Throat ailments

Causes of the appearance of fungus in the throat and tonsil candidiasis

Fungus in the throat is a common infectious disease, most often caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. As a rule, patients are diagnosed with the so-called oropharyngeal candidiasis, in which the tongue, tonsils, gums, mucous membranes of the pharynx, larynx and oral cavity are affected.

Fungal infection of the throat is a serious problem that requires a prompt solution. Mycotic flora is represented by opportunistic fungi, which are found in small quantities in the mucous membrane of the ENT organs of any person. The active reproduction of microorganisms is facilitated by a sharp decrease in immunity associated with dysbiosis, exacerbation of chronic diseases, irrational intake of antibiotics, etc.

Fungal diseases of the throat are difficult to treat, since candida multiply rapidly, which leads to the generalization of pathological processes.

What is mycosis?

Could there be a fungus in the throat? Some types of opportunistic fungi inhabit not only the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, but also the skin. In the absence of disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, they do not manifest themselves in any way and do not cause inflammatory reactions. If, for some reason, the body's resistance decreases, this stimulates the reproduction of pathogens and the development of diseases.

Typically, a fungal infection in the throat is represented by yeast and mold pathogens. In about 89% of cases, patients are diagnosed with candidiasis provoked by the multiplication of Candida albicans in the mucous membranes of the ENT organs - one of the most common types of fungi. Pathogenic microorganisms "love" alkaline environments, so mycoses are most susceptible to patients who abuse carbohydrate foods.

Pathogenic fungi produce specific enzymes, as a result of which a characteristic curdled or porous white coating is formed on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. The products of their vital activity have a destructive effect on soft tissues, therefore, in the places of localization of the fungal flora, inflammation and, accordingly, discomfort occurs.


If the immune system is working properly, the fungus in the throat and airways does not cause inflammation. Candida carriers are more than 95% of people who are not even aware of such a neighborhood. The human body peacefully coexists with opportunistic microorganisms until favorable conditions arise for their reproduction.

There are many factors that contribute to the activation of Candida albicans and the development of ENT diseases.

The fungus in the throat begins to multiply actively when:

  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • injuries of the mucous membranes;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  • irrational intake of antibiotics;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • pathologies of the circulatory system;
  • wearing dentures;
  • abuse of confectionery.

Candidiasis is a contagious disease that can be transmitted by alimentary, contact or airborne droplets.

The massive spread of fungal diseases is associated with the frequent use of antimicrobial agents that negatively affect the microflora of the intestines and mucous membranes of the respiratory system. An increase in the level of alkalis in the oral cavity creates favorable conditions for the active reproduction of candida.

Types of oropharyngeal candidiasis

Fungus in the throat most often develops in persons suffering from secondary immunodeficiencies. Also, mycoses are susceptible to people who abuse alcohol, glucocorticosteroids, oral contraceptives and antibiotics. Depending on the location of the pathogenic flora, the following types of candidiasis are distinguished:

  • mucous membrane of the cheeks - stomatitis;
  • tonsils - tonsillitis (tonsillomycosis);
  • tongue - glossitis;
  • corners of the mouth - cheilitis;
  • pharyngeal mucosa - pharyngitis (pharyngomycosis);
  • laryngeal mucosa - laryngitis;
  • gums - gingivitis.

Hyperplastic candidiasis of the oral cavity has a tendency to malignant transformation and the development of cancerous tumors.

Most often, patients are diagnosed with tonsillomycosis, pharyngomycosis and oral candidiasis. The greatest health hazard is fungal pharyngitis, since if untreated, pathogens can enter the lower respiratory tract and provoke complications. In order to diagnose diseases in time, one should consider the causes and symptoms of the development of common forms of candidiasis.

Oral candidiasis

If a fungal infection affects the mouth, particularly the gums, soft palate, tongue, and inner cheeks, patients are diagnosed with oral candidiasis. The disease develops gradually against the background of a decrease in immune defense.

