
High blood pressure

High blood pressure can be present in a healthy person as well as in someone who has cardiovascular lesions. It is important that at the same time the visit to the doctor is timely, then you can do without large doses of drugs and long-term therapy.

Definition of pathology

Many diseases are getting very young today and affect people of all ages, even children. One of these conditions is high blood pressure. There are people who do not pay enough attention to this and, as a result, at the time of going to the doctor, a person already has hypertension.

Arterial hypertension is a disease that is quite dangerous for the whole body, since the work of all organs and systems is significantly impaired. This pathology can even lead to death.

Blood pressure is a force that acts on the walls of blood vessels through the flow of blood. Another name is blood pressure. Its indicator is important not only in the arteries, but also in the veins and capillaries. It depends on the work of the heart, that is, it is the strength and speed with which blood is ejected from the myocardium. Another important indicator is the level of resistance of the vascular walls.

When measuring blood pressure, 2 values ​​are recorded:

  • Systole pressure (upper reading) is created in the ventricles to maximize cardiac output.
  • Diastole pressure (lower reading) is the value when the heart muscle relaxes.

Systolic pressure shows how the myocardium works, how intensively it conducts the release of blood, and diastolic pressure - what is the degree of contraction of peripheral vessels.

The factor that can raise blood pressure is the rheological property of blood, namely, its density. The larger it is, the harder the heart pumps blood, and the more difficult it is to move through the vessels.

It is important that the vessels are elastic, and if this is not the case, then they are not able to withstand certain loads. As a result - frequent spasms and increased blood pressure. Vascular wear is the main cause of the development of hypertension, especially in old age. In addition, atherosclerotic plaques can build up in the vascular walls, which obstruct blood flow.

Psychoemotional shock is a factor that increases blood pressure in both hypertensive and healthy people. As a result of any stress, adrenaline is released, the indicators increase, and the heart begins to pump blood faster. In this case, a sharp vasospasm occurs. Therefore, people with a history of hypertension absolutely should not experience nervous stress, as a hypertensive crisis may develop.

Pressure indicators

The range of 110 / 70-130 / 90 mm Hg can be considered the normal value of blood pressure. Art. Essential hypertension is when the pressure systemically rises to 140/110 mm Hg. and higher.

Other criteria are also noted. High blood pressure within normal limits - 130 / 85-139 / 89 mm Hg. With such indicators, a person needs to monitor his condition, regularly undergo examinations in order to prevent the development of the disease. Also, doctors recommend at this stage to correct your lifestyle.

For people over the age of 60, blood pressure can normally rise to 150/90 mm Hg. Art., that is, in the process of aging, the level of blood pressure increases, as the cardiovascular system undergoes changes. This pressure indicator is increased, but in this case it is considered normal.

To understand what pressure is considered elevated, you should consider the classification of indicators:

  • At the first stage of arterial hypertension, the values ​​should not exceed 149/99 mm Hg. Art.
  • At the second stage of the development of the disease - from 160/100 to 179/109 mm Hg. Art.
  • The third stage of arterial hypertension is characterized by an indicator of 180/110 mm Hg. and above that.

Malignant hypertension is a very dangerous condition. At the same time, the pressure of the diastolic type rises significantly, that is, at the time of cardiac relaxation. It can exceed 130 mm Hg. In addition, the malignant form of pathology develops very quickly.

How much is the high pressure reading? Values ​​in malignant hypertension can rise to 250/140 mm Hg. In this case, a person develops very dangerous symptoms in the form of seizures, severe headaches, and fainting. Malignant hypertension can manifest itself immediately, with the onset of the course of the disease.

Isolated systolic hypertension is common in the elderly. It is characterized by a significant increase in the systolic indicator (upper) - more than 160 mm Hg. Art., and the diastolic at the same time does not exceed 90 mm Hg. Art.

In systolic hypertension, the indicator is influenced by such factors as the state of the vessels, their elasticity, the volume of blood circulating through the vascular system and the heart rate.


With an indicator of 140/90 mm Hg. there may not be any signs, except for an increase, and then, as it increases, a headache of varying intensity and malaise appears. If the indicator rises by 10 units, then the symptoms are pronounced:

  • severe headache, which can be localized in the occipital region and temples;
  • bouts of nausea;
  • vomit;
  • excessive sweating;
  • tremor of the hands and their numbness.

If a person does not take drugs for the treatment of arterial hypertension, then the pathological process progresses. As a result, heart failure manifests itself. Therefore, pains appear in the area of ​​the heart of a stabbing and squeezing nature, which are given to the hand. Also, a person feels anxiety and insomnia.

Other symptoms of increased blood pressure are dizziness and decreased visual function. This may mean that pathological processes are taking place in the brain. On the part of the visual function, there may still be manifestations of white spots in front of the eyes, the so-called "veil".

With critical indicators of high blood pressure, a condition develops, which is called a hypertensive crisis. And its signs are:

  • Pressure value up to 260/120 mm Hg. st ..
  • A headache that occurs abruptly and has an increasing character.
  • Heart aches and severe tachycardia.
  • Shortness of breath appears even with reduced physical activity.
  • Nausea with vomiting.
  • Convulsions, after which a person can lose consciousness.

Symptoms that indicate an increase in blood pressure in a child depend on the pathology that provoked it. The main signs are the same as in adults. These are headaches and dizziness, nosebleeds, nausea and vomiting. In children, still frequent companions of pathology are impaired coordination of movements, excessive nervousness, and poor sleep.

Children who periodically develop pathology during the day usually complain of feeling unwell and feeling hot, they quickly get tired, irritable. They also have heart pains.

If the child's blood pressure rises due to coarctation of the aorta, then there will be more heart murmurs during systole.

When is treatment needed?

An increase in pressure can occur in a healthy person, but under the influence of some factors. This does not last long and does not reach very high rates, and you do not need to take special medications, you just need to rest.

Excessive physical activity can be a factor that can provoke high blood pressure in a healthy person. It all depends on the individuality of the organism. Such a jump can even reach 160-180 / 110 mm Hg.It is also possible with severe stress shocks. The explanation is the release of adrenaline into the blood, so for a while the heart begins to beat faster, and the level of blood pressure rises. If a person is not hypertensive, then this situation will improve by itself, you just need to calm down and rest.

If the disease has become stable, that is, the pressure does not normalize on its own, and this situation continues for about 2 weeks, then this is already the basis for the appointment of permanent therapy. A person needs to adjust his lifestyle (food, work and rest, moderate physical activity). In this case, the pressure indicator will be higher than 140/90 mm Hg. If you do not use drugs at this stage, then the pathology will progress, and dangerous consequences may appear.

To begin with, the doctor selects low dosages of drugs. The purpose of taking medications for hypertension is to keep blood pressure at a certain level, and thus to ensure the normal functioning of organs. Medication is required on an ongoing basis, since arterial hypertension is a chronic disease.

Only constant intake of correct doses of antihypertensive drugs will help prevent a hypertensive crisis and severe consequences.

High blood pressure is a problem that affects people of all ages. Statistics say that hypertension is the most common disease affecting the cardiovascular system, as about 30% of the working-age population has a history of this disease. And if we talk about the elderly, then the figure reaches 70%. These values ​​explain why today so often young people have a stroke, heart attack, heart failure. These are all complications of hypertension. In order to prevent their manifestation, you need to consult a doctor in time, who will select an adequate therapy.