Throat ailments

Prevention for chronic tonsillitis

Chronic tonsillitis is a pathological process characterized by inflammation of the tonsils. Pathology has an infectious breed, as a result of which destructive changes are formed on the tonsils. The chronic form of the disease occurs with periods of remission and complications. Therefore, it is important to follow all the rules of prevention. They are quite simple, but very effective.

General points

Prevention of chronic tonsillitis necessarily includes the protection of the respiratory system while in crowded places. This applies more to those patients who are forced to communicate with people at the time of the acute respiratory disease epidemic. To keep yourself safe, be sure to wear a face mask. This should be done even when communicating with a loved one with a sore throat.

If possible, avoid visiting places where many people are present. The mask has to be worn even when you personally suffer from angina. This way, you can keep others safe and speed up the healing process.

In the place where the patient spends a lot of time, all conditions must be created so that the process of reproduction of pathogens is minimized.

Do not forget to saturate the room with oxygen, avoid drafts, and make sure that the air in the room is comfortable.

Medication methods

Disease prevention must necessarily include medication. If a patient undergoes therapeutic courses at the hospital every 6 months, then he must definitely take Tonsilotren. Duration of admission is 15 days. Instillation is also performed using a 0.01% solution of Miramistin. The course will last 14 days.

Visiting resorts

Prevention of the chronic form of sore throat is closely related to visiting seaside resorts. Factors such as humid air, sunbathing, swimming, sea water have a positive effect on the course of the disease and alleviate the patient's condition.

Work and rest mode

In order to guarantee the provision of the longest periods of remission, one must not expose oneself to stress and nervous tension. Be sure to review the work and rest regime. You don't need to work hard, as rest plays an important role in the prevention of chronic tonsillitis. As you know, chronic tonsillitis is a social ailment. The possibility of a relapse of pathology increases with the number of stressful situations and workload.

Hygiene and timely therapy of concomitant ailments

There are a number of measures through which you can prevent the body from tonsillitis. These include:

  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • timely therapy of chronic ailments;
  • nutrition based on foods fortified with vitamins;
  • hardening.

The first step is to take care of hygiene. Disease-causing organisms spread in the mouth, nasal cavity, as a result of which damage can be inflicted on the tonsils. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that after inflammation of the gums or teeth, a person develops sore throat.

The external environment plays a very important role. Pay attention to the humidity level in the room, as the air should not be dry. Otherwise, the mucous membrane of the throat and nose will dry out.

If a person has chronic forms of sinusitis and rhinitis, then he must necessarily rinse the nasal passages with saline solutions. This will prevent the development of pathogens and prevent them from infecting the tonsils. It is not recommended to frequently use nasal drops, sprays. With the constant influence of chemical components, the nasal mucosa becomes dry, and its bactericidal properties are reduced.

Other chronic ailments that can lead to throat problems should not be left untreated. Infectious lesions of the skin, kidneys or dysbiosis reduce immunity, so viruses can freely penetrate into other organs. Timely therapy of chronic and acute diseases is one of the main ways to prevent angina.

Nutrition and tempering

Prevention of chronic tonsillitis is impossible without proper nutrition and hardening. Thanks to the latter, it is possible to keep the body in good shape all the time.

The problem of vitamin deficiency can be solved with the help of pharmaceutical preparations. Their action is aimed at strengthening the immune system. It is necessary to take vitamin complexes for 1-2 months. But the diet should contain fresh vegetables, meat and dairy products.

Most often, the chronic form of angina is visited by adults, because even the most insignificant irritants can affect its development.

Sometimes it is enough to drink a glass of soda to then experience a terrible sore throat. Thus, people who suffer from chronic tonsillitis should not eat nuts, soda, honey, and chocolate. These foods are throat irritants. To protect the body from relapse, it is necessary to use a decoction of chamomile or soda to gargle.

The most common cause of tonsillitis in children and adults is sudden hypothermia or overheating. In order for the body to resist this phenomenon, it needs to be strengthened. Filling is great for this. But here, too, there are some nuances. If you periodically douche with cool water, it can lead to sore throat, so make sure that hardening is gradual as well as systematic.

Hardening is not always possible. In this case, it is enough to treat only the neck area with cold water. In addition, hardening can take place a little differently: every morning use cold water to rinse your throat, and wipe your neck with a cold towel. To protect your throat from hypothermia, you can use a thin cashmere scarf.

Prevention of chronic tonsillitis necessarily includes proper nutrition. It is forbidden to consume large quantities of fried, bitter, sour and spicy foods. Otherwise, it will lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat, palatine tonsils. You will also have to give up citrus fruits and alcoholic beverages. Do not eat food that is too cold or hot.

You can strengthen the body's defenses and prevent the recurrence of tonsillitis if you take the time to exercise. They should not be debilitating, as this is unacceptable for a weakened organism. It is best to do the exercises outdoors in the morning, unless it is cold outside.

Gargles and vitamins

If we talk about individual preventive measures, then they include gargling and the use of special vitamins. These actions can be performed by absolutely everyone, but most of all this applies to those patients who are susceptible to viral ailments in the cold season.

During severe cold weather, it is necessary to use herbal decoctions of chamomile, calendula or soda for gargling. Perform preventive measures in the morning and evening, and during an epidemic, rinsing is performed immediately upon returning home.

In addition to gargling for the throat, it is useful to drink herbal teas. They have a positive effect on the body, increasing its defenses. In addition, they are excellent at dealing with infections in the throat and body. For the preparation of medicinal drinks, it is better to use rose hips, mint and lemon balm. You can brew regular green tea, and put cinnamon, ginger and lemon in it. The prepared remedy will be an excellent prevention and treatment for tonsillitis in the early stages of its development.

A prerequisite for the prevention of chronic tonsillitis is the intake of vitamins. At the pharmacy, you can buy vitamin complexes or ordinary ascorbic acid. Take 2 tablets daily. This will increase the body's resistance to pathogens and viruses. Use of fish oil will be beneficial for the throat with tonsillitis. But here you need to consult a doctor.

Tonsillitis can affect the body, both adults and children. At first, it is acute, but if you do not start treatment in time, then it becomes permanent.

In this case, it is very important to adhere to preventive measures. Thanks to them, you can strengthen the immune system, and also prevent the development of relapse. All actions can be performed at home, but only by prior agreement with the doctor.