Nose symptoms

Reasons for alternate stuffing of the nostrils

The nose is one of the most important components of the respiratory system, which performs two main functions - protection and smell. If a person has one nostril blocked, this may indicate the development of a cold or cancer, allergies, neurovegetative disorders, etc. It is possible to determine the true cause of breathing difficulties by the nature of the course of the disease and the accompanying clinical manifestations.

The alternate laying of one or the other of the nostrils is a sign of inflammation or severe edema of the mucous membrane in the nasopharynx. Much less often, obstruction (obstruction) of the pathways is caused by benign or malignant tumors. In this publication, the most likely causes of nasal breathing disorders, as well as possible diseases and their clinical manifestations, will be considered in detail.

Infectious causes

Why is only one nostril clogged? Most often, unilateral nasal congestion occurs with infectious inflammation of the nasopharynx. Its inner surface is covered with ciliated epithelium, inside which there are small glands. The monocellular glands secrete nasal mucus, which moisturizes the nasal cavity and cleanses it of allergens and disease-causing agents. Inflammatory reactions stimulate the synthesis of more mucus, which clogs the internal nasal openings (choanas) and, accordingly, interferes with normal breathing.

Maxillite (sinusitis)

Quite often, nasal congestion on one side occurs due to inflammation of one of the two maxillary sinuses (sinuses). The defeat of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses is called maxillitis or sinusitis. The disease can develop either independently or against the background of other respiratory diseases - influenza, tonsillitis, adenoiditis, nasopharyngitis, etc.

If one or the other nostril alternately lays in you for a month or more, the cause of breathing problems is most likely an infection.

Symptoms of sinus inflammation are:

  • pulling pain in the bridge of the nose and at the level of the cheeks;
  • periodic discharge of purulent mucus;
  • headaches and malaise;
  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • low body temperature;
  • decreased or no sense of smell.

Treatment is carried out mainly with antibiotics and drugs that eliminate puffiness. Thus, the drainage of the paranasal sinuses is improved, which prevents the penetration of purulent contents into the surrounding tissues.

Posterior rhinitis

The causes of nasal congestion in children and adults may lie in the development of posterior rhinitis (rhinopharyngitis). The combined inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat and nasal cavity leads to swelling of the airways and, consequently, difficulty in breathing. If one or the other nostril is blocked in turn, you should pay attention to the presence of accompanying symptoms. Typical manifestations of posterior rhinitis are:

  • sneezing and watery eyes;
  • burning and itching in the nasopharynx;
  • nasal voice;
  • crusts on the inner surface of the nasal passages;
  • laying of the right or left nostril in a supine position.

Immune protection plays a key role in the development of rhinopharyngitis in children and the elderly. A decrease in the body's resistance creates all the conditions for the development of infection in the respiratory organs.

As a rule, stuffing of both halves of the nose occurs in the acute course of the disease.

Sluggish inflammation of the mucous membranes is accompanied by edema of only a part of the nasopharynx, which is why in patients it alternately lays the right and then the left nostril.


Nasal blockages are very common in children under 8 years of age. The causes of difficulty breathing may lie in the inflammation of the hypertrophied (enlarged) nasopharyngeal tonsil. Infectious inflammation of a pathologically enlarged tonsil (adenoids) is called adenoiditis.

Adenoids are located in the fornix of the nasopharynx, so their proliferation and inflammation inevitably leads to blockage of the airways. At the initial stages of development in children, it can alternately lay one or the other nostril. The following can indicate the development of the disease:

  • purulent nasal discharge;
  • labored breathing;
  • fetid odor from the nose;
  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • unproductive cough;
  • temperature increase.

Adenoiditis is an infectious disease that is most often diagnosed in children from 3 to 8 years old.

If, during the use of vasoconstrictor and decongestant drops, nasal obstruction (congestion) does not go away, you need to show the child to the pediatrician.

Delayed treatment of adenoiditis can provoke more serious disorders.

Non-infectious causes

It is possible to eliminate nasal obstruction only if the cause of the blockage of the nasal passages is identified and eliminated. If you have a stuffy nose on one side for several weeks or months, it is most likely due to a non-infectious pathology. Moreover, difficulty breathing can be the result of defects in the intranasal structures or congenital diseases.

