Throat ailments

Treatment of chronic tonsillitis at home

Chronic inflammation of the tonsils most often develops after an acute form of tonsillitis, if the treatment was incorrect or not completed. The remaining foci of infection, when exposed to external or internal unfavorable conditions, provoke the development of inflammatory processes, and angina periodically worsens. Treatment of chronic tonsillitis at home is usually recommended - hospitalization is needed only in case of severe exacerbation or development of complications.

What is the danger

Chronic tonsillitis is considered by many to be an unpleasant but harmless disease that is useless to fight. Indeed, it is difficult to treat, since the microorganisms provoking sore throat are able to quickly mutate and adapt even to the effects of antibiotics. That is why it is so important to properly treat the acute form in order to prevent the development of a lingering one.

Chronic tonsillitis usually does not cause much concern, during the period of attenuation it manifests itself only with some vague symptoms:

  • periodic sore throat;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • bad breath;
  • rarely occurring tachycardia;
  • a cloudy bloom on the tonsils;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • decrease in overall performance.

But in no case should the disease be ignored. If untreated, the infection penetrates into other organs and systems, causing various complications: joint pain, rheumatism, myocarditis, pyelonephritis, arthritis, general intoxication of the body, etc.

Chronic tonsillitis during pregnancy can be especially dangerous. Its exacerbation can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages and premature birth - at a later date.

In addition, it complicates the course of pregnancy, increasing the manifestations of toxicosis. Therefore, the entire period of bearing a baby must be under the supervision of specialists.

General scheme

When diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis, home treatment should by no means be limited to folk remedies only. The most effective combination of folk methods, traditional medicines and available physical therapy.

The general treatment regimen looks like this:

  1. Regular gargling. The main element of treatment, without which a quick recovery is impossible. It washes away accumulated mucus and plaque from the tonsils, helps to restore mucous membranes, relieves pain and inflammation.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. It is absolutely necessary in the treatment of chronic tonsillitis, as it not only flushes mucus, but also helps to quickly remove toxins that poison the body.
  3. Treatment of the tonsils with an antiseptic. It is necessary in order to stop the spread of the infection further. It is better to do this with preparations in the form of sprays.
  4. Topical preparations. They are used in order to act directly on the foci of inflammation. These can be tablets with herbal extracts or an antibiotic for resorption, solutions for treating tonsils.
  5. Steam inhalation. An excellent means for moisturizing mucous membranes, accelerating the processes of regeneration. Inhalation quickly relieves pain and inflammation in the throat, makes breathing easier.
  6. Rubbing. If you choose the right rubbing agent, you can get a double effect: heating and inhalation. You need to rub the neck and upper chest.
  7. Compresses. The warming compress perfectly relieves inflammation and sore throat, promotes a speedy recovery.
  8. Mustard plasters. One of the types of warming up. Improves blood circulation and increases the body's defenses. Can be placed on the back of the neck, upper chest or feet.
  9. Breathing exercises. Cleans the respiratory organs from mucus accumulations, improves blood circulation, activates the immune system, and starts the processes of cell and tissue regeneration.
  10. Massage. The most effective treatment for chronic tonsillitis is acupressure of the face and neck. It is this form of influence that includes the internal resources of the body, helping to quickly overcome the disease.

Chronic tonsillitis can cause a slight increase in body temperature. In this case, you do not need to take antipyretic or anti-inflammatory drugs. With the right treatment, it will normalize on its own, and you will rid the body of the decay products of drugs it does not need.

Rinsing, rinsing, inhalation

To gargle your throat at home, the simplest and most effective remedy is a sea salt solution. If it is not at hand, then you can take an ordinary stone one, but strain the solution, and then add 10-15 drops of iodine to a glass of water. Rinse at least 5-6 times a day, and do it thoroughly.

It is difficult to rinse your tonsils well at home - you simply cannot see where and how to direct the stream of water. But if you have an assistant, the procedure will significantly speed up recovery, since under the pressure of water, the tonsils are cleared much more efficiently than with a regular rinse.

Antiseptic solutions are suitable for washing: furacillin, chlorophyllipt, potassium permanganate. And you can do the procedure using a regular syringe, tilting your head over a basin or sink.

For steam inhalation, it is better to use soda solution, mineral water "Borjomi" or decoctions of fir, pine, eucalyptus, St. John's wort, celandine, elecampane, oak bark, coltsfoot, thyme, sage, mint, lavender, etc. pregnancy, not all plants are useful, so it is better to consult with specialists.

Do not forget about herbal teas and decoctions, which perfectly cleanse the larynx and cleanse the tonsils. For drinking, it is advisable to brew linden blossom, raspberries, currants, field horsetail, chamomile, rose hips. You can add lemon, ginger, wild berries to regular green tea. In the absence of allergies, you can sweeten the drink with a teaspoon of high-quality honey. It is advisable to drink up to 1.5 liters of healing liquid per day.

