Nose symptoms

Treating nasal congestion at home

Nasal congestion is not always a reason for us to see a doctor. If nasal breathing is the only symptom, don't worry. In this case, you can handle it yourself. However, with the appearance of purulent discharge or hyperthermia, the person's condition deteriorates significantly, which requires medical supervision. How to get rid of nasal congestion at home?

Therapeutic measures depend on the cause of the disease. It is about them that we will talk.

Among the provoking factors, it is worth highlighting:

  • infectious pathogens;
  • allergens;
  • hypothermia;
  • contact with a sick person;
  • stress factors;
  • diseases of the nervous, cardiovascular system, in which the regulation of vascular tone is impaired;
  • poor living conditions;
  • chronic diseases of the ENT organs;
  • deformities of the nasopharynx of congenital, traumatic origin;
  • polyps.

Drip nasal drugs

How to treat nasal congestion at home? To date, there are various drugs that can quickly facilitate breathing by reducing the swelling of the mucous membrane and rhinorrhea.

Medication assistance

You can quickly pierce a stuffy nose with the help of nasal drugs with a vasoconstrictor property. However, in the treatment it is also necessary to use other groups of drugs, which make it possible to eliminate the cause of the disease (infection) and normalize the general condition of the person.

How to cure nasal congestion?

  1. mucolytics (Rinofluimucil). The action of the drug is to reduce the viscosity of the nasal secretion and facilitate its outflow. It is often prescribed for sinusitis with purulent mucus;
  2. vasoconstrictor agents (Sanorin, Evkazolin, Rinostop). The maximum therapeutic course using these drugs is 3-5 days. In case of exceeding the recommended doses and duration of use, the risk of addiction and the development of a drug-induced rhinitis increases. Usually, after the administration of the drug, the blood vessels spasm, which ensures the restoration of nasal breathing. Against the background of prolonged use of such drugs, blood vessels, on the contrary, become dilated, as a result of which rhinorrhea and tissue edema intensify;
  3. antiviral drugs (Grippferon for nasal administration). If necessary, you can take Groprinosin, Citovir, Otsilokoktsinum;
  4. salt products (Marimer, Aqualor, Dolphin). Due to its natural composition, the drug is allowed for newborns and pregnant women. The therapeutic effect consists in cleansing, moisturizing the mucous membrane, activating regenerative and metabolic processes. Saline solutions come in several forms;

Note that hypertonic saline drugs (Aqua Maris Strong) have a powerful anti-edema effect, therefore they are limited in use.

  1. immunostimulants (Derinat);
  2. hormonal medications (Avamis, Nasobek) are prescribed as a last resort when other medications are ineffective. Due to the hormonal composition, the drug quickly eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane and restores nasal breathing;
  3. antiseptics, antibacterial agents - remove germs from the nasal passages. This group of drugs includes Miramistin, Furacilin, Protargol, Isofra. With systemic bacterial inflammation, you should take Amoxiclav, Azithromycin, Cefix;
  4. homeopathic (Delufen, Euphorbium Compositum) and herbal medicines (Sinupret);
  5. antihistamines for local administration (Cromohexal, Tizin Allergy). With the development of a systemic allergic reaction, tablet forms of Claritidine, Cetrin, Eden are prescribed. They block the development of allergies, reduce swelling and alleviate the general condition.

Folk recipes

What to do at home if your nose is stuffy? With a mild course of the disease, folk remedies can be used. Here are some simple recipes from natural ingredients:

  1. 15 g of plantain, chamomile, calendula must be poured with boiling water in a volume of 270 ml, boil for 3 minutes and cool. Rinse the nasal passages twice a day;
  2. diluted aloe juice should be dripped two drops three times. For breeding, you need to use boiled warm soda, equal to the volume of juice. If the medicine is well tolerated, undiluted juice can be used in the future. Aloe quickly kills germs and reduces inflammation;
  3. sea ​​buckthorn oil can be combined with onion juice, garlic in a ratio (3: 1), as well as carrot juice (1: 1). To prepare sea buckthorn oil, it is enough to pour 20 g of sea buckthorn cake with vegetable oil (200 ml) and leave for a month in a closed container;
  4. onion and garlic juice can be used for instillation or lotions. To do this, you need to dilute the ingredients with boiled water 1: 2;

Pure onion or garlic juice can burn the mucous membrane, so it must be diluted with water.

  1. if the nose is blocked, a medicine should be given from cyclamen. It is necessary to grind the root with a grater, squeeze out the juice and drip the nasal passages in two drops;
  2. how to pierce your nose? Dissolve 5 g of salt in 210 ml of warm boiled water and rinse the nasal passages;
  3. 7 g of horse sorrel root must be crushed, pour 410 ml of boiling water and wait 90 minutes until the medicine is infused. The product is suitable for rinsing.

Healing procedures

Supplement drug therapy should be inhaled and other procedures. To quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms, you need to act in a complex manner.

