Runny nose

Treating chronic rhinitis at home

It happens that a person is worried about a runny nose for one week, the second, the third. It would seem that nothing but nasal congestion is noted, and rhinitis does not go away. There are many reasons that lead to the chronicity of the disease. It is no wonder that many are interested in how to cure a chronic rhinitis at home quickly.

Why can nasal congestion persist for more than a month? This predisposes:

  1. improper treatment of acute rhinitis;
  2. constant contact with a provoking factor;
  3. immunodeficiency against the background of concomitant severe pathology of internal organs;
  4. chronic nasopharyngeal infection;
  5. adenoids.

A deformed septum, anomalies in the structure of the nasopharynx, or injury can also be the cause of nasal congestion. In this case, drug therapy may not be effective.

Forms of the disease

The type of rhinitis depends on the causative factor and background pathology in a person:

  1. the infectious form develops due to the presence of pathogenic pathogens in the nasopharyngeal mucosa. They support the inflammatory process by triggering symptoms. An exacerbation of the disease occurs due to a decrease in immunity or after hypothermia;
  2. allergic - differs in frequency if the allergen acts on a person in a certain season of the year, for example, with hay fever. An allergic reaction can develop after inhaling pollen, taking a certain drug, or coming into contact with household chemicals;
  3. vasomotor rhinitis - often diagnosed in people with diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous system, with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Rhinitis can be seen at night. In the "lying on its side" position, congestion appears in the nostril below.

Also, a runny nose can develop due to frequent hypothermia, prolonged breathing of polluted, dry air or the influence of occupational hazards. There are several forms of rhinitis, depending on the nature of the inflammation and the predominant processes in the nasopharyngeal mucosa:

  • catarrhal - accompanied by hyperemia, swelling of the mucous membrane and hypersecretion. In most cases, it is observed with frequent colds and is manifested by profuse rhinorrhea;
  • atrophic - characterized by thinning and atrophy of the mucous membrane, glands against the background of prolonged exposure to negative factors (dust, chemical fumes). A person is worried about dryness, itching in the nose, dry crusts with ichor. The appearance of bloody streaks indicates damage to small blood vessels. Discharge from the nose is viscous;

Often the cause of atrophic rhinitis in our time is the prolonged use of drops with a vasoconstrictor effect.

  • hypertrophic - develops as a result of the proliferation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, which leads to the appearance of constant nasal congestion, nasal voice and lack of smell.

Preparatory stage of treatment

In order to choose the right drugs, it is necessary to carry out a complete diagnosis in adults. The otolaryngologist first interrogates the patient's complaints and analyzes the life history. To obtain a complete picture of the disease, an additional examination is prescribed. It may include:

  1. rhinoscopy;
  2. X-ray examination of the paranasal sinuses, which makes it possible to confirm or exclude sinusitis, as well as to identify anomalies in the structure of this zone;
  3. blood test (PCR, ELISA);
  4. allergy tests;
  5. study of the immunological status;
  6. microscopic examination of nasopharyngeal smears;
  7. bacterial culture of the material (mucus from the nasopharynx).

It is impossible to cure chronic rhinitis with folk remedies, therefore they are used only as auxiliary methods of therapy. An integrated approach to treatment allows you to eliminate the cause of the disease and relieve a person of annoying symptoms. What is prescribed for treatment?

  • local and systemic medications;
  • washing the nasal cavities;
  • warming procedures;
  • massage;
  • inhalation;
  • homeopathic medicines;
  • folk remedies in the form of drops, ointments.

Features of therapy for various forms of the disease

Disease formTreatment methodsDrug namesNote
InfectiousRemediation of an infectious focusLocal antiseptics (Furacilin, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin, Bioparox, Polidexa), systemic drugs (Flemoklav, Ceftriaxone, Azithromycin)Vasoconstrictor agents in the form of a nasal spray are used in a short course to temporarily relieve nasal congestion and facilitate nasal breathing (Tizin, Evkazolin)
AllergicElimination of an allergen, blocking the mechanism of allergy developmentTopical medications (Allergodil), systemic medications (Erius, Suprastin)An allergist consultation is required, an allergy test is required
VasomotorEliminate the causeVasoconstrictor (Lazorin, Otrivin), local hormonal agents (Beconase)The underlying disease is being treated
CatarrhalAntiseptic and antibacterial solutions, ointments and tabletsHormonal agents are prescribed only for severe pathology.Treatment methods are selected based on the cause
AtrophicMoisturizing the mucous membrane, protecting against damageOil drops Pinosol, folk remedies based on essential oilsThe main task is to stop using vasoconstrictor nasal drops or the action of another provoking factor
HypertrophicMedical or surgical treatment (removal of hypertrophied lesions)Hydrocortisone injectionsDrug treatment is carried out only at the initial stage.

