Diseases of the nose

A sore nose: how and how to treat

Everyone has sores in the nose at least once in their life. This thing is unpleasant, and getting rid of it is sometimes very difficult, especially if at this time there is a runny nose and the nasal mucosa is very irritated. The secret is that the reasons for the formation of sores are very different. Accordingly, their treatment will be effective only if it acts directly on the reasons that caused their appearance.

What sores are there

To begin with, everything that hurts and looks ugly is called sores. The term is purely philistine, in medicine there is no such thing, as well as "remedies for sores in the nose." Therefore, the first thing to do is to figure out what exactly appeared on the nasal mucosa:

  1. A crust is a dense formation on the wall of the nasal passage that lines the surface of the mucous membrane. The crust is usually dry and may be off-white, yellow-green or brown in color. If it is torn off, the mucous membrane often begins to bleed due to damage to the capillaries close to its surface.
  2. An ulcer is a depression in the mucous membrane with well-defined edges. The surface of the ulcer is constantly wet and may be filled with pus. If untreated, the ulcer deepens and increases in diameter, affecting deeper layers of the mucous membrane.
  3. Herpes - causes the appearance of characteristic sores. At first, these are small bubbles filled with a clear liquid. Then they burst, forming loose crusts, from under which ichor constantly oozes.
  4. A boil is a dense and very painful formation, which is a cavity filled with pus, in the middle of which there is a dense core. Gradually, it matures, breaks through the skin, and pus comes to the surface.
  5. Sycosis - small pustules, which, upon closer examination, turn out to be inflamed hair follicles, from which the villi grow that line the inner surface of the nose.
  6. Eczema is a serious skin condition that is manifested by the formation of constantly cracking crusts or patches covered with exfoliating small scales. Eczema can be wet or dry, but in any form it is difficult to treat.
  7. Erysipelas - occurs if an infection enters the damaged mucous membrane, which provokes an active inflammatory process. As pathogenic microorganisms multiply, inflammation covers more and more areas and can spread to the nasopharynx. Sometimes it is accompanied by a strong increase in temperature.

Often, already by the appearance of the sore, the doctor can suggest the cause that caused its appearance. But this is completely insufficient to understand how to get rid of the problem once and for all.

Where do they come from

Often, sores in the nose appear due to the negative influence of external factors or non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Brown crusts in the nose are often found by those who like to poke around with their finger. Scratching the mucous membrane with a fingernail, they damage the capillaries, and blood appears on the wound. Then it becomes covered with a brownish crust. It is torn off again, and the process is repeated until an infection enters the nasal passage and an inflamed, non-healing wound is formed on the mucous membrane.

Polluted air causes the formation of dense crusts, in which, upon examination, particles of dust, dirt, lint, etc. can be found. They are caught by the hairs lining the nose and stick to mucus. If a person is constantly in such conditions, the mucous membrane gradually atrophies, pollution penetrates the bronchi and lungs, and occupational diseases develop, which are very difficult to cure.

Single boils may appear due to the fact that an infection has penetrated into the sebaceous ducts clogged with fat or dirt. If, after opening the boil, the wound is properly treated, then it heals quickly.

But when boils on the nose and other parts of the body appear constantly, one can raise the question of a disease such as furunculosis, which requires long-term and proper treatment.

Eczema develops with prolonged irritation of the nasal mucosa in chronic or allergic rhinitis. It is imperative to treat it, since constantly wet cracks are open gates and ideal living conditions for any infection. Therefore, there is often inflammation around such wounds.

The cause of ulceration is almost always pathogenic microbes that nest on the nasal mucosa. Such sores can be one of the symptoms of tuberculosis, syphilis and other serious diseases. It is impossible to cure them with home remedies, since the remaining infection in the body will constantly provoke the formation of new sores.

The choice of remedies than to treat a sore nose is quite large. But the best result is usually obtained by an integrated approach, in which the affected nasal mucosa is constantly treated and measures are taken to eliminate the main cause of the appearance of sores.

If you cannot determine it yourself, it is advisable to consult a doctor and, if necessary, get tested.

Folk ways

If the sores are not too painful, they are few and the cause of their appearance is not a serious illness, then you can try to get rid of them with proven folk remedies. Their main advantage is that they are completely natural and have practically no contraindications. Minus - they cannot cure infectious diseases and eczema.

