Ear medications

What ear drops are used for ear congestion

Almost everyone has experienced ear congestion at least once in their life. This trouble, as a rule, is accompanied by noise in the ear, deafness, heaviness in the head, strong sounding of one's own voice. Sometimes it may feel like water has leaked into your ear.

What drugs are used

Ear drops for ear congestion should be used:

  • if the ears have accumulated sulfur, then use drops in the ears of a softening effect;
  • for acute otitis media, in addition to drops that help remove earwax, drops are used in the ear with an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect;
  • if the ears are blocked due to the growth of colonies of the fungus, special antifungal drops are used (the drug can only be prescribed by an otolaryngologist and only after the results of an analysis of the appearance of a fungus;
  • with symptoms of aerootitis.

Today, there are many different drugs available to relieve the feeling of stuffy ears. So, what to drip into the ear if it is blocked?

  1. Otipax. The active substances of this drug fight inflammation, so it is equally effective for both otitis media and congestion. The product does not dissolve sulfur deposits. The drug "Otipax" should be used on the recommendation of a doctor or strictly follow the instructions attached to it.
  2. Boric alcohol. It can be used, but still undesirable. The fact is that burying it in the ear is accompanied by extremely painful sensations. This tool is, of course, effective, but there are more disadvantages to its use than advantages. Therefore, it is worth choosing some other drug.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. It helps only when the ear is blocked with a sulfur plug. It is very simple to use: a few drops of 3% peroxide drip into the ear canal. True, before this it is necessary to tilt the head to the right if the left ear is blocked and vice versa. To ensure maximum comfort, it is better to do these manipulations while lying down. After 3-4 minutes, the ear cavity should be irrigated with heated water under pressure. This must be done in order to finally remove the resulting substance.
  4. "A-Cerumen". These drops are suitable for irrigating the ear canal if it is blocked by earwax. The active components of the drug are surfactants - substances that exhibit surface activity. In everyday life, they are better known as surfactants contained in shampoos and soaps. By changing the surface tension at the boundaries of the medium, the soap components help to wash away impurities, and "A-Cerumen" reduces the ability of sulfur to adhere to the skin of the ear canal.

It must be said that earwax contains about 20-50% fat. And the surfactants contained in the "A-Cerumen" preparation perfectly dissolve it by crushing it into small droplets that lend themselves well to washing off with an ordinary aqueous solution.

  1. "Remo-Vax" is another drug that contains surfactants. However, in addition to surfactants, it contains lanolin in liquid form and allantoin. According to the information posted on the official website of "Remo-Wax", these drops for the ears with congestion make the sulfur plugs looser, after which they can be easily washed.
  2. Otinum. These drops are used in the treatment of acute and otitis media. They are characterized by analgesic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. It is also permissible to use them to soften the accumulation of sulfur with congestion and with a cold. You can not use this tool if there is even the slightest suspicion that the integrity of the membrane is violated.
  3. "Otofa". An antibiotic that has proven itself in the treatment of otitis media. This tool has a wide range of actions and is also often used to eliminate congestion. It is allowed to use it even with a damaged membrane. True, it cannot be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. In addition, the drug does not provide an analgesic effect.
  4. "Candibiotic" - these drops are used in the treatment of otitis externa and otitis media, as well as ear congestion, which is provoked by these diseases. They contain serious antibiotics, which ensure the high efficiency of the drug. The main feature of this remedy is that they also contain clotrimazole - the best antifungal agent. It should be noted that in the process of application, an insignificant allergy may appear. These drops for ear congestion should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and children under 6 years of age.

When and what to drip

What caused the congestionDrug nameHow to apply
Sulfur plugHydrogen peroxideIt is necessary to bury it three times a day, 3 drops in each ear canal (if both ears are laid), pre-warming the peroxide to 37 degrees. The treatment should last 2-3 days.
"A-Cerumen"It must be used once in the morning and before bedtime. Half of the plastic bottle should be poured into the blocked ear canal. In this case, the head should be located with the desired ear up. This position must be maintained for one minute. Then, tilt your head with your obstructed ear downward to help release the wax. It is necessary to be treated for about 3-4 days.
"Remo-Wax"Pour 20 drops of the drug into one ear and close it with a cotton swab for about half an hour. After removing the tampon, it is recommended to lightly rinse it with water at room temperature.
Otitis externaBoric alcoholBefore using this product, you need to make a small swab out of a piece of sterile gauze. 3-5 drops of boric alcohol should be poured onto it and placed in the ear canal. The tampon should be there for 3-4 hours. Every day you will need to repeat this manipulation 2-3 times. It is permissible to be treated in this way for no longer than 5 days in order to avoid the development of side effects.
"Candibiotic"For the treatment of congestion with external and otitis media, it is necessary to drip 4-5 drops of the agent into each ear canal 3 or 4 times a day. The treatment will take about 7-10 days. The condition improves significantly after 4-5 days.
Otitis media"Otinum"You need to drip 3-4 drops of this drug into each ear 2 to 4 times a day. The treatment will last approximately 5-7 days.
OtipaxAccording to the instructions, it is supposed to inject this drug 3-4 drops into a stuffy ear 2-3 times every day. The treatment period is 10 days.
"Otofa"Used for congestion due to acute and chronic otitis media. The drops must be warmed up before use. To do this, it is enough to hold the bottle in your hands for 5 minutes. You need to drip it at least 3 times a day - 3 drops (for children) or 5 drops (for adults) in a clean ear. You can use this drug for no more than 3 days in a row.

Let's summarize

Elimination of such an unpleasant symptom as ear congestion must be carried out exclusively together with a complex of therapeutic measures that should get rid of the disease that provoked this symptom. It should not be forgotten that sometimes congestion, pain and tinnitus indicate the occurrence of a pathology that is unsafe for health, requiring the intervention of an experienced specialist. Therefore, when the ears are blocked, first of all it is necessary to consult an otolaryngologist as soon as possible, and not to "prescribe" drops to oneself in the ears in case of congestion.