Throat medications

Tonsillitis treatment with pills

Types of violation

To choose effective pills for tonsillitis, you need to decide on the type of violation. The causative agents of sore throat can be bacterial, viral or fungal infections that multiply in the tonsils. Depending on what exactly caused the disease, a specific therapy is selected. For the treatment of viral lesions, it is advisable to use antiseptic and antiviral agents, bacterial diseases must be treated with antibiotics.

It is also worth considering the form of tonsillitis itself, it can be acute or chronic. The first form is characterized by the presence of concomitant symptoms, such as an increase in body temperature (up to 40 ° C and above), severe sore throat, muscle pain, malaise, discomfort when swallowing saliva and eating or drinking. When angina becomes chronic, its exacerbations are transferred much easier.

There are such types of acute tonsillitis:

  • catarrhal;
  • follicular;
  • lacunar;
  • ulcerative membranous;
  • necrotic.

In the chronic form, angina has the following types:

  1. Compensated - infectious agents are present in the body all the time, exacerbations occur periodically, while concomitant symptoms may be mild or absent altogether, the body cannot completely cope with the pathogen, but there is no violent reaction to them either.
  2. Subcompensated - the disease is aggravated quite often, but at the same time it does not cause a too violent reaction from the body, the symptoms are rather weak.
  3. Decompensated - remission is rather short, exacerbations occur often and are accompanied by the manifestation of severe symptoms of the disease, in some cases there are general local complications.

Types of drugs for treatment

Depending on the type and type of tonsillitis, the doctor selects the most effective medicine. It is possible to get rid of the disease completely only with the help of complex therapy - it is necessary to eliminate not only the signs of the disease, but also its pathogens. To achieve this result, the following pills are used:

  • Antibacterial broad-spectrum. Aimed at eliminating pathogens, active against pathogenic microflora of different types.
  • Local antibacterial agents. They act directly in the focus of infection, eliminate pathogenic microorganisms from the tonsils themselves and mucous membranes of the pharynx.
  • Anti-inflammatory. They stop the inflammatory process, accelerate the healing of damaged mucous membranes and deep tissues.
  • Anesthetics. Effectively eliminate pain syndrome, facilitate breathing and swallowing.
  • Antiviral. Helps eliminate pathogenic viruses from the body.
  • Combined. They have a complex effect on the ailment, they contain several active ingredients at once, which ensures high efficiency.

Systemic antibiotics for sore throat

Systemic antibiotics are mandatory if fungal or bacterial infections are the cause of the disorder. They directly eliminate pathogens, have a systemic effect on the body.

The medicine is prescribed only after a laboratory study of the pathogenic microflora and its sensitivity to drugs of different groups. The main types of tablets of this type:

Name of tabletsGroupPeculiarities
Flemoxin; Unazine; "Tymentin"; "Amoxicillin"; "Penicillin", etc.PenicillinThey help to get rid of purulent plugs and inflammation, are distinguished by low toxicity and good efficiency in relation to various types of pathogenic microorganisms.
Roxithromycin; Erythromycin; Clarithromycin.MacrolidesThe least toxic group of antibiotics, active against gram-positive cocci, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, campylobacter, legionella.
Clindamycin; Lincomycin.LincosamidesA narrow spectrum of antimicrobial activity: they help to eliminate gram-positive cocci and non-spore-forming anaerobic flora, staphylococci rapidly develop resistance to this group of antibiotics.
Ceftriaxone; Cefazolin; Trikaxone.CephalosporinsThey are divided into 4 generations, each of which affects a certain range of pathogenic microorganisms, are distinguished by high efficiency and low toxicity.

When choosing antibacterial pills, take into account not only the type of pathogens of tonsillitis, but also such a factor as personal intolerance. Allergies can develop to some groups of drugs, especially penicillin drugs. Also, with the wrong selection, negative reactions can be observed from the use of cephalosporins.

It is important to remember that after treatment you need to undergo a course of probiotics, since antibiotics kill not only pathogenic, but also beneficial flora.

Topical tablets

Local preparations help to significantly improve the patient's condition, as they relieve the symptoms of tonsillitis. They are selected taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease, its neglect, type and other factors.

Consider the most popular remedies that will help get rid of the manifestations of sore throats.

Drug nameMechanism of actionPrecautions and contraindications
"Tantum Verde"Relieves inflammation, promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues.Children under 6 years of age, fetilketanuria and personal intolerance to the components of the drug.
"Faringosept"An effective antiseptic that fights against coccal pathogenic microflora.Children under 3 years of age, allergic to drug components.
"Falimint"Locally relieves pain, clears the mucous membranes of the affected tonsils from bacteria and microbes.Children under 1 year of age, the period of gestation and breastfeeding, allergy to fructose and the components of the tablets.
"Tonsilotren"Relieves inflammation from the affected tissues, helps to strengthen the immune system.Pregnant and lactating mothers are prescribed with caution and only when the benefits outweigh the risks.
TonsilgonFights inflammation, restores damaged tissues, cleans them of pathogenic microflora.Children under 6 years of age (for babies from birth, drops are produced), during pregnancy and lactation, use is possible only with the permission of the doctor.
"Imudon"Fights bacteria and prevents their reproduction, increases local immunity.Children's age up to 3 years, the period of lactation and gestation in women.
MiramistinActively cleans infected tissues from pathogenic microorganisms, promotes mucosal healing.Children under 3 years of age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of tablets is discussed with a doctor.
StrepfenIt relieves pain and inflammation well.Children under 12 years of age, lactation and pregnancy, exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, personal intolerance to the components of the drug.

Other measures

In addition to using medications, the patient must follow certain rules in order to get rid of tonsillitis. In the presence of pronounced symptoms, the patient is issued a sick leave; during the period of treatment, complete rest and bed rest are shown.

In addition, it is worth following these recommendations:

  • often gargle with antiseptic agents, it can be decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs or pharmaceutical preparations;
  • talk as little as possible so as not to put additional stress on the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • often ventilate the room;
  • do wet cleaning in the patient's room several times a day;
  • maintain high air humidity to prevent overdrying of mucous membranes;
  • exclude sour, spicy, salty, hot and cold from the diet;
  • drink as much liquid as possible, it should be warm;
  • give preference to mucous liquid food of low calorie content;
  • completely stop smoking and drinking alcohol.

Let's summarize

Tonsillitis responds well to pills. They can have a systemic effect on the body or act in a targeted manner in the area of ​​the affected tonsils. Local drugs cannot become the basis of therapy; they must be combined with antibiotics or antiviral agents in order to eliminate the cause of the disease.

Only a doctor prescribes medications, they are selected individually for each patient. If you turn to a specialist in time, you can cure an acute angina and prevent it from becoming chronic.