Oncological diseases

Oncological diseases are almost asymptomatic, therefore, signs of respiratory failure in the first couples are poorly expressed. However, as the pathology progresses, the overgrown tissues block the airways, which leads to obstruction of the nasopharynx. Tumors can destroy the surrounding tissue and thus cause discomfort in patients.

If a person cannot breathe only one nostril for a long time, the reason for this could be:

  • angiofibroma - a benign neoplasm that occurs between the soft palate and the posterior wall of the nasopharynx;
  • myxoma - a small seal covered with a mucous membrane; it is formed mainly in the nasal cavity, due to which the patient's right or left nostril does not breathe;
  • carcinoma - a malignant tumor that progresses rapidly, destroying the surrounding soft and bone tissue.

Physical and chemical carcinogens are the main provoking factors that increase the risk of malignant tumors by 3 times.

As the tumor grows, the symptoms of nasopharyngeal obstruction only increase. At the initial stages of the development of pathology, the patient lays only one nostril. If neoplasms are not eliminated in time, they will block the choanas, which will lead to a complete blockage of the airways.


With an allergic reaction to the action of irritating substances, a person almost always has symptoms of rhinitis. The fact is that when the nasal mucosa comes into contact with allergens (dust mites, fluff, wool), inflammation occurs. Swelling of soft tissues leads to obstruction of the hone and, accordingly, obstruction of the nasopharynx. In this regard, during nasal breathing, either the left or the right nostril can be laid.

Difficulty breathing, watery eyes, lack of fever and itching in the nasal cavity are the main symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Its development can be provoked by:

  • household dust;
  • dandruff of animals;
  • wool and fluff;
  • fungal spores;
  • plant pollen;
  • smell of perfume;
  • household chemicals.

Inadequate treatment of allergic rhinitis can lead to the development of bronchial asthma, otitis media, conjunctivitis and purulent sinusitis.

Vasomotor rhinitis

Vasomotor rhinitis is a disease characterized by obstruction of the nasal passages, which is associated with impaired vascular tone.If one nostril is constantly blocked for no apparent reason, it is likely that the reason for this was the inadequate reaction of the mucous membrane to the action of ordinary physiological factors - cold, sharp temperatures, dust, etc.

Chronic nasal congestion, lack of smell and a feeling of dryness in the nasopharynx are the main manifestations of vasomotor rhinitis.

The development of vasomotor rhinitis is based on a violation of the excitability of the peripheral or central parts of the nervous system. In this regard, the ciliated epithelium, which covers the nasopharynx, cannot adequately respond to the action of specific or nonspecific stimuli. If the patient's nose does not breathe even if decongestants (vasoconstrictor drugs) are used, in most cases this indicates the development of a neurogenic (vasomotor) rhinitis.

Nasal congestion in pregnant women

Women during pregnancy often complain that they have one or the other nostril. According to experts, in most cases this is due to hormonal imbalance and, accordingly, swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. The occurrence of endocrine disorders is indicated by the absence of typical manifestations of a respiratory disease - rhinitis, cough, lacrimation, malaise, etc.

During pregnancy, the placenta begins to produce more estrogen, which stimulates the secretory activity of the submucosa in the nasal cavity. The increased production of female hormone leads to an increase in the amount of nasal secretions in the airways and soft tissue edema. If only one nostril functions during inhalation, this indicates a blockage of one of the choans by a nasal secretion.

It should be noted that in pregnant women, the risk of developing an infection in the respiratory system increases by 35%. This is due to a decrease in immunity, since during the period of gestation, the mechanism for suppressing protective reactions is activated. The placenta produces substances that suppress the immune system and thereby prevent the rejection of the embryo.


Difficulty breathing is a nonspecific symptom that signals the development of a huge range of ENT diseases. If a person has only one nasal canal blocked, the reason may lie in the occurrence of neurovegetative disorders (vasomotor rhinitis), respiratory diseases (maxillitis, rhinopharyngitis, adenoiditis), oncological pathologies (myxoma, angioma, sarcoma), etc.

In pregnant women, obstruction (obstruction) of the nasal passages is more often associated with hormonal imbalances and respiratory diseases. The cause of the difficulty in breathing can be determined by the presence or absence of concomitant manifestations of the disease, as well as the nature of the nasal obstruction.