Ear medications

Drops "Immunity" for immunity

This is that awkward moment when you want to conduct a routine review of a new remedy or drops for strengthening the immune system, but it turns out almost an investigation, where the drug has amazing historical roots. Yes, and Japanese roots. Judge for yourself - are we talking about the same drug to increase immunity or different?

  • The old Japanese recipe included bee products (bee bread, propolis), rose hips, ginger, dandelion root, cordyceps mushroom, black cumin, beaver musk.
  • In modern drops for immunity Immunity - the same thing, plus also stone oil ("food of immortal people"), badan, elderberry, badger fat, thyme, elecampane, anise, clover, sea buckthorn, chaga, cedar resin, strawberry leaves.

Yes, from a formal point of view, the means are different and the modern drug Immunity is richer, but agree, the basic recipe clearly came from Japan? And the history of its discovery, by the way, was associated with one dramatic moment in Russian history.

The secret recipe in exchange for the health of the king

This story happened during the visit of the Russian Tsarevich Nikolai Alexandrovich (who later became Tsar Nicholas II) to Japan. It was a study trip, more like a tourist trip, but representatives of the royal family, even on tourist trips, involuntarily become involved in political struggle. This happened with 22-year-old Nikolai. From the side of the Japanese emperor, he was surrounded by care and attention, and from the side of political forces advocating the originality and isolation of Japan against the Russian guest, curses sounded. And not only curses.

One former samurai, who joined the police, but did not forget about his roots, took advantage of the fact that he was placed in a cordon along the route of the solemn procession. He waited for the tsarevich's wagon to catch up with him and rushed at the guest of honor with a saber. Moreover, the attacker even managed to deliver two dangerous blows to the head area before he was thrown back and then disarmed by those around him. By the way, after this incident, until the end of his life, Nikolai had headache attacks, and, as they said, he tried to comb his hair in the middle to hide the scars that remained after the incident in Otsu.

Of course, the attack on such a distinguished guest shocked the Japanese imperial court and prompted extraordinary remedies to be sought.

On the same day, a delegation with Emperor Meiji, the Prime Minister and professors of medicine left Tokyo for Kyoto (where Nikolai was staying). By the end of the day they were in place, but the worsening condition of the Tsarevich did not allow the Russian and Japanese delegations to meet at once. Nikolai, under the pretext of being late and going to bed, simply did not want to see doctors. But in the morning his health condition made medical intervention inevitable.

The Japanese examined the wounds in the morning. Two dressings and stitches imposed by Russian naval doctors stopped the bleeding, but the danger of bacterial infection and complications remained. The council was not unanimous - some doctors believed that the infection had already begun and that any measures should be taken to save the life of the crown prince. (Moreover, rumors about the death of the heir to the Russian throne have already begun to spread throughout the country). In these tense conditions and disputes, the Japanese decided to use the most effective immunocorrective and anti-inflammatory drug, the recipe of which had been strictly protected from strangers up to this point.

Japanese healers recipe

The tool could not help but help. Already only one bee perge contained a serious set of amino acids that regulate biochemical processes and heal wounds:

  • arginine stimulates the immune system,
  • serine helped in the production of antibodies and was involved in the metabolism of fats,
  • lysine provided effective antiviral protection,
  • glutamic acid participated in the normalization of acid-base balance, contributing to the normal development of muscle tissue, etc.

Contained in the product and propolis, which not only had antibacterial and antiviral effects, but also helped to remove decay products and toxins. He also anesthetized and stopped bleeding.

It also contained a cordyceps mushroom. Japanese doctors at the end of the 19th century knew that in 2011 they confirmed the results of research - Semitake (as it was called in Japan) has anti-inflammatory properties and activates the immune system.

There were several useful components, but the imperial doctors then managed not only to gather them together, but to create a composition from complementary components. The reaction of modern doctors to Immunity suggests that they value the same principle - namely, a complex intensifying effect - in this drug in the first place.

