Throat ailments

Symptoms of diseases of the vocal cords

Each of us, at least once, has faced such a problem as a hoarse voice or even its absence. Often this is observed after severe hypothermia, the use of ice cream or cold drinks. In addition, ligaments in the throat hurt after prolonged screaming or singing.

The vocal cords, localized in the larynx, are muscle-connective tissue structures that form a gap between themselves. The dimensions of the latter change depending on the tension of the ligaments. When the ligaments are closed, air does not pass through the larynx, and there is no voice.

Voice hoarseness is caused by swelling of the ligaments, which reduces the gap. Severe inflammation and swelling of the ligaments leads to a significant narrowing of the gap and a change in voice.

Diseases of the vocal cords develop due to:

  1. hypothermia, when the cold factor has a local effect (with deep breathing through the mouth, drinking cold drinks). Also, signs of inflammation in the larynx can become a symptom of general hypothermia, in addition to fever, malaise and cough;
  2. overstrain of the ligaments. People associated with oratorical activities (announcers, teachers, vocalists) are especially often affected;
  3. prolonged breathing of polluted air (smog, industrial hazards), which leads to dryness of the mucous membrane, its irritation and dysfunction of the sound-generating apparatus;
  4. chronic inflammation of the nasal, oropharynx, for example, sinusitis, tonsillitis, which predisposes the spread of infection during exacerbation of the disease;
  5. infectious lesion (viruses, bacteria);
  6. an allergic reaction;
  7. smoking;
  8. traumatic injury;
  9. oncological neoplasms.

With the negative impact of these factors, the vocal cords are affected. In the vocal cords, tissue edema and microcracks in the mucous membrane are observed, which increases the risk of secondary infection. It is worth highlighting the symptoms that occur in almost every case of lesion of the voice-forming apparatus:

  • vocal hoarseness, up to aphonia;
  • perspiration, dryness;
  • soreness when swallowing;
  • hyperemia of the posterior pharyngeal wall;
  • dry type cough with a possible transition to wet;
  • subfebrile hyperthermia.

Note that in children, the risk of developing respiratory failure is significantly higher, which is associated with a smaller diameter of the airways and severe tissue edema.


In comparison with other diseases, laryngitis is diagnosed in most cases. The disease develops as a result of bacterial or viral infection, severe hypothermia, eating cold foods or inhaling polluted air.

Symptomatically, the pathology manifests itself:

  1. dryness, soreness;
  2. subfebrile hyperthermia;
  3. tickling in the throat;
  4. a lump in the throat;
  5. voice hoarseness;
  6. dry cough;
  7. soreness when swallowing.

In the case of chronicity of the pathological process, the symptoms are disturbed periodically and with less intensity. With an exacerbation of the disease, a clinic of acute laryngitis develops.

Diagnosis is carried out using laryngoscopy, in which a specialist visualizes redness, swelling of the ligaments, on the surface of which sputum is noted. With flu, hemorrhages are possible on the ligaments. To determine the infectious pathogen, a bacteriological study is carried out, the material for which is collected from the mucous membrane of the oropharynx. In blood tests, leukocytosis is recorded.

In the chronic form, with laryngoscopy, a hyperplastic or atrophic type of the disease is observed. In vocalists, educators and announcers, nodules are visualized on the surface of the thickened ligaments.

Laryngitis can develop with diphtheria, influenza, anthrax, measles, whooping cough, glanders, scarlet fever, and typhoid fever.

Diphtheria laryngitissubfebrile hyperthermia, soreness when swallowing, nasal congestion, runny nose, malaise, pallor of the skin.Laryngoscopy (hyperemia, edema of the mucous membrane, plaques of a green, gray shade that are difficult to remove from the surface). Bacteriological research (to identify an infectious agent).Croup is manifested by febrile fever, voice hoarseness (aphonia), noisy breathing, shortness of breath, and coughing.
InfluenzaChest pain, febrile fever, cough, body aches, rhinitis, sore throat, malaise, arthralgia, headache.Laryngoscopy (mucosal hyperemia, hemorrhages, fibrin fibers).Abscess, phlegmon in the epiglottis region.
KorevaGranularity of the posterior pharyngeal wall, spots on the mucous membrane of the cheeks, which after fusion are not visualized, exanthema on the skin, febrile hyperthermia, sore throat, sleep disturbance, cough, rhinitis, conjunctivitis.Laryngoscopy (swelling, hyperemia of the ligaments), laboratory tests.Croup, bacterial pneumonia.
Laryngitis with chickenpoxSubfebrile hyperthermia, malaise, vesicles on the oral mucosa, skin, itching.Laryngoscopy (hyperemia, swelling of the ligaments, ulceration is visualized in the ulcerative form), laboratory diagnostics.Purulent complications provoked by secondary infection.
Laryngitis with scarlet feverSyndrome, febrile fever, malaise.Laryngoscopy, laboratory research.Phlegmon, perichondritis, tracheitis, esophagitis.
PertussisParoxysmal cough, sore throat, chest discomfort, noisy breathing, voice hoarseness.Laryngoscopy, laboratory tests.Vocal cord paresis, pneumonia, respiratory failure.