Washing the nasal cavities

Cleansing the nasopharyngeal mucosa is the mainstay of the treatment of chronic rhinitis. Regular washing allows you to moisturize the mucous membrane, prevent damage to it, remove mucus with toxins and restore the functioning of the cilia. The procedure can be used to treat or prevent disease. Rinsing of the nasal cavities is carried out:

  • ready-made saline solutions (Humer, No-salt, Salin, Dolphin, saline);
  • a solution of food or sea salt. For cooking, it is enough to dissolve 5 g of salt in warm water with a volume of 230 ml. You can also add a drop of iodine;
  • infusion of garlic (5 chopped cloves per 700 ml of boiling water). After cooling it can also be mixed with aloe juice 1: 2;
  • herbal infusion. For cooking, it is enough to pour 30 g of eucalyptus, oak bark, chamomile, calendula or sage with boiling water (400 ml). After 15 minutes, it can be used to rinse the nose. Alternatively, you can add 25 ml of aloe juice;
  • a weak solution of potassium permanganate (2 crystals per glass of warm water);
  • fresh beet juice, which is mixed with 240 ml of water and 2 g of salt;
  • lemon juice diluted with water 1:10.

Nasal drops

You can make your own nasal drops using simple ingredients:

  1. onion or garlic juice diluted with water 1: 3;
  2. chop the onion or garlic, select 50 g, add 50 ml of water, 5 ml of dissolved honey. After stirring, we insist for an hour and use it to instill the nose;
  3. aloe juice can be used neat or diluted (1: 2 with water);
  4. 17 bay leaves are poured with 270 ml boiling water, infused for a little more than half an hour and 5 ml of liquid honey is added;
  5. honey should be diluted with water 1: 1 and aloe juice added 1: 1;
  6. onion juice 2: 1 can be added to aloe juice, then diluted with water twice;
  7. Aloe can be mixed with honey and lemon juice in equal amounts.

With atrophic rhinitis, many dry crusts are formed, which can be fought with the help of oil products.To prepare the medicine, it is enough to mix olive oil with aloe juice 3: 1. After heating the mixture in a water bath to 40 degrees, you can lubricate the nasopharyngeal mucosa twice a day.


Ointments based on natural ingredients help protect the mucous membrane from irritation, moisturize it and accelerate regeneration. Here are some recipes:

  1. 30 g of aloe juice should be mixed with 15 ml of melted honey, 15 g of chopped rose hips and 5 drops of eucalyptus oil. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. A cotton turundochka should be moistened in the medicinal mixture and inserted into the nasal passage for 15 minutes;
  2. walnut leaves must be chopped and mixed with petroleum jelly 1:10. Lubricate the nasal mucosa twice a day, especially at night. You can also use calendula instead of walnut leaves;
  3. an equal volume of propolis, butter, and peach oil should be mixed. To use, you will need cotton turundas, which must be moistened with a healing mixture.


Cold inhalations can be done with onions, garlic or horseradish:

  • to prepare the medicine for inhalation, it is enough to chop the onion, garlic and wrap the mass with a handkerchief. Inhale the aromas for 15 minutes three times a day;
  • chopped horseradish should be put in a container with a lid. During the day, every 2 hours you need to open the container and take 5-7 deep breaths through the nose. Keep refrigerated.

For hot inhalation, you can use essential oils (eucalyptus, fir), sea salt or sea buckthorn oil. Hot inhalation is prohibited for fever.


Massage is used in a complex of therapeutic methods for acute and chronic disease. The fingers should be warm, the movements should be smooth, and the pressure on the special points of moderate force.

Where are the points:

  • glabellar zone (at the intersection with the bridge of the nose);
  • the outer corner of the eye (one centimeter from the corner);
  • near the wings of the nose;
  • above the upper lip in the projection of the outer edge of the wings of the nose.

The duration of the massage is 15 minutes. It allows you to:

  1. speed up blood circulation;
  2. increase local protection;
  3. eliminate nasal congestion;
  4. reduce swelling of the nasal mucosa.

Massage can be used to prevent and treat rhinitis. The effect of medications can be enhanced by dripping the medication into the nose immediately after the massage or before the end of the massage.

Possible complications

If mistakes are made in the treatment (incorrect dosages, a short course of therapy), the risk of complications increases. They are associated with the spread of infection and inflammation to surrounding healthy tissue. As a result, it develops:

  • otitis. Swelling of the auditory tube leads to a deterioration in airway function, impaired ear cavity sanitation and activation of opportunistic microbes. Symptomatically, the disease is manifested by hearing loss, ear pain and tinnitus;
  • pharyngitis, tonsillitis;
  • adenoiditis, if inflammation covers the adenoids;
  • sinusitis. The accumulation of mucus in the paranasal cavities leads to inflammation (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis). Clinically, the pathology is manifested by pain in the paranasal zone, the bridge of the nose, and the glabellar region.

Preventive actions

To avoid the chronicity of the inflammatory process in the nasopharyngeal mucosa, it is necessary to follow some recommendations:

  1. avoid contact with the allergen;
  2. strictly observe the dose and duration of use of vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose;
  3. strengthen immunity;
  4. drink enough fluids;
  5. timely treatment of diseases of the ENT organs;
  6. eat healthy foods;
  7. walk in the fresh air as often as possible (in forest areas, mountains, along the sea coast).

The ENT organs are closely interconnected, so inflammation from the nasopharynx often spreads to the ear zone, pharynx and larynx. Simple rules of prevention will avoid chronicity of the process and reduce the risk of recurrence of rhinitis. You should not be negligent about your health, since it is quite difficult to treat a chronic rhinitis.