Throat ailments

Treatment of acute tracheitis in adults

Probably, there are no people who would not be familiar with a cough. It is enough to overcool, drink a cold drink or be in the company of sick people, and an unpleasant symptom makes itself felt. With the development of tracheitis, not only cough worries, but also fever, sore throat and malaise.

Treatment of acute tracheitis is a difficult task, but it can be solved. The main thing is to take a responsible approach to the implementation of all recommendations. Now let's look at what acute tracheitis is and its treatment. To achieve the desired result in treatment, you need to know the cause of the disease. It can be:

  1. infection of a viral or bacterial origin;
  2. general hypothermia;
  3. long-term smoking, alcohol abuse;
  4. an allergic reaction (in addition to coughing, there is neck swelling, itching, skin rashes, lacrimation);
  5. dry, polluted or cold air;
  6. cold drinks or ice cream.

In the diagnosis, examination of the oropharynx, vocal cords with laryngoscopy, X-ray examination of the lungs (to exclude pneumonia) and bacteriological analysis of sputum or throat swabs are used.

If you do not pay attention to treatment, the risk of inflammation and infection spreading to surrounding organs increases. Thus, laryngotracheitis and tracheobronchitis develops. In the case of prolonged exposure to an allergic factor, bronchospasm and bronchial asthma may occur.

Treatment tactics

Drug therapy will not lead to a complete recovery if you do not follow the rules of the regimen. We list the treatment measures that help to cope with tracheitis as soon as possible:

  • complete rest. This applies to physical activity, stress and a gentle regime for the voice. A coughing fit can be triggered by laughing, loud screaming, or inhaling cold air;
  • optimal living conditions (adequate temperature regime, humidity level). To do this, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of at least 24 degrees. To humidify the air, you must use special humidifiers. Do not forget about wet cleaning and frequent airing of the room;
  • adequate diet. Dishes that irritate the oropharyngeal mucosa are excluded. These include spicy, peppery, salty, fried foods, cold, hot and carbonated drinks;
  • warm drink. Especially useful are milk with soda, honey, goat fat, tea with raspberries, currants, lemon, compotes, juices and jelly;
  • exclusion of alcoholic beverages;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral agents;
  • antipyretic, antihistamines and antitussives;
  • inhalations, compresses, rubbing, mustard plasters and physiotherapy procedures.


First, we will analyze, without which the treatment of tracheitis will not be effective:

  1. immunomodulating and antiviral agents - Kagocel, Ingavirin, Influcid, Amiksin and Novirin;
  2. antibacterial drugs - Cefix, Azithromycin and Amoxicillin;
  3. antipyretics - Nise, Ibuprofen and Aspirin;
  4. antiallergic medicines (Diazolin, Erius);
  5. vasoconstrictor drugs (Evkazolin, Lazorin, Xymelin) - with rhinorrhea and nasal congestion;
  6. spray Bioparox, Ingalipt, Tantum Verde - for sore throat, rinsing solutions - Stopangin, Rotokan or Furacilin, lozenges - Strepsils, Faringosept and Septifril;
  7. with a painful dry cough - Libexin, Glaucin, Tusuprex and Bronholitin;
  8. with difficult sputum discharge - Bromhexine, Herbion primrose, Acetylcysteine ​​and Ambroxol.

In the treatment, you can also use herbal and homeopathic preparations - Otsilokoktsinum, Sinupret, licorice root and thermopsis.

Inhalation with tracheitis

In the presence of a nebulizer, the inhalation procedure is easier and does not require large preparations.

Nebulizer preparationTherapeutic actionDosage
Saline, still alkaline water (Borjomi)Moisturizing the mucous membrane and reducing its irritationUndiluted 4 ml is enough for one session.
Fluimucil, AmbroxolLiquefies phlegm, facilitates its excretionThe drug is diluted 1: 1. For inhalation, 4 ml of the finished medicine is used.
Berodual, VentolinExpands the bronchi, activates coughing up phlegmIt is enough to dissolve 20-30 drops in 4 ml of saline solution.
DioxidineLocal antibioticIf 0.5% - dilution 1: 1, if 1% - 1: 4.
InterferonImmunomodulatorTo be added to 3 ml of saline
TussamagFights dry coughDivorces 1: 1

Inhalation in the absence of an inhaler is carried out with the following drugs:

  • to 900 ml of boiling water, you need to add 50 g of eucalyptus leaves or 7 drops of eucalyptus (pine, menthol) essential oil;
  • 60 g of propolis, as well as 40 g of wax, you need to pour 280 ml of water and dissolve in a water bath. Inhale steam twice a day for 10 minutes.

There are two ways to treat with inhalation:

  1. covered with a towel over a container with a healing solution, you need to inhale the steam at a distance of 30 cm from the liquid;
  2. you can roll a cone out of thick paper, cover the pan with a wide base, and through the narrow part we begin to inhale steam.

