Throat ailments

Tonsillitis symptoms

Tonsillitis is an inflammatory disease that affects the tonsils. The cause of the development of pathology is a viral or bacterial infection. At the first manifestations of tonsillitis, the patient must visit a doctor. If you do not start timely therapy, the disease will cause serious complications, including disruption of the heart, kidneys and blood vessels.

Common symptoms of tonsillitis

Angina is a disease that is very difficult to diagnose for an ordinary person. The reason is that tonsillitis has a lot to do with the flu, the common cold. However, there are distinctive features that every person should know. The main difference between a sore throat is a constant form of colds.

If angina occurs in a chronic form, then there is a constant rise in temperature. In addition, the following symptoms of tonsillitis are distinguished:

  • painful sensations when swallowing;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • sore throat;
  • heavy breath;
  • there are purulent plugs and bumps on the tonsils;
  • painful sensation in the joints and back;
  • pain syndrome in the heart;
  • tonsillitis plugs;
  • the tonsils have a loose structure, and they themselves are enlarged.

Bad breath

This symptom is most common in tonsillitis. The focus of inflammation is concentrated directly in the mouth, where purulent processes are observed. Therefore, it is quite difficult to eliminate the bad smell. So it is completely useless to use any means, since there will be no proper result from them. To begin with, you have to undergo complex treatment under the supervision of a specialist. Therapy will be an integrated approach, including medicines and folk remedies. Only with successful treatment of the disease will it be possible to defeat bad breath and prevent the formation of many complications.

Chronic tonsillitis cough

A cough with an ailment can occur for the following reasons:

  1. The causative agent of cough is a plug, which is concentrated in the amygdala and leads to irritation of the nerve endings.
  2. The enlarged lymph node puts pressure on the trachea or vagus nerve.

A cough often indicates not chronic tonsillitis, but an exacerbation of it. In addition to coughing, adults may have other signs of sore throat, so an immediate visit to a doctor is necessary.

Catarrhal sore throat

The pathological process affects mainly the tonsils superficially. Symptoms of intoxication are moderately pronounced. The rise in temperature is 37-38 degrees. No changes were observed in the blood.

During pharyngoscopy, a bright diffuse redness is traced, which affects the soft and hard palate, the back wall of the pharynx. Rarely, when redness affects only the palatine arches. The enlargement of the tonsils occurs due to the penetration of infection and swelling. The duration of the inflammatory process is 1-2 days, then it subsides or turns into another form of tonsillitis.

Herpetic sore throat

This form of the disease in an adult develops due to the introduction of the Coxsackie A virus into the body. The pathological process is characterized by high contagiousness. The transmission of infection occurs through airborne droplets and oral routes. Signs of hermetic sore throat in adults are acute. The following symptoms remain characteristic:

  • fever;
  • temperature rise to 38-40 ° C;
  • sore throat when swallowing;
  • headache;
  • muscle pain around the abdomen;
  • vomiting and diarrhea.

Reddish vesicles can be found on the soft palate, uvula, and palatine arches. After a few days, they burst or dissolve, and the mucous membrane takes on a normal appearance.

Lacunar and follicular tonsillitis

These ailments have more pronounced symptoms. The rise in body temperature reaches 39-40 degrees. Signs of intoxication are pronounced, which is characterized by weakness, head and heart pain, pain in the muscles and joints.

Lacunar angina

This disease is accompanied by inflammation of the tonsils in the area of ​​the lacunae. The inflammatory process is characterized by the presence of purulent plaque that affects the free surface of the tonsils. During pharyngoscopy, it is possible to determine the pronounced redness, swelling and infiltration of the tonsils. On their surface, purulent contents of a yellowish tint are spread. This plaque does not go beyond the tonsils, it is easy to remove it without bleeding.

Follicular tonsillitis

This disease is accompanied by damage to the follicular apparatus of the tonsils. They are hypertrophied, there is a sharp swelling and suppurating follicles. They have a whitish-yellowish tint and a pinhead shape. They open up, forming a purulent plaque that does not go beyond the boundaries of the affected tonsils.


For this form of the disease in adults, a fibrinous coating of a yellow-white hue is formed.

The development of fibrinous sore throat occurs from the lacunar or independently.

For the latter case, the symptoms of pathology are as follows:

  • high fever;
  • chills;
  • symptoms of intoxication;
  • brain damage.


