
Features of the treatment of cough in one-year-old children

When a 1-year-old child has a cough, it must be treated under the strict supervision of specialists. The airways of babies and adults differ in structure, therefore, children need to be especially careful in choosing therapy. In the arsenal of official and alternative medicine there are a lot of means and drugs that will help to overcome even the most severe attacks and alleviate the condition of the crumbs.

Why does a cough appear?

A cough in a one-year-old child can be triggered by a variety of causes and diseases. To eliminate it, first of all, you need to find out what exactly triggered the mechanism of this violation. Reflex bronchospasm is a common reaction of the body to foreign bodies, phlegm, viruses and bacteria, and allergens. With the help of such protection, pathogenic organisms are removed from the respiratory tract. The following diseases can provoke a cough:

  • cold;
  • diseases of the lower respiratory tract (tracheitis, bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, pneumonia, etc.);
  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract (laryngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, etc.);
  • very warm and dry air in the room;
  • allergy;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • ingress of foreign bodies into the respiratory tract.

Diagnostics and therapy

To identify the cause of the disease that caused the cough in the child, it is possible only with the help of an examination at the ENT and conducting appropriate tests. The doctor examines the little patient, checks what kind of cough he has:

  • with phlegm;
  • dry;
  • hysterical;
  • "Barking", etc.

Further, a number of additional analyzes and consultations with such specialists as an allergist-immunologist, an endocrinologist, and a gastroenterologist are assigned. The violation may be associated not only with respiratory diseases, therefore, in severe cases, a comprehensive examination is carried out.

After carrying out all the studies, effective treatment is prescribed. It can include medications and folk remedies, physical therapy, body wraps, and warming massages. In most cases, if a child is coughing from a viral or infectious disease, it makes sense to undergo complex therapy, which includes several effective techniques.


Group of drugsNameTherapeutic effectApplication features
MucolyticsAbroxol, Ambrobene, Lazolvan, Bronchikum.They thin out phlegm, improve coughing."Abroxol" is taken 2.5 g 2 times a day after meals for no more than 5 days, "Lazolvan" no more than 7 days, "Bronchicum" can be used within 2 weeks.
Expectorants"Gedelix", "Linkas", "Stopussin".Stimulates the passage and removal of phlegm from the respiratory tract.The dosage of "Gedelix" should not exceed 0.5 teaspoon per day, the amount of other drugs is calculated depending on the weight of the child, when taking these funds, an abundant drink is indicated.
AntihistaminesZirtek, Suprastin, Ksizal, Erius.Suppresses the action of allergens.The dose is calculated individually for each baby.
Antitussive medicines"Dimemorphan", "Codeine", "Ethylmorphine".They block the cough reflex at the level of the cerebral cortex.Reception is strictly controlled by the medical staff and is prescribed only in the most extreme cases, since these drugs have serious side effects.

Cough inhalation

Inhalation will help to effectively treat a child's cough. They are made with drugs that thin out phlegm, with saline or alkaline mineral water "Borjomi". The procedure is carried out in a clinic or at home. Parents can purchase a nebulizer - an inhaler with which you can independently eliminate bronchospasm in a baby.

The nebulizer is equipped with a special mask through which children must breathe. The device sprays drugs onto microparticles and promotes their penetration into the site of infection. The coughing baby will feel relief after the first procedure. Never use essential oils and boiled potatoes for inhalation, as this can cause oil pneumonia or cause serious complications. Crumbs have very narrow bronchial passages, steam or oil particles can cause their spasm.

Rubbing and compresses

Children who are already one year old can do rubbing and compresses with the permission of the doctor. These procedures have a warming effect, increase blood circulation and dilute sputum, relieve respiratory tract spasm and strengthen the immune system. Consider how to cure a cough in young patients using simple recipes.

  1. Cabbage compress. This is the safest method of treatment with a minimum of contraindications. To make a compress, you need to take 4 medium-sized cabbage leaves and keep them on the steam bath until they are soft. After that, we remove the leaves from the steam, push them apart with a fork or interrupt them in a blender until they are mushy, wrap them in a plastic bag and put the crumbs on the back and chest. We fix it with a warm scarf and leave the compress until the cabbage cools down.
  2. Rubbing with honey. This recipe can only be used if the child is not allergic to bee products. To find out, we conduct a test for the first time: we put a little honey on the wrist and wait a couple of hours. If there is no reaction, feel free to use the remedy. Rub the baby's back and chest with light massage movements, avoiding the area of ​​the heart and nipples. After the procedure, the patient should be dressed in warm underwear and wrapped in a blanket.
  3. Honey cake. Making a compress cake is very simple. To do this, take honey and flour in equal proportions, add sunflower oil and knead the elastic dough. We put the mixture in cling film, form a cake from it and place it on the baby's chest, fixing the compress with a scarf. We keep the product for 15 minutes, then we remove it.

It's important to know! Compresses and rubbing should not be done to children who have an increased body temperature. Such procedures are prohibited if there are irritations on the skin or if its integral cover is disturbed. It is also worth carefully checking any remedy for the presence of allergic reactions in the patient.

Folk remedies

You can help your baby cope with a cough with the help of folk remedies. They are prepared very simply from available products, each mother can easily make an effective medicine for the baby. Consider what are the most effective recipes that can be used to alleviate the condition of children.

  • Warm milk with butter. This remedy will be an excellent helper if the baby has a cough and a sore throat (sore throats most often overtake children when it's summer outside). Boil milk and cool it until warm, add 20 g of butter. Such a drink should be consumed 1/3 cup 2 times a day, it will help not only to cure a cough, but also relieve pain.
  • Milk with honey. Milk will warm you well, and honey will disinfect mucous membranes, help fight viruses and bacteria. We take 1 teaspoon of honey for 1 glass of warm boiled milk. Mix the drink thoroughly, give the baby 1/2 cup 2 times a day.
  • Alkaline mineral water. Mineral water "Borjomi", "Essentuki-4" and "Essentuki-17" is perfect for the treatment of dry cough. Pre-release the gases from the mineral water and give the crumbs 1 teaspoon every half hour.

Additional measures

Regardless of what triggered the baby's cough, you need to provide him with the most comfortable conditions for recovery. If you stayed at home with your child, then following simple rules will make it easier for him to transfer the disease and speed up recovery.For young patients, the following procedures will be useful:

  1. Regular ventilation of the room. Try to ventilate the room at least 4 times a day, because fresh air promotes recovery. Take the child out of it beforehand so that he does not catch a cold.
  2. Walking. If the crumbs do not have a temperature, walk with him outside, this will have a beneficial effect on the immune system and help the phlegm to move away better. In addition, psychologically, it will be much easier for the baby to endure the disease.
  3. Mode. It is important to provide the correct daily routine for young patients. The baby must rest well in order to gain strength to fight the disease.
  4. Maintaining optimal humidity and temperature in the room. The ideal conditions for the child's recovery are air temperature 20ᵒC and humidity 60-70%, while the baby needs to be warmly dressed.
  5. Balanced diet. For the duration of the illness, it is worth completely abandoning sweets, fatty and too heavy foods. Light purees, natural juices, diet soups and compotes will help the baby's body to cope with coughing faster.

Drawing conclusions

Before treating a one-year-old baby for a cough, it is imperative to identify the cause of bronchospasm. Any medicines and folk remedies are prescribed by the doctor after the diagnosis. You can use both traditional methods and traditional medicine. The dosage and duration of therapy is selected individually in each case.