Doctors about Immunity

Viktor Markov, immunologist-allergist (review with explanation and instructions on his social network page):

«Let me explain how this natural complex works with a simple example. You have two hands. If you are trying to pull up on one, you twitch under the horizontal bar, but you do not have enough strength to pull up even once. At best, someone will be able to pull the chin up to the bar once. But when you grab with two hands, then you can pull up not 1 + 1 times (that is, not twice), but 10-15. The strength of the two hands in this example does not equal their sum. It is much more. So it is with the Immunity complex. The power of rose hips, propolis, bee bread, badger fat, chaga and so on is not a sum, but a product of effects - a multiplied efficiency. This is what is called synergy.».

And one more thing, his own statement:

«I am skeptical about homeopathy, but Immunity is not a homeopathic remedy. It contains a completely intelligible effective complex of substances, which, for the most part, have long and firmly confirmed their effectiveness. Let's just say: of the whole complex, only beaver musk is in doubt. Medicine has not confirmed the effect of its action. But, to be honest, I have not heard that any serious research is being carried out in this regard. The research itself is not cheap, and if the component is also expensive…. Do not know. But for everything else - from rose hips to propolis, there is nothing to doubt and worth buying. A lot of drugs based on these plants and substances have already been created and are still being created.».

Find out the price

Not so much to be treated as not to bring it to treatment: the reaction and feedback of our people

As a therapy, our people, unlike Japanese doctors, rarely use Immunity drops.

  • Firstly, for this, the drug should always be at hand, and few people want to order and wait two or three days until they are delivered during the period of exacerbation of the disease.
  • Secondly, our people associate disease only with a pharmacy. The fact that most mono-product manufacturers are now switching to a full-cycle format (from the production of raw materials to sale) makes few people change their old habits. And this is despite the fact that the elimination of intermediaries "in the face" of pharmacies significantly reduces the price of the product for the consumer (which fully applies to the drug Immunity).

But as a prophylactic agent that normalizes the immune response, Immunity drops are widely and eagerly used. In any case, it was not difficult for me to find three interesting reviews about this drug in social networks in three minutes (not counting those reviews about Immunit, which contain only enthusiastic "ahs" without useful information).

Viktor Mezentsev, Vrohrnezh: “But on Saturday I already went to barbecue”

“Here the form does not allow attaching a photo of the medical record, so I rewrote it like this. My sick leave in 2013: 09.09.-07.10, 02.12-06.12. In 2014: 27.01-07.02, 24.03-28.03. 11.08-12.08 (even in August!). In the middle of autumn I bought Immunity drops. This year I have not been ill anymore.I got sick for a week in 2015. Also in March, sick leave from 09.03. until 13.03. But on Saturday 14.03. I already went to barbecue. The date is preserved in the photographs from that picnic. And also, by the way, there was snow. This means that I was no longer afraid of the weather and, in general, easily endured that cold. And that's all. There are no more records of diseases in the book. So you yourself can calculate the difference, especially since the price of Immunity is really cheap. "

Maria Golikova, St. Petersburg: "It became easier for me to breathe"

“At first, for the last 5 years, my body mocked me. And then, when I got tired of it, and I ordered myself Immunity drops, my son began to mock me. He says: let me take pictures of you "before" and "after" for clarity. This is his way of expressing his skepticism. And it made me angry, and I agreed. And he, too, has nowhere to retreat. So every 3-4 days he photographed me. When I asked to show it, he waved it off, like, I'll download it to the computer - then I'll show it. And two weeks later, he showed it. I'll tell you, the trend was evident. With each new photo, my mouth widened into a smile. In the fifth photo, in general, only red cheeks and teeth are visible. So the improvement in mood can be traced by the photo report. Well, but seriously, I felt lighter. It would be possible to cite the readings of the scales as proof, but the scales do not show this lightness. It became easier for me to breathe. I advise all Immunity to buy and drink the whole course. "

Natalya Kurilova, Tomsk: "... She says that in no case should I try anything"

“I listen to only two people in matters of health: my granddaughter and our doctor. Imagine how I was to choose when he says that I should at least drink a course of Immunity drops, and the granddaughter says that I should not try anything at all until she checks it herself and tells me. As a result, we accept both in turn. First she is a month, then me, and both are happy. "

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