Throat treatment

Gargling with salt and soda during pregnancy

Pregnancy does not in any way affect the frequency of SARS and other diseases that are accompanied by an inflammatory process and sore throat. However, the choice of medicinal substances and procedures during this period becomes more selective. In addition to being effective, the treatment should be safe for both the mother and the fetus. In this regard, local procedures are becoming more popular.

Among the methods of combating the inflammatory process in the oropharynx, the most common is gargling with soda, salt and iodine during pregnancy.

Among infectious and inflammatory processes, pain in the throat is most typical for such pathological conditions:

  • acute and chronic tonsillitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • adenovirus infection;
  • flu;
  • parainfluenza;
  • rhinovirus infection;
  • infectious mononucleosis.

With these diseases, it becomes necessary to gargle the throat.

Benefits of the procedure

Symptomatic treatment for sore throat includes

  • the use of tableted non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • the use of topical preparations in the form of aerosols, pills;
  • carrying out local procedures such as rubbing, compresses, inhalations, gargling.

Of the proposed treatments, gargling is the safest procedure. The therapeutic effect in this case is limited to the affected area. The funds used do not enter the bloodstream, so their systemic effect is absent or insignificant.

However, during pregnancy, when choosing possible remedies for topical treatment, it is also necessary to refer to the least toxic of them. In this case, there is no alternative to gargling with salt and soda. Constantly used in the food industry and for cooking, these components are the safest means for local procedures.

In addition to safety, the requirements for medicines during pregnancy are as follows:

  • effectiveness against the most likely pathogens;
  • lack of an allergic reaction when using them;
  • availability.

Based on this, the use of highly effective antibiotics, antipyretics are often limited by possible side effects. In rare cases, when it comes to high numbers of hyperthermia, the use of the safest drug, paracetamol, is allowed. The situation is similar with the choice of agents aimed at reducing the inflammatory process in the throat. To achieve the desired effect, the safest remedies are used first.

Description of the procedure

To prepare a solution, stir one teaspoon of baking soda and salt in a glass of hot boiled water. The resulting solution is cooled to a comfortable temperature of 40 degrees. Washes are carried out 5-6 times a day, after meals, using a glass of the prepared solution.

To achieve an effect when carrying out gargling, patients are recommended

  1. Pronounce the sound "y", which will improve the quality of the procedure;
  2. After the procedure, you should refrain from eating and drinking liquids for 30 minutes, otherwise, the effectiveness of the procedure will decrease.
  3. It is recommended to alternate the means used. During pregnancy, the use of herbal decoctions is just as safe.

Baking soda does not have any medicinal properties. Its use is due to the fact that the resulting alkaline solution has a softening, soothing effect on the throat.

Patients temporarily notice a decrease in pain syndrome. However, doctors do not advise exceeding the recommended concentration, because, otherwise, the mucous membrane of the throat may become dry.

Hypertonic salt solution is used to reduce swelling and moisturize the throat. Damp air has a detrimental effect on viruses, so moist mucous membranes most effectively fight pathogens and prevent secondary infection from joining.

The use of iodine in the solution

To enhance the effect, 2-3 drops of an alcoholic solution of iodine can be added to the prepared solution, which has a pronounced antiseptic effect, even affects the fungal pathogen. The resulting iodine solution is especially effective for pharyngitis, laryngitis. It is the presence of iodine that explains the increased activity of the solution used, since this remedy additionally has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane, promotes the liquefaction of mucus.

Iodine is a microelement that is part of the body tissues, which helps to strengthen the immune system. Its lack in food affects the development and functioning of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for many metabolic processes that occur in the body. In this regard, a certain amount of iodine must be supplied to the body regularly.

At the same time, some patients note an intolerance to his alcohol solution, manifested by a rash, runny nose, lacrimation, difficulty breathing. In cases where iodine preparations cannot be replaced by anything else, a skin test is performed. It consists in the fact that a small amount of an alcohol solution is applied to the forearm area with an ear stick, and a subsequent reaction is observed. If there is no change in this area within half an hour, the iodine-containing drug can be used to treat the patient.

In cases where a pregnant woman has previously noted a reaction to iodine-containing drugs, this component is not used to gargle.

Many gynecologists recommend refraining from taking iodine-containing drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy. During this period, the endocrine system of the fetus is being formed, and excessive iodine content may also be unsafe for the unborn child.

However, a sufficient amount of iodine in the body of a pregnant woman is a guarantee of the health of the unborn child. Most of it enters the body with seafood. In cases where the iodine content in the body is insufficient, or the woman is undergoing treatment for the thyroid gland, the patient is prescribed iodine-containing preparations additionally. In this case, the use of its alcoholic rinse solution is contraindicated.

Unlike soda, salt or herbal remedies, which are also used for gargling, iodine is quickly absorbed by the mucous membranes of the throat and enters the bloodstream. In this regard, during the procedure, a pregnant woman should try not to swallow the solution.

It is not recommended to exceed the calculated concentration of an alcoholic solution of iodine.

Treatment of a pregnant woman should be carried out under the direct supervision of not only the gynecologist, but also the therapist or ENT doctor. It is necessary to establish the cause of the sore throat. In the event that we are talking about streptococcal sore throat, the issue of prescribing antibiotics should be resolved.

Gargling is only one of several components of a comprehensive treatment.