Throat medicine

According to folk recipes, you can prepare quite effective and at the same time absolutely safe, even for pregnant women, throat medications. And one of the first places among them is the usual warm milk. It creates a protective oily film on the tonsils, protecting them from irritation. And the addition of a pinch of soda, a piece of cocoa butter, a teaspoon of goat fat will enhance the healing effect.

And here are other popular ways to successfully cure pain and inflammation in the tonsils at home:

  • Onion juice. It can be mixed with honey and taken teaspoon at a time as a cough syrup. Diluted in half with water, it is an excellent gargle. You can also use onion juice for a warming compress, but be careful not to burn your skin. It activates blood circulation and contains many phytoncides - natural antibiotics that are detrimental to pathogenic microflora.
  • Ginger root. Possesses strong anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic properties. It can be added to tea or herbal teas. Ginger juice mixed with honey is a great and effective cough syrup.
  • Licorice root syrup. It is commonly used as an expectorant, but few people know that it has antiviral properties and perfectly stimulates the immune system, helping to treat chronic tonsillitis at home.
  • Lemon. To obtain a good therapeutic result, it is necessary to use lemon with a peel - it is it that contains useful essential oils with an anti-inflammatory effect.Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C and creates an acidic environment in which pathogenic bacteria cannot develop. Lemon can be added to tea, mixed with honey or diluted juice to gargle.
  • Spices. You are aware that many spices have strong antibacterial properties. Tincture of turmeric, cloves, bay leaves, rosemary, mint perfectly relieves sore throat and promotes rapid recovery. Take 1/2 tsp in a glass of water. chopped spices and pour boiling water over. Insist in a thermos for at least an hour, drink half a glass 3-4 times a day warm.
  • Vegetable juices. An excellent natural antiseptic that can be used to treat angina even during pregnancy. In addition, they contain a sea of ​​vitamins that are so essential for recovery. Freshly squeezed juices of grapefruit, orange, beet, carrot, green apple, lemon, celery are useful. They can be mixed in any proportion and drunk, but not more than a glass a day. It is helpful to gargle with cabbage or potato juice.

Those who prefer to treat chronic tonsillitis at home with pharmaceutical preparations have an even wider choice. Sprays, lozenges and lozenges for coughs, anti-inflammatory syrups and potions have worked well. But the doctor should prescribe such medicines - many of them contain antibiotics, which must be used deliberately.

Remember that it is impossible to completely cure chronic tonsillitis only with folk remedies.

For recovery, it is necessary to kill all pathogenic microflora, and this can only be done by a properly selected antibiotic. Therefore, this homemade natural treatment is more suitable as seasonal prevention and exacerbation control.

Home physiotherapy

Rubbing and compressing remain the most popular home remedies. For grinding, they use ready-made pharmacy warming preparations, as well as proven folk: turpentine, bear or badger fat, camphor oil, alcohol tinctures. You can rub the back of your neck and upper chest, and then wrap your throat well with a warm scarf.

You can make a compress not only from cotton wool soaked in vodka! Freshly prepared mashed potatoes, which retain heat well and draw out toxins from the skin, give excellent results.

A honey cake also has a warming effect, which must be applied to the front of the neck and insulated.

Hardware warming is useful, especially since now in medical equipment stores and on the Internet you can buy a wide variety of devices to treat your throat at home: darsonval, blue and infrared lamp, portable solux and bioptron. These devices provide deep heating and accelerate the regeneration processes.

Correctly selected exercises from the complex of respiratory gymnastics contribute to the relaxation of the vocal cords, the removal of bronchial spasms and the rapid recovery of mucous membranes. An additional effect is a significant flow of energy, which is very useful in combating disease.

Disease prevention

The following preventive measures are equally effective for exacerbating chronic tonsillitis and the development of acute tonsillitis. Therefore, their systematic implementation reduces the risk of any inflammation of the tonsils, as well as the appearance of other respiratory diseases:

  • smoking cessation (preferably complete), including passive;
  • inhaling air only through the nose (it is not very difficult to accustom yourself to this!);
  • regular cleaning of the oral cavity, taking care of dental health;
  • maintaining a moderate temperature regime and air humidity;
  • prevention and timely relief of severe allergic reactions;
  • treatment of acute and chronic respiratory diseases;
  • sparing diet with restriction of too spicy, hot, cold, salty and acidic foods;
  • regular use of products with an "enveloping" effect that protect the mucous membrane from irritation: milk, jelly, butter and natural vegetable oils, oat broth;
  • maintenance of the vitamin and mineral balance at any time of the year, if necessary - the use of multivitamin complexes.

But the main weapon in the fight against chronic tonsillitis is strong immunity, which simply prevents the disease from developing. Main efforts should be directed to its maintenance.

Therefore, during the period of attenuation of the disease, moderate physical activity, hardening procedures and walks in the fresh air are necessary.