This form of pathology is extremely rare. It is characterized by a purulent melted area of ​​damaged tonsils. The defeat is one-sided. The tonsils are enlarged in size, there is redness, and when palpated, they are painful. During the examination, an increase in regional lymph nodes is traced, which, when palpated, bring pain. The patient experiences pain in the throat when swallowing, in the head area, the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees.

During pharyngoscopy, you can find an increase in the tonsil, its redness and soreness. Trismus of the masticatory muscles can be traced, and the mobility of the soft palate is limited.

Necrotizing tonsillitis

This form of angina is characterized by local and general symptoms of a pronounced nature. This includes a rise in temperature, vomiting, confusion. When diagnosing blood, pronounced leukocytosis and neutrophilia are found.

The affected tonsils are covered with plaque, which has an uneven, pitted surface of a greenish-yellow tint. Often, the affected areas become dense, and when they are removed, bleeding can be traced.

Since necrotic tissues are rejected, ideal conditions are created for the formation of deep defects. They have an irregular shape, lumpy and uneven bottom. Necrosis can extend beyond the tonsils, affecting the uvula, palatine arch and pharyngeal wall.

And although the temperature in an adult patient is high, and the condition is satisfactory, necrotizing tonsillitis is the most difficult. The patient experiences frequent vomiting and confusion. When diagnosing blood, neutrophilia, a pronounced form of leukemia and an increase in ESR can be detected.

Ulcerative-membranous tonsillitis

This form of tonsillitis occurs with the symbiosis of the spirochete of the oral cavity of the fusiform rod. They live in the oral cavity of healthy people. The patient may experience the following complaints:

  • the feeling of the presence of a foreign object when swallowing;
  • heavy breath;
  • increased salivation.

In this case, there is no increase in temperature, and the lymph nodes are enlarged in the affected area. The inflammatory process lasts for about 1-3 weeks, although it can take up to several months.

Viral and bacterial

For this type of pathology in adults, treatment involves antibacterial drugs. If they are not effective, and the symptoms go away on their own after a week, then this indicates the addition of a bacterial infection.This effect is achieved due to the local protective properties in the area of ​​the tonsils. There are the following symptoms of bacterial sore throat:

  • the formation of a grayish plaque that affects the upper surface of the tongue;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx and uvula;
  • an increase in lymph nodes located on the back of the pharynx;
  • purulent plugs form in the tissues of the tonsils;
  • temperature rise to 38 degrees;
  • purulent breath

Types of secondary tonsillitis

If an adult has one or another disease, then often, in addition to damage to organs and systems, secondary tonsillitis develops. This concept contains a complex of symptoms that are characteristic of the main ailment with the addition of pathological changes in the tissues of the throat to them.

Tonsillitis with tularemia

Angina can be presented in the following forms: necrotic, membranous, catarrhal. On the surface of the affected tonsils, there are fragmented formations with a yellowish tint. After a few days, they join together to form a coarse, thick plaque that looks like a diphtheria film.

The lymph nodes from the neck area increase, and soreness occurs when palpating. Another feature of tularemia is an increase in the size of the liver and spleen.

Tonsillitis with scarlet fever

If scarlet fever is present, then a lacunar form of angina may develop. Its difference from the primary one is that the mucous membrane of the throat has a more saturated color. Symptoms of the disease occur on the first day and go away after 5 days. Angina with scarlet fever in adults differs from primary tonsillitis in the following symptoms:

  • crimson color of the cheeks, but the skin near the nasolabial triangle does not change color;
  • a rich red tint of the mucous membrane of the tongue and throat, and papillae are present on the surface;
  • small rash on the inner thighs, elbows and knees.

Tonsillitis with agranulocytosis

The disease with this pathology is similar in external symptoms to sore throat, which occurs with leukemia. It is accompanied by a necrotic ulcerative course. When taking a blood test in an adult patient, leukocytes are not detected.

Tonsillitis with leukemia

At the earliest stage of development of leukemia, tonsillitis has a catarrhal form, and then becomes necrotic. It is characterized by the presence of a grayish plaque on the tonsils. If it is eliminated, then bleeding defects appear with uneven edges and a bumpy bottom.

Symptoms of sore throat with leukemia in adults may be as follows:

  • the occurrence of hemorrhages on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • nosebleeds;
  • chills;
  • headache;
  • temperature rise to 39-40 degrees.

To confirm suspicions about angina with leukemia, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory study of the patient's blood. When decoding, special attention is paid to the number of leukocytes in the lymph composition. In this case, it is overestimated 20 times.

