Diseases of the nose

How to deal with sinusitis

What is sinusitis? We are talking about chronic or acute inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinuses). Such a disease can be caused by fungal, viral, bacterial and allergic pathogens. The diagnosis "sinusitis" means that the patient has an inflamed mucous membrane of one, two or more sinuses. Pathological changes can occur both on one and on the other side of the nose (or simultaneously on both sides).

Acute sinus inflammation usually lasts no more than 8 weeks. Chronic sinusitis lasts more than 8 weeks and has a high risk of recurrence. At the first symptoms of sinusitis, it is necessary to see a doctor, because improper treatment is fraught with life-threatening complications.

Causes of sinusitis and the mechanism of its development

The nasal cavity is connected to the paranasal sinuses (there are seven in total) through narrow channels. Through such channels, aeration and drainage (cleaning) of the sinuses is carried out. If, for one reason or another, the nasal passages lose their normal patency and narrow, mucus begins to accumulate within the sinuses. Inflammation of the sinuses occurs, after which extensive foci of infection and pus are formed.

Blockage of the channels can occur due to an abnormal condition of the nasal structures. Moreover, such changes are congenital or acquired (incorrect structure of the ethmoid labyrinth, curvature of the nasal septum, and so on). Often, the sinusitis disease appears due to viral pathogens that provoke swelling of the sinus mucosa.

Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and subsequent swelling leads to a gradual accumulation of mucus. She cannot independently and naturally evacuate from the body. Violation of ventilation, narrowing of the already narrow channels of the nose - this and much more creates optimal conditions for the active growth of pathogenic microflora. Often, a viral infection is complemented by bacterial pathogens.

Sinus inflammation can manifest itself in different ways. Everything in this case depends on the specific type of pathogen. Improper use of antibacterial drugs or self-medication leads to the fact that microorganisms become resistant (resistant) to the active substances of antibiotics.

Over the past few years, there has been an active increase in the number of cases where unilateral sinusitis is caused by fungal agents. The reason for this lies in the inappropriate use of antibiotics. Do not forget that the drug must fully correspond to the type of pathogen.

Attempts to independently choose an antibacterial agent end in a significant decrease in immunity, and this is an additional risk factor that provokes the disease.

Sinusitis is not always caused by harmful microorganisms. Inflammation of the mucous membrane and its swelling can result from hypothermia (frequent inhalation of cooled air). In addition, one of the main causes of the inflammatory process is a person's allergic reaction to one or another pathogen - dust, animal hair, food, pollen and much more.

Symptoms and possible complications

Sinusitis, the causes of which were discussed above, can have a wide range of manifestations. Their intensity and characteristic features depend on many factors - the form of the disease, the stage of the disease, its type, and so on. All signs of this disease can be conditionally divided into general and local (local). So, the general symptoms include the following:

  • weakness;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • an increase in temperature (as a rule, no more than 39 degrees);
  • loss of appetite;
  • recurrent headaches;
  • insomnia and so on.

As for local manifestations, they will be as follows:

  • severe congestion of the nostrils;
  • the sinuses are filled with abnormal fluid;
  • dry cough attacks;
  • frequent sneezing;
  • complete or partial loss of smell;
  • severe rhinitis (runny nose);
  • inability to breathe normally through the nose.

Inflamed sinuses should be treated promptly and only under the guidance of a doctor. Otherwise, dangerous complications and consequences can be expected.

Most often, left-sided or right-sided sinusitis contributes to the appearance of meningitis, when the membranes of the brain, as well as the spinal cord, become inflamed. If the inflammatory process penetrates deep into the tissues and affects the bones, osteomyelitis occurs.

A brain abscess (subdural or epidural) is another type of complication in which purulent foci are formed in the substance of the brain. As a rule, it is preceded by inflammation of the frontal sinuses (frontal sinusitis).

Do not forget about other unpleasant consequences - cavernous sinus thrombosis, arachnoiditis, orbital periostitis, and so on. Unfortunately, with the appearance of the above complications, the clinical prognosis in most cases is unfavorable. If sinusitis is not treated in time, the likelihood of death is high.

Varieties of the disease

Sinusitis - what is it? In order to accurately answer the question of what kind of disease it is, it is necessary to consider the types of ailment. Depending on the localization of the inflammatory process, sinusitis can be divided into the following four types:

