Throat ailments

The first signs of cancer of the throat and larynx

Throat cancer is a fairly common pathology among the population. The disease accounts for 3% of all malignant neoplasms. Carrying out therapeutic measures in the initial stages is a sine qua non condition that contributes to a more optimistic prognosis and prolongation of the life of patients. In this regard, great importance is attached to early diagnosis of the disease and preventive measures. Since the clarification of the diagnosis is based on clinical signs, all the symptoms of throat cancer are thoroughly studied by the doctor when collecting the medical history.

Diagnostic methods

Modern diagnostics is based on

  • patient complaints;
  • the study of the history of the disease, as well as bad habits, which in many cases are provoking factors;
  • an objective examination by a specialist;
  • instrumental research;
  • the use of hardware inspection;
  • laboratory diagnostics;
  • biopsy.

In order to timely carry out therapeutic measures, it is necessary to clarify how throat cancer manifests itself in the initial stages. The first signs of throat cancer should be sought among patients at risk, people who, due to their professional activities or lifestyle, constantly face exposure to harmful factors. Inhalation of hazardous impurities from the air, chemical compounds, dust particles, cement, work in conditions of too hot and dry air contribute to the development of malignant neoplasms in the throat. Scheduled preventive medical examinations are an important link for clarifying the diagnosis in the early stages.

Precancerous conditions

Careful attention should be paid to the presence of precancerous conditions, which include:

  • papillomas;
  • fibroids;
  • leukoplakia;
  • scar tissue.

Diagnosis of these benign processes and their further treatment is the prevention of the development of throat cancer. The most dangerous is a benign tumor from epithelial tissue - papilloma. Under certain circumstances, malignancy of the process can occur, when the benign cells that make up the papilloma acquire the properties of malignant ones. Throat cancer can begin with just such a benign neoplasm.

In most cases, papilloma is asymptomatic. Clarification of the diagnosis is possible after an instrumental examination. A neoplasm located in the pharynx can be detected by a dentist when examining the oral cavity. Removal of papilloma will contribute to a favorable prognosis in the future, prevent its possible malignancy.

Study of complaints

Smokers require special attention. There are tangible difficulties in how to recognize throat cancer in the early stages among patients in this group. This is due to the fact that the symptoms of throat and laryngeal cancer are masked by signs of chronic laryngitis, which develops in patients who regularly inhale nicotine or other hazardous substances. In case of malignant pathology of the throat, the first signs are usually atypical.

The main complaints with which the patient turns to the otolaryngologist for throat cancer are as follows:

  • sore throat;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the throat;
  • qualitative voice change;
  • fatigue from talking;
  • dry cough.

These complaints characterize the first signs of laryngeal cancer, the most frequent localization of the malignant process. Acute development of the situation is atypical for throat cancer, the disease should begin gradually.

The larynx is heterogeneous in structure, anatomically consists of three sections. Depending on the localization of the oncological process in one or another part of it, the predominant development of a symptom may be noted. To localize the process in the upper part of the larynx, unpleasant sensations when swallowing are typical, which forces the patient to consult an otolaryngologist already at the first stage of the disease. This localization of the process is characterized by early diagnosis.

If the vocal cords are damaged, the sound-reproducing function of the larynx is impaired. Patients pay attention to the change in the timbre of the voice.

The main symptoms of laryngeal cancer with damage to the vocal cords in the initial stages are the appearance of hoarseness and hoarseness of the voice.

Since the vocal cords are inferior to other parts of the body with a network of blood and lymphatic vessels, with this localization of the process, metastasis occurs much later. The course of the tumor process at this localization is more favorable.

With the involvement of the lower regions, the first symptoms of throat cancer are dry cough and choking. It is this localization of the process that is characterized by late diagnosis. Patient complaints are nonspecific. For a long time, the patient thinks that the cough is due to smoking or laryngitis caused by another cause. Such patients often turn to specialists at the third stage of the disease, when pain begins to appear, and regional lymph nodes are involved in the process.

