Diseases of the nose

Sore nose: causes and varieties

A runny nose is an extremely unpleasant thing. But when all sorts of sores and sores still appear in the inflamed nasal passages, the condition becomes simply unbearable. And getting rid of them is not easy at all. On the contrary, they seem to multiply and affect an ever larger area, passing to the wings of the nose, and sometimes to the upper lip. So what can you do to quickly defeat sore nose?

Types of sores

First, let's define the terminology. In official medicine, the term "sore", and even more so "wav in the nose" is simply not there. So people call visible lesions of the mucous membrane or skin, which deliver unpleasant painful sensations. And what is it really?

  • Crusts are dense formations that can appear on the walls of the nasal passages, adhere tightly to it and make breathing difficult. If you try to tear them off forcibly, you can damage the mucous membrane, it will begin to bleed and will again be covered with a crust, already with traces of blood.
  • Sore - also forms on the surface of the nasal mucosa. But at the same time, the surface of the wound remains wet and inflamed all the time, gradually deepens, ooze or pus oozes from it. If you do not finish it to the end, then it is tightened with a thin film, and then, at the slightest irritation or infection, it opens again.
  • A wound is an inflamed and sometimes bleeding part of the skin or mucous membrane, which can form after tearing off the crust or when the integrity of the skin is damaged as a result of a chemical burn or injury. After proper, timely treatment, it heals quickly. When an infection enters, it becomes inflamed, decay may begin.
  • A boil is a very painful formation that is a subcutaneous cavity filled with pus. After "ripening", the pus breaks through the skin and comes out. If the boil is not completely cleared, after a while the purulent process resumes.

This, of course, is a very general classification, sores in the nose are much more diverse. But already from these examples it is clear that some of them are quite difficult to cure. And the first thing to do is to find out the reason why they started to appear.

Risk factors

The most common causes of sores in the nose are associated with acute or chronic diseases. But there are certain risk factors that directly affect their appearance and interfere with the quick cure of wavings on the surface and in the nasal cavity:

  • too dry air in the room - leads to drying out of the mucous membranes and accelerates the formation of crusts and cracks on its surface;
  • excessive ionization of air - the craze for ionizers, ozonizers by people who do not know the peculiarities of their work, leads to the fact that an excess of ions negatively affects the mucous lining of the nose, reducing its protective functions;
  • air conditioners - constantly operating air conditioners dry out the air, drive dust, and often also carry mold spores and infections transmitted by airborne droplets;
  • polluted air - particles of dust, lint, other pollutants settle on the mucous membranes of the nose, clogging the nasal passages, and contribute to the formation of dense crusts;
  • smoking tobacco - hot toxic smoke constantly irritates the mucous membranes and negatively affects the villi lining it, as a result of which the protective functions are reduced, and the infection entering the nose provokes the appearance of sores;
  • fungal infections, herpes - they are not dangerous for a healthy person with strong immunity, but when the disease weakens it, wounds and rashes immediately appear on the delicate mucous membranes.

Another important factor causing overdrying and cracking of mucous membranes is the uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drugs. Many of them have a prolonged effect, and they can be used no more than 1-2 times a day. Exceeding the dosage recommended in the instructions becomes the reason why sores appear in the nose.

Diseases provocateurs

Sores in the nose also provoke various diseases that affect not only the respiratory system. Perhaps that is why sometimes it is so difficult to find out exactly the reason for their appearance. The risk factors listed above greatly increase the likelihood that sores will begin to form:

