
Blood pressure bracelet: know-how or overkill

Modern mobile methods of blood pressure and pulse monitoring

There are many portable devices on the market that can measure heart rate, blood pressure and transmit data in real time or save it.

They are often linked to a smartphone or PC through a special application and have a number of additional functions.

These are all kinds of smart watches, fitness trackers, compact heart monitors for Holter research and daily monitoring of the parameters of the cardiovascular system, a bracelet for measuring blood pressure (portable tonometer).

Smart bracelets

Smart bracelets (smart watches) are a computerized wrist device that has many additional functions (including the ability to monitor a person's physical condition. The results obtained via Bluetooth are transmitted to a smartphone or PC. The primary task of a smart watch is to receive incoming calls and messages , GPS navigation, checking e-mail, access to social networks Control of the physical parameters of the body is already an additional option.

The newest models are actually mini-computers that can replace a smartphone, and sometimes a PC.

In addition to measuring heart rate and blood pressure, a smart watch can monitor a person's biorhythms, keep a record of physical activity and calories consumed. The smartwatch can remind the patient to measure blood pressure, blood sugar, or take medications.

The disadvantages of such bracelets are short battery life (maximum 48 hours), high cost, rather bulky design. The lower the price of such a gadget, the higher the error in measuring pressure and heart rate.

Fitness trackers

A fitness tracker is a device in the form of a small bracelet that is worn on the arm and has sensors for recording a person's daily activity (number of steps, heart rate, biorhythms, calories burned, blood pressure). The device has a certain degree of protection against moisture, physical impact and is designed for use during sports.

Fitness trackers are low cost, compact, easy to use and do not require frequent recharging, which has made them popular with people who play sports or want to lose weight. Some models are equipped with a medication reminder function, they can signal a person about a long stay in one position and the need to move.

Portable heart rate monitors

Portable monitors are designed for daily monitoring of cardiac activity indicators (cardiogram, for example). They consist of a set of electrodes that are attached to the skin, cuffs for measuring blood pressure and a base that can be worn on the forearm or waist.

Daily monitoring allows the doctor to see a complete picture of the patient's cardiovascular system, helps to make an accurate diagnosis and assess the adequacy of the prescribed treatment or to identify paroxysmal rhythm disturbances that cannot be detected when taking a standard ECG.

The latest models of cardiac monitors also have the ability to register the patient's body position and motor activity, recording a rheopneumogram (impedance movement of the chest).

Rheopneumography makes it possible to diagnose ventilation disorders, periods of sleep apnea.

Some models of cardiac monitors are equipped with a pulse oximeter, which makes it possible to monitor fluctuations in saturation (the degree of oxygen saturation in the blood).

Hypertension is closely associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (it has common risk factors, developmental mechanisms and similar clinical signs). Sometimes hypertension occurs secondary to sleep apnea, so identifying and treating sleep-related breathing problems can correct the pressure problem.

How reliable is the information coming from mobile monitoring objects?

With all its advantages, a variety of fitness trackers and smartwatches cannot be used as medical devices. Standard devices for household measurement of heart rate and blood pressure for patients with cardiovascular pathology are semi-automatic and automatic tonometers. The error of some of them is no more than 2-4 mm Hg.

The conducted studies of the accuracy of blood pressure control using bracelets found that the error for systolic blood pressure averaged 10-11 mm Hg, for diastolic blood pressure - 10.5 mm Hg. The reference was a calibrated cuff for non-invasive measurement of arterial pressure. Consequently, in 30% of cases, the bracelet will not register an increase in blood pressure, which is regarded as "hypertension".

From this it follows that fitness trackers and smartwatches are only suitable for an approximate assessment of the dynamics of heart activity. Patients with cardiac diseases should measure blood pressure and heart rate with a standard tonometer at least 1 time / day.

The level of physical activity is also not 100% certain. The accelerometer and gyroscope of fitness bracelets does not recognize some of its types (cycling, walking with hands in pockets, pushing a stroller with a fixed hand on which the bracelet is worn, etc.).

Bracelets for the treatment of hypertension: what is on the market and do they help?

Today, you can buy pressure bracelets in almost all pharmacies and on the Internet. This is a chain of magnets (from 8 to 30) framed with metal (from medical steel to platinum), sometimes inlaid with semi-precious and precious stones.

Manufacturers of such accessories assure that their products are able to cure a wide variety of diseases (diseases of the joints, digestive system, nervous pathologies, immune disorders, cardiovascular abnormalities, including hypertension).

The mechanism for lowering blood pressure allegedly occurs due to the effect of magnets on the iron of the blood, as a result of which its viscosity decreases, systemic blood flow improves and tissue hypoxia is eliminated. This ultimately leads to a decrease in pressure.

In fact, trivalent iron, which is in the composition of hemoglobin, has low magnetic properties due to the isolated arrangement of atoms in the hemoglobin molecule and the low concentration of the element in the blood.

The magnetic force of such "gadgets" is less than 0.2 Tesla, which can change the blood viscosity by no more than 0.02% and this does not allow counting on any positive effect from wearing medical bracelets.

Positive testimonials and healing stories are attributed to the placebo effect. A tangible disadvantage of the existence of such bracelets on the market is the fact that some easily suggested hypertensive patients, believing in the healing power of magnets, refuse drug treatment.

It is strictly forbidden to wear magnetic bracelets for patients with an implanted cardioverter-defibrillator and an artificial pacemaker, as well as with pustular diseases of the hands, eczema, dermatomycosis.

Another type of pressure bracelets are all kinds of copper products and jewelry made from organic minerals (malachite, chrysolite, jade, obsidian, chrysopase, sapphire, hematite, aventurine, pearls, carnelian). Their relationship to blood pressure is also questionable. Although it is worth noting a positive effect on the psycho-emotional background of a person when wearing a beautiful accessory.


Undoubtedly, smartwatches and fitness bracelets are useful gadgets for monitoring a person's physical condition. But it is impossible to use them as a medical measuring device due to the high error of indicators. Such a device motivates to adhere to the correct lifestyle, stimulates more movement, eat moderately, adhere to the daily regimen and regularly take medications.

Portable cardiac monitors are an irreplaceable thing in the diagnosis of paroxysmal arrhythmias, sleep apnea syndrome, monitoring of cardiac parameters during the selection of therapy and clarification of a complex diagnosis.