Runny nose

What are the signs of vasomotor rhinitis?

Often, due to the influence of various kinds of unfavorable factors on the human body, vasomotor rhinitis can develop. In the course of the disease, blood circulation in the vessels of the nasal mucosa is disturbed, the regulation of their tone, edema of the turbinates occurs, which causes the characteristic signs of rhinitis. The main symptoms of vasomotor rhinitis are associated with the release of liquid mucous secretions, difficulty breathing, and complete or partial nasal congestion.


The main distinguishing feature of vasomotor rhinitis is shortness of breath, which appears periodically and can be aggravated by various factors: a sharp change in temperature and humidity, in the supine position, during physical exertion or after it, as a result of taking alcoholic beverages. In this case, alternate congestion of the right and left nostrils is most often noted.

Also among the characteristic signs of vasomotor rhinitis are:

  • the presence of mucous discharge of a watery nature, the appearance of which is repeated periodically for no apparent reason;
  • due to a runny nose, mucus flows down the back of the pharynx, which causes coughing and irritation of the mucous membrane of the throat;
  • sneezing with severe rinerea (discharge from the nose of a large amount of liquid secretion);
  • nasalism due to nasal congestion;
  • trouble smelling;
  • general malaise, decreased ability to work;
  • headaches, insomnia; lack of appetite;
  • increased sweating, lacrimation, swelling;
  • with more severe manifestations of a runny nose as a result of defective nasal breathing, ventilation of the lungs may deteriorate, and there may be a lack of oxygen in the blood.

In between acute attacks, the symptoms of rhinitis associated with nasal congestion persist. Consequently, the main symptoms characteristic of this condition are also observed: fatigue, sleep problems, and the like.


Depending on the form of the disease, various causes of the onset of symptoms of the common cold are distinguished.

With reflex rhinitis, the cause of the disease is the reaction of the vessels to the action of stimuli. There are several types of reflex rhinitis:

  • vasomotor food runny nose, provoked by the use of too hot, cold, spicy food, alcoholic beverages;
  • cold rhinitis, which occurs with severe hypothermia, both of the whole organism and of individual parts of the body;

Important! It is necessary to understand that a slight nasal congestion in frosty air is a normal protective reaction of the body to the effects of low temperatures.

  • runny nose caused by other irritating factors, such as strong odors (varnish, paint), being in a room with dry, dusty air, etc.

With a drug-induced rhinitis, the cause of the disease is complications due to the intake of various medicinal substances:

  • prolonged (more than ten days) uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drugs for the nose;
  • the use of drugs indicated for hypertension.

Hormonal rhinitis can occur with various hormonal changes and disorders in the body:

  • problems in the thyroid gland, which can reduce the production of hormones;
  • pituitary adenomas;
  • pregnancy, when the production of female steroid hormones increases.

Often, a runny nose manifests itself against the background of various disorders in the functioning of the autonomic part of the nervous system, which contributes to deviations in the regulation of the tone of the blood vessels of the nasopharynx.

You can also distinguish a number of factors under the influence of which the main symptoms of rhinitis appear:

  • viral infections; active or passive smoking, being in rooms with a strong odor, prolonged inhalation of highly polluted air;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • sharp jumps in air temperature;
  • nervous strain; gastrointestinal diseases;
  • various injuries and congenital anomalies of the nose.


The diagnosis of chronic rhinitis is made after a thorough analysis of complaints and medical history is carried out by a specialist. The otolaryngologist asks the patient about:

  • how often congestion occurs;
  • what is the nature of the nasal discharge;
  • whether weather conditions, air temperature, body position and physical activity affect the state of nasal breathing;
  • whether there are allergic manifestations.

General examination of the nasal cavity (rhinoscopy) using special mirrors includes an analysis of:

  • the size of the turbinate;
  • the degree of swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • coloration of the mucous membrane (with rhinitis, it becomes bluish in color);
  • various pathological changes in the location and shape of the nasal septum.

In the complex diagnosis of rhinitis symptoms, it is necessary to do a complete blood count, urine test, and also take samples for allergens in order to exclude the presence of allergic rhinitis.


Therapy of rhinitis, first of all, should be aimed at eliminating the factors that provoke an exacerbation of the disease. To eliminate the symptoms characteristic of rhinitis, you must:

  • adhere to the correct diet (eliminate hot, cold, peppery foods), exclude alcoholic beverages, smoking, being in rooms with pungent odors;
  • carry out timely treatment of stomach diseases that can provoke the development of reflux disease;
  • timely correct various congenital abnormalities in the structure of the nose (eliminate the curvature of the nasal septum);
  • regularly go in for sports, as physical exercises (brisk walking, running) improve the work of the autonomic part of the nervous system;
  • take a contrast shower (alternately pouring warm and cool water, gradually lowering the temperature of cool water).

