Ear medications

Medicines and folk remedies for sulfur plugs

The fact that a sulfuric plug has formed in the ear may not be known. At first, she does not show herself in any way. But with a large accumulation of sulfur or water entering the ear, it increases in size, begins to press on the eardrum, causing pain and impairing blood supply. And then you need to urgently look for an effective remedy to remove ear plugs. If you do not remove it on time, otitis media can begin - an active inflammatory process, accompanied by an increase in temperature, hearing impairment and other unpleasant symptoms.

How does the medicine help?

It is completely useless, and often dangerous, to try to get rid of the ear plug by picking it out of the ear with a hairpin, cotton swabs, or other hard and long objects. Acting in this way, people, without knowing it, form sulfur plugs with their own hands, clearing the ear canal too intensively. Sulfur not only collects on the cotton wool, but is pushed deep into the eardrum. And the rotational movements that are performed at the same time thicken the accumulated sulfur and make it impossible for the ear to naturally cleanse itself.

A good medicine for ear plugs gently dissolves it without irritating the skin. The softened sulfur, with the active movement of the chewing muscles, moves outward along the ear canal and it can be carefully collected with a cotton or gauze swab. If the plug is tight, then no medicine will give immediate results. The procedure will have to be repeated several times (but only once during the day!) Until the ear is completely cleansed.

It is difficult to say which ear plug remedy will help the fastest - it depends on the density of the plug and the reasons for its formation. If the cork is swollen due to the ingress of water, then first it is better to dry it with boric alcohol, and then use special preparations.

It is better to select a medicine for sulfuric plugs so that it simultaneously acts on the cause of their occurrence, if possible.

Effective drugs

The simplest remedy for removing wax plugs in the ears is the usual 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, which, when instilled into the ear, quickly softens the wax. It comes out and then it is easy to remove it with a gauze or cotton swab.

A stronger medicine for ear plugs is Remo-Wax drops. They contain natural ingredients that are completely harmless even for children and pregnant women:

  • mink oil;
  • allatoin;
  • lanolin;
  • sorbic acid.

These components effectively soften the cork, soothe irritated skin, and promote the removal of sulfur from the outside. The drug does not cause allergies and can be used for a long time even without a doctor's prescription.

An excellent remedy for sulfuric plugs in the ears and the prevention of their formation - "A-cerumen". These are drops, which contain hydrolyzed collagen, cocobetaine, methylgucose bealate. They not only perfectly dissolve accumulated sulfur, but are also able to regulate the activity of sulfur glands. As a preventive measure, it can be used by swimmers, people working in dusty conditions or who often use an in-the-ear headset.

Features and contraindications

Modern medicines for ear plugs do not contain antibacterial and toxic components, therefore, they practically have no contraindications. They can even be used by children and pregnant women. What's more, with regular use, they keep your ear canal clean and your skin hydrated. "Remo-Wax" slightly narrows the pores, thereby reducing the amount of sulfur emissions.

But no remedy for sulfur congestion can be used in cases where there is a suspicion of any ear diseases, namely with:

  • pain and discharge from the ear;
  • active inflammatory processes;
  • irritated and inflamed skin;
  • damage to the tympanic membrane;
  • acute or chronic ear disease.

You cannot use such drugs if the eardrum was bypassed within the last year.

Care should be taken with them by those who are prone to severe allergic reactions. In some cases, it makes sense to first use milder folk remedies.

Folk remedies

Those who prefer to use folk remedies for plugs in the ears should take into account that they can be used effectively and safely only if the above contraindications are absent.

Here are some simple but effective ear plug remedies that are always close at hand:

  1. Soda or saline solution (1 teaspoon per 50 ml of water) - warm up to body temperature, draw into a syringe without a needle, tilt your head towards the sore ear and sharply release a stream into the ear canal. After 3-4 times repetition, collect the washed out sulfur with a cotton or gauze swab.
  2. Warm natural oil. You can use almond, olive, sesame, hemp, regular sunflower. Warm up in a water bath and drip 5-7 drops into a stuffy ear. Lie quietly for 10-15 minutes, then tilt your ear down and gently clean the ear canal.
  3. Phyto candle is an excellent long-known remedy for removing sulfur plugs from the ears, which today can be bought at any pharmacy. When a candle burns, hot air creates a vacuum that draws the wax out of the ear and at the same time heats it up, relieving inflammation.

Of course, there are other methods and preparations for removing wax plugs from the ears, which you can ask your doctor about or learn from the Internet. The main thing is to remember that in no case should you try to remove it by picking it out with hairpins, chopsticks or other sharp objects.

If you cannot soften it with medicines, you must seek medical attention so as not to injure your ear through carelessness.