Throat ailments

How to cure tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis manifests itself with joint pain, shortness of breath, pain in the heart. People with chronic tonsillitis are at risk of catching cold, getting rhinitis, otitis media, periodontitis. During a chronic illness, a person can get used to the symptoms and not go to the doctor for a long time. Only a specialist will tell you how to cure tonsillitis forever.

Disturbed nose breathing, curvature of the nasal septa, polyps can cause the onset of the disease.

Chronic adenoiditis and purulent sinusitis, affecting the nearest organs, can provoke the onset of the disease.

Lowered immunity, unhealthy diet, smoking, viral infections can provoke chronic tonsillitis in adults. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system, adjust the lifestyle.

Strengthening immunity with tonsillitis

There are several ways to strengthen immunity at home:

  • Propolis is considered a useful tool. You should just keep a small piece in your mouth for a while. This procedure can be carried out during sleep, laying propolis on the cheek at night;
  • An excellent remedy is an infusion of honey with onion juice, which is mixed in a 1: 1 ratio. It is recommended to take it after every meal;
  • Aloe juice is effective, to get it, you need to carefully cut a leaf of the plant and take one teaspoon daily for 1-2 weeks;
  • Track your diet, eat more foods that contain fiber. Products must be chewed thoroughly, this will help to establish the work of the digestive system;
  • Correct daily routine, healthy sleep, rest.

Washing the tonsils

With tonsillitis, plugs accumulate in the lacunae of the tonsils, which become an additional focus of infection. To remove them, washing the lacunae of the tonsils is prescribed. In order to maintain good health for a long time, rinsing must be done regularly.

Most often, you cannot do without the help of a doctor. If some circumstances interfere with rinsing, you can try to squeeze out purulent plugs with a cotton swab. The stick must be moistened with Lugol's solution. It happens that, due to the characteristics of the body, it is difficult to endure these actions, then you can try regular rinsing, and simply lubricate the tonsils with Lugol's solution. In case of intolerance, the solution can be replaced with a mixture of propolis extract with glycerin in a 1: 2 ratio. How much treatment to take? Here everything is determined by the attending physician, but usually 14 days.

At the time of an exacerbation of tonsillitis in adults, in addition to washing, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. All medications must be prescribed by the attending physician. It is better not to self-medicate.

For adult patients, it is prescribed:

  1. Stay in the infectious diseases department of the hospital, and if the patient wants to be treated at home, then complete isolation in the room. The disease is contagious;
  2. Bed rest (how much to adhere to it depends on the general well-being of the patient);
  3. Special diet and plenty of fluids;
  4. Medications (antibiotics, pain relievers, anti-inflammatory lozenges, throat sprays);
  5. Rinsing with antiseptic solutions such as Furacilin, Chlorhexidine;
  6. Treatment of tonsils with Lugol, Chlorophyllipt solution;
  7. At elevated body temperature, antipyretic drugs are prescribed;
  8. If the lymph nodes are enlarged, compresses with anti-inflammatory components.

This treatment of tonsillitis is repeated in courses, within a year, if the effect is not observed, the tonsils are removed.

How to treat tonsillitis surgically

Surgical treatment of tonsillitis in adults is prescribed when conservative methods are no longer effective. In an operation called Bilateral tonsillectomy, the tonsils are removed completely. The extent of the operation for adults is determined by the doctor, how much tissue needs to be removed. The lymphoid part can be removed in whole or in part. Tonsillectomy must be agreed with a rheumatologist, nephrologist and cardiologist and is performed between attacks. The operation takes place quickly, the next day you can go home, and the working capacity is fully restored in 10-12 days. During the first days, there may be an elevated temperature, this is normal.

During the recovery period after surgery, the patient is shown:

  • Do not talk for the first day;
  • The first days are bed rest, short walks are gradually allowed;
  • For a period of up to two weeks, solid and tough foods are prohibited. Preference should be given to liquid vegetable puree, grated vegetable and fruit juices, grated vegetable soup, milk, sour cream, liquid porridge. Food should not be hot. How much to stick to the diet is determined by the doctor;
  • Do not rinse your throat during this period, you can provoke bleeding;
  • It is forbidden to visit baths, saunas, swimming pools. All hygiene procedures should be carried out under a warm shower.

Another type of surgical treatment is lacunotomy. This treatment is used quite often and is considered to be more gentle.

The procedure helps to quickly get rid of the disease. The palatine tonsils are not removed during lacunotomy. The operation itself is performed with a laser. An improvement in well-being in adults is observed for the next 5-7 years, while the tonsils decrease and perform their functions, the frequency of exacerbations decreases, and the risk of exacerbation of acute respiratory diseases decreases.

