
Symptoms and treatment of chronic tonsillitis

Chronic angina is the most common infectious and allergic disease in otolaryngology. Among the population, the spread of the disease reaches 5-10% among children and 12-15% among adults.

The development and course of the pathological process has its own characteristics. Beginning in childhood, the disease accompanies a person throughout his life. The disease can last from six months to 20 years from the time of the alleged infection.

One of the methods of treatment is cryotherapy. Phytotherapeutic treatment is also used.

Development of pathology

In lacunar formations there is a diverse microflora (saprophytic and pathogenic) and stratified epithelium. Congestion leads to the multiplication of the pathogenic agent and hyperplasia of the lymphoid tissue.

Chronic tonsillitis is the result of the action of the pathogenic principle on the body (viruses, bacteria) and the response of defense mechanisms. The onset of the disease provokes disturbances in the work of the protective-adaptive complex of the lymphoid structure (tonsils), which in turn leads to the spread and aggravation of the inflammatory process. The formation of scar tissue occurs, the mechanism of self-cleaning of the tonsils is disrupted. A problem arises - how to cure the body and prevent the development of chronic intoxication.

The reactivity of defense mechanisms decreases with age, and the body's sensitivity to infections increases. The specificity of the course of the pathological process changes - the asymptomatic and hidden pathology, the depletion of protective functions lead to relapses and the transition from an acute form to a chronic disease.


Distinguish between compensated and decompensated chronic tonsillitis. In the elderly, the pathology is rarely recurrent, but the sign of chronic tonsillitis remains.

Structural and functional changes:

  • reduction of tonsils (by visual inspection);
  • reduction in the number of almond follicles;
  • atrophy of lymphadenoid tissue and replacement of its connective tissue;
  • decay and reduction of lacunar formations.

Nevertheless, the reaction of cellular immunity and the formation of cellular resistance occurs throughout life, and is only partially lost.

Signs of chronic tonsillitis:

  • a slight change in body temperature (up to 37.5 ° C) lasting from several weeks to 2-3 months;
  • acute tonsillitis that occurs twice a year or more;
  • general weakness, irritability, increased anxiety;
  • bad breath;
  • discomfort (dryness and tingling in the throat), soreness in the throat;
  • frequent separation of caseous plugs.

There is an increase in the submandibular lymph nodes. Irradiating ear pain, subfebrile fever, recurrent headache or migraine are noted. With pharyngoscopy, diffuse (diffuse) inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa with a transition to the region of the nasopharynx and larynx is noted.

Chronic tonsillitis treatment

How to get rid of a chronic illness? The main principle in the fight against chronic tonsillitis should be to strengthen the general resistance of the body and local immunity of the lymphoid tissue. Before using antibacterial agents, especially in young people (children), it is necessary to analyze the appropriateness of their use. Consultation with several qualified specialists will be justified.

Chronic tonsillitis involves treatment with conservative and surgical methods. The restoration of the protective function of the tonsils directly depends on the chosen treatment tactics (pharmacological drug) and the condition of the tonsils.

Operative treatment

Surgical treatment in the form of tonsillectomy has lost its relevance, since it is not always effective. After it is carried out, the level of immunoglobulin A decreases, the risk of developing viral infections and pneumonia increases. The indication for surgery is an abscessed form of the disease with a recurrent course. The surgical method of treatment in the elderly is excluded. In other cases, conservative treatment is recommended.

Conservative treatment

Conservative therapy is more effective in young people. The disease is difficult to treat with age. There is a late effect of the treatment. After analyzing the course of the disease, evaluating the clinical picture, determine how to treat chronic tonsillitis. Local therapy with the use of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic drugs (Orasept, Faringosept, Strepsils, Tonsilotren) is successful in the early stages.

Chronic (streptococcal) tonsillitis treatment:

  • physiotherapeutic procedures (laser therapy, mud therapy, paraffin therapy - the area of ​​the submandibular lymph nodes);
  • inhalation with infusions of medicinal herbs (eucalyptus leaves) - carried out daily for 7 - 10 days;
  • treatment of tonsils - lubrication, washing of the crypts of the palatine tonsils (with antibiotic solutions, Lugol's solution, Lizobact, 0.5% Dioxidine solution, celandine herb infusion, aloe juice in combination with honey and rosehip syrup, plantain juice with lavender oil) - 10 procedures, through day;
  • oral administration of probiotics, antibiotics (macrolide groups - Rovamycin), immunomodulators of medicinal and plant origin (Imudon, Tonsilgon N, tinctures of ginseng, golden root, eleutherococcus, magnolia vine);
  • aerofitotherapy.

It is advisable to gargle the throat after each meal to cleanse the tonsils and sanitize the oral cavity.

One of the methods of treatment is a low-frequency ultrasound effect on lymphoid tissue, activating the general and local reactivity of the body, increasing vascular permeability. The apparatus "Tonsillor" is used, the number of sessions is 10 - 12. In this case, the lacunae are washed using antiseptic. An improvement in the condition and a decrease in symptoms of chronic tonsillitis is observed after 5-6 sessions.

Ultrasound treatment of chronic tonsillitis is used:

  1. In chronic nonspecific tonsillitis, ultrasonic cavitation (washing) of the palatine tonsils is used using a solution of Chlorhexidine and Lizobact (in the absence of gastrointestinal pathology).
  2. In chronic angina of viral genesis, a combination of Viferon and tonsil lavage are used.
  3. With cicatricial changes with ultraphonophoresis, it is used with Lugol's solution.

Important! The choice of a medication is determined by a physiotherapist, taking into account the recommendations of an otolaryngologist, allergist, therapist, taking into account the pharmacological properties of the drug and the course of the pathological process.

Cryotherapy of tonsils according to Dorokhov can successfully get rid of chronic tonsillitis.

Conservative therapy with the use of tonsil cryodestruction allows achieving a long period of remission and is considered the optimal method for treating chronic tonsillitis in older people. At the same time, the sore throat and discomfort disappear, the feeling of "lump" in the throat disappears, and the general condition improves. The period of remission in this case takes 5-6 months, which is a good indicator for a chronic process.

Cryotherapy according to Dorokhov is used as an independent method of treatment and as a complex therapy. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Exposure in the treatment of chronic sore throat from 30 to 50 seconds.Cold treatment is painless, bloodless, easily tolerated by a sick person, does not require hospitalization and bed rest during the rehabilitation period, promotes soft tissue regeneration.

Chronic (typical) tonsillitis, its symptoms and treatment of the disease are repeated due to the resumption of the inflammatory process after 6-10 months.
using herbal medicine and cryodestruction of tonsils.

Prevention of chronic tonsillitis is a targeted action to strengthen the immune system, starting from a young age. When streptococcal sore throat occurs, it is necessary to apply adequate and timely treatment to prevent complications and the transition of the disease into a chronic form with the subsequent development of chronic tonsillitis.

Important! Reconvalescents (recovered) suffering from chronic tonsillitis who have had sore throat more than twice a year need to be monitored by a dispensary 2 times a year.