The procedure must be carried out in compliance with the following rules:

  • the duration of the procedure is no more than 10 minutes;
  • steam temperature - no higher than 55 degrees;
  • after inhalation, it is not recommended to eat, drink and smoke;
  • inhalations are prohibited in case of fever above 37.7 degrees.

Folk remedies

Treatment of acute tracheitis can be supplemented with folk remedies:

  1. infusion of oregano. 10 g of the ingredient must be poured with 240 ml of water and heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. After filtration, take three times a day; nettle tea. For preparation, it is enough to pour 20 g of flowers with a liter of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and take 100 ml three times a day;
  2. Melilot, mint, as well as licorice root and fennel are mixed in equal volume, poured with a liter of boiling water and infused for a quarter of an hour. Drink 240 ml three times a day;
  3. tea made from blackberry leaves. 40 g of the ingredient should be poured with 450 ml of boiling water and infused for 10 minutes. Take 220 ml twice a day;
  4. 5 garlic cloves must be peeled, chopped, filled with 230 ml of milk and boiled. Then you need to cool and take 5 ml three times a day;
  5. fresh cabbage juice will help eliminate hoarseness. 100 ml should be taken half an hour before meals twice a day.

In the pharmacy, you can buy "Breast collection", which may include medicinal herbs such as pine buds, plantain, anise, sage, marshmallow, oregano, licorice root, and coltsfoot.

Residual cough

After the end of the acute period, the residual cough may bother for another 3 weeks. This is not so rare already, it is important not to leave the condition unattended and continue therapy. Are considered effective:

  • physiotherapy procedures - inductothermy, UHF, electrophoresis, the action of which is aimed at accelerating the passage of drugs through the skin directly to the inflammatory focus. The procedure is carried out with calcium chloride and potassium iodide;
  • compresses (Dr. Mom, Bronchipret oil);
  • inhalation (Tussamag).

If the cough has been observed for more than a month, and the temperature remains at 37.3 degrees and you feel weak, you need to see a doctor.

Warming procedures

We emphasize that warming procedures are prohibited in case of purulent inflammation and fever above 37.5 degrees. Their action consists in the expansion of superficial blood vessels, as a result of which the delivery of immune components to the inflammatory focus is improved, swelling, pain and viscosity of sputum decrease.

Compresses can be done as follows:

  • for cooking you need honey, flour, mustard powder, as well as vegetable oil. The dose of each ingredient is 15 g. Having combined all the components, you need to fill them with water to get a pasty consistency. This is necessary to create the desired shape of the cake. The mass must be heated in a water bath, wrapped in a piece of cloth and applied to the upper part of the chest or between the shoulder blades. Top should be covered with plastic and a warm cloth. The duration of the compress is 2 hours;
  • the goose fat must be melted in a water bath, cooled slightly and lubricated with the anterior chest and interscapular region. Covering the oiled area with polyethylene, you need to put on a sweater on top or warm yourself with a warm scarf;
  • to make a potato tortilla, you need to boil a few potatoes "in their uniforms", mash with a fork and mix with 30 ml of vegetable oil. Having received a pasty consistency, you need to mold a cake, wrap it with a cloth and attach it to the chest.

Rubbing can be done with warm vodka, semi-alcoholic solution, pine oil (30 g mixed with 100 g of melted butter), essential oil (15 g of honey is mixed with 3 drops of eucalyptus oil).

Warming procedures also include "banks" and mustard plasters. So, how to use mustard and "cans":

  1. mustard can be added to socks for warming, in hot water to steam the feet, or mustard plasters can be used, which can be placed on the upper chest area, except for the heart region, and also between the shoulder blades, except for the area above the vertebrae;
  2. to put the jars you will need cotton wool on the clip, jars, matches, fat cream. First, you need to put the lighted cotton wool for a few seconds into the cavity of the can, then install the latter on the surface of the back in the interscapular region and repeat the manipulations with the other can. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes, after which you need to carefully remove the cans, pressing on the skin near it. This is necessary so that the air enters the cavity of the can, and it quickly detaches from the skin. After the procedure, the skin must be lubricated with cream.


To minimize the risk of developing tracheitis, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • avoid long-term contact with sick people during an epidemic;
  • observe personal hygiene;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • do not abuse alcohol and cold drinks;
  • normalize nutrition;
  • temper and play sports;
  • do not forget about wet cleaning;
  • take vitamins;
  • take a walk in the fresh air;
  • get enough sleep;
  • control physical activity;
  • to strengthen the immune system, going on vacation at sea or in a forest area.

Do not forget to visit a doctor in order to recognize diseases in time and cure them. And remember, when you are sick, you expose your children to infection, which is extremely unpleasant for parents. Therefore, observe preventive measures and try not to get sick.