Ear medications

Immunetika - means for strengthening the immune system

When you regularly review various medicines or, as now, drugs to increase immunity, at some point you realize that it is not the novelties of pharmacology that still need to earn a reputation that cause more confidence, but recipes with a long history, the composition of which has been tested for centuries. Drops "Immunetika" - just one of these - immunocorrective agents with their legend.

The legend of how a grateful official defended the coat of arms

A badger is depicted on the coat of arms of the old city settlement Shenkursk in the Arkhangelsk Region. The official heraldic interpretation says that in the lower part, on a green field, this "animal appeared as a sign that there are many of them in the vicinity of this city." An unofficial local legend is more interesting and useful for those who are not interested in heraldry, but are very interested in their health and strengthening of immunity.

In 1778, the traveler and, at that time, an unknown minor official of the Heraldry Department Pavel Viktorovich Drobyshev went on a working expedition to the Arkhangelsk Territory, but fell ill on the way. He didn’t get sick so that he could completely fall down, but every new move turned into torture for him, and in such a “glued” state, it was completely impossible to fully fulfill the duties of a department representative. It got to the point that Pavel Viktorovich had already decided to quit the service and return to Petersburg, but then the road led him to a small old town on the Vahe River, which as a settlement was mentioned in reviews since 1137 in Novgorod letters.

Throughout the Arkhangelsk snowy "winter" from October to April, the traveler "sat" in Shenkursk, and from May he not only continued the expedition, abandoning thoughts of retirement, but also forgot about all kinds of ailments. Moreover, since then, judging by the traveler's diary entries, he has never been ill at all and felt excellent until old age. What happened during these few months with P.V. Drobyshev and what remedy helped him to strengthen his immunity?

Local historians say that in Shenkursk, Pavel Viktorovich became a neighbor of an old hunter - the Chud aborigine Okat, who moved to the city for the winter, and with the onset of heat again went to hunt in the woods. Having got acquainted with Drobyshev, the old man undertook to nurture him and put him on his feet, using for this means and drugs that the peoples of the Chud have long used to withstand the harsh weather conditions. Now these drugs and remedies would be called immunocorrective, but then the hunter's recipes for a traveling official were part of folklore and local legends and reviews.

Creating his own infusions on the basis of melted badger fat, Okat told Drobyshev on record how to properly prepare the base, which plants to collect at what moment, what and in what sequence to add to the drug. (By the way, Drobyshev brought the stock of wild rose, clover and black elderberry, which is rare in those places, to St. Petersburg). At the same time, the hunter never tired of praising the badger fat, which saved him "in the days when there was no longer any hope of healing." On one of these evenings, according to legend, a capital official promised the old Chud hunter to help the praised badger appear on the Shenkursk coat of arms.

How Pavel Viktorovich promoted his idea in the Heraldry Department is not known for certain (diary entries from this period have not been preserved). But on the other hand, according to the reviews of that time, it is known that in 1780, the highest decree on the coat of arms of the district town of the Arkhangelsk province approved the image of a badger on a green field, which symbolized abundance, joy, peace and tranquility.

By the way, Pavel Viktorovich Drobyshev himself lived to be 89 years old. He did not become a long-liver, but in the last year of his life he still retained “clarity of mind and strength of body,” as he wrote about himself in his diary. At the same time, he believed that the margin of safety was given to him by the very "miracle cure" received from the Chud old man.

The composition of the product - basic components

The manufacturers of the modern immunocorrective agent, it seems, did not begin to make the drug exactly according to the prescription of the old hunter, and, probably, did not strive for it. If you can improve the composition by adding a few ingredients, then why not do it? Moreover, the Chud healer was not aware of some southern medicinal plants that have become available for modern industries. But (which also pleases) the basis of the drug "Immunetika" and in its modern form still made up the recipe brought from the expedition, the value of which has survived to this day. What was there and why is it worth buying?

Badger fat

The fat of a badger becomes healing at certain times of the year, when the animal accumulates vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated acids as much as possible. It is believed that badger fat is fully absorbed by the human body, helping to cleanse the lymphatic system and strengthen the immune barrier. When stored properly, fat can retain its healing properties for up to two years. The properties of badger fat make it possible to use it in Immunetika for the prevention of:

  • cardiovascular diseases,
  • lung infections
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • disorders of the musculoskeletal system,
  • problems with urination and the work of the reproductive system,
  • skin diseases and cosmetic problems.

Beekeeping products

Of course, the Chud hunter used propolis and bee bread collected in the nests of wild bees, but since it is almost impossible to reproduce this recipe in mass production, products from home apiaries are used in the preparation.