But treatment should always begin with rinsing the nasal cavity. Saline, saline, furacilin, or chlorophyllipt oil can be used for this procedure.

The safest and easiest way to flush is to close one nostril, draw in the other water and blow it out sharply. But if the nose is stuffy, this method does not work. Then for washing, you can use a baby syringe or a 10 ml syringe without a needle.

When the nasal passages have cleared of mucus and impurities, the main treatment can begin:

  • Inhalation. Steam inhalation perfectly moisturizes mucous membranes, promotes the rapid removal of crusts, soothes irritation and inflammation. For inhalation, it is better to use decoctions of medicinal herbs: St. John's wort, celandine, elecampane, chamomile, calendula. They have pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  • Essential oils. It can also be used for inhalation (dissolve a few drops in hot water and breathe in the steam). But they can also be applied pointwise to sores. This must be done carefully, in a concentrated form, the oils are very strong and, when applied to healthy areas of the mucous membrane, can cause burns. Better to use eucalyptus, pine, cedar, rose, tea tree oil.
  • Sea buckthorn oil. It has the strongest wound healing properties, promotes rapid recovery of mucous membranes, relieves inflammation and pain. You can lubricate the nasal passages with oil applied to a cotton swab or soak gauze turundas with it, insert them into the nose and leave for 20-60 minutes.
  • Alcohol tinctures. Alcoholic tinctures of medicinal plants (celandine, elecampane, calendula, etc.) are also used to treat wounds. Diluted in half with water, they can be used to rinse the nose as an antiseptic solution. They dry out wounds and ulcers, have a destructive effect on the pathogenic microflora, and accelerate the healing process.
  • Garlic oil. The strongest antiseptic and natural antibiotic, an excellent antifungal agent.Peel two large heads of garlic, chop the cloves well or crush them in a mortar. Pour half a glass of olive or refined vegetable oil, put in a dark place for 14 days. Using a cotton swab, lubricate the nasal passages with garlic oil 3-4 times a day.

You will have to use folk remedies for a long time - from 2 to 4 weeks. But noticeable improvements come with the right treatment methods in a few days. If this does not happen, it is better not to wait for the development of the disease and the aggravation of the problem, but to seek professional help.

Traditional treatment

With an infectious or fungal nature of a sore in the nose, how to treat it should be decided by the doctor. It is best if a bacterial culture of mucus from the nose and an analysis of microflora are performed first. This will reveal the presence of pathogenic microorganisms in it, and at the same time check their sensitivity to certain drugs.

The traditional therapeutic course is based on several groups of drugs, the use of which directly depends on the underlying disease:

  1. Antibiotics are prescribed when sores in the nose appear due to the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body. Can be used in the form of tablets, nasal drops or ointments. The name of the drug and its dosage is determined by the doctor in each case.
  2. Antiviral - effective for crusts in the nose, which appeared due to the common cold caused by ARVI. Usually they combine oxolinic ointment, which lubricates the nasal passages and tablets: Anaferon, Interferon, Amizon, etc. Thus, the virus is killed simultaneously from the outside and from the inside.
  3. Antihistamines - help to cure sores that have appeared due to an allergic rhinitis or constant irritation and swelling of the mucous membrane. They make breathing easier, reduce mucus production, relieve irritation.
  4. Immunomodulators - stimulate the body's defenses, help it cope faster with viruses and infections. Accelerate the healing process of sores and the regeneration of tissues and cells. Often prescribed "Immunal", "Kagocel", "Sandimmun", "Polyoxidonium", but you can use herbal extracts: echinacea, elecampane, ginseng, etc.
  5. Wound healing ointments - promote the speedy regeneration of damaged mucous membranes. Balm "Rescuer", synthomycin ointment, Flemming's ointment work well. Ichthyol ointment can help get rid of the boil faster, which should be applied like a compress - applied to a cotton swab, and attached to the boil with a plaster.

This approach allows you to quickly get rid of the problem. If the drugs are selected correctly, then the sores in the nose disappear in a maximum of a week.

To speed up the process, it is advisable during this period to eliminate the influence of external irritating factors: to give up smoking, to avoid sudden temperature changes, to monitor the cleanliness and humidity of the air in the room.