Pain is an important symptom of throat and laryngeal cancer. In one form or another, they can appear from the first stage of the disease. At the onset of the disease, the pain syndrome can be described as discomfort in the throat when swallowing, as well as discomfort, a feeling of a foreign body. Over time, the transition of the disease to the next stage, patients complain of constant pain, not associated with food intake. Pain syndrome in the fourth stage develops of such intensity that the use of analgesics can cause only a short-term and insignificant effect.

The defining symptom in any malignant process is malaise.

At the first stage of the process, this symptom manifests itself as increased fatigue, decreased performance. Often, it is these factors that force the patient to consult a specialist. With the progression of the disease, sweating appears, subfebrile condition develops.

Symptoms of throat cancer at the last stage are caused by the spread of malignant cells throughout the body, the development of cancer intoxication. The patient's condition is defined as serious. There is marked cachexia, exhaustion. The skin is pale, earthy, dry. Patients groan because of pain and severe discomfort. The voice may be hoarse, weak, or absent. The cancerous process leads to the involvement of the whole organism in the process. Metastases are more often observed in the brain, lungs, spine.

Symptoms of cancer of the larynx may be due to the narrowing of its lumen by a tumor process. This development is most typical when the lesion is localized in the lower, subglottic region. As a result, breathing becomes difficult. Shortness of breath occurs, and asthma attacks may develop.

Objective examination

The study of lymph nodes, both regional and distant, is an integral part of the patient's examination, since it allows the specialist to orientate himself about the possible stage of oncological disease. Carrying out a palpation examination of the cervical lymph nodes, oncologists study their size, consistency, and soreness. The cancer process in the second stage of the disease is characterized by an increase in regional lymph nodes. They are represented by single, often painful formations that are not fused with the surrounding tissues. At the third stage, the lymph nodes may look like packets of dense formations, adhered to the surrounding tissues and therefore not displaced.

Other organs are also subject to close study. The fourth stage of any oncological disease is characterized by the spread of the malignant process throughout the body and the involvement of other organs and systems in it. It is necessary to detect the affected organs so that the specialist can clarify the stage of the lesion and adjust the treatment.

In the fourth stage, therapeutic measures are only symptomatic. The use of anticancer drugs that prolong life is often impossible due to the difficult general condition of the patient.

Instrumental diagnostics

The first sign of throat cancer is a change in the objective picture, obtained by visual examination of the throat mucosa using instrumental techniques. Such an examination can be carried out using pharyngoscopy, indirect and direct laryngoscopy, as well as microlaryngoscopy, which allows endoscopic examination using magnifying devices. The use of instrumental examination allows you to detect changes in the laryngeal mucosa, to study the location of the tumor, its shape, borders.

Signs of throat cancer depend on the localization of the process and its stage. Its manifestations can be as follows:

  1. The tuberosity of a certain area of ​​the mucous membrane;
  2. Areas of erosive surface;
  3. The presence of saucer-like formations prone to bleeding;
  4. Strengthening of the vascular pattern in any limited place of the epithelial layer of the larynx, indicating tumor growth inside the wall of the organ.

The development of acute and chronic pharyngitis and laryngitis is also accompanied by certain changes found during instrumental examination. Typical signs in this case are signs of inflammation, hyperemia and swelling of the mucous membrane. Conducting an objective examination using appropriate instruments allows you to suspect a malignant neoplasm. Further clarification of the diagnosis can be carried out through a biopsy, which contributes to how to reliably identify throat cancer.

The study consists in removing a piece of questionable material for the purpose of its further examination under a microscope. The reliability of this diagnostic method is considered to be 100%.

In addition to confirming the diagnosis, a biopsy makes it possible to clarify the histological form of a malignant pathology, that is, to determine which epithelial cells have undergone mutations.

Hardware techniques are used to clarify the nature and size of the defeat of the tonsils, the localization of metastases. Depending on the clinical signs, the following instrumental studies can be used:

  • Ultrasound of the neck and internal organs;
  • chest x-ray;
  • CT scan;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • bronchoscopy.

The results of laboratory diagnostics are not specific. However, some indicators of a general blood test may indicate a difficult process in the body. For malignant neoplasms, a significant increase in ESR is characteristic, up to 40-60 mm / h, as well as data indicating the development of anemia.