Runny nose

Using aloe juice for nasal congestion

A runny nose is a consequence of swelling of the nasal mucosa and pronounced secretion. Nasal congestion can occur due to infection of the body, contact with an allergen, or prolonged inhalation of dry air. Due to the variety of causes of rhinorrhea, the treatment tactics for rhinitis may also differ. Despite the many pharmaceutical preparations, aloe juice for the common cold remains an indispensable medicine that can be used in almost all cases of illness.

How is the plant useful?

More and more information appears about the use of aloe in the fight against diseases of the paranasal sinuses. In recent years, aloe juice has been used with greater activity for a cold, because its effectiveness has been tested over the years. Treatment of a cold with aloe juice is carried out due to its unique chemical composition.

The juice is found in the pulp of the leaf, has a greenish tint and a bitter taste (due to the presence of aloin). The plant contains carbohydrates, vitamin C, carotenoids and phytoncides. Tannins allow you to quickly cope with inflammation, reduce painful sensations, strengthen the immune defense and normalize the work of the ciliated epithelium.

The anti-allergic effect is due to the action of flavonoids that are part of the plant. Its juice has antimicrobial, tonic, antioxidant effect, and also stimulates metabolic processes.

If you regularly bury aloe in your nose, the healing substances are quickly absorbed into the blood vessels, toxins are neutralized and microbes die. It is the pathogens that produce toxic substances that have a damaging effect on the nasal mucosa. As a result, edema, hyperemia and hypersecretion appear.

Recommendations for use

How to treat aloe runny nose? To achieve the desired result, you need to follow some recommendations:

  1. with an allergic origin of rhinitis, one should be careful with the use of the plant. It is often not used for allergic rhinorrhea;
  2. with internal use of juice, diarrhea may occur;
  3. the plant is forbidden to pregnant women due to the high risk of premature birth and spontaneous abortion. When breastfeeding, the medicine is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, comparing the benefits and risks of using this drug.

In traditional medicine, treatment of diseases by agave can be carried out using different forms of medicine (liniment, tablets or aloe extract).

How to get and store juice?

To prepare nasal medicine, you must first collect the juice. To do this, you need to cut off the sheet and leave it in a dark place at above-zero temperatures (no higher than 5 degrees). This is necessary for the production of biogenic stimulants as a protective response to stress (damage to the integrity of the leaf).

At home, storage is carried out in the refrigerator for 12 days. Of course, we do not always follow these recommendations, which is why the therapeutic effect is somewhat less.

To get rid of snot, peel off the leaf and crush the pulp with a spoon in any container. Then you need to squeeze the juice through a gauze napkin and store it in the refrigerator.

To safely bury your nose, you need to conduct an allergy test. You need to drop the juice on the back of the wrist and wait 12 hours. This area should not be wet or brushed (with fingernails, cuffs of clothing). If there is no redness, itching, rash, or blistering on the skin, no allergy will occur.

Features of therapy

For colds, vasomotor rhinitis or sinusitis, aloe-based medicines will have a safe healing effect and speed up recovery. The use of pure juice is not recommended due to the high risk of burns to the nasal mucosa. It is important to combine the ingredients correctly in order to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect.

For dilution, distilled or boiled water is used. It is prohibited to use raw water. Before burying the nose, the mucous membrane must be cleaned of dust, mucus and toxic substances. For this purpose, it is recommended to use saline solutions, for example, Aqua Maris or Dolphin. At home, you can prepare a saline solution yourself (6 g of salt should be dissolved in 300 ml of warm water).

Is it possible to drip aloe into the nose of children? Of course, you can, however, you need to take into account the child's allergic predisposition and follow the rules for breeding the juice of the plant.

Medicines for the nose

Among the constituents of aloe, there are irritating substances that can provoke sneezing and watery eyes when the nose is buried.

The well-known aloe for the treatment of a cold can be used in the form of nasal drops. If the treatment is carried out for an adult, the dilution with water is 1: 1, for babies - 2 times more. It is required to drip into the nose three times a day, 2-3 drops.

How to drip aloe juice into your nose? In order for the medicine to have a healing effect, it is recommended to carry out the nasal instillation process in the supine position. This will allow the drug to penetrate the inflammatory focus and be absorbed into the nasal mucosa.

