Throat ailments

Treatment of granular pharyngitis in children

Children often suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and one of the most common pathologies is pharyngitis - an inflammation of the pharynx. In most cases, a virus or bacterium becomes a provocateur of the inflammatory process; the disease proceeds acutely, ends with recovery and complete recovery of the affected mucous membrane. However, there is a special form of pharyngitis - granular, which is a variant of a chronic pathological process. Parents should be aware of how granulosa pharyngitis proceeds in a child, what treatment methods can be used to improve the condition.

Definition and reasons

Many parents face such a disease as pharyngitis - the younger the child, the more often you can see that his throat turns red and swells, it becomes difficult for him to swallow. Pharyngitis as a syndrome (a complex of symptoms) often accompanies ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection), therefore, if a sore throat occurs in children, first of all, virus infection is suspected.

According to the existing classification, granular pharyngitis is a type of chronic inflammatory process in the anatomical boundaries of the pharynx. This form of the disease does not end with a full recovery - inflammation is constantly present, it is expressed to a certain extent - the subsidence of manifestations is called remission, the resumption of symptoms is a relapse. Changes in the mucous membrane of the pharynx and lymphoid tissue of this anatomical region can be detected even in the absence of complaints.

However, the definition of "granular pharyngitis" in pediatric otolaryngology does not always mean a chronic pathological process. Granules are called lymphadenoid follicles enlarged in size, noticeably rising above the surface of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. These are accumulations of lymphoid tissue that react to the invasion of foreign agents. If a child often suffers infectious diseases or the course of an acute infection was severe enough, the follicles may temporarily change and look like granules. And inflammation of the pharynx, therefore, is regarded as pharyngitis granulosa.

Among the reasons that can cause the appearance of granules:

  1. Infectious agents of various nature (viruses, bacteria, etc.).
  2. Immunodeficiencies, removal of tissue of adenoids, palatine tonsils.
  3. The presence of chronic infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Chronic granular pharyngitis is characterized by persistent hypertrophy of lymphadenoid follicles, lateral ridges.

The increase in lymphadenoid follicles and the appearance of granules are classified as a hypertrophic process, therefore the definition of "hypertrophic pharyngitis" is synonymous with granulosa pharyngitis. Granules as a transient phenomenon persist after acute infections and can be observed for some time even after the vivid manifestations of acute inflammation of the pharynx subsided.


How does the granulosa form of pharyngitis manifest in children? There are several main symptoms:

  • discomfort in the throat (tingling, tickling, dryness);
  • pain that increases when trying to swallow (usually moderate, not very sharp);
  • coughing, which has an obsessive character, is aggravated by inhalation of dry air, exposure to irritants;
  • increased body temperature, weakness, headache.

Pain in granular pharyngitis can radiate (give) to the ears from one or both sides. The general condition of the child depends on his age, as well as on the severity of the fever - it can be subfebrile or febrile.

Children often suffer pharyngitis in combination with rhinitis - with a runny nose, difficulty in nasal breathing, nasal discharge. If the patient has a picture of ARVI, the symptoms may be supplemented by signs of damage to the larynx, trachea, bronchi.

Since not every child, due to age, is able to describe his condition and main complaints, one should imagine how the pharyngeal mucosa changes:

  • swells, turns red;
  • there are many mucous, mucopurulent discharge on its surface;
  • uvula and soft palate are also red, enlarged as a result of edema;
  • on the back of the pharynx, red, edematous, rounded granules are determined.

In a chronic inflammatory process, the mucous membrane is compacted, you can see the branching vascular network. The side bolsters are also compacted and hypertrophied.

Isolated flowing granular pharyngitis is usually not accompanied by a severe cough.

Coughing due to drying out and irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa, appears periodically. A severe paroxysmal cough is not typical for pharyngitis and is a warning sign - the presence of concomitant airway damage, such as tracheitis, should be suspected. If children are hysterically coughing up to vomiting, we cannot talk about inflammation of only the pharynx.

Home actions

Parents and other adults who are close to the child are the first to notice a change in his condition. Children are treated by a pediatrician, but you should know how you can help before consulting a specialist:

  1. Correct microclimate parameters.

The more the mucous membrane dries up, the more pronounced the pain and discomfort. Therefore, the humidity in the room should be in the range of 50-70%, and the temperature - 18-20 ° С.

  1. Correct the drinking regime.

Frequent plentiful warm drinks (water, juice, compote, fruit drink) allows you to moisturize the mucous membrane, prevent dehydration, especially if the child has a high body temperature.

  1. Adjust your diet.

Children with pharyngitis should not be given hot spices, crackers, dry rolls, as well as carbonated drinks. Food should be digestible and as useful as possible, while not irritating the mucous membrane. It should be offered in small portions.

What shouldn't you do yourself? In the treatment of granular pharyngitis in children, you should not:

  • use antibacterial drugs (the need for them is determined by the attending physician, more often only local treatment is indicated);
  • force to eat at a high body temperature (appetite will appear after a decrease, during a fever it is better to give a warm drink);
  • rub the child with alcohol, vodka to combat fever (substances are absorbed and cause systemic intoxication);
  • wrapping up a child with a fever (the transfer of heat to the external environment worsens, there is a risk of hyperthermia, seizures);
  • lubricate the throat with cutlery, pencils and other objects (there is a risk of injury, laryngeal spasm, foreign body aspiration).

Even if there is complete confidence that the child has granular pharyngitis, you need to show him to the doctor. With the wrong treatment, there is a high risk of complications (for example, otitis media - otitis media).

How to treat

How is pharyngitis granulosa treated? For both acute and chronic inflammation, such drugs are used as:

  1. Local antiseptics.
  2. Local pain relievers.
  3. Local anti-inflammatory.
  4. Antipyretics (antipyretic).

Combined local preparations that combine several directions of action at once (Anti-Angin, Neo-angin) are extremely popular - they are available in the form of lozenges, sprays, rinsing solutions. As anti-inflammatory, folk remedies are used - gargling with a solution of salt, chamomile infusion, beet juice with honey.

When choosing a medicine, the age of the child should be taken into account - most antiseptics, as well as spray preparations are prohibited for children under 5-6 years old.

In addition, young children often do not know how to gargle - you can moisturize and cleanse the mucous membrane by drinking plenty of clean warm water, tea, juice.

You should be wary of medications that contain Chlorhexidine. When used in children, careful adherence to dosing rules is required. The same goes for medications that include iodine. The listed funds cannot be used at the same time.

Antipyretics are indicated at temperatures above 38-38.5 ° C - they should not be used in the case of subfebrile fever, if the child's condition is relatively satisfactory. Also, do not take antipyretic drugs to prevent fever.

In chronic granular pharyngitis, the doctor may recommend rinsing with a solution of soda, after stopping the exacerbation of the process - hygienic rinsing to cleanse the mucous membrane, vitamin therapy. It also requires treatment of chronic diseases, rehabilitation of foci of chronic infection, courses of physiotherapy. With significant granule hypertrophy, removal of the granules may be considered.