Tonsillitis with enterovirus infection

Tonsillitis with this pathology is called herpangina. The duration of the pathological process is 7 days. First of all, the tonsils are affected by small vesicles. When they open, a whitish coating forms. The rise in temperature reaches 40 degrees.

Diagnostics is carried out taking into account the existing clinical manifestations. Sometimes it will be necessary to conduct a bacteriological study, thanks to which it is possible to recognize the causative agent of the infection and the degree of its tolerance to certain antibiotics. To prevent the disease from becoming the cause of the development of severe complications, it is necessary to conduct early diagnosis, which includes a biochemical blood test and electrocardiography.

Tonsillitis with syphilis

The incubation period of tonsillitis with syphilis lasts about 3-4 weeks. Initially, there is a slight rise in temperature and an increase in one tonsil, which was affected. Erosion of a rounded shape is formed on its mucosa. It has crisp edges and a shiny, smooth bottom. If secondary syphilis develops, then both tonsils are affected. On their mucous membranes, you can find whitish plaques, which are surrounded by bright red rims.

Feature of child sore throat

Children under 12 years of age may be affected by angina. This is due to the fact that the child's body is not yet strong enough to resist pathogens. Every day, children come into contact with other children who can get sick not only with colds, but also with tonsillitis. To reduce the possibility of infection, it is necessary to direct all efforts to maintain the protective functions of the body.

Children's tonsillitis has few characteristics. As a rule, it disguises itself as the usual signs of the flu and other colds. For this reason, most parents, without consulting a doctor, begin to give medicine to their child, mistaking a sore throat for a cold. You will not get the desired effect, but it is quite possible to earn complications.

On the tonsils, you can find a white cheesy bloom, which is accompanied by halitosis. If a child has bumps or plugs on the walls of the tonsils, then this is a reason for contacting a specialist, otherwise complications cannot be avoided.

The peculiarity of the pathology is that mucus can form in the throat, on the back of the pharynx. Also, the child is tormented by a cough and other symptoms characteristic of a sore throat.

In small patients in the autumn-spring period, follicular, monocytic, fungal or lacunar angina can be diagnosed, which are characterized by a sharp rise in temperature.

Monocytic tonsillitis

This form of tonsillitis is symptomatic. Pathology develops as a complication after an infectious mononucleosis. It is characterized by enlargement of the spleen and lymph nodes. Pathology is diagnosed in children of preschool and school age. Infection is carried out by airborne droplets. The duration of the inflammatory process is 1-2 weeks.

The present pathological changes in the pharynx are similar to other typical forms of tonsillitis. For monocytic angina in the study of blood, the presence of up to 20-30 thousand leukocytes and monocytes is characteristic.

Viral sore throat

Young patients are most often exposed to the viral form of sore throat. You can recognize the ailment by the presence of shiny red bubbles that are concentrated around the edge of the sky. Even the child's tongue is whitish and the tonsils are enlarged.

Fungal sore throat

This form of the disease is the result of fungal infection. Most often diagnosed in children who suffer from angina in the autumn-spring period. Pathology begins with a sharp rise in temperature to 37-38 degrees. But this symptom is not always present. There is redness and enlargement of the tonsils in the pharynx. They are concentrated on bright white loose and cheesy blooms. They are easily removed without bleeding. After 5-7 days, all these manifestations go away. When diagnosing a smear from the pharynx, bacterial fluoride, the concentration of yeast cells and fungus can be detected.


This type of tonsillitis is also most often diagnosed in young patients aged 1-5 years. The cause of the pathology is a diphtheria bacillus, which penetrates the mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and throat. It is here that a suitable environment for harmful microbes is formed. They secrete a strong poison that will enter the body through the blood. Toxins have a damaging effect on the nervous system, heart and kidneys.

If diphtheria bacilli have penetrated the mucous membranes of children with strong immunity, then they are not in danger of contracting angina.

Most often, patients with weak protective functions of the body are exposed to the disease.

There are three forms of diphtheria sore throat:

  1. Localized. Plaque affects exclusively the tonsils.
  2. Common. Put on can go beyond the tonsils, affecting the palate, the walls of the pharynx.
  3. Toxic. There is swelling of the pharynx and even the neck.

Signs of tonsillitis differ depending on the form and type of ailment. It is difficult to independently determine a sore throat based on symptoms alone. This requires a trip to the hospital. Each type of tonsillitis has its own treatment, and if it is wrong, it will lead to various complications. If tonsillitis becomes chronic, then, in addition to sore throat, the human body can be affected by other dangerous ailments.