
Hypertension and Hypertension: What's the Difference?

Patients who are faced with the problem of frequent high blood pressure believe that hypertension and hypertension are of the same importance. However, this opinion is erroneous. To avoid confusion, it is necessary to consider in detail what are the differences between hypertension and hypertension, what is the difference between these conditions.

Definition of pathologies

Hypertension and arterial hypertension are most often companions of older people who have heart and circulatory system diseases.

A common feature of both terms is an increase in pressure within the arteries.

To understand how hypertension differs from hypertension, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of each individual ailment.

Hypertension is a disease characterized by a systematic increase in the values ​​of blood pressure and general muscle tone of the body. Hypertension is an insidious disease that leads to heart attacks, strokes and deaths.

If the reason for the increase in pressure was a stressful situation or excessive physical exertion, and after a certain time its indicators did not return to normal, in this case it can be argued that the patient has hypertension.

Hypertension is a condition characterized by a persistent increase in pressure in the blood vessels. If the tonometer constantly shows a value of 140/90, it is safe to say that these indicators are a consequence of arterial hypertension. It refers to the symptoms of hypertension. It is worth clarifying that hypertension is not considered a disease. This is a specific condition of the body that occurs against the background of high blood pressure.

Digging deeper, hypertension can be classified by origin into primary and secondary. In the first case, we are talking about a disease, the cause of which can be considered high blood pressure. It is also the main symptom.

Secondary hypertension is characterized by an increased level of pressure due to diseases of vital internal organs: heart, kidneys, thyroid gland. If you focus only on reducing high blood pressure, and not looking for the root cause of its surges, treatment will not bring a positive result. A competent approach to solving the problem will allow you to successfully overcome the disease and avoid dangerous complications.

The main differences between hypertension and hypertension are:

  • Causes of occurrence. For hypertension, the cause of the increase in pressure is the hypertonicity of the vascular system. And hypertension can develop as a pathology against the background of various diseases.
  • The severity for the body. Patients diagnosed with hypertension must be monitored by a doctor and constantly take medications to normalize blood pressure. Failure to act is serious and can even be fatal. Hypertension cannot be classified as a classic pathology. This condition can develop in a perfectly healthy person due to a stressful situation or excessive physical exertion.

Medical statistics claim that people aged 45 to 50 are susceptible to hypertension. Patients do not always begin to worry when the first atypical painful symptoms appear, attributing this to fatigue. And such a negligent attitude towards one's own health leads to the occurrence of a hypertensive crisis.

Pressure readings can gradually rise over a long period of time. Knowing the symptoms helps to recognize the causes of the condition in time, to start effective treatment.

The main symptoms of hypertension:

  • dark spots before the eyes;
  • extensive headache;
  • increased eye pressure;
  • puffiness on the eyelids and face;
  • redness of the skin;
  • hum in the ears.

If you do not try to reduce the high blood pressure, this will ultimately lead to a malfunction of the cardiovascular system.

This condition is characterized by heart pain, shortness of breath, and heart rhythm disturbances. In addition, it is fraught with damage to small vessels. A high value of pressure becomes the cause of exhaustion and rupture of blood vessels, deterioration of vision, hearing, tactile sensations.

The diagnosis is complicated by the fact that essential hypertension has the same symptoms as hypertension.

However, the most important of these is high blood pressure.

A jump in its indicators occurs due to the narrowing of the vessels through which the blood circulates.

The reason for this phenomenon lies in cholesterol plaques, which adhere to the walls of blood vessels and narrow their lumen. They not only restrict normal blood flow, but also disrupt the supply of oxygen to vital organs. In the early stages, hypertension can generally proceed without an increase in pressure or any symptoms.

With hypertension in the arteries, blood pressure increases. This condition is often a companion of such diseases:

  • Vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Atherosclerosis caused by the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. An increase in pressure is noted due to the movement of blood through narrow vessels, which should deliver oxygen to tissues and vital organs.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol, which accelerates blood flow. To quickly remove toxins, the body accelerates blood circulation, which provokes an increase in blood pressure.
  • Stressful situations resulting in vasospasm.
  • Pathologies of the heart, kidneys, lungs.


Every patient who is often faced with increased blood pressure is able to get rid of hypertension and hypertension. It is enough simply to eliminate in time the risk factors that constantly destabilize the condition.

  1. Refusal from meals containing animal fats. By stopping eating fatty, fried foods, the patient can significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, which clogs the blood vessels.
  2. Minimize the amount of salt you consume. It retains water in the body, and this is a direct way to increase blood pressure.
  3. Monitor body weight. Hypertension and hypertension are inextricably linked to being overweight, which increases muscle tone and thus blood pressure.
  4. Physical activity. It is worth noting that in this case it is necessary to seriously approach the issue of drawing up a training program. Physical therapy combined with interval running workouts is a great sport.
  5. Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol. With such a condition as hypertension, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and smoke. These bad habits not only contribute to vasoconstriction, but also poison the body. Medicines prescribed by the attending physician should not be consumed with alcohol, otherwise you cannot avoid intoxication of the body.

When the first symptoms of increased blood pressure appear, you should not self-medicate, you must immediately seek qualified medical help. Observation of the patient and the appointment of treatment should be carried out only by a specialist.