Inhalation method

How to get rid of nasal congestion at home - what to do and how to treat it? In the presence of a nebulizer, the procedure is greatly facilitated. The device has many advantages, among which it is worth highlighting:

  • temperature control, which prevents thermal damage to the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • high efficiency, since medicinal particles penetrate directly into the inflammatory focus;
  • the ability to regulate the diameter of the drug particles.

In order for inhalation to have the maximum therapeutic effect, it is necessary to follow some rules:

  1. the procedure should be carried out against the background of calm breathing, therefore, after physical activity, you need to rest for 20 minutes to restore the respiratory rate and heart rate;
  2. after inhalation, it is forbidden to go out into the cold for an hour;
  3. people prone to developing an allergic reaction should carefully use herbal medicines, bee products;
  4. inhale the vapor through the nose.

The therapeutic effect of inhalation is:

  1. moisturizing, protecting the mucous membrane;
  2. reducing the viscosity of sputum;
  3. softening the crusts (for easier removal);
  4. reducing swelling;
  5. relief of nasal breathing.

You can pierce your nose at home with the following medicines, which are inhaled with a nebulizer:

  • Interferon (antiviral drug);
  • Tonsilogon, Sinupret (herbal remedy);
  • Dioxidine (antiseptic);
  • non-carbonated alkaline water, for example, Borjomi.

Before starting the procedure, the medicine should be diluted with saline.

In the absence of a nebulizer, inhalation can be carried out in the usual way (using a small container and hot water with medicine). How to eliminate congestion with inhalation, and how to pierce your nose at home?

  1. onion, garlic inhalations allow to sanitize the infectious inflammatory focus and speed up recovery. For the procedure, you need to clean the ingredients, grind and wrap with a handkerchief. Inhale the fragrances for 10 minutes;
  2. horseradish needs to be cleaned, chopped and placed in a resealable container. Every hour, you should take the medicine out of the refrigerator and take 3 deep breaths;
  3. add salt and essential oil to hot water. For the procedure, you can use eucalyptus, pine, fir oil;
  4. how to remove nasal congestion at home? Steam inhalation can be done with herbs and oil. 15 g of St. John's wort or eucalyptus should be poured with 310 ml boiling water, add a piece of salt with two drops of fir oil.


How to relieve nasal congestion at home? Local warming procedures can be performed to facilitate nasal breathing. How to pierce your nose? The therapeutic effect is due to:

  1. expansion of local blood vessels;
  2. a decrease in the severity of blood stasis;
  3. acceleration of metabolism;
  4. activation of tissue regeneration;
  5. decrease in swelling.

So, we treat a runny nose. For warming, you can use salt, boiled potatoes, or an egg. First, heat up the salt and fill a cloth bag with it. Additionally, wrap the heat source with a cloth.

When salt touches the skin of the wings of the nose, a slight warmth should be felt. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. The therapeutic effect can be enhanced by general warming. To do this, you can drink hot tea, make foot baths with mustard, then wrap yourself in a blanket and try to fall asleep.

We emphasize that thermal procedures are prohibited in case of hyperthermia, purulent inflammation and violation of the integrity of the skin in the place of intended warming.


You can cure nasal congestion at home with massage. It is most effective at the initial stage of the disease, when there is no profuse rhinorrhea. The effect of the massage is to activate local blood flow and reduce tissue edema.

Soft movements in the paranasal area should be carried out with warm fingers so as not to cause discomfort.

Preventive recommendations

Home treatment of nasal congestion does not always lead to the desired result, which is why patients increasingly turn to doctors at the stage of complications. To prevent the progression of the disease or completely protect yourself from disease, you need to follow some preventive tips:

  • correct daily routine. The body needs to receive food at a certain time and rest for at least 7 hours a day. Frequent stress and physical overload weaken the immune defense;
  • healthy food. The daily diet should include fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, cereals, dairy, fish products. It is necessary to limit the use of soy, canned foods, products with trans fats, dyes and other harmful additives. As for the drinking regimen, the body needs at least two liters of fluid. This makes it possible to ensure the normal course of physiological processes. Depending on your preferences, you can drink not very sweet juices, fruit drink, compote, herbal teas, non-carbonated alkaline water;
  • optimal microclimate. The first step is to tackle the room air. It shouldn't be dry and dirty. The optimum level of humidity is 60%, temperature is 19 degrees. In addition, you should regularly ventilate the room, carry out wet cleaning, reduce the number of carpets, decorative pillows that accumulate dust;
  • timely treatment of diseases. Thanks to early diagnosis, the beginning of therapy can stop the progression of the pathological process and prevent the occurrence of complications;
  • regular sanitation of chronic infectious foci (caries, tonsillitis);
  • daily walks in the park, which makes it possible to saturate the internal organs with oxygen;
  • vitamin therapy (Duovit);
  • hardening procedures;
  • sports activities.

If you often stuff your nose, you need to take care of your immunity. Spa treatment is especially important for good health. Sea treatments and sunbathing not only strengthen the immune system, but also improve the state of mind.