Throat ailments

Can there be a cough with tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis, the more common name of which is angina, is an inflammatory process that begins with inflammation of the tonsils located in the pharynx. The cause of the inflammatory process can be both severe hypothermia or decreased immunity, and a common allergic reaction.

The influence of these factors is capable of using microorganisms that are constantly on the tonsils in each person, as a result of which angina develops, which can subsequently cause general as well as local complications. The lymphopharyngeal ring consists of the lingual, pharyngeal and laryngeal tonsils, which are not paired, as well as paired tonsils, which include the palatine and tubal tonsils. It is these paired tonsils that become inflamed most often.

Causes contributing to the appearance of a cough

The course of the disease is also often completely different. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by a slight fever and mild sore throat, and there are situations when a person has not only terrible sore throat and a temperature under forty, but also aching muscles and aching joints. When, in this state, the disease is also accompanied by a cough, it is very difficult to survive without inconvenience.

It is worth remembering that no matter how the disease proceeds, it needs to be treated even if it brings great discomfort.

This will not only facilitate the transfer of the disease, but also eliminate health problems in the future. Common acute tonsillitis most often proceeds without coughing, and therefore its appearance should be a significant reason to pay attention to your health. It is no secret that a cough is a reaction of the body, which helps to clear the respiratory tract of phlegm and much more. When the coughing develops into a suffocating cough, it's time to sound the alarm.

What is the danger of coughing

In order to be properly treated, it is imperative to consult a professional. Only he will be able to accurately determine whether coughing is a symptom or a complication of the disease, indicating that the inflammation spills over to other organs. In addition, a cough is often a sign of another infection that has settled in the body against the background of a decrease in immunity. In this case, concomitant diseases such as pharyngitis (inflammation develops in the pharynx), laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx), rhinitis (inflammation of the inner mucous membranes of the nose), tracheitis (inflammation that affects the lower respiratory tract) and bronchitis (when inflammation is involved bronchi).

Since this disease is of different types, then medications for treatment will be used completely different. So, to combat fungal sore throat, you need to use antifungal drugs, with bacterial treatment is carried out with antibiotics, and viral tonsillitis is treated using anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is the viral form of the disease that usually does not go away without sore throat and cough, which can be:

  • moist, which is also called productive. During it, sputum is rejected, due to which the human body is able to get rid of the virus and bacteria on its own;
  • dry, in which the inflammation of the affected part of the mucous membrane takes the form of edema. Such a cough further injures the inflamed organs and does not bring relief, and also often causes vomiting.

Various drugs are also prescribed to treat coughs, whether wet or dry. In this case, self-medication and self-selection of medications can only harm.

How to speed up your recovery

For a successful and speedy recovery, adherence to the treatment prescribed by the doctor is not enough. The most important factor in the treatment of tonsillitis is strict adherence to complete rest and regimen in bed. At the same time, it is worth remembering that in the room in which the patient is located, the air must be of normal humidity, and the room must be regularly ventilated.

Also, in the chronic stage of the disease, you need to adhere to a certain diet. Avoid eating spicy or sour foods, and nuts and other rough foods can harm an already irritated throat. You should opt for broths and pureed soups, steamed cereals and cutlets that are neutral in taste. In addition, it is worth drinking a lot of liquid at room temperature.

We treat cough - effectively

Medicine today every day offers more and more simple solutions for the treatment of various types of cough, but it is worth remembering about the recipes of traditional medicine. Nature also offers many natural remedies for this ailment.

Tea with raspberry jam continues to be the simplest, but at the same time the most effective and tasty way of treating an ailment.

To prepare such a medicine, you can use not only wait or jam from berries, but also a decoction of raspberry twigs and leaves, which has high medicinal expectorant and antipyretic properties. Another common and proven treatment is warm milk with a spoonful of honey and a little butter. This option softens and soothes the inflamed mucosa. You can substitute a glass of warmed milk with half a teaspoon of plain baking soda added to it.

Honey comb is also an excellent tool for successfully combating disease. Due to the high content of propolis in this product, it is, in fact, a natural antibiotic. Chewing honey in combs helps rid the body of harmful bacteria and also helps eliminate toxins.

In acute angina, rinsing with salt and soda solutions will help alleviate the sore throat and speed up recovery. Often, several drops of iodine are added to such solutions to enhance the effect, in addition, such a solution can be used for inhalation and rinsing the nose with a cold. Coarse salt will help to treat with heating.

This salt is calcined in a frying pan, poured hot into a small cotton bag or regular sock, wrapped in a clean cloth and warmed up a sore throat. In a similar way, potatoes boiled in their uniforms are used. And if you put a towel on your head and breathe for a few minutes bending over a container with hot boiled potatoes, you get an effective inhalation in the fight against the disease.

Decoctions of chamomile, linden flowers, St. John's wort, oregano and raspberry leaves will help speed up recovery. These drinks can not only be drunk, but also used to gargle a sore throat. Due to the huge amount of vitamins and high bactericidal properties of lingonberries and cranberries, fruit drinks and juices from these berries are also used in the treatment of tonsillitis. At the same time, it must be remembered that with the help of inhalations and other warming procedures, it is allowed to heal only when the temperature has subsided.

Otherwise, it can harm the sick body, which will aggravate the situation and adversely affect the healing process.

Symptoms and complications of chronic tonsillitis

It happens that the sore throat seems to have passed and the sore throat does not bother, but for some reason the cough does not stop or appears a few weeks after the illness. Such symptoms indicate chronic tonsillitis, which can cause bronchitis or even pneumonia. The most common cause of chronic tonsillitis is the patient's inattention to the disease and under-treatment.

In this case, from the second or third time, the ailment can go into a chronic stage.Most often, such situations arise when refusing to consult a doctor and trying to self-medicate. You can also earn a chronic form of tonsillitis without following all the doctor's instructions, when patients stop taking medications as soon as the main symptoms of angina disappear.

In addition, the transition to the chronic stage of the disease can be affected by those causes that are not directly related to the disease, but which need to be treated. Such factors can be:

  1. the patient has incompletely treated teeth or inflammations associated with dentistry;
  2. chronic rhinitis and sinusitis;
  3. adenoids and curvature of the nasal septum;
  4. weakened immunity;
  5. various allergies;
  6. frequent hypothermia of the body or throat;
  7. insufficient amount of vitamins and other essential elements and substances;
  8. mechanical trauma to the throat and nasopharynx;
  9. stress and overwork.

Changes affecting the human immune system in chronic tonsillitis can cause a number of complications. The greatest danger and concern are complications associated with the heart, which can lead to the formation of blood clots in the heart vessels, as well as cause myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle.

In addition, after tonsillitis, arthritis or pyelonephritis in the kidney area may appear. Also, angina can cause local complications and lead to complete or partial loss of hearing or swelling in the larynx.

The conclusion is that even the simplest sore throat must be treated on time and correctly. Also, you can not ignore the cough with angina. With the right treatment and the right attitude towards your body, it is possible to avoid a huge number of unpleasant consequences and maintain your health.