
Walking with a cough: harm or benefit?

There is no definite answer to this question, since various factors play a role here. Everyone needs to reckon with them, especially when it comes to the health of the child. Therefore, it makes sense to understand each individual situation before deciding whether to walk while coughing.

Factors that can stop

Of course, fresh air is necessary to strengthen the immune system, but with some diseases, doubts arise about the advisability of the risk of going outside. To make the right decision, you need to consider several factors:

  • the nature of the disease;
  • course of the disease;
  • patient status;
  • weather.

You can not walk with an exacerbation of the disease, dry cough, sore throat, weakness, chills.

An exacerbation usually lasts 2-3 days, during which coughing and walking are incompatible. Depending on the effect of drugs used as prescribed by the attending physician, this period may vary, and recovery will be faster.

Doctors also recommend not to get involved in walking on the street if the appearance of a cough is associated with ARVI, especially during the first days of the disease, when there is a fever, weakness, headache, chills. You should wait until the acute period is over.

In winter, it is not recommended to walk outside at outdoor temperatures from -10. However, if the low temperatures before the illness were comfortable, then during the recovery period they will not become a big hindrance. In summer, doctors advise not to rush to go for a walk in too hot weather, very high humidity.

Remember that no matter what time of year, strong winds will make your cough worse. This factor is especially important to consider in case of an allergic origin of cough.

In any season, it is harmful to go for a walk immediately after:

  • hot tea or other drink you have drunk;
  • steam inhalation.

But even if all these conditions are met, physical activity should not be allowed while taking an air bath. If these rules are violated, the condition will only worsen, because during active movements, the mucous membrane of the mouth dries up and the mucus thickens, which will prevent its discharge.

To strengthen the immune system

If there is no acute form of the disease, then walking in a park, for example, or in a public garden, helps to strengthen the immune system and get rid of coughs more quickly. The best option for this is a green area: the edge of the forest, park, square, garden. It is desirable that the territory be away from highways, gas-polluted and smoky places.

If possible, it is better to take a walk on the edge of the forest. After all, forest air is rich in oxygen and saturated with phytoncides, which have antimicrobial action, and the humidity level is just perfect. It contains about 200 biologically active volatile substances that are needed for mental and physical activity, healthy work of the whole organism.

Staying in the fresh air makes the body more resistant to infections and toxins, and also helps to normalize the hemoglobin content and improve pulmonary ventilation.

It is also useful to walk near the sea when coughing. You can spend time here for a long time and as often as possible, since the sea air is considered a natural antiseptic. It contains so much oxygen and ozone that there is simply no room for harmful bacteria and allergens.

If it is not possible to go to the sea, an alternative would be to stay outside in wet weather. This equates to good inhalation. The maximum effect is achieved in conditions of moderate humidity, in foggy weather, with frost.

The length of time you stay outdoors depends on your health condition. The first air bath after an exacerbation of the disease should not last more than 20 minutes. Then the time period gradually increases. However, if you feel dizzy or have difficulty breathing, it is best to return home.

What you should pay attention to

While outdoors, a violent coughing attack may begin. You should not be afraid of him, but instead it is better to drink a few sips of water. You can also use a special preparation in the form of a spray. You can reduce the attack by tapping your fingers on the back, chest in the area of ​​the bronchi and trachea. This technique promotes the separation of excessively viscous sputum and its discharge. After returning home, a seizure may also begin. This indicates that mucus is separating from the walls of the airways, and the process leads to expectoration.

When a cough is observed against the background of bronchitis, then we are talking about a problem with the functioning of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. In this case, walks in the fresh air are necessary, and even more than a healthy person. At normal body temperature, such measures will speed up recovery. But there is an important condition: you should not dress too warmly so as not to sweat on the street.

You should not be afraid of the appearance of a cough on the street, even if it appears very rarely indoors. This may indicate that the body is trying to get rid of the remnants of mucus. Therefore, there is no need to strive to go home faster, it is better to continue taking air baths.

For sputum separation, you can take medicated syrup after returning home from the street. He might be:

  • vegetable;
  • synthetic;
  • combined.

Usually, such funds thin the phlegm, increase the rate of its excretion, and have an antitussive effect. If a dry type of cough overcomes, and the attack lasts 10-15 minutes, additional consultation with a doctor is necessary. Treatment may need to be adjusted.

Walking is well supplemented with remedial gymnastics - you can strengthen the airways with the help of exercises. So, many people like to blow into a tube, through a tube into a glass of liquid that is bubbling. It is also useful to inflate balloons, but it is important not to overdo it - after 10 minutes you need to take a break. To get rid of unpleasant sensations, it is also recommended to puff out your cheeks strongly: inhale deeply through your nose, and then, covering your mouth, exhale slowly.

As exercises, you can also depict sounds reminiscent of the puffing of a hedgehog, the buzzing of a bee, and the hum of a steam locomotive.