  1. The defeat of the maxillary sinuses - sinusitis. Both one and two sinuses can become inflamed. Sinusitis is characterized by a pronounced severity of symptoms - acute pain in the cheekbones, temples and forehead. Normal nasal breathing is disturbed, frequent lacrimation occurs. There is abundant discharge of a transparent secretion (at the initial stage), in the absence of adequate treatment, it quickly becomes purulent.
  2. Inflammation of the frontal paranasal sinuses - frontal sinusitis. This type of sinusitis is the most dangerous of all, as it often leads to very serious complications. The patient complains of severe headaches (especially after a night's sleep), there is a fear of bright light, and the acuity of smell, sight and hearing can be noticeably reduced. Concomitant symptoms - high temperature up to 39 degrees, severe swelling of the mucous membrane, purulent nasal discharge, and so on.
  3. With ethmoiditis, the inflammatory process is localized within the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth. The painful sensation is concentrated in the area of ​​the eyes and the bridge of the nose. Puffiness provokes a violation of nasal breathing, the temperature in most cases is increased. A common complication of ethmoiditis is bulging of the eyeball (exophthalmos). In young children, sinus inflammation is complemented by conjunctivitis.
  4. If pathological changes occur in the wedge-shaped sinuses, doctors diagnose sphenoiditis. With this type of sinusitis, localization of pain occurs in the crown, occiput, and also in the region of the eyebrows. Due to damage to the optic nerves, visual acuity is significantly reduced. There is a feeling of excessive internal pressure. In the absence of complex treatment, the acute form of sphenoiditis easily turns into a chronic one.


So you got the answer to the question: "Sinusitis - what is it?" You may also be interested in learning how to make an accurate diagnosis at home. Unfortunately, this is impossible: its setting is performed only after consultation with a doctor on the basis of hardware diagnostic methods. To begin with, the patient is examined, anamnesis is taken and, if necessary, invasive as well as non-invasive research methods are used.

We are talking about X-ray of the paranasal sinuses, ultrasound, nuclear magnetic resonance and computed tomography. As additional methods, diaphanoscopy (examination of polyps and cysts) and medical and diagnostic puncture of the inflamed sinus are used.

In a laboratory, the following analyzes are carried out:

  • biochemical and clinical blood test;
  • bacteriological inoculation of exudate (mucus) for the sensitivity of pathogens to the active components of antibiotics.

To confirm / deny the presence of complications, MRI and computed tomography of the brain are used. Diagnostics of the differential type is in demand for allergic or viral rhinitis (rhinitis), in the presence of pathological neoplasms (cysts, polyps) and in some other cases.

Treatment methods

With inflammation of the nasal mucosa, sinusitis should be treated with pain relief, restoration of normal aeration and drainage of the sinuses. To quickly relieve puffiness and remove mucus from the body, the doctor may prescribe drugs for vasoconstriction (Galazolin, Sanorin, Nazol and others). You need to use such medicines carefully. Otherwise, you can overdry the mucous membrane, which will make it very fragile.

The sinus evacuation method has proven itself well. This procedure involves the introduction of catheters into both nasal passages. An antiseptic solution is fed into the sinus through one tube. The second serves to pump out the contents of the sine.

Bacterial sinusitis is treated with antibiotics. A suitable group of antibacterial agents is prescribed by the attending physician after determining the level of susceptibility of pathogenic microflora to one or another active component of the antibiotic. Antibacterial agents will not eliminate the viral type of the disease, in this case they will be ineffective (they may even worsen the clinical picture).

If we talk about allergic sinusitis, then therapy involves the use of antihistamines. They quickly remove puffiness, inflammation and prevent the appearance of adhesions. The most commonly used drugs are: "Suprastin", "Tavegil", "Claritin", "Zirtek" and so on.

Chronic sinusitis is treated in the same way as acute sinusitis. Similar medications are prescribed, only with a lower dosage. And the therapy lasts much longer (up to two months). As a supplement, physiotherapeutic measures can be used - UHF, electrophoresis, and so on.

If drug treatment has not brought the expected results, a more radical method is used - surgery. Surgical operations for sinusitis can quickly eliminate all negative factors that interfere with the normal drainage of the sinuses and their supply of oxygen. Polyps and other pathological formations are removed using a laser.

The operative method also serves to correct congenital or acquired anatomical defects (for example, curvature of the nasal septum).

Disease prevention

Prevention of sinusitis eliminates the possibility of recurrence of the disease. In addition, it is aimed at eliminating the root causes of the disease. As part of the prevention of the disease, it is necessary:

  • Timely and correctly treat rhinitis, sore throat, colds and other infectious diseases that provoke sinusitis.
  • Remove teeth heavily affected by caries, regularly sanitize the oral cavity, and take care of the gums. This is extremely important, since stomatitis, pulpitis and other ailments can cause inflammation of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Regularly undergo a preventive medical examination (at least once every 6 months).
  • Try not to come into contact with allergens - pollen, pet hair, and so on.
  • Do not try to diagnose yourself, do not self-medicate. See your doctor at the first sign of sinusitis.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle: give up bad habits, go to the gym. Do not forget to increase immunity, because sinus inflammation most often occurs in a weakened body.

Sinusitis itself is not scary. It can be quickly cured if you seek professional help in a timely manner. It is much more difficult to deal with the chronic form of such an ailment and possible complications.