Cancer neoplasms

Cancer of the vocal cords of benign or malignant genesis leads to damage not only to the voice-forming apparatus, but also to the surrounding organs. The appearance of a neoplasm in the larynx area contributes to a decrease in the lumen of the respiratory tract. Symptomatically, this manifests itself:

  • shortness of breath;
  • sore throat;
  • noisy breathing;
  • cough.

Insufficient oxygen supply to internal organs leads to oxygen starvation and the development of organ dysfunction.

With the progression of the disease, the neoplasm spreads to neighboring organs, affecting the esophagus. Of the clinical symptoms, dysphagia is observed, and in the event of a fistula between the organs of the digestive and respiratory tract, food is thrown into the respiratory tract.

In a malignant lesion, closely spaced lymph nodes become dense, with a tuberous surface and adhered to adjacent tissues.

For diagnostics, laryngoscopy, fibrogastroduodenoscopy, bronchoscopy, X-ray, ultrasound and tomography are used.

Traumatic injury

When the ligaments hurt, the pain may be due to a traumatic factor affecting the ligaments in the throat. The ligaments in the throat are not able to fully perform their functions due to severe swelling, tissue infiltration, and the presence of a hematoma. The official site Play Fortuna has its own bonus system, which includes rewards for new and regular customers of the site. The bonuses are quite interesting, but they have their own rules of use, which must be followed after activation. All Play Fortune bonuses at casinos are cleared by a wager, and only after that they can be fully used and made a profit.This applies, for example, to free spins. The same free spins can most often be used only in specific slots.

Symptomatically, the pathology is manifested by dysphonia, impaired swallowing function, breathing, coughing, the development of pain syndrome, bleeding and hemoptysis.

To identify pathology, X-ray, ultrasound, endoscopy and computed tomography are prescribed. In the treatment of traumatic injury to the larynx, the main thing is to ensure the patency of the respiratory tract, up to tracheostomy.

Allergic reactions

Vocal cord lesions are common with allergies.

After contact of an allergic factor with the laryngeal mucosa, the entry of food into the digestive tract or the intake of a drug, a local or systemic response of the immune system occurs. It is expressed in the form of an allergic reaction with the appearance of such clinical symptoms:

  1. labored breathing;
  2. voice hoarseness;
  3. a lump in the throat;
  4. dryness, tickling in the fauces;
  5. soreness when swallowing;
  6. conjunctivitis;
  7. lacrimation;
  8. rhinorrhea.

Depending on the reactivity of the immune systems and the aggressiveness of the contacting factor, allergy can manifest itself in the form of Quinet's edema or anaphylactic shock. They are characterized by severe shortness of breath, respiratory failure, skin rash, decreased blood pressure and increased heart rate.

The provoking factors in the development of allergies can be wool, chocolate, citrus fruits, dust, pollen, seafood, drugs, fluff and various food colors.

Spasmodic dysphonia

In most cases, pathology is recorded after 35 years. It is caused by a violation of the psychoemotional state under the influence of frequent stress, constant experiences and overload of the voice-forming apparatus.

The disease is based on ligament dysfunction (absence of their closure or opening). Symptomatically, there is a loss of sonority of the voice, the appearance of hiss, the voice becomes unnatural. Difficulties arise when speaking.

Voice Loss Prevention

To avoid dysphonia and damage to the sound-forming apparatus, it is recommended:

  1. timely treatment for sore throat or sore throat;
  2. prevention of hypothermia, the influence of drafts;
  3. sufficient drinking regime, which will maintain the water balance in the norm;
  4. regular airing of the room, wet cleaning;
  5. air humidification;
  6. do not drink cold drinks;
  7. no need to abuse cold dishes, products (ice cream);
  8. quitting smoking, alcohol abuse;
  9. do not overextend the vocal cords.

By following the recommendations, you can prevent damage to the vocal cords, as well as reduce the risk of developing infectious and inflammatory diseases such as pharyngitis, laryngitis or tracheitis.