Throat ailments

Principles of tracheitis treatment in pregnant women

As soon as a woman finds out about her pregnancy, she begins a crucial period in her life, which lasts at least until the baby is born. The first trimester is especially dangerous, when the embryo's organs are laid, so any adverse effect can become decisive in his life.

Given the decrease in immunity in the expectant mother against the background of pregnancy, the appearance of a cough or runny nose is far from uncommon. Often, diseases of the respiratory tract are diagnosed, therefore, we will consider in more detail the treatment of tracheitis during pregnancy.

Why do pregnant women get sick so often? The fact is that the body is undergoing a global restructuring based on hormonal changes. In addition, the cardiovascular, respiratory, urinary and digestive systems do more work than before pregnancy, which also weakens the body's internal defenses.

For a cough to appear, you do not need much, it is enough:

  • overcool; breathe deeply in cold air;
  • drink a cold drink;
  • eat ice cream;
  • live in an area with polluted dry air;
  • communicate with colleagues or relatives who are experiencing an acute period of a viral illness.

The onset of tracheitis can be suspected based on the following clinical symptoms:

  1. dry cough;
  2. subfebrile condition;
  3. malaise;
  4. decreased appetite;
  5. body aches;
  6. sore throat.

The progression of the disease is evidenced by an increase in cough, weakness, an increase in hyperthermia, the appearance of a runny nose and phlegm when coughing.

The danger of a strong cough is an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, which can provoke premature birth, spontaneous abortion or bleeding.

Rules of behavior

A woman needs to understand that the life of the unborn child depends on her, therefore, it is not worth neglecting her health and hoping that the disease will heal itself. Compliance with the regimen will help to recover faster and protect the fetus from complications:

  1. regardless of the severity of the disease, a woman should not go shopping and do all the housework. She needs bed rest for at least 5 days of the acute period. This will help to keep the strength to fight tracheitis and "lie down";
  2. it is necessary to strengthen the drinking regime, of course, given the presence of possible edema in the third trimester, so as not to increase them. Warm drinks are especially useful, for example, fruit drink, compote, jelly, milk, tea with raspberries, currants, lemon or mint. Adequate intake of fluid in the body will help not only reduce the level of hyperthermia, but also accelerate the cleansing of toxins;
  3. when appetite decreases, it is not recommended to eat heavy foods (fatty, fried, spicy, solid foods). Fruits, fresh vegetables, chicken broth or porridge of a liquid consistency will be useful;
  4. relatives who will be near the pregnant woman need to take care of the air in the room. Ventilation (not by a draft!) And wet cleaning are obligatory;
  5. you should not expose a woman to stress, because she needs good rest and tranquility.

Drug therapy

With mild symptoms, you can do without medication and limit yourself to alternative therapy. If the temperature reaches 38 degrees, and the cough has become paroxysmal, the attending physician may prescribe medications that are the safest in this period. In most cases, tracheitis is caused by a viral infection, which must be fought with antiviral agents.

Drug nameActionRelease form, dosagespecial instructions
ViferonExpressed antiviral, immunostimulating. The composition includes interferon and vitamins C, E.Rectal suppositories of various dosages (150 thousand, 500 thousand, 1 million, 3 million)Recommended from 14 weeks
EngystolHomeopathic medicine. Immunomodulatory, antiviral, anti-inflammatoryPills. Take every 15 minutes for the first two hours in the acute period of the illness. From the next day, take three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals or an hour after.Contains lactose
InflucidHomeopathic medicine. In the acute period, take a pill every hour and a half (6 tablets). From the next day - three times a day. Take before or after meals for half an hourThe composition includes wheat starch, therefore it is prohibited for celiac disease. Also has lactose
AflubinHomeopathic medicine. Immunomodulatory, antiviralPills. The first two days - 1 tablet three times a day. From the third day - twice a day. Dissolve the tablet half an hour before meals or an hour after.The composition includes lactose. A change in taste is possible due to the herbal composition of the drug, which is acceptable
OtsilokoktsinumHomeopathic medicine. Immunomodulatory, antiviralPencil case with granules. Take twice a day. Dissolve the contents of the pencil case under the tongueForbidden for fructose, galactose intolerance

Antibacterial agents are prescribed exclusively by a doctor after confirmation of a bacterial infection (bacterial culture).

Antibiotics for tracheitis are rarely prescribed, only with a complicated course with the development of bronchitis, pneumonia or tonsillitis. Ceftriaxone, Cefalexin, Cefepim, Sumamed and Amoxiclav are allowed for pregnant women. Doses of drugs and the duration of the course are determined by the doctor.

In addition to antimicrobial drugs, medications are needed to reduce coughing. For pregnant women, the following drugs are allowed:

  • lozenges Dr. Mom. They belong to the group of expectorants, consisting of plant components (licorice root, ginger, emblic fruit). Rounded lozenges have fruity flavors. They have anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator, antimicrobial and mild analgesic effects. The lozenge should be sucked in the mouth every 3 hours;
  • Bromhexine is released in the form of a syrup. It has a strong expectorant effect. Should be taken 7-15 ml three times a day. Usually the effect is observed after 3-5 days. Drinking plenty of fluids throughout the treatment will also help reduce the viscosity of the phlegm and stimulate its excretion. The drug is incompatible with alkaline solutions;
  • Prospan in the form of a syrup belongs to herbal remedies. The action is aimed at reducing the viscosity of bronchial secretions, active excretion of sputum and expansion of the bronchi. Before taking the bottle, shake it up, take 5-7 ml three times a day before meals. Contraindications include fructose intolerance. Care must be taken in the presence of diabetes and liver failure.

Treatment of tracheitis in pregnant women should include the fight against fever, because the fever increases sweating, increases the risk of dehydration and hypoxia.

Physical methods of cooling are generally recommended, such as drinking plenty of fluids or warm showers.

Antipyretic drugs should be taken at temperatures above 38 degrees. To reduce hyperthermia, Paracetamol is used in the form of tablets or syrup. The medicinal effect of the drug is based on the effect on the hypothalamus, namely, the center of thermoregulation. It also has a slight anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. A decrease in temperature is noted 60-90 minutes after ingestion.

When a sore throat occurs, it is recommended to use:

  1. Bioparox aerosol. The action of the drug is aimed at destroying microbes and suppressing inflammation. The medicine must be sprayed 4 times a day behind the posterior pharyngeal wall and inhaled deeply so that the particles of the drug penetrate the mucous membrane of the larynx and trachea;
  2. Ingalipta.It has antimicrobial and analgesic effects. It is enough to irrigate the back of the pharynx three times a day;
  3. Miramistina - for rinsing the oropharynx. It has an antimicrobial effect.

People's aid

Tracheitis can be treated with traditional medicines. They act mildly and practically do not cause side reactions.

Pregnant women are prohibited from coltsfoot, oregano, aloe, pine buds, thyme and sage for oral administration.

Inhalation is most useful for tracheitis, but they are not recommended for fever above 38 degrees. For oral administration, you can prepare decoctions based on chamomile, viburnum, lingonberry, rose hips, ginger, linden or black currant. They saturate the body with vitamins, relieve coughs and strengthen immune defenses.


To protect the unborn child from diseases, during pregnancy, you need to follow a few simple rules.

They relate to vitamin nutrition, walks in the fresh air, emotional calmness, the absence of heavy physical activity and the timely treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases.