Diseases of the nose

Treatments for a broken nose

There are various reasons for a nose fracture: falling from a height, impact, accident, injury. But as soon as the shock passes, questions immediately arise: how to treat a broken nose, what consequences can the injury turn into, and how to prevent them? Therefore, it makes sense to consider what a nose fracture is, to study methods of treating this injury and prognosis.

Types of injury

It is not enough to say that we can talk about a buried or open fracture, since each of these types of injuries has its own varieties:

  • closed fracture of the nose without displacement (sometimes accompanied by bone sinking, separation of the nasal suture);
  • open fracture without displacement;
  • a closed fracture with an offset (this is how you can break your nose by hitting with your hand in any half of the nose);
  • open fracture with displacement (found among football players, boxers, hockey players).

As a result of strong external influence, the nasal septum can be broken. Despite the fact that cartilage, due to its flexibility and density, is able to withstand significant pressure from the outside and remain intact, when the bone deforms, it also changes.

When examining and analyzing the injury, it can also be found that as a result of a strong blow, not only the nasal bones are broken, but also the frontal processes of the upper jaw. In addition, in the event of a blow from above, the convex part of the nose is injured. In this case, the fracture occurs simultaneously vertically and horizontally, and in the second case, the bone fragment sinks. The skin can remain intact, only the shape of the nose changes, and protruding pieces are felt on palpation.

If a displacement occurs with a closed injury, the attachment of the nasal plate to the forehead is disrupted, and this is immediately determined visually: a curvature becomes noticeable, and palpation reveals zigzags and irregularities. By sight it can also be established that the destroyed part looks wider than the healthy one.

As a result of any type of trauma in the area of ​​the septum, the symmetry of the nose is disturbed, a hump appears, and health problems arise.

Due to the fact that nasal breathing becomes defective, sinusitis, rhinitis becomes a frequent occurrence in people with a broken nose, and each of these diseases, as a rule, becomes chronic. Therefore, when asked what to do with a broken nose, the answer is often only one: to be operated on.


In addition to the fact that with a fracture, some changes are visually noticeable, characteristic symptoms are observed:

  • pain in the nose, and not only in the impact zone;
  • redness and swelling at the site of injury;
  • crepitus of debris;
  • accumulation of air in the subcutaneous tissue under the eye, which can spread to other areas;
  • local temperature rise;
  • bleeding during injury.

If the damage to bones and tissues is severe, bleeding may not stop for a long time, which threatens with blood loss. Therefore, it is important that first aid for a broken nose is provided in a timely manner. However, if the injury is severe, bleeding may return at regular intervals.

Softening of tissues is considered a dangerous symptom, since this indicates the onset of an abscess. In damaged tissues, a cavity sometimes forms, in which pus begins to accumulate. It can come out on its own through the nose. If there is a breakthrough of purulent masses inside the nose and an infection develops, a purulent process in the fracture zone leads to a brain abscess. This can be prevented by opening the abscess and removing it.

Sometimes the infection penetrates into the mucous membrane, but this symptom is very rare. Infection can occur in a person with active blood flow in the nasal area or if a lot of bacteria have accumulated in the secretory secretions.

As a result of a blow, not only a fracture can occur, but also a swelling of the nasal septum. The tumor is located directly under the mucous membrane and requires surgical intervention. It makes it much more difficult to breathe in. If the tumor is not removed, cartilage will begin to deteriorate.

The victim may partially or completely lose the ability to distinguish between smells. This symptom often develops as a result of such a consequence of trauma as synechia, when connective tissue, bone / cartilage are fused, the opposite walls of the mucous membrane are connected. Subsequently, this becomes the cause of narrowing of the nasal passage, leads to migraines, asthma-like asthma attacks.

What is the first aid

Much depends on whether a person knows what a broken nose is and what to do. In case of injury, you should immediately apply cold to the damaged area. You can use a cloth soaked in cold water or pieces of ice wrapped in a cotton napkin, and in winter snow is the most readily available remedy. If ice is used, it cannot be kept in place of the injury for a long time, the optimal duration of the procedure is no more than 20 minutes with a 20-minute break. Cold compresses help reduce swelling and bruising and relieve pain.

What to do if your nose is broken and bleeding occurs? In this case, the use of cold also saves. To stop bleeding, you must:

  • sit up straight;
  • lean forward a little;
  • pinch your nose with your fingers, pressing only the nostrils and not touching the injury site.

Do not blow your nose, because at this time, through the torn mucous membranes, air can get under the skin. It is also contraindicated to take medications that usually help with nasal congestion. It is strictly forbidden to try to put the debris in place yourself. Broken parts of the bone can only be repaired by a specialist.

Pain medication can be taken before medical attention is provided. In such cases, Acetaminophen, Paracetamol, Tylenol, Ibuprofen or Motrin are used. However, even with severe pain, it is not recommended to violate the dosage; it is better to follow the instructions for the drug. Knowing when a nose is broken and what to do in this case will always help to provide first aid correctly.

Diagnostic methods

First, a routine examination is carried out, during which the doctor finds out from the patient how the injury was received, feels the fracture site. After that, an X-ray is done, an X-ray of the nose and paranasal sinuses is needed for any type of injury. It is possible that this method will not provide complete information; additional examination of the nasal cavity and nasal bone will be required. Sometimes computed tomography is necessary. Such diagnostic methods make it possible to see the lines along which tissue destruction has occurred, to understand how much the integrity of the paranasal sinuses is violated, whether there is damage to the eye sockets or the bones of the skull.

In order to examine the internal nasal cavity, endoscopic rhinoscopy is performed. It assumes minimal intervention, but at the same time makes it possible to detect pathologies and see all changes in the studied area. A rhinoscopy is performed using anesthesia: the mucous membrane is irrigated with an agent with decongestant and analgesic properties.

For a fracture of the nose to be effective, differential diagnosis is important. This takes into account the type of fracture, the presence or absence of puffiness and crepitus of debris, the degree of pain. To get a more complete picture of the changes, consultations with a number of specialists are needed.

So, an examination by a neurosurgeon will make it possible to confirm or exclude a brain injury, and if the eye socket is damaged, an additional examination by an ophthalmologist will be required. Sometimes you need the help of a therapist, cardiologist, neuropathologist.

What can be the treatment

Therapy depends on the location of the fracture and its severity. In case of bleeding, cotton swabs are inserted into the patient's nose, pre-soaked with solutions that promote blood clotting. When I started playing slot machines in pin-up casinos, I did not expect at all that I would be lucky enough to hit the jackpot. It turns out that at https://pinupkazino.ru you can turn the minimum bet into a very decent amount and get the best deposit bonuses. So it's definitely worth playing here. And even if it doesn't come out to win, the cars are gorgeous here. The damaged area is cleared of possible contamination. In the event of an open injury, a tetanus shot is given.

If the nasal bone remains intact, pain relievers and sedatives are prescribed, as well as ice compresses. Compresses can be applied for several days to reduce swelling, bruising, and improve blood circulation at the injury site.

In case of displacement or fragmentation of bones, a reduction is needed, during which all fragments are returned to their place. It is advisable to carry it out if no more than 21 days have passed since the injury, but a period of up to 10 days is considered the best option. In this case, all bone fragments are set manually under the influence of local anesthesia. After 10 days, callus begins to form, which greatly complicates the reposition, therefore, the repositioned area is additionally fixed with a special bandage.

In case of a complex fracture, surgical treatment is performed. After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for up to 10 days. For this period, he is prescribed antibiotics and pain relievers. If a day after removing the bandages, nosebleeds do not occur, the patient who has been cured after the fracture is discharged. With a timely visit to a doctor and treatment undertaken, the prognosis is always positive.

Measures for quick recovery

A person who has suffered any injury must observe a sparing regimen for a month. It is necessary to reduce the load, to exclude for a while a visit to the bath and sauna. If the patient wore glasses before the injury, he should give them up for three weeks.

Sometimes vasoconstrictor drops or nasal spray are prescribed. They should be used for up to 10 days. For relief of traumatic changes in the nasal mucosa, the reception of "Sinupret" can be recommended. The regimen is calculated by the doctor.

In addition, it is recommended to introduce dairy products, fruits high in vitamin C, herbs and vegetables into the diet. Drinking alcohol should be avoided. Sleep only on your back to prevent pressure on your nose. If medical recommendations are fully followed, recovery will occur quickly.