Over time, the number of pathogens in the mucous membrane of the oropharynx reaches a critical level, as a result of which the following pathological symptoms occur:

  • redness of the oral mucosa;
  • the formation of cheesy plaque;
  • headache;
  • discomfort when swallowing;
  • burning sensation in the mouth;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • weakness and lack of appetite.

The development of oral candidiasis is often accompanied by glossitis, cheilitis, angulitis, gingivitis and stomatitis.

As a rule, the pathogenic flora is localized in the horse canals, carious teeth and gums.

At the initial stages of development of candidiasis, curdled plaque is easily removed from the surface of the mucous membranes and tongue using a toothbrush or a medical spatula. Over time, in places where pathogens are localized, the mucous membrane acquires a bright red color and swells. If the disease is not treated, the surface of the oropharynx can become covered with erosive formations that cause pain when eating acidic or spicy foods.

Fungal sore throat

Fungal tonsillitis (tonsillomycosis) is an infectious inflammation of the tonsils, accompanied by pain when swallowing. From the point of view of medical terminology, tonsillomycosis can be called exclusively a fungal infection of the tonsils. If, when examining the oropharynx, it turns out that not only the tonsils, but also the larynx or pharynx were affected, the patient is diagnosed with fungal laryngitis or pharyngitis.

"Pure" tonsil candidiasis is much less common than pharyngomycosis or candidal laryngitis. The main manifestations of fungal sore throat include:

  • discomfort in the throat;
  • slight enlargement of the glands;
  • sore throat and burning sensation;
  • porous plaque on the tonsils;
  • temperature increase.

If white streaks with a yellowish tinge appeared on the tonsils, and the mucous membrane around them turned red or slightly increased in size, most likely, the disease was provoked by a mixed flora. As a rule, the fungus on the tonsils develops only with a decrease in local immunity. Therefore, candidiasis is often preceded by chronic bacterial pharyngitis or tonsillitis.

Fungal tonsillitis is not transmitted from person to person, since in most cases it is provoked by opportunistic microorganisms, in particular Candida albicans.

Fungal pharyngitis

Fungal pharyngitis is a septic inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, in which the palatine tonsils and peri-mucous tissue are often involved. The causative agent of the infection is the same Candida albicans, which is localized mainly in the lymphadenoid tissues on the back of the pharynx. Endogenous factors, in particular hormonal imbalance, dysbiosis and secondary immunodeficiencies, contribute to the development of the fungus in the throat.

How is fungal pharyngitis diagnosed? With pharyngomycosis, patients may complain about:

  • rawness in the throat;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • white bloom on the walls of the throat;
  • dry cough;
  • moderate pain in the throat when swallowing;
  • swelling of the palatine arches;
  • subfebrile temperature.

Specific manifestations of the disease are an unobtrusive sore throat, which can radiate to the neck, and a white coating on the walls of the laryngopharynx. It should be noted that the fungus in the throat multiplies faster than viruses or bacteria, therefore, the larynx, esophagus and oral cavity are often involved in pathological processes. In the absence of antimycotic therapy, there is a risk of developing a paratonsillar or pharyngeal abscess.

Treatment features

Can a throat fungus be cured? With a relatively mild course of ENT disease, the reproduction of pathogens can be stopped with the help of symptomatic drugs. To destroy the pathogenic flora, it is recommended to use antiseptic solutions for rinsing the oropharynx ("Iodoform", "Hepilor", "Rivanol") and lozenges ("Faringosept", "Lizobakt", "Septolete").

Severe forms of candidiasis can be eliminated with systemic antifungal agents (antimycotics). They purposefully destroy yeast-like fungi, thereby increasing immunity and accelerating the healing of mucous membranes. What medications for the fungus can be used to treat tonsillomycosis and candidal pharyngitis?

  • Levorin;
  • "Nystatin";
  • Terbinafine;
  • Fluconazole.

Important! Antimycotics are highly toxic drugs that can be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

In order to surely get rid of a fungal disease, it is necessary to eliminate all provoking factors. It is recommended to take immunostimulants to increase the body's resistance, adhere to a low-carbohydrate diet, give up bad habits and carefully handle dentures before use.