Various medications should be used along with general recommendations to help reduce nasal swelling and return nasal breathing.

  • The most effective and at the same time safe way to eliminate the symptoms of rhinitis is to rinse the nose with saline solutions (Aquamaris, Physiomer, Salin, Aqualor) purchased from a pharmacy. You can prepare such a solution yourself by dissolving a teaspoon of table or food sea salt in a liter of warm boiled water.
  • In the treatment of rhinitis, long-term use of nasal preparations based on corticosteroid hormones is indicated. The safety and high efficiency of these drugs has been repeatedly proven by various studies. It is known that these drugs are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream, and even young children are allowed to use them. Unlike vasoconstrictor drops, these sprays are not addictive with prolonged use.
  • For allergic rhinitis, the use of antihistamine sprays and nasal drops (Fenistil, Cromhexal, Zyrtec) is indicated.
  • When rhinitis occurs, the cause of which is the effect of various irritating factors, sprays are used, the action of which is aimed at reducing the amount of nasal discharge. These drugs include drugs containing ipratropium bromide.

In the complex treatment of vasomotor rhinitis, the use of various procedures will be effective:

  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis, UHF, UST);
  • acupuncture (acupuncture);
  • nasal blockages with the use of steroid hormones, which have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce edema;

Important! The method of treating rhinitis with nasal blockages is widely used in medical practice, however, it has contraindications and can lead to severe complications.

  • vasotomy is an effective method of surgical treatment for runny nose and nasal congestion.

Treatment for chronic rhinitis also differs depending on the form of the disease:

  • with the development of a cold rhinitis, special hardening programs are used in the form of cool baths for the upper and lower extremities;
  • when diagnosed with medication rhinitis, which is most often the cause of the uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor drugs, nasal hormone-containing sprays are used, which makes it possible to abandon vasoconstrictor drugs.

If conservative treatment is ineffective, surgical therapy is performed. Often they resort to minimally invasive intervention, which is carried out on the vessels of the nasal cavity.

Traditional medicine recipes

Among the large number of different methods of treating the common cold, traditional medicine methods occupy a special place.

  • Massage of the wings of the nose and the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses is carried out using light circular movements and tapping with your fingers. This procedure will be especially effective when combined with other therapeutic methods.
  • In the treatment of rhinitis, vaseline ointment with the addition of 10% walnut leaves has proven itself well. It is necessary to apply the product three times a day, spreading on the nasal mucosa. Store the finished ointment in a cool place.
  • Birch sap is also dripped into the nasal cavity in a few drops three times a day and taken orally to strengthen the immune system.
  • Fresh beet juice is also used as nasal drops. The root crop is washed, peeled and grated, after which the juice is squeezed out. It is best to store the finished product in a cool place. The nose is instilled three times a day, a couple of drops into each nasal passage.
  • Well moisturizes the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx and fights harmful microflora with a solution of honey. For its preparation, take a teaspoon of honey and dissolve in 200 ml of boiled water. Each nasal passage is washed in turn with the resulting liquid.
  • Decoctions made from herbal preparations help to significantly speed up recovery and eliminate nasal congestion.

Collection number 1. To prepare the broth, take the ingredients in the following proportions: two parts of horsetail, three parts of dandelion root, four parts of St. John's wort, five parts of centaury. One tablespoon of the resulting collection is poured with one and a half glasses of boiling water. The broth is infused overnight. After that, it must be boiled, cooled, filtered and taken orally by a third of a glass three times a day.

Collection number 2. To prepare this collection, take two large spoons of elecampane root and calamus and five large spoons of herbs such as coltsfoot, violet and wild rosemary, add seven tablespoons of wormwood seeds. Pour one large spoonful of the collection with a glass of boiling water, insist for twelve hours, filter and take two large spoons three times a day before meals.

Collection number 3. Mix three large tablespoons of chopped oak bark, two large tablespoons of scumpia leaves and rowan fruits, one spoonful of horsetail and a teaspoon of sage and mint leaves. A couple of tablespoons of the collection are poured over 200 ml of water and boiled for ten minutes. Insist the resulting broth for an hour, filter and wash the nasal passages twice a day.


In the absence of timely and correct treatment, there is a high probability of developing complications in the form of:

  • the occurrence of chronic sinusitis, which is accompanied by painful sensations in the forehead and eyes, swelling of tissues near the nasal sinuses;
  • the occurrence of polyps - benign neoplasms that represent a significant thickening of the mucous membrane in the nose, which often leads to the almost complete closure of the nasal passages, causing obstruction;
  • the occurrence of otitis media (otitis media);
  • sleep disorders, fatigue, headaches;
  • breathing stops during sleep, which is dangerous by the development of oxygen starvation.

Important! Long-term untreated rhinitis can become chronic, aggravating the symptoms of the disease and leading to irreversible enlargement of nasal tissue.