Not only aloe can have a healing effect, but also other components of the medicine:

  • a couple of cloves of garlic must be peeled, filled with hot water with a volume of 230 ml, insisted for 4 hours. After that, you should mix the garlic infusion, liquid honey and aloe juice in equal volumes. Having mixed thoroughly, you can use three drops for instillation up to 7 times;
  • buckwheat honey is diluted with water 1: 1, mixed with aloe juice (1: 1) and used three times a day. You need to drip your nose two drops in each passage;
  • rhinitis can be quickly cured with a combination of aloe and onion juices. For cooking, you need to peel the onion, squeeze the juice and mix with aloe (1: 2). Before instilling the nose, the juice should be diluted with water to obtain a 50% concentration. This medicine is not recommended for children because of the strong irritant effect;
  • Aloe nose drops can be made with lemon and honey. Ingredients must be taken in equal volume and mixed thoroughly. For adults, dilution with water is not required. You need to bury 5 drops three times a day. If the treatment is carried out for children, the medicine is diluted with water 1: 3 before use;
  • the combination of aloe and Kalanchoe juices allows you to achieve quick results;
  • for the treatment of rhinitis with the formation of dry crusts in the nose, a remedy based on olive oil is recommended. It moisturizes the mucous membrane, softens the crusts and facilitates their easy removal. For cooking, you need oil, aloe juice, which must be mixed in a 3: 1 ratio. The mixture must be heated in a water bath (5 minutes), wait until it cools down and drip the nose (four drops three times);
  • aloe from the common cold for adults is used in the form of an ointment. For cooking, you need aloe juice, melted honey, rose hips (crushed fruits), eucalyptus oil in a ratio of 4: 2: 2: 1. The ingredients mix well. A cotton turunda should be moistened in the mixture and inserted into the nose for a quarter of an hour. For each nasal passage, a pure turunda is applied;
  • another ointment can be prepared on the basis of vegetable oil, mummy, streptocide, bee products. So, the recipe requires 30 g of melted honey, oil and aloe juice. As for propolis, beeswax, they are added "by eye" in a small amount. First, you need to pour oil into an enamel container, add honey, wax and leave in a water bath until the wax melts. Having judged the mixture a little, add streptocide, mummy, propolis and aloe to it. Mixing thoroughly, we get a healing ointment.We use it to lubricate the nasal cavities three times a day.

It is allowed not only to drip aloe juice into the nose, but also to use the plant to prepare solutions for washing the nasal cavities. The procedure can be used to treat or prevent a cold:

  1. infusion based on the plant. To prepare the medicine, you need to finely chop 7 garlic cloves, pour a liter of boiling water and wait for the water to cool, closing the container with a lid. Before use, the infusion must be mixed with aloe juice (1: 2) and washed twice a day;
  2. combination with herbs. Mix 15 g of chamomile and eucalyptus, pour 130 ml of boiling water, leave to infuse for about an hour and filter through cheesecloth. Then add aloe juice (15 ml) and rinse the nasal cavities three times a day;
  3. aloe juice in the nose can be used in the form of an alcoholic tincture. For preparation, you will need 700 ml of vodka and crushed plant leaves. You need to infuse the medicine for 10 days, after which you can bury the nasal passages, 7 drops once a day. Visit all online casino mirrors on Toprecord with active working addresses for gambling clubs. The duration of the therapeutic course can be up to a month.

Other uses of the plant

Aloe can be used not only for nasal instillation. With aloe, you can prepare medicines for oral administration, which will also help to quickly get rid of rhinorrhea.

Aloin stores are found under the skin of the plant. To prevent the development of a bitter taste, it is necessary to cut the skin together with a small layer of pulp.

Aloe for the common cold can be used in the following recipes:

  1. a couple of aloe leaves need to be crushed without peeling, add 120 ml of water, 270 ml of liquid honey and leave on low heat for two hours. Take 10 g three times a day, store in the refrigerator;
  2. 150 g of aloe, 100 g of dissolved lard and honey must be mixed, add 30 g of cocoa and take the medicine twice a day. 15 g of the mixture must be dissolved in a glass of warm milk;
  3. 150 g of honey and crushed aloe leaves must be mixed with 240 ml of "Cahors". It should be insisted in a dark place for 20 days, shaking the mixture daily. Take 15 ml for a whole month;
  4. to get rid of a cold, aloe can be mixed with honey (2: 1) and taken 15 g twice a day.

Aloe extract ampoules can also be used in the treatment. They are used for nasal instillation or ingestion.

To use aloe for inhalation, it is enough to cut off the leaf of the plant, peel it and squeeze out the juice. Then it should be diluted with hot water in a volume that is 5 times the amount of juice. The medicine is ready for inhalation.


In order not to harm yourself and not aggravate the course of the disease, you must be careful when using the plant. It is not indicated in pregnancy, allergic rhinitis, severe hypertension, varicose veins, renal dysfunction and diseases of the digestive tract.

Aloe is an excellent folk remedy that is widely used to treat many diseases. However, do not forget that the plant can not always completely get rid of the disease. Therefore, it is recommended to combine aloe-based medicines with other therapies, such as warming treatments or massage.