  • Acute or chronic rhinitis. Snot constantly flowing for any reason irritates the skin and mucous membranes. And if you constantly rub your nose or blow your nose too much, then the skin and mucous membranes are damaged, creating ideal conditions for the appearance of ulcers or crusts.
  • Injuries to the nose. Often they lead to damage to the nasal septum, the formation of hematomas, and a violation of the integrity of the skin. As a result, crusts, sores, and wounds may appear.
  • Curvature of the nasal septum (congenital or acquired). Narrows the nasal passages, makes it difficult to breathe, interferes with the passage of mucus and provokes the formation of crusts.
  • Furunculosis. The cause of the appearance of this disease is most often a strong or prolonged intoxication of the body. It usually affects people working in the chemical industry or in hot workshops. Sometimes boils appear when an infection enters the sebaceous gland ducts clogged with dirt.
  • Sycosis of the nostrils. It causes the formation of multiple pustules and small rashes, which are inflamed hair follicles of the villi lining the nasal mucosa.
  • Eczema. This is a skin disease that occurs when hormonal levels are disturbed or develops as a complication of allergies and chronic rhinitis. Wet, constantly cracking crusts are formed that cover the wings of the nose, the space above the lip, and the inner surface of the nasal passages.
  • Erysipelas. An infectious disease that, if untreated, can spread to the entire inner surface of the nose, touch the sinuses and nasopharynx. Occurs when a pathogen enters the wound.
  • Syphilis. It affects and gradually destroys the entire body. On the nasal mucosa, it leads to the formation of purulent non-healing ulcers, at a later stage, the cartilaginous tissue is destroyed, and the nasal dorsum collapses.
  • Tuberculosis. It also causes damage to the mucous lining of the nose and the formation of multiple ulcers and / or small seals on it. The use of traditional methods of treatment does not give tangible results.
  • Polyposis. Polyps are a degenerated and hypertrophied mucous lining that forms as a response of the body to constant drying out or irritation of the mucous membrane. Dry, dense crusts may appear on them.
  • Diabetes. In the later stages, it leads to changes in the skin of not only the nose, but also the whole body. Non-healing ulcers begin to form.

It is unrealistic to make an accurate diagnosis only on the basis of the appearance of the sore.

Therefore, if you cannot get rid of it quickly with home methods, you should consult a doctor who will tell you what tests to take in order to still find out the exact reason. escortlady.nz And only then the advantage in the fight against sores will be on your side.

How to treat

The reasons for the formation and types of sores in the nose are so different that it is simply impossible to give uniform recommendations for their treatment. Serious infectious diseases: syphilis, tuberculosis, oncology, erysipelas should be treated only by specialists.They require a systematic approach and the use of potent antibacterial drugs.

You can treat sores in the nose using:

  • antihistamines - reduce mucus secretion, relieve swelling and allergic reactions;
  • antiseptics - used to treat wounds on the surface and inside the nasal mucosa in order to prevent infection from entering and multiplying;
  • drugs for the treatment of herpes - are effective only with the active stage of the disease and for the treatment of this particular type of sore;
  • immunostimulants - activate the body's defenses, helping it prevent the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • antiviral drugs - taken at 72 hours from the moment the first signs of ARVI appear will help prevent its development, reduce the runny nose;
  • folk remedies - help to quickly cure any sores, soften and remove the crusts.

It is highly advisable to completely quit smoking at least until the last sore in the nose passes: tobacco smoke is one of the most powerful household irritants that interfere with the rapid healing of damaged skin and mucous membranes.

Prevention of sores

The best prevention against any sore nose is a healthy lifestyle and strong immunity. Most infections, getting into the nasal cavity, die very quickly, as they are attacked by special protein cells of the body. But when the protective functions of the mucous membranes are weakened, pathogenic microorganisms multiply unhindered, creating lesions.

Other preventive measures that strengthen immunity and reduce the likelihood of sores and respiratory infections are also helpful:

  • regular wet cleaning and ventilation of residential and work premises;
  • maintaining optimal temperature and humidity;
  • high-quality healthy food rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements;
  • giving up bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse, drugs;
  • the use of respirators and other protective equipment when working in rooms with polluted air or with harmful chemicals;
  • timely access to a doctor for the treatment of respiratory diseases;
  • the correct use of medicines in dosages strictly corresponding to the instructions.

Try to spend at least an hour a day outdoors and exercise regularly. If you treat sores with folk methods, but they still continue to form, then you should seek medical help, and not wait until they turn into non-healing sores or wounds.