective remedies for reducing total pressure. They practically do not cause side effects, however, when a cough of central genesis appears, it will be necessary to cancel the use of drugs from this group.
  • Beta-blockers - "Anaprilin", "Metoprolol" are used to treat patients with ischemic diseases or angina pectoris. The drug is contraindicated in people with broncho-pulmonary diseases.
  • Ring antagonists that reduce diastolic pressure - "Nifedipine", "Verapamil" have been used in medical practice for many years. Well suited for people who have had myocardial infarction.

Diastolic disorders can be treated with folk methods, but still under the supervision of a doctor. With improperly selected herbal medicines, their effectiveness may not be enough (or in combination with medications, they can cause an overdose), therefore, consultation with a specialist, even in this case, is extremely necessary.

It is important to determine which deviations in diastolic pressure are of concern: increased or decreased, because in the first case, treatment implies a correction of vital activity and serious medications, and low blood pressure can be raised for some time with improvised means, if the doctor approves them.

Consequently, diastolic intravascular disorders of any origin are dangerous for the body, however, with the correct selection of medications and a timely visit to a doctor, it will be possible to control the body's behavior.