Cryotherapy or liquid nitrogen treatment

Cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen treatment) is an effective and safe procedure. Nitrogen therapy consists in freezing damaged tissues and stimulating the immune system. Cryotherapy can be opposed to drug treatment, because the body does not suffer any harm in the form of unpleasant side effects. The only drawback of cryotherapy can be discomfort in the throat. Bleeding and trauma are absolutely excluded. The treatment will not leave behind scars that can permanently ruin your appearance. At the same time, the immunity does not weaken, on the contrary, the body begins to work harder to develop means to fight the infection.

How does cryotherapy work in adults?

During cryotherapy, the tissue of the amygdala, which is not capable of performing protective functions, is frozen with liquid nitrogen using a special instrument. Nitrogen cryotherapy is performed on an outpatient basis, lasts 30 minutes, does not leave scars, and there are no complications during healing.

In the process of restoring the mucous membrane of the pharynx, the tissue frozen with nitrogen is bloodlessly rejected, new healthy cells are built up. After cryotherapy, the natural functions of the tonsils are preserved, and the focus of infection is permanently eliminated.

Treatment with nitrogen leads to a strengthening of the immune system and a decrease in the body's susceptibility to pathogenic bacteria.

Use of kerosene

Treatment with kerosene can hardly be called effective - the method does not help everyone, it has a number of contraindications. You should not use it in the treatment of tonsillitis, if you are allergic to kerosene, heart and kidney disease, bleeding.

The kerosene must be cleaned before use. Pour the same amount of water into half a liter of purified kerosene, add half a glass of salt and mix. One day the mixture is infused, then filtered with charcoal, as a result, a cloudy black liquid is obtained. Let the kerosene brew and use for treatment.

Before treating tonsillitis with kerosene, it is mixed with room temperature water and soda. Gargling with kerosene is dangerous and will cause burns.Only lubrication of the affected areas is allowed. Add vegetable oil to the mixture to soften the effect. You can use kerosene for no more than two weeks.

It is not difficult to check the body's reaction to kerosene; you need to apply a small amount of kerosene to the area behind the ear and see if rashes appear. If there is a purulent plaque, such a remedy cannot be used, this will lead to complications.

Treatment of exacerbations in chronic tonsillitis

Treatment during an exacerbation differs little from the treatment of a common sore throat. The patient needs a balanced diet and bed rest. Drinking plenty of warm liquids, such as milk, fruit drink, herbal tea, is highly recommended. The doctor prescribes macrolides and antibiotics of the penicillin group. It is not recommended to independently engage in antibiotic therapy, even if the drugs were effective in the previous period of exacerbation.

Local therapy is carried out with anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. To cleanse the tonsils from pathological contents and relieve swelling in the throat, rinses with decoctions of herbs, furacilin solution, saline solution, Hexoral, Givalex are prescribed. Chamomile and sage throat rinses are effective. At elevated temperatures, you can drink antipyretic drugs.

Treatment of tonsillitis with folk remedies

In folk medicine, herbal infusions for rinsing the throat and herbal teas are widely used.

Gargling with baking soda, salt and iodine is considered effective. Herbs are also used: chamomile flowers, mint, sage, wormwood. The roots and leaves of burdock, plantain, oak bark, raspberry leaves, thyme will help get rid of sore throat. Garlic rinsing helps (chop 2 cloves, pour boiling water and let it brew until it cools). Turmeric and clove infusions help to quickly get rid of digestive problems, cleanse the lymphatic system.

Herbal teas should be taken an hour or two after a meal. Herbal teas are prepared quickly by pouring boiling water over a mixture of crushed leaves. The broth should be brewed for 15-20 minutes.

It is good to fight tonsillitis with an infusion of licorice root along with ginger. In autumn, ginger can be easily replaced with a tricolor violet. Brew the infusion for several minutes, take it warm at night.

In an effort to get rid of the disease permanently, you can try other treatments, such as yoga. After washing the palatine tonsils, it is recommended to perform the asana "Lion Pose" or "Birch", which will ensure blood flow to the upper part of the body.

Hot, cold inhalations with aroma oils, indoor use aroma lamps are also used when you need to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. It is useful to use oils such as bergamot, geranium, fir, lime, ginger.

Chronic tonsillitis and acne

An infection that affects the throat enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. About half of women and a quarter of men are at risk for acne. To eliminate the problem, the doctor prescribes treatment with antibacterial and antiviral drugs. If after two weeks the problem does not go away, spot treatment is prescribed.