
Causes and features of diseases with coughing before vomiting

Severe respiratory illness and other abnormalities in the body can cause severe coughing up to vomiting. This serious condition is most often observed in children, since their cough and vomiting centers in the brain are very close and interconnected. In some cases, this symptom does not carry any danger and is easily treatable, but there are severe pathologies that can be eliminated only with the help of complex therapy.

A cough before vomiting in an adult or child appears due to stagnation of mucus in the airways. The phlegm that comes out of the bronchi during a spasm irritates the pharynx and causes a gag reflex. This condition is characterized by morning attacks. If viscous masses accumulate in the nose, they drain down the back of the throat into the pharynx, which also leads to vomiting. The patient experiences the most unpleasant sensations in the evening and at night, in the supine position his condition worsens.

Reasons for the appearance

Vomiting when coughing is extremely rare, and this is a good reason for seeking medical help. This condition is especially dangerous for young children, since when the mucous membrane is irritated, edema of the vocal cords can occur, and they can simply choke on their own vomit during sleep.

In any case, diagnosis is necessary to determine the disease that caused this symptom. A cough with vomiting can be triggered by the following disorders:

  • whooping cough;
  • acute and chronic inflammation of the respiratory tract;
  • ascariasis;
  • lung and laryngeal cancer;
  • heart disease;
  • allergy.

It is possible to determine the disease that caused the vomiting cough by the nature of the sputum. If the mucus has a bright yellow tint, then we are talking about bronchial asthma, rust-colored discharge indicates lobar pneumonia, blotches of black particles indicate the presence of pneumoconiosis.

An admixture of blood is a sign of active tuberculosis, thromboembolism of the pulmonary armeria, bronchiectasis, or Goodpasture's syndrome. In viral lesions, mucus is colorless, yellowish or greenish.

Let us consider in more detail the causes of a very strong cough with a gag reflex.

Whooping cough

A tearing dry cough before vomiting can develop with whooping cough. The disease is mainly diagnosed in children, it is transmitted by airborne droplets. It is very easy to detect a violation, the child tries to clear his throat, but cannot do it, during the urge his face turns red, his tongue protrudes forward. None of the classic antitussives can stop the spasm.

It is important to seek medical attention on time, as whooping cough leads to swelling of the vocal cords and suffocation.

Acute and chronic bronchitis

Coughing up to vomiting can cause stagnation of mucus in the bronchi. Most often this occurs in the acute stage of bronchitis. The disease is characterized by abundant secretion of sputum, it requires special drug treatment.

The disease can go into a chronic stage if a person has not healed acute bronchitis, a cold, or has been ill several times in a row. With the disease, a deaf cough is observed, most often it disturbs when inhaling cold air or staying in a dusty room. Attacks occur mostly in the morning and are so severe that they induce vomiting. Together with sputum, pus is excreted if chronic bronchitis is started. It can proceed without temperature, it is treated with the help of complex therapy.


A severe cough in an adult can cause tracheitis. The causes of this disease are viral infections of the respiratory tract. The characteristic features of acute and chronic tracheitis are:

  • sudden pain in the chest area;
  • ringing cough;
  • discharge of mucus mixed with pus;
  • increased body temperature;
  • malaise.

The cough reflex occurs when inhaling, it manifests itself especially strongly in the cold or when in a smoky room. The patient feels a spasm, which can lead to vomiting. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after a detailed examination and study of analyzes.

Pneumonia and bronchopneumonia

This is a serious illness that begins with a mild, deaf cough. As the disease progresses, it can cause severe spasms, and the phlegm is rusty or even bloody. The gag reflex occurs at the peak of pneumonia, and pain is felt in the infected lung. What to do in such a situation, the doctor decides, most often the patient is hospitalized.

Bronchopneumonia is a complex disease. The reasons for its appearance: advanced bronchitis, severe hypothermia, complication of pneumonia. Causes a severe cough, chest pain, sometimes a spasm provokes a gag reflex. How to treat it, the doctor decides, for each patient, therapy is prescribed individually.

Chronic respiratory diseases

With improper or untimely treatment, respiratory diseases become chronic. They can cause unpleasant symptoms such as pulling pain in the forehead and cheeks, runny nose, and headache. A cough provokes a sore throat, sometimes attacks can reach vomiting.

Bronchial asthma is manifested as a result of improper treatment of bronchitis, it can also be congenital. A cough with vomiting begins on contact with allergens, most often attacks begin at night. Seasonality of exacerbations is also observed. Therapy includes antitussives and antihistamines.

Oncological diseases

Cancers of the lungs, larynx, and other organs can cause a severe, lingering cough. During seizures, the patient cannot stop, he does not have enough air, which leads to vomiting... There is severe irritation of the pharynx, sputum is excreted with an admixture of blood. Diseases require long-term complex treatment.

Ascariasis and allergies

Ascaris infection provokes severe coughing fits. Protozoa can infect the lungs, resulting in violent vomiting spasms. The disease also has other symptoms such as fever and dermatitis. Most often, ascariasis is diagnosed in children, because their immunity is too weak to fight parasites.

An allergic reaction is also accompanied by a strong cough reflex, which sometimes comes to vomiting. The spasm begins on contact with allergens, the mucous membrane becomes very irritable. Runny nose and watery eyes are also typical for this disease.

It can be eliminated with the help of drug therapy; it is also necessary to protect the patient from the causative agents of the reaction.


In the early stages, the patient coughs not much, but for a long time. When the disease progresses to the acute stage, there is a lingering cough that does not bring relief, sometimes reaching the point of vomiting. At the same time, there is an increase in body temperature in the evening, increased sweating at night, and there are blood clots in the sputum.

Heart disease

Acute heart failure causes severe spasm. Coughing up does not improve the patient's condition. The violation occurs due to the fact that a person wants to breathe in as much air as possible, but the bronchi cannot cope with its volume. What to do in the presence of such symptoms is determined by the cardiologist.

First aid

Before the doctor determines the cause of the vomiting cough, the patient needs first aid. Simple but effective measures can help relieve the condition of an adult or child until drug therapy is prescribed.

To relieve a spasm, follow these rules:

  1. If your child has a severe cough, pick him up and lift him up to avoid vomiting.
  2. Make up the correct diet for the patient, fresh fruits and vegetables, light broths and soups should prevail in it, it is better to exclude fatty, salty, spicy, spicy foods, alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  3. With a strong cough, it is useful to drink plenty of fluids, preferably tea with raspberries, warm milk with honey and butter, this will help soften the mucous membranes and eliminate the spasm.
  4. Inhalation with soothing and anti-inflammatory herbal decoctions will also be helpful, but only if the body temperature is not elevated.
  5. The patient needs to ensure peace and good rest, physical activity is prohibited.

Let's summarize

The causes of a cough with a gag reflex can be very different. In babies, such violations are more common, if a similar condition is found in an adult, this indicates the presence of serious diseases or a strong drop in immunity.

In this case, a consultation with a doctor is necessary. Only first aid can be provided to the patient on his own, no medications can be taken without the agreement of the doctor.