Everyone knows about the beneficial properties of propolis and bee bread (about the destruction of viruses and bacteria, and about the healing possibilities). We only add that propolis with bee bread accelerate metabolic processes, and this also helps to strengthen immunity. One piece of propolis the size of a match head per day is enough to maintain immunity, but in a prescription composition in combination with other substances, it works more effectively. Perga, in turn, can replace vitamin complexes containing vitamins A, D, E, amino acids. "Bee bread" has antitoxic properties (more pronounced than pollen), increases the content of erythrocytes, reticulocytes and hemoglobin in the blood.

Rose hip

Rosehip “prepared” according to the recipe destroys bacteria and prevents inflammation. Rosehip oil accelerates wound healing and is still used as an anti-inflammatory agent. In the fight against colds, the highest content of vitamin C contributes to an increase in efficiency. Rosehip and is now prescribed by doctors as an alternative to medicines, and earlier in some areas this plant was simply the basis of all traditional medicine.

Of course, in itself, the centuries-old test of time does not become the basis for an immediate certificate of quality. This requires clinical trials that Immunetika has done over the past 7 years and has received excellent reviews. But it should be understood that the manufacturers did not set the goal of introducing the drug into the network of commercial pharmacies based on the results of the study. In this case, the price of a package would simply double by increasing the number of intermediaries - and that's it. Manufacturers, however, immediately conceived of the so-called full cycle, the "trick" of which is that the entire "chain" - from production to sale to the final consumer - is concentrated in one hand.This is beneficial for the manufacturer, but also beneficial for the buyer, since unnecessary intermediaries are excluded from the "chain".

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Instructions for use: who advises what

Varushkina O. V., allergist, immunologist, doctor of the first category (from an interview with the city site of Perm "ProPerm":

«I advise my patients to buy and take Immunetika 15 drops three times a day. You can more often - four times - 10 drops each. This is a preventive measure, which, nevertheless, will save you from the annual trip to the ENT, and, perhaps, just save the holidays or New Year's holidays. Without immune support, organisms tired for a year fizzle out and, according to the law of meanness, begin to refuse at the most inopportune moment».

The instructions for use on the official website of the seller of the drug suggest a daily two-time intake of 20 drops per month. But there are no discrepancies between doctors and sellers in the assessment of the total amount of the preventive dose.

Some doctors, however, do not advise their patients to abuse this immunocorrective agent if the body copes with the "challenges" on its own:

Fetisov A.A., allergist, immunologist, doctor of the first category, Ufa (information from the clinic's website):

«And again, with the onset of autumn [patients] ask for feedback on drugs that increase the body's resistance. Several different ones are named. Among them, of course, is "Immunetika". AND again, with the onset of autumn, I answer that it makes sense to buy and take them if your body is weakened, if you are often sick, if you have some kind of chronic illness or if you finally got out of sick leave and want to quickly, within a few weeks, recover. If you rarely get sick, and with the onset of cold weather, your nose does not start to run, then you do not need to buy the drug, even if it is inexpensive. You can get by with a lemon with tea, sometimes brew rose hips, raspberries. Ventilate the room and walk more often. This will be enough, and you can buy the remedy with the development of the disease».

But the overwhelming majority of people who have taken Immunetika do not want to get by with a lemon. If we exclude purely emotional reviews, then the same tendency can be traced in the rest:

  • the first time people buy "Immunetika" for dozens of different individual reasons (from "a friend advised" to "presented for a birthday"),
  • the second time "Immunetika" is purchased always deliberately and with an understanding of the meaning of the purchase.

Victoria Zabroda, Volgograd (thematic forum):

“Even when I was little, in our family, parents always kept badger fat at hand. I do not know where they got it (dad was not a hunter), but supplies were never transferred. And my mother also made various herbal infusions based on it. (Now, of course, I won't remember anything). I still did not understand why, if he helps me and my sister so well, he is not made for everyone and is not sold in grocery stores. So when I saw that my childish question had finally reached someone, I was glad and decided to buy this remedy. That there is common sense and justice. What has worked for several generations in a row should not be forgotten. ".

Maxim Silvestrov, Saratov (thematic forum):

«Health is a matter of course, but also organization. It's more comfortable for me. Just imagine - collecting everything that has already been collected in Immunetika in one pile yourself. Firstly, with my character I will not have enough patience. I'll start - buy half - and give it up. Second, try and find it all. Well, okay - I will buy dandelion root, ginger, black cumin or elderberry. But I, for example, do not know where in our city beaver musk or stone oil is sold. I don’t know at all what beaver musk should look like and whether it can be bought in the right quantity. Maybe they measure it with pipettes, or maybe with three-liter cans. Why do I need a three-liter can of musk? And how much does it cost? So, if all this is offered in one bottle, I will, of course, choose a ready-made package, where everything has already been mixed in the right proportions. And you don't need